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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Ursus Eatus Allies!

Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets; "A Liberty in Reverse"

In a little noticed interview with the Daily Beast (presumably little noticed because serious people don't read the Daily Beast), Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Barack Obama do more than just refuse to support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites -- the American president must give the order to shoot down Israeli aircraft as they cross Iraqi airspace:

DB: How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?

Brzezinski: We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?

DB: What if they fly over anyway?

Brzezinski: Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse.

Contrary to Brezinski's half-hearted disclaimer that no one wishes for such an outcome, there are plenty on the left who would delight in a pitched battle between the United States and Israel. Democrats in Congress routinely support resolutions affirming Israel's right to take whatever steps it deems necessary to assure its own national defense. And Obama has at least paid lip service to the concept. But hostility to Israel among the rank and file is very real on the left -- and among "realists."

So conjure the image -- the Obama administration sending U.S. aircraft up to protect Iran's airspace and it's nuclear installations from an attack by a democracy that is one of America's closest allies. Unfortunately, this may not be so hard to imagine in Israel, where the number of people who believe Obama is pro-Israel is at just 4 percent -- and falling. And given Obama's (literally) submissive posture to the Saudis, his indulgence of the Iranians, and his simultaneously hard-line approach to Israel, it seems even some of Obama's supporters can savor the possibility of a "reverse Liberty."

Palestine - Gaza, Goldstone And Gallstones
It should be remembered that Israel officially only evacuated Gaza in 2005. It has not ceded any claim to Gaza or parts of Gaza under the rights conferred on the Jewish people pursuant to the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the United Nations Charter to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in any part of that territory.

Israel had the inherent right of self defence under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter if an armed attack was made on it. That it absorbed 7000 rocket and mortar attacks after evacuating Gaza in 2005 before undertaking the invasion of Gaza last December would not have been endured for such a lengthy period by any other member of the United Nations had they been the recipient of such a barrage of rockets and mortars indiscriminately fired into civilian population centres.
Herzog calls for legal authority to defend Israel internationally

UK group near Gaza demands EU pay to protect it from Hamas rockets
A group of U.K. citizens living in the northern Negev is demanding the European Union shoulder the cost of making their homes rocket-proof and stop funding Hamas, in a precedent-setting lawsuit recently filed against the EU.

The 14 British claimants and one Italian national joined their names this week to a lawsuit filed last month to the European Commission. As reported first by Haaretz, the suit by petitioner Eyal Katorza, a French national from Sderot, cited Article 3.5 of the European Treaty which states the Union will "contribute to the protection of its citizens" regardless of their whereabouts.
Hamas frees 50 Islamist rivals in Gaza

Abbas orders release of 250 Hamas prisoners

Fatah Goes Easy on Hamas for Eid ul-Fitr

Moroccan fund buys east Jerusalem land
A Moroccan-based organization calling itself the 'Al-Quds Fund' has purchased $5 million worth of land in east Jerusalem
US envoy urges Mideast to 'take responsibility'
Uccchhh with the babbling on...
"The United States is asking all the parties, Israel, the Palestinians and Arab states to take responsibility for peace through actions that will help create a positive context for the relaunch of negotiations," Mitchell said after talks with President Hosni Mubarak.
Netanyahu, Mitchell to meet for fourth time this week

Palestinian aide: No deal on resuming peace talks

Envoy's Mideast Trip Ends Without Accord
I'll bet they thought he would never leave...

UN body urges Israel to allow nuclear inspections
That is a factory for shoes. We make shoes here.

UN Study Is Called Unfair to Israel

Israel Assembles Advanced Missile Defense Systems

Thousands of people gather for annual Quds (Jerusalem) Day rally

Flak88 gets a puff piece in the Christian Science Monitor:
Gaza war analyst: Does his Nazi-era collection indicate bias?
They staunchly defend him while at the same time managing to attack Israel's credibility. They are neither Christians, nor scientists. Discuss!

Cooper joins UN group's discussion of Muslim youth in Europe
Ucccchh the stealth caliphate and the scientifada, uber allies.
Cooper was invited by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations to address a group of scholars, community leaders, and elected officials from 11 European nations during a two-day meeting in June entitled "Identity and Participation: Cross-Cultural and Muslim Youth in Europe." Established in 2005, the alliance is dedicated to exploring "the roots of polarization between societies and cultures today" and to developing a program to ease tensions. Its four program areas are youth, media, education, and migration.

"The United Nations is facilitating an open forum on these issues, and their focus on youth is especially important," said Cooper. Her talk, "Cultural Brokers: Helping Immigrant Youth on their Pathways to College Identities in Multicultural Societies," built on insights gleaned during an ongoing 15-year collaboration with Elizabeth Domínguez, director of the Cabrillo Advancement Program at Cabrillo College. Cooper's "Bridging Multiple Worlds" initiative explores and documents the "pathways" that Mexican immigrant youth build to move through the "academic pipeline" from childhood to college.
An “Islamically Correct” Conference

Africa Unchained: The Crisis of Islamic Civilization
Its influence has been projected far beyond the central Arabian desert by oil money and the ungodly Saudi-US alliance. The result is a schizophrenic response to the west—passivity and collaboration on the one hand, nihilistic terrorism on the other...
Severe drought affects 1.3 million in Syria

Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi relations: look for the water
Since the Justice and Development Party came to power in Turkey in the November 2002 elections and further enhanced its position in the July 2007 elections, Turkey’s foreign policy has started to show a considerable, unprecedented degree of interest in the Arab-Israel conflict, resulting in a series of attempts to mediate between the parties. These attempts were at first received with a certain degree of suspicion as to their purpose and scope. Eventually, however, they came to be seen as making significant contributions to the betterment of relations between the parties, until Israel’s Gaza offensive.


“Water war” scenarios have dominated headlines in different parts of the world, none more so than in the Middle East. One such scenario forecasts conflict between Turkey and its two downstream riparians Syria and Iraq. This has not happened, even though Turkey and Syria came to the brink of a confrontation in 1998 over a totally different issue, the Syrian role in harboring the head of the PKK terrorist organization.
Turkey gives more water to Iraq, Syria

Patriot Missile Procurement Option Sparks Controversy in Turkey

UK: Academic Stealth Jihadis for Glow Ball Peace through Dead Juden!
Monday, September 21, is International Peace Day, established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, when individuals, organizations and nations create practical acts of peace. Confirmed speakers include Prof Tariq Ramadan, activist and writer Alastair mcintosh and Jo Berry of Building Bridges for Peace...
Amid Protests, Iran Leader Calls Holocaust a Myth
For the fourtweenth two twillionthy time.

Iranians rally on 'al-Quds Day'

2 Hurt, 10 Arrested in Jerusalem-Day Clashes in Tehran

Iranian opposition turns anti-Israel rally into anti-regime rally


Ahmadinejad Rivals Flee Iran Rally

Iran regime battles first mass protests in 2 months

IAEA secret report: Iran worked on nuclear warhead
If it 's such a big honkin' secret howTF am I posting it here?

CIA Chief: Iranian Leaders Debating Nuclear Weapons

CIA director: Karzai appears to have won

Standoff over Karzai win threatens Afghan power vacuum

Karzai Warns West Against Undermining Afghan Election

A dangerous new Afghan road opens

Italy's Afghan debate highlights NATO pressures

McChrystal Wants More Troops in Afghanistan

U.S. will keep paying jizya to the Pakistanis

Wasit (IRAQ) Residents Protest Against Chinese National Petroleum

India offers assistance, training to Liberia

Putin-Tymoshenko (Ukraine) meeting in October canceled

Christmas arrives early for Putin
Ho Ho Ho, Tovarich Ameerkanskis!

Obama's Shameful Surrender to Russia's Putin

Putin gives notice he wants further US concessions

Obama helps strengthen General Electric-Putin ties
General Electric may be the company with the closest ties to the Obama administration (if not, GE is second only to Goldman Sachs), and here we see the company benefiting from an abrupt foreign policy change made by President Obama. But GE isn't the only company benefiting. Reuters paints the broader picture: "U.S. companies have arguably lost out to some European companies in joint ventures, and better diplomacy will likely improve the chances for investors in the strategic sectors of the Russian economy," said Carlo Gallo, senior Russia analyst at London-based consultancy Control Risks.

Putin will be smiling at US missile shield decision
When Russian eyes are smiling......

NATO chief proposes linked US/Russian/NATO defense
The fox is in charge of the hen house and all the eggs are golden.

Advantage to Russia in US missile move


Russia to listen to US concerns more closely: Kremlin
Roll over, play dead, Ameerkanskis. Good dog, Obama!
Russia will more attentively listen to a range of concerns raised by the United States after Barack Obama decided to roll back a missile shield plan, Kremlin chief Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview published on Friday. "The fact that they are listening to us is an obvious signal that we should also attentively listen to our partners, our American partners," Medvedev said in an interview with Swiss media ahead of a meeting next week with Obama. "In politics there is always a score card," said Medvedev, though he said Moscow was not interested in "primitive compromises."
Putin expects US to back WTO bid, lift technology transfer ban

Russia's Putin urges US to scrap trade barriers

Poles, Czechs: US missile defense shift a betrayal
Yes it is.

Barack Obama is gambling with Europe's security

Russia unloads 'piracy' evidence from Arctic Sea

Debate Over Media Freedoms Emerges in Russia

Chavez Dreams of Being Putin
Headline, please! Comrade Chavez is smelly sweaty clownski. Vlad smells fresh and clean like peppermint schnapps and Soviet springtime. Say my name.

Gazprom: Still Explores For Gas Near Repsol Venezuela Gas Find

Gazprom in talks with South Ossetia

Gazprom, Shell May Expand Cooperation On Sakhalin Shelf

Rare glimpse inside hidden Turkmenistan

Columbia U. Pursues Campus In Turkmenistan

Turkmen, Chinese Workers Clash In Eastern Turkmenistan
A fracas between Chinese and Turkmen workers at an energy company in eastern Turkmenistan has left several people injured and hundreds detained, RFE/RL's Turkmen Service reports. The workers are employed by a Chinese energy company building a natural-gas pipeline in the eastern Samandepe and Yoloten regions.

About 200 Turkmen workers were reportedly detained and 15 Chinese workers were hospitalized after the 12 September clashes. Turkmen workers had complained of discrimination -- with Chinese allegedly getting higher wages for the same work -- and poor working conditions.
Turkmenistan to open China, Iran gas pipelines

India, Turkmenistan discuss gas pipeline

UN voices concern over Uzbekistan detentions

Uzbekistan marks International Day of Democracy

New gas minefield discovered in Uzbekistan

Another Opposition Leader Escapes the Bakiyev Regime
Bektybek Beshimov, a member of parliament (MP) and the former Ambassador to India, is the latest target of political persecution in Kyrgyzstan
Premier: Kyrgyzstan assigns high priority to cooperation with US

Taliban puts Tajikistan on its hit list

Tajikistan: Resistance to the Talibs to Be Worked Through War Games
On September 25 the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the Central Asian Region consisting of armed forces units of Russia and Tajikistan will participate in the joint tactical maneuvers with firing practice to be held on the Lyaur training ground near Dushanbe, Asia –Plus reports. The need for such war games was stipulated by the necessity to get ready for potential worsening of the situation at the border with Afghanistan.

“The recent military operations against the Taliban conducted by the Afghan Defense Ministry and NATO forces located on the territory of the Kunduz Province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan bordering on the Hatlon Region of Tajikistan may trigger passage of Talibs onto our territory. We should therefore be prepared to such a scenario. The current operational assembly will help to prepare the military management unit of CSTO” - said Lieutenant General Ramil Nadyrov, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Tajikistan on September 17 speaking in Dushanbe.

The operational assembly is to be prepared and conducted under the joint efforts of the Tajik Ministry of Defense, the General Headquarters of Land Forces of the Russian Armed Forces and Consolidated Headquarters of CSTO. The program of the operations assembly includes practical and staff trainings. It will close with command staff maneuvers on the Lyaur firing ground near Dushanbe on September 25. Recently large scale complex war games “Cooperation-2009”-the first maneuvers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization’s Collective Rapid Reaction Forces (CSTO’s CRRF) were launched in Kazakhstan.
Caspian Oil & Gas Exchange to open in Baku on 20 September

Terror threat against new Caspian oil-gas pipelines increases

State ecological monitoring of Caspian Sea needs to be organized

Countries joust over Central Asia military bases
BISHKEK (IPS/GIN) - A U.S. base located just 24.85 miles from a Russian base—it can happen in Kyrgyzstan, a new focal point in the great geopolitics of Central Asia where China and Turkey are beginning to show their cards as well. The country of five million is one of the Soviet Union's former republics in Central Asia, bordering China and the former Soviet republics Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The area has historically been the centre of games between big powers: the Mongols, Arabs, the Chinese, the British and Russian empires have all striven to control this strategic territory. The U.S. is the big regional novelty. Its airbase has since 2001 been located right at Bishkek's Manas airport. U.S. military airplanes are among the first sights for someone landing in the country. Shortly after the U.S. set up base there, Russia opened another base at Kant airport, almost 25 miles from Bishkek. It has since tried to reassert its presence in what was once Soviet territory.

Kazakhstan seizes opposition paper print run

US Fuel Prices Now Tied to Global Refining Output, According to OPIS
So, IOW... half the glow ball got us by the kiwis. Whoooopppeee!
More than thirty separate countries - on five of seven continents -supplied gasoline to the U.S. this summer, and that number will expand further in future weeks and months.
Chevron upgraded to "Outperform" on growth outlook
Please to not forget sooper sekrit Iranian deal with unanmed co that made me go hmmm in this post

Chevron's Rating, Price Target Boosted at Credit Suisse

US Stocks Advance as Analysts Say Buy P&G, SanDisk, Chevron

The Peak Oil Crisis: The Next Price Spike

OK... here comes the headline whiplash:
Oil edges lower with new hints of slow rebound

Oil edges higher on hints of economic improvement

Oil Price Stubborn Above $72

Oil slips to near $72 on dollar rebound

European shares knocked from 11-month highs

European shares turn positive as banks recover

Pick the version that suits your agenda best. No one knows why what is who or where the PRAVDA is when anymore, comrade threadsters.

Rush for natural gas sets off frenzy

Analyst Sees Bigger Profits at Goldman Sachs

Verizon Boss Hangs Up on Landline Phone Business
Speaking to a Goldman Sachs investor conference, Mr. Seidenberg said Verizon is simply no longer concerned with telephones that are connected with wires.
Fed Considers Sweeping Limits on Bank Pay
Render unto Seizer, MFers. Pay Czar cometh!

Raytheon gets $22.2M Navy contract boost

Raytheon missile deals announced totaling $228M

Raytheon, Lockheed May Win in Obama Missile Plan

Technology From Lockheed, Raytheon Now on the Radar
The new missile-defense strategy in Eastern Europe puts Lockheed Martin Corp. and Raytheon Co. technologies in the spotlight...

MFers are even in Antarctica!

Raytheon Polar Services, which provides logistics and support for the National Science Foundation...

National Science Foundation
NSF is an independent US government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through research programs and education projects.

SEARCH: National Science Foundation / Richard Dawkins

SEARCH: National Science Foundation / Eugenie Scott

SEARCH: National Science Foundation / John Holdren

Yeah that's right, that really IS the way it is.

SAIC in Pentagon supply deal worth up to $1.1 bln

Civil Air Patrol pilots to fly 'Surrogate Predators'
“In the event of a natural disaster, the aircraft will certainly be made available to NORTHCOM for civil response purposes,”
DHS Funds Biometric Surveillance Checkpoint Technology

Dawkins says creationism largely a US problem
Izzat right? Yippie Kai Aye, MFer! We just a buncha backwards, toothless, bitter, bible thumping, Jesus clinging, gun toting, toe-backy spittin' crazy ass MFErs. So if I were you I'd steer the hell clear of us now, ya hear?

Professor gives Richard Dawkins a "D"
He was being generous.
Two years ago, Oklahoma State University philosophy professor Eric Reitan was given an excerpt from a book and asked “to evaluate it as if it were a student paper.”It was a critique on St. Thomas Aquinas’s argument for the existence of God, and in Reitan’s words, his pseudo-student got “Aquinas’s arguments dreadfully wrong.” Reitan decided that the student earned a “D” grade. The “student” was actually British biologist and outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins, and the excerpt came from his book “The God Delusion.”

Ravi Zacharias responds to Wall Street Journal articles by Richard Dawkins and Karen Armstrong
The telling statement of the month:
Dawkins says: "What is so special about life? It never violates the laws of physics."
Chew on that satanic little snippet for a minute.
L'CHAIM, ya MFer.

Woman Details Dramatic Encounter with Radical Islam
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Same cult of death, different dogma.
Famed biologist and best-selling author Richard Dawkins, who mentored Bauer during her recovery, was so impressed and moved by her courage.....
A nightmare for Richard Dawkins: Statistics show that atheists are a dying breed

Third atheist billboard goes up in Moscow

Baucus Senate bill at odds with Obama abortion pledge

Feds plan to spend millions on remote Montana border posts

An Artist Delves Into the Lives of Spies

Tanzania's President to Participate in US - Africa Business Summit
... coal, iron ore, uranium, nickel, chrome, tin, platinum, coltan, niobium and other minerals. Commercial production of natural gas commenced in 2004.

Hugo Chavez to nationalise Venezuela coffee

SC moved for sugar mills' nationalisation

ISLAMABAD: A constitutional petition was filed here on Thursday in the Supreme Court, praying for nationalisation of all 80 sugar mills of the country, keeping in view the alleged hoarding and price hike of the essential commodity by the sugar cartel. The petition was filed by the Communist Party of Pakistan through its Chairman Engineer Jamil Ahmed Malik under Article 184(3) of the Constitution making the federal government and 80 sugar mills owners as respondents.
Seizing food sector 'would not cut prices'
No but it gives The Seizer control of the food supply, silly headline.

Europe to get chief science adviser, new climate comissioner

The Growing Grip of Government

Hear Tunes From Bob Dylan's New Christmas Album
His tongue is in his cheek as usual...

Fourteen tonnes of uranium and one of plutonium? No worries!
...Inside the nuclear reprocessing plant at La Hague, where additional radioactive material is to be stored following the decommissioning of a power station in southern France..
Jury finds Uranium guilty
On September 10th a Coroner's jury in the West Midlands found that 'depleted' Uranium caused the fatal cancer of a soldier - Lance Corporal Stuart Dyson - who served in Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War.
International Isotopes Inc. Announces Success
... Continued Engineering Design and Licensing of the Company's Planned Uranium Processing and Fluorine Extraction Facility in Idaho Falls...
First Uranium suspends operations at S.Africa
After a worker was killed in what is only described as an "incident".

Langer Heinrich to triple production
Namibia is the fourth largest producer of uranium worldwide

VIDEO: Kilauea volcano explodes after hybrid earthquake

Arkansas Emergency Officials: Something's Coming
"There will be an earthquake'' in the New Madrid Seismic Zone along the Mississippi River in northeastern Arkansas, said Sheila Annable
Whole world shakin' like Katherine Hepburn's head:
This is all in the last 48 hours:







and I think somewhere near 20 quakes over the last 2 days between 3.0 & 4.5 in and around Alaska
Mark 13:8:
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.