Springtime For Hitler
The Producers ~ 1968
Blair’s experience as peacemaker goes back to 1998 when he and former U.S. Senator George Mitchell helped forge the Good Friday accord that brought an end to sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Mitchell was tapped in January to be Obama’s Middle East representative.Meantime, please recall that Mr. Blair was the go between for Hamas and Gerry Adams:
Tony Blair intervened directly with Defense Minister Ehud Barak to enable Northern Ireland politician Gerry Adams through the Erez Crossing and into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, where he met Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, The Jerusalem Post has learned.Gerry Adams on George Mitchell:
When President Obama needed to appoint an envoy to the Middle East, he turned to former senator George Mitchell. Why? Because Mitchell has a long track record of facilitating peace among warring parties. One of his most noted successes was in establishing peace accords in Northern Ireland. So who better to tell us what those sitting across the table from Sen. Mitchell can expect than Gerry Adams, the leader of Sinn Fein? He joins us to give his perspective on facing Mitchell and what Mitchell faces in the current conflict in the Middle East.Hamas to The Obamanable: We are part of the solution
Which solution, MFer? The final one?
Hamas, whose two-decade-old founding charter calls for Israel's destruction, has given mixed signals on many issues in the conflict, including whether it would be willing to accept a Palestinian state within only the territory Israel seized in the 1967 war — Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem.The in-depth interview with Mashaal, which the Times said was conducted in five hours spread over two days at his home in the Syrian capital, offered a clearer signal of the group's direction, setting it down in print in a rare interview with a U.S. news organization. "I promise the American administration and the international community that we will be part of the solution, period," the paper quoted Mashaal as saying.Iran, Syria back Palestinian militancy[HASAN CHOP]
"There is only one enemy in the region, and that is Israel," Mashaal said.
He also said he would not revoke the charter calling for Israel's destruction but said that outsiders should ignore it, noting that it is 20 years old and adding that Hamas is "shaped by our experiences." Speaking about President Barack Obama, Mashaal said, "His language is different and positive."
Patch of Israel's Desert Is Oldest Place on Earth
This natural "desert pavement" in Israel's Negev Desert has been dated to about 1.8 million years oldSalamo Arouch, Jewish boxer, dies at 86
The Greek-born fighter survived Auschwitz by participating in win-or-die bouts staged by the Nazis. Decades after the Holocaust, Arouch served as a consultant on a film about his captivity
A pro-government Iranian news website has posted a series of stories about the life of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad under the title, "The Child Of The Nation.”
While on an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during which he held talks last Sunday with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah in Riyadh, Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith visited the headquarters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah, and met with the OIC Secretary General , Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, on Monday 4th May 20009.Gulf Arabs pick Riyadh as joint centralbank headquarters
During their official bilateral talks, the Australian Foreign Minister highlighted the increasing role of the OIC on the international arena. He commended the role played by the Secretary General in promoting dialogue and cooperation with the international community. The Australian Foreign Minister expressed the desire of his country to further strengthen cooperation and relations with the OIC in areas of common interest.
Gulf Arab leaders on Tuesday chose the Saudi capital, Riyadh, as the base for a joint monetary council that will evolve into the Gulf central bank, although they were still undecided on when to launch a single currency.
Who were those masked men?
GM details plans to wipe out current shareholders
Bernanke Denies Asking Kenneth Lewis to Stay Quiet
“I absolutely did not in any way ask Mr. Lewis to obscure any disclosures or to fail to report information that he should be reporting,” Bernanke said today in testimony to the congressional Joint Economic Committee.Lewis in February told investigators for New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that he was pressured in December by Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to complete the Merrill acquisition amid mounting losses at the brokerage firm. Bank of America acquired the brokerage on Jan. 1.
Obama unveils $63 bln, six-year global health plan
Plan Six from Soviet Space
Three Times the Pathogens Means Three times the Dollars!
The Obama administration is considering an unprecedented fall vaccination campaign that could entail giving Americans three flu shotsThe Obama administration is considering all sorts of unprecedented crap.
More Americans taking drugs for mental illness
They said 73 percent more adults and 50 percent more children are using drugs to treat mental illness than in 1996.But I'm the crazy one, right? Okeedokee then!
White House Declines to Release Photos of New York City Flyover
Welcome to Soviet Oymerika, Spudniktariats.
No Questions!
Obama boosts product safety panel, names new chief
This product is not safe for you, gleeking plebe! No Questions!
Yeah, maybe UCANN but ICANNOT!
The EU Information Society Commissioner Viviane Reding has called for the US to hand over control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to an independent body.
Tick Tock, mah ferals:
Re-posting this run from THIS POST from 4/27 for contextGen Keith Alexander's new department, to be based in Fort Meade in Maryland, will be part of the US Strategic Command - currently responsible for securing the US military's networks - and will work alongside the US Department of Homeland Security.
It is thought the new department would open in October and be at full strength in 2010.
The National Security Agency will not take charge of cyber security in the US, notwithstanding calls for it to do so in what is increasingly seen as a critical area."We do not want to run cyber security for the US government," Keith Alexander, NSA director, said -yesterday during a speech to security industry professionals. "I think we need to dispel the rumours."GE to sell homeland security business to France's SAFRANHis remarks come just four days after Barack Obama received a recommendation from administration appointee Melissa Hathaway on what should be done to protect classified government networks, the internet and the institutions and infrastructure that rely on both.
Bow to your new French Overlords, Proles!Read it again: This move aligns Homeland Protection with a business that is committed to globalization and further investment in new detection technologies and new products for the Homeland Security space."This move aligns Homeland Protection with a business that is committed to globalization and further investment in new detection technologies and new products for the Homeland Security space," said GE Security Homeland Protection President and CEO Dennis Cooke.
According to a statement from GE, even once the group is owned by SAFRAN/Sagem Securite, the division will still have research and development benefits by still having access to the GE Global Research Center and GE Healthcare.
The Homeland Protection business unit of GE has developed a variety of solution that might be used in airport security, including sensor technology for spotting traces of explosives and dangerous chemicals or biological agents.
Raytheon partners with NarusRaytheon Company has partnered with Narus in which Raytheon will embed NarusInsight(TM) to monitor internet protocol (IP) traffic and provide knowledge to help manage and protect sensitive government networks.OK... WhoTF is NARUS?Narus is a US private company which produces mass surveillance systems. It was founded in 1997 by Ori Cohen, who had been in charge of technology development for VDONet, an early media streaming pioneer.Tick Tock mah ferals. One day you will simply never hear from me again. And everyone who sounds like me, too. Gird up.
It is notable for being the creator of NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is used by the NSA and other bodies to perform mass surveillance and monitoring of citizens' and corporations' Internet communications in real-time, and whose installation in AT&T's San Francisco Internet backbone gave rise to a 2006 class action lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T.In 2004, Narus engaged the former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency, William Crowell as a director. From the Press Release announcing this:
- "Crowell is an independent security consultant and holds several board positions with a variety of technology and technology-based security companies. Since 9/11, Crowell has served on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Task Force on Terrorism and Deterrence, the National Research Council Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism and the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age."
Narus has venture funding from companies including JP Morgan Partners, Mayfield, NeoCarta, Presidio Venture Partners, Walden International, Intel, NTT Software and Sumisho Electronics. Narus has several business partners who provide various technologies similar to the features of NarusInsight. Several of the partners are funded by In-Q-Tel.
How elite can they be if they had to abandon it?
In a massive secret operation, Berlin sent members of its elite GSG-9 police force to Somalia to free hostages and a German freighter captured by pirates there, but the commandos were called off before the rescue effort could begin. The scuppered operation reveals deficits in Germany's security forces.Baku's Graffiti
Sexual Revolution, or Death to Israel?Armenian Editor Severely Beaten In Attack In Yerevan
The founding editor of the Armenia Today online news agency was severely beaten near his house in Yerevan RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports.Belarusian KGB Detains Polish Radio Correspondent
Journalist Ivan Roman, who lives in the Belarusian city of Hrodna, was taken by the agents from his home on April 29.Russian Journalist In Coma After Beating
The editor in chief of the weekly newspaper "Corruption and Crime" is in a coma after he was severely beaten in the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-na-Donu on April 29, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.
Well Yippie Kai Aye, MFers!
The festival drew to a close last week after a programme featuring the world's most humanoid robot and Richard Dawkins – author of The God Delusion – speaking on Charles Darwin.He's a regular atheist Elvis, that Dick.
Antwerp: Renowned biologist Richard Dawkins receives honorary doctorate
Give your hearts to GOD cause your asses belong to Homo Stultus & the Apocalyptic Dicks.World-renowned evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins received an honorary doctorate from the University of Antwerp. VRT, the Dutch-language state-owned television station, interviewed him for the occasion. This interview can now be seen online.This honorary doctorate is more important than most people in the English speaking world realize. Christianity is a state religion in Belgium and the separation between Church and State is not quite as strict as in the United States. As in Britain, Christianity is funded by the taxpayer, who has no say in the matter.
Big blast from Redoubt volcano likely soon, scientists say
Behold! Scientists Have Spoken!
Gay marriage proposals pending in NH, Maine