It is too different than the old doctrine, you harram Zionist shoe, instead of Kill All the Jews we will now say Perish all the Juden!
EU sued for funding Hamas air strikes on Israel
Hamas slams Obama for backing down on demand for settlement freeze
Palestinians want peace deal but don't reject Hamas
Right. PEACE means DIE JUDEN DIE to them.
Netanyahu: Israel seeks peace with Palestinians
BiBi... what part of DIE JUDEN DIE do you not understand?
Israel hails US call for talks without conditions
Ucccch. Hail me a cab will ya?
Abbas: Israel, Palestinians have 'no common ground'
Did Obama call on Israel to vacate Temple Mount?
Some members of the Israeli government here reacted angrily to Obama's strongly worded demand – expressed during his speech to the U.N. General Assembly – for the creation of a "viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967."Palestinian Leaders Deny Jerusalem's Past
The term "occupation" routinely is used by the Palestinians as well as some countries hostile to the Jewish state in reference to Israel's presence in the West Bank and Jerusalem. It is unusual for U.S. presidents to use the term, although Jimmy Carter once famously called Israel's presence in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem "illegal."
"Occupation that began in 1967" is a specific reference to the lands Israel retained after the Six Day War of that year, particularly the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount. The Palestinians never maintained any official capacity in either territory, lands in which Jews have been present for thousands of years. The territories came under Jordanian rule from 1948 until Israel captured them in 1967 after Jordan's King Hussein ignored Israeli pleas for his country to stay out of the Six Day War. Most countries rejected Jordan's initial claim on the area, which it formally renounced in 1988.
Commenting on Obama's speech during a WND interview today, Tzipi Hotovely, a Knesset member for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, accused the U.S. president of "misrepresenting history." "Obama is misrepresenting Mideast history," she said. "The Jewish people's right to live in Judea and Samaria is firstly rooted in the Bible and God's promise 2,000 years before 1967."
Jews have no history in the city of Jerusalem: They have never lived there, the Temple never existed, and Israeli archaeologists have admitted as much. Those who deny this are simply liars. Or so says Sheik Tayseer Rajab Tamimi, chief Islamic judge of the Palestinian Authority.
Sheikh Tamimi Attacks Israel, Pope Walks Out
The Pope left, though not before shaking his hand...
UN Passes Nuclear-Safeguards Plan
They will use this against Israel and Israel only if they use it at all. Mark my words.
The United Nations Security Council on Thursday unanimously approved a nuclear-safeguards resolution drafted by the Obama administration to lay the legal framework for military and diplomatic action against nations that use civilian nuclear technology for military purposes.Security Council Adopts Nuclear Weapons Resolution
At the U.N., Terrorism Pays
The UN says it is against international law to breathe while Jewish in Jerusalem as well so we should be surprised by any of this? We have no right to exist at all as far as the Glow Ballists are concerned. Glow Ball Peace Through Dead Juden!
This week the United Nation's Human Rights Council produced a 600-page report alleging that Israel carried out war crimes in Gaza. The Goldstone Report—named for its chief investigator Richard Goldstone—also asserts that Israel's motives for its operation against Hamas nine months ago were purely political. I am outraged by these accusations. Let me explain why. It is the duty of every nation to defend itself. This is a basic obligation that all responsible governments owe their citizens. Israel is no different. After enduring eight years of ongoing rocket fire—in which 12,000 missiles were launched against our cities, and after all diplomatic efforts to stop this barrage failed—it was my duty as defense minister to do something about it. It's as simple and self-evident as the right to self-defense.Olmert's Trial Begins
Causing his interpreter to pass out! Hey I know, let's triple Pakistan's Jizya!
However, he did not just chastise the UN, he gave solutions as well. Calling the General Assembly as the parliament of the world, he stressed the need to clip Security Council's powers. The remedy, according to him, lies in empowering the General Assembly instead, and giving it ascendancy over the Security Council. There should be little doubt that the Libyan President has touched on an important issue. The tone and tenor of his address would suggest to many his deep concern for the world at large. But at the same time, it indicates his frustration as well. It is precisely at this point that the thought of the OIC comes to mind. President Gaddafi who shied away from dilating on the subject, nonetheless has an obligation as a leader to make calls for strengthening the Muslim body. Broadly speaking, the OIC today is rudderless. The perception that it exists only on paper is not far from reality. For all intents and purposes, it has done virtually nothing to lift the suffering of the Muslims the world over. It cannot escape the blame of turning a blind eye to the two most crucial problems ailing the Muslims- the Kashmir and the Palestine disputes.JAKARTA: OIC's future remains grim after 40 years
On Sept. 25, 1969, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was established to unite Muslim nations across the globe after what was thought to be an arson attempt by Israel on the Al-Aqsa Mosque (also known as Al-Quds), the faith’s holiest site in Jerusalem.16 Al-Qaeda prisoners escape from Iraqi prison
Forty years later, the organization is hardly considered the credible voice of the Muslim world, let alone able to forge solidarity among Muslims, most of whom suffer from war, poverty and dictatorship, a Muslim scholar says. “US President Barack Obama has made an appeasing gesture to the Muslim world, but he almost never mentioned the OIC,” says noted Muslim scholar Azyumardi Azra from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.
“He decided to deliver speeches in Muslim countries he thought influential, such as Turkey and Egypt. The OIC was not involved; it’s not a key player in the efforts to bridge the West and the Muslim world.”
Iraqi authorities launched a manhunt on Thursday after an apparent inside-job saw 16 Al-Qaeda members, including five awaiting execution, escape from prison overnight in Saddam Hussein's home town. The group fled through a window and scaled a ladder to climb over the prison wall in Tikrit, the capital of Salaheddin province north of Baghdad, just hours after being transferred to the jail.About 100 prison guards and staff are being questioned in connection with the breakout, the area's provincial governor told AFP, admitting that collusion or negligence was to blame for the major security breach." We suspect that they had accomplices inside (the prison) because there was such a high number of fugitives," said governor Mutashar Hussein Elewi."Either that or there was some kind of negligence in the administration of the prison."Iraq's PM says efforts to resolve Syria dispute 'nearly hopeless'
Jordanian water delegation heads for Syria for Yarmouk talks
A Jordanian delegation of water officials arrived in Damascus Thursday to prepare for a meeting of the Jordanian-Syrian Committee of the Yarmouk river basin scheduled for Sunday in the Syrian capital. Jordanian and Syrian officials will discuss in the meeting the progress in the implementation of a hydro geological study on the Yarmouk river basin, a source at Jordan's water ministry told Xinhua. The two sides will also explore means to put an end to the violations by Syria against the river, said the senior source who declined to be identified. Jordan has repeatedly asked Syria to stop cultivation of crops at the Syrian side of the Yarmouk River, complaining that these activities slowed the water flow to Jordan's Wehdeh dam, which the kingdom hopes will store sufficient amount of water to ease its water shortage. The meeting of the Jordanian-Syrian Committee of the Yarmouk river basin is part of a series of meetings of the joint Jordanian-Syrian committee.NEPAL: Kathmandu faces worsening water crisis
Our Friend!
The answer is as follows: That we have to serve God, or guarantee the safety of the Jews. And this can be done by them accepting the Palestinians, recognizing the Palestinians, accepting that fact that they should live with the Palestinians in one state, together. Unfortunately, the Jews are fighting or struggling against their own friend — the Arabs. The Arabs did not do the Holocaust, and the Arabs are not the Romans who persecuted them or massacred them. The only way open for them is to accept the Arabs and to accept to live with them, to co-exist with them. Because the establishment of a pure Hebrew state is not in their own interest. That would be a target. Their protection comes from being part of the Arab scene. Mixing with the Arabs. I believe that the youth supports me, supports my idea ... Investors would prefer this mixing with the Arabs, being with the Arabs, living with the Arabs, co-existing with the Arabs. But they have to accept refugees that were kicked out in 1948. This is a fundamental thing, a basic thing. Otherwise, war will continue, the struggle will continue.Ahmadinejad Wants to Buy Enriched Uranium from the US
In an interview with Newsweek, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he hopes to discuss purchasing enriched uranium from the United States at the next Geneva meeting. He confirmed that the regime has an operating nuclear reactor in Tehran that produces medicines, and called Iran's search for enriched uranium a "humanitarian" pursuit.End resource war, urge Congolese activists
American business interest in the Congo is focused primarily on the mining of resources such as tin, gold, diamonds, copper, cobalt, coltan, tungsten and uranium – including minerals vital to the aerospace, military, automobile, electronics and technology industries. A number of American companies were listed in a 2002 United Nations document as being among companies accused of benefiting from the pilfering of Congo’s wealth.At the UN, Obama Meets the World
He's so frikkin' special!
The global case for compassion
The Glow Ball Case for Caliph Passion is more like it.. Starring Glow Ball Renowned TAQIYYALOPES, WHORES OF THE CALIPHATE & DHIMMIS and of course Tariq Ramadan...
Acclaimed British religious affairs commentator Karen Armstrong has a high profile in the West. But she is even more famous in some Muslim-dominant countries."I'm far more well-known in Pakistan than in England. In Pakistan people recognize me in the streets," said Armstrong, who will be in Vancouver on Sunday as part of the Dalai Lama's Peace Summit and to speak about her new Charter for Compassion.A frequent interpreter of Islam to the West, Armstrong is overwhelmed by the warm way she is received in countries such as Pakistan, Malaysia and Egypt.She is astounded, she said in a telephone interview from her home in England, when her speeches in those countries become front-page news."It's a great privilege to speak in these countries. But it's sad, really. They think it's absolutely novel when someone does offer a friendly word. It shows how they experience us and the Western world most of the time."
Armstrong's realistic but respectful approach to Islam, which is practised by more than a billion people today, comes in part out of her commitment to the virtue of compassion.And that's the main thing that has brought the 64-year-old author to Vancouver to join the other big names in spirituality attending the Peace Summit dialogues. Armstrong received the $100,000 TED Prize last year for her contribution to interfaith understanding, the first time the award has gone to a religious figure.
TED -- named initially for technology, entertainment, design -- is a highly popular online educational and philanthropic organization devoted to "ideas worth spreading." It followed through on its promise to put a great deal of resources into helping Armstrong fulfill one wish.Armstrong's yearning was to work with some significant Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and other leaders from around the globe to draft an International Charter for Compassion, which would in turn be signed by more spiritual leaders.
The Charter for Compassion website will be officially updated on the day of Armstrong's presentation in Vancouver.She will appear at the Chan Centre on the University of B.C. campus along with the Dalai Lama and Nobel Peace Prize winners, such as Mairead Maguire and Betty Williams.The formal worldwide launch of the Charter for Compassion will take place on Nov. 12.
Despite what many people like to think, Armstrong said, there is not much true compassion being practised in the West these days."This is not a compassionate society, no matter what we tell ourselves. We are a superficial and frequently unkind society," she said, adding that such negatives qualities are often exaggerated by the mass media's focus on conflict and gossip.In addition, Armstrong said, most of the public believes religious leaders do precious little to promote the virtue of compassion."Most of the time when [religious leaders] come together they're either condemning some intellectual heresy, or condemning Islam, or inveighing against the West, or quarrelling about whether women can be priests or gays can be bishops. That's all you hear about, really."
The vast Internet reach provided by the TED organization (headed by Chris Anderson, with one of its two global offices in Vancouver) could, Armstrong hopes, help the Charter for Compassion expand on the interfaith goodwill that began with the Global Ethic. That was a detailed document that Catholic thinker Hans Kung initiated in 1992 with the aid of more than 100 diverse religious leaders at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago.
The Charter for Compassion has been culled from wisdom traditions by 15 spiritual leaders, including Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu, well-known European Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan, top-level American Reform Rabbi David Sapperstein, Hindu monk Sadhvi Chaitanya, Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Ali Gomaa, and the Episcopal Bishop for Washington, D.C., John Bryson Chane.
Sanctions, shmankshuns... whadda game. It's called playing for time.
China Says Sanctions Won't Deter Iran's Nuclear Agenda
G-8: Iran has 3 months to stop uranium enrichment
See? They just bought three months. Cheap, too!
Sarkozy gives Iran December deadline
China awarded first Abu Dhabi oil rig deal
Uncertainty grows for foreign oil firms in Libya
US Senate passes Kerry Lugar Bill to triple aid to Pakistan
'We'll See' As Obama, Lugar, Bayh Eye Afghanistan
AGAIN with Lugar...
HAHAHA! Say my name.
LUKOIL to Extract Russia's First Caspian Oil in March 2010
Gazprom, KOGAS (South Korea) sign memorandum on Russia LNG plant
ExxonMobil eyes cooperation with Gazprom in Russia
Good morning, Ameerkanskis! Who's the Vladdest Man in Whole Glow Ball?
Putin orders Gazprom to sell Arctic railway
Russia is courting foreign energy majors with a view to developing gas projects in the region.Russia seeks "stable" partners for Arctic gas-Putin
Russian, foreign cos should swap energy assets-Putin
Fire at Kazakh refinery
Canada and Kazakhstan reach nuclear trade deal
4.9 quake rattles Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan Wrong to Cede Control of Mineral Resources
Roza Otunbaeva, head of the parliamentary commission for mineral reserves, says she believes the Kyrgyz government has abdicated its responsibilities by allowing foreign investors to have too much control over its gold and other mineral reserves . Interviewed by IWPR reporter Nurlan Abdaliev the former foreign minister said, “I think it’s intolerable to sweep away the role of the state when it’s already so much reduced… and when it has excluded itself.”US newspaper publisher barred from Kyrgyzstan
Even so, she said, “I don’t think nationalisation is needed at the moment.” Otunbaeva says the authorities were right to bring in foreign investors to develop Kyrgyzstan’s gold and other mineral reserves, since the country lacked the resources and know-how to do so itself.
An Indiana newspaper publisher was denied entry to the central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan upon his arrival there for a two-week visit to evaluate a university's journalism program in the former Soviet republic. Immigration authorities turned back John "Jack" Ronald of The Commercial Review, a small daily newspaper in Portland, about 80 miles northeast of Indianapolis, at the airport in Kyrgyzstan's capital city, Bishkek, on Sunday.Uzbekistan cuts natural gas supply to the south of Kyrgyzstan
Ronald, 60, who often travels to the former Soviet Union to help publishers produce independent newspapers and promote press freedoms, said he was denied entry to the country after security officers questioned him about a 2005 trip he made to Belarus to train journalists. Ronald was visiting Kyrgyzstan on a trip sponsored by the State Department's Fulbright Senior Specialist program. He was to assess the quality of journalism education at American University of Central Asia on behalf of the International Center for Journalists, a nonprofit Washington, D.C.-based group that is considering whether to embark on a project to improve the journalism program.
Kyrgyzstan to Begin Electricity Rationing Next Month
Hard truths about Uzbek cotton
As youngsters in the United States return to school, children in Uzbekistan will be returning to the fields.UZBEKISTAN: "They can drink tea – that's not forbidden"
Following 15-day jail terms handed down to two Baha'is in Tashkent, one of the two, Timur Chekparbayev, who was subsequently expelled from Uzbekistan, told Forum 18 News Service that he harbours no ill feelings. "I don't want to complain – I don't blame anyone." The authorities accused the two of missionary activity and proselytism, following a police raid on a meeting for teenage Baha'is. Chekparbayev stated that these claims are unfounded, and pointed out that the meeting was a regular activity which took place with the permission of both the authorities and the parents of the young people involved. Asked whether religious communities have to inform the authorities when they hold any religious event or drink a cup of tea together, Akram Nematov of the Justice Ministry told Forum 18 that "They can drink tea – that's not forbidden, but they must inform the Department when they hold religious education with young people." The Baha'i community is shocked and mystified by the raid and the detentions.
Remarks from Deputy Treasury Secretary on financial services
Treasury Gives Some Ground on Reg Reform
Treasurys Higher On Hedge Unwinding, Before Two-Year Auction
House lawmakers vow to shine light on secrets of the Federal Reserve
House lawmakers want to pry open the books of the famously secretive Federal Reserve with legislation that would subject the central bank to a sweeping congressional audit.The effort is overwhelmingly bipartisan. Hardline conservatives and liberal Democrats have banded together in their criticism of the Fed as a major power broker in the financial system that doesn't answer to Congress.Goldman Sachs May Benefit From Regulation, Citi Analyst Says
Friday's debate comes as lawmakers consider a proposal by President Barack Obama that would give the Fed new powers to prevent another economic crisis."Nobody in my district thinks that the Fed has done such a wonderful job of running the economy that we should continue to cloak them with secrecy for the purpose of protecting them from second-guessing criticism," said Rep. Brad Sherman, a California Democrat.The Fed is pushing back, warning that its ability to stabilize prices and monitor interest rates would be compromised if it knew politicians were looking over its shoulder.
The House proposal would "cause the markets and the to public to lose confidence in the independence and the judgments of the Federal Reserve," Scott Alvarez, the board's top lawyer, told the House Financial Services Committee in testimony.The legislation is championed by Rep. Ron Paul, a Texas Republican whose extreme libertarian bent usually doesn't generate consensus in Congress. But as of Friday, Paul's legislation had attracted 295 co-sponsors with a range of political philosophies, including Hawaii liberal Rep. Neil Abercrombie and Rep. Jeb Hensarling, an outspoken conservative from Texas.
Obama has proposed a major overhaul of the regulatory system that would strip the Fed of its consumer protection role and hand that to a separate government agency. But the plan would give the Fed another major role in influencing the market by putting it in charge of regulating institutions deemed "too big to fail."In a bid to mollify critics who say the Fed should be more accountable, Obama also proposed a requirement that the Fed obtain Treasury Department approval before extending credit to institutions in "unusual and exigent circumstances."
The Gold Man's Sacks runneth over
Goldman looks to rejig bonus payout rules
Rejig? Okeedokee then!
US proposal on IMF reform a good step: India
BRIC countries playing greater role in media - experts
Oooo, experts.
G20 summit to map recovery route
G-20 is set to replace Group of 8, US says
G20, Not G7*
Gold slumps after weak US home-sales data
US Oil Fund Manager Starts Fund Betting On Falling Prices
Oil slides below $66
Oil price plummets as recovery doubts grow
Chavez sees oil price recovering to above $80
Goldman Lifts View On Refining, Upgrades Oil Cos
Oil prices up after stern warning to Iran
After the stern warning comes the strongly worded letter!
Iceland watchdog probes failed banks
Iceland's financial regulator is investigating the country's collapsed banks over allegations they may have manipulated markets prior to the economic crash last year, newspaper Morgunbladid said on Thursday.Iceland Oil Exploration Applicants Drop Out
Both applicants for oil exploration rights in the so-called Dragon Zone off the northeast coast of Iceland have withdrawn their applications
The Pentagon has exempted an ongoing trade dispute between Boeing Co and Airbus from a new refueling aircraft competition, Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn told Reuters on Thursday, saying the issue should be worked through the World Trade Organization.McCain says Pentagon draft rules for tanker bids appear 'viable'
Well if The Maverick says it, it must be halal, nu?
Senator John McCain, who led the opposition to an earlier sole-source aerial tanker deal with Boeing Co, on Thursday said the Pentagon's draft rules for a third competition appeared to be 'viable,' but he added, 'the devil is in the details.'The devil is also in you but we'll pass that by for now....
Dozens trained in Colorado to spot possible terrorism dangers
May GOD save me from federally guided grassroots networks of intelligence agents...
While anti-terrorism agents in a secured intelligence hub supported FBI operations, state supervisors this week are training a new cadre of 65 "terrorism liaison officers" to serve as their eyes and ears around the state. The new TLOs, as they are called, will bring the total deployed statewide to 370 — more than five times the initial target when the program began in 2007 — in one of the more robust state efforts to develop a federally guided grassroots network of intelligence agents.Federal terror directive includes hotel warning
Science Czar Hopes For Senate Energy Bill By December
White House science and technology director John Holdren yesterday expressed optimism -- fueled in part by President Obama's speech to the U.N. on Tuesday -- that the Senate will pass an energy bill before the U.N. climate change talks in December.Heinz Family Foundation awards 10 for their environmental initiatives
"It would be nice for the United States to be able to go to Copenhagen with the ingredients of a forward-looking national climate policy through both houses of the Congress," Holdren told a knot of reporters during a conference on energy competitiveness. Holdren said it wouldn't be detrimental if a bill didn't pass by December, but it would require the U.S. government to be a bit more "creative" with what it presents as its policy in Copenhagen. Edited excerpts of the interview follows.
Q: Being a scientist, are you frustrated by the gap between the science on climate change and the political progress on climate change in the U.S.?
Holdren: like many issues, this is the glass that is simultaneously half full and half empty. I think we've come a tremendous distance in terms of political progress on this issue. We're still not where I and the president would like to see us in terms of the science. But, I think we're getting there; I think we're going to get a bill out of the Senate. I think we're going to have a national approach to limiting carbon emissions. I think we're going to get increased cooperation between the industrialized countries and the developing countries on this. I'm actually optimistic even though we're not yet everywhere we need to be. We're moving.
Previous winners include author Dave Eggers, medical anthropologist Paul Farmer, and physicist John Holdren.Obama's Science Czar's Green Abortions
Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook that compulsory, government-mandated “green abortions” would be a constitutionally acceptable way to control population growth and prevent ecological disasters...
Obama sworn in as 'World President'Several months after being promised a new policy regarding the state secrets privilege (SSP) from the Obama administration "in a matter of days,", the new policy is out. Unfortunately, it changes little that actually matters. All of the changes are to the process by which the administration will determine when to invoke the SSP, not to how broadly or narrowly they will argue for the application of that privilege in court.
The basic change is that they will set up a panel to review all cases where the SSP might be invoked, called the State Secrets Review Committee, within the DOJ. The committee will be made up of "senior Department officials" who will review any request by another DOJ official to invoke the SSP. They would then make recommendations to the Attorney General, who must sign off on the use of the privilege.
GOD save us from the Obamanable Glow Ballin' Anti-Moshiach
Obama’s latest dysfunctional escapade came this week in front of a worldwide audience at the U.N. General Assembly Hall in New York City. As Obama proudly proclaimed that “America will no longer be looked at as a go at it alone nation” world leaders sat and chuckled. Certainly this was a hoorah moment for every anti-Israeli in the crowd.Online Conspiracy Theories Latch Onto Census GPS Units
The hanging death of a Kentucky census worker is likely to raise tensions among counters in the 2010 census, who have already been the focus of emotionally charged online rhetoric this year because they use GPS. Internet conspiracy theories have grown in recent months over the fact that census workers are now equipped with GPS-enabled handheld computers that let them collect the geolocation of street addresses as they perform pre-census canvassing. It’s an improvement on the paper maps the census has historically used for the same purpose. “The exact geographic location of each housing unit is critical to ensure that when we publish the census results for the entire country, broken down by various geographic areas ranging from states, counties and cities, to census blocks, we accurately represent the data for the area in question,” the Census Bureau explains on its website. But that explanation doesn’t wash with everyone.Meantime, the Murdered Census Taker Story Gets Even Creepier...
One of the witnesses who found a part-time census worker's body hanging in a Kentucky cemetery says the man was naked and his hands and feet were bound with duct tape. Weaver says the man also was gagged and had duct tape over his eyes and neck. He says something that looked like an identification tag was taped to the side of his neck.Singer Leonard Cohen Performs in Israel
Although anti-government sentiment was one possibility, some in law enforcement also cited the prevalence of drug activity in the area — including meth labs and marijuana fields — although they had no reason to believe there was a link to Sparkman's death."Now they're taking their meth lab operations into the rural, secluded areas," Clay County Sheriff Kevin Johnson said. "We've had complaints in the area, but not that particular location." On one day last week, law enforcement in the county rounded up 40 drug suspects, most of them traffickers, Johnson said.
The Homeland Security Department is expected to tell House lawmakers on Thursday that it has realigned its intelligence office, which came under heavy criticism this year for warning in a report that veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan could be recruited and radicalized by right-wing extremists to carry out violent acts.DHS Releases $380 Million for Ports, Transit, Security
Changes to the department's Office of Intelligence and Analysis will be the focus of a hearing called by House Homeland Security Intelligence Subcommittee Chairwoman Jane Harman, D-Calif., who also wants to know how the unit's broad goals outlined this year are being implemented. "Mission statements are only as good as the actions taken to implement them," said Harman, whose panel will hear from Bart Johnson, acting Homeland Security undersecretary for intelligence and analysis.
Johnson and other department officials were called to testify late on Wednesday in a closed hearing before an Intelligence Subcommittee. Through the realignment, the focus of the intelligence office will be on serving state and local intelligence groups, commonly referred to as fusion centers, a department spokesman said. Harman said she wants to ensure that the intelligence office is not duplicating the work of other intelligence agencies. " I&A is not a mini-CIA," she said in an interview.
SAIC Moves HQ To Virginia
Naturally... all the better to be closer to Daddy
SAIC gets $8.5M from Virginia to move HQ
The federal information technology contractor will get $1.5 million from the Governor's Opportunity Fund and $7 million from the Virginia Economic Incentives Program to help finance the relocation. SAIC will invest $25 million to complete the move and make additional investments to support the planned redevelopment of Tysons Corner, according to Arnold Punaro, an executive vice president at SAIC and general manager of the company's Washington operations. Punaro says SAIC's 18-acre parcel is the largest one zoned for mixed-use in Tysons Corner. The public investment of $8.5 million is contingent upon SAIC creating 1,200 jobs in the county within the next three years.SAIC to Move Headquarters to Tysons in Another Coup for Area
See? And uccch with the constant use of the word "mecca" already.
SAIC, the area's fourth-largest private employer, said it wanted to be closer to its biggest client, the federal government. But the move also is expected to benefit Virginia, which has shed 114,200 jobs over the past year, and add momentum to the D.C. region's efforts to position itself as a mecca for corporate headquarters.Still business as usual for San Diego defense industry
Michael Moore: "Capitalism is anti-Jesus"
MFer needs to take Jesus' name out of his fat filthy mouth instamatically. He knows not what he does.
Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism
Mmmhmmmm. He sings little Bolshevik songs all the way to the bank.
Kennedy's Senate seat goes to a Catholic who's favored abortion rights
Vera Lynn: Britain's 92-Year-Old Pop Sensation
Tiger climbs above criticism of 'creationist' wildlife park
"Creationist" is apparently the new "Nigger".
HUFFOPO WANTS TO KNOW: Are Evolution-Deniers any Different from Holocaust-Deniers? Unfuckin' real. STONE THE CREATIONIST-NIGGER DARWIN DENIERS!
Chevron Seeks to Foist $27 Billion Amazon Liability on Ecuador
INDIA: Scientists call for end to export of ores
BHUBANESWAR: Scientists and mining experts have called for an end to export of ores and minerals and sought an appropriate national policy for the efficient management of mineral resources of the country. Speaking on the sidelines of a national symposium on “Raw Materials & Energy Management of Mineral Based Industries” organized by Institute of Advance Technology and Environment Studies (IATES), eminent scientist and former director general of Council of Scientist and Industrial Research [CSIR] P K Jena on Thursday said rampant export of raw minerals had been going on since several years and it needed to be stopped forthwith to conserve them for the posterity.UTAH: Board says no moratorium on depleted uranium
“We need to stop export of raw mineral resources forthwith. Mineral resources are not inexhaustible. If we go on exploiting our mineral resources at the present rate, they will be finished within next few decades and the country will head towards a colossal disaster,” warned Dr Jena. “Mineral resources are vital for our industrial and socio-economic development. Increase in population along with advancement of industrialization, has resulted in growth in consumption or ore and minerals which are not replenishable,” he said, adding, high grade ores mined from earth’s crust had been exhausted.
“The country must top exports of all types of ores and try to add value for exports. As mineral resources are non-replensible in nature, all grades of ores have to be harnessed with an integrated mine area development programme”.
Big earthquake rattled Utah 500 years ago
Geologists say a major quake could strike at any time in Utah, with new research showing the last large temblor along the Wasatch Front was more recent than previously thought.The Utah Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey say in a study released Thursday that an earthquake about 500 years ago tore a deep gash along a 35-mile segment of the fault.The Utah Geological Survey's Christopher DuRoss says the quake was likely a magnitude 6.5 or 7 — large enough to cause major damage if it occurred today.Previous research indicated the last major quake in the area was 800 to 1,500 years ago. Researchers also found evidence of large quakes about every 1,500 years going back 10,000 years.6.4 earthquake reported off Mexico's coast
Bangladesh to train 62,000 for earthquake disaster mitigation