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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Come Dancing

Then Miriam the prophetess,
Aaron's sister,
took a tambourine in her hand,
and all the women followed her,
with tambourines and dancing.
~Exodus 15

Friday, October 8, 2010

In My Little Town

This is what the LORD Almighty,
the GOD of Israel, says:
I am going to bring on this city
and the villages around it
every disaster I pronounced against them,
because they were stiff-necked
and would not listen to my words.'
~ Jeremiah 19

And Now, A Message From Kinky

“I, even I,
am the LORD,
and apart from me
there is no savior.
I have revealed
and saved and proclaimed—
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,"
declares the LORD,
"that I am GOD.”
~ Isaiah 43

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Smoky Places

The smoke from her
goes up for ever and ever...
~ Revelation 19

Harvest Breed

The harvest is past,
the summer has ended,
and we are not saved.
~ Jeremiah 8

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Poets

I will raise up for them
a prophet like you
from among their brothers;
I will put my words
in his mouth,
and he will tell them
everything I command him.
~ Deuteronomy 18

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Fought The Law

Has not Moses given you the law?
Yet not one of you keeps the law.
Why are you trying to kill me?
~ John 7

Stealth University




by Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Welcome to the American Islamic College, where students will be trained to take part in the creation of a universal caliphate and the international expansion of militant Islam.

The college, which reopened this week, has ties to the Gulen Movement, which has established over a hundred charter schools throughout the United States and to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a coalition of 57 Muslim nations with headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The college, which is located within a Prairie modern brick edifice on three acres in the Lakeville neighborhood of Chicago, has closed and reopened several times since it was formed in 1981.

The last time it offered a full semester of classes in Islamic law and religion was in 2001.

“The whole of America needs an Islamic institution of Islamic thought,” said Ali Yurtsever, a former research scholar at Georgetown University, who oversaw the effort to reopen the institution. “If you don’t have Islamic colleges, then people are misled, they’ll easily be deceived and the clash will continue to grow.”

Ali Yurtsever, who is also known as Hassan Ali Yurtsever, a.k.a. H. Ali Yurtsever, a.k.a.Ali Yurtsever, is a Gulen goon. He is a board member of Chicago Math and Science Academy, a Gulen charter school, that is operated by Concept Schools a Gulen organization. He is the coordinator of Niagara Educational Services, another Gulen company, and president of Rumi Forum, one of Gulen’s religious and political lobbying organizations.

Fethullah Gulen has been called “most dangerous Islamist on planet earth.” He has amassed a fortune – - estimated to be in excess of $25 billion – - and remains intent upon the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of universal Islamic law.

Another Gulenist goon affiliated with the re-opening of the American Islamic College is Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, who received the 2009 International Peace Award from the Rumi Forum.

Ihsanoglu said that the re-opening of the Muslim college is necessitated by rising tide of Islamophobia throughout the country.

“Today, American Muslims have a role and duty to lead the way through sound moral conduct and active participation in positive political movements toward the creation of a just, peaceful and righteous society,” he said.

Ihsanoglu serves as the Secretary General of the OIC, an organization which seeks the creation of a universal Islamic community, the Ummah, based upon the Koran, the Sunna, and the canonical orthodoxy of shari’a.

The OIC, according to noted British historian Bar Ye’or, supports all jihadist movements that oppose “foreign occupation,” including those in “occupied” Indian Kashmir, and condemns the “humiliation and oppression” of Muslims in India.

Ihsanoglu, as the spokesman of the OIC, issued this warning in 2008 to all Americans about their constitutional right to free speech: “We sent a clear message to the West regarding the red lines that should not be crossed” regarding free speech about Islam and terrorism. And he reported success: “The official West and its public opinion are all now well-aware of the sensitivities of these issues. They have also started to look seriously into the question of freedom of expression from the perspective of its inherent responsibility, which should not be overlooked.”

Scott Alexander, director of the Catholic-Muslim Studies Program at Catholic Theological Union, has been a principal supporter of the re-opening of the American Islamic College.

In 2004 Alexander had planned to act as an expert witness at the terrorism trial of Fawaz Damra. He declined to appear after a controversy erupted over his justification or Damra’s urging of Muslims to kill Jews “on the grounds that he was speaking as a victim.”

Alexander has also claimed that Hamas and their terrorist activities were really no different than what the “Christian evangelical right” has brought forth.

Dr. Zaher Sahloul, president of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, boastfully calls the college “a sleeping giant.”

What happens when the giant awakes?


Monday, October 4, 2010


The next day,
when they came down from the mountain,
a large crowd met him.
A man in the crowd called out,
"Teacher, I beg you to look at my son,
for he is my only child.
A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams;
it throws him into convulsions
so that he foams at the mouth.
It scarcely ever leaves him
and is destroying him.
I begged your disciples to drive it out,
but they could not."
"Oh unbelieving and perverse generation,"
Jesus replied,
"how long shall I stay with you
and put up with you? Bring your son here."
~ Luke 9

We are screaming,
screaming for vengeance
The world is a manacled place
Screaming - screaming for vengeance
The world is defiled in disgrace

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Cautionary Tale

The LORD is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation.
He is my GOD, and I will praise him,
my father's GOD, and I will exalt him.