Șalom și salut, necredincioșilor, fiarelor, și Paisanoviților! Bine ați venit la casa căinței. Priviți coafura zionistă, refractară a Babei Z cum scînteiează, în timp ce ea izgonește pe Curvele Gramsciene, Porcii Fasciști, Papii din Laodicea, și Fiarele prădătoare ale Islamului, dîndu-i pe Mîna Atotputernică a Dumnezeului lui Israel. După ce se va termina de biciuit, se vor servi pișcoturi gramsciene și lapte de capră în salon. Vă rugăm și să gustați din plăcinta ocupației zioniste. L’Chaim!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Floatin' Powa News Service: Super Caliphatal Exigently Most Atrocious!
Sheik YerMami
Winds of Jihad

The war on terror - - a misnomer from the start - - is being lost. Since 9/11, 13,270 Islamic terror attacks have been launched from China to Seattle, Washington, leaving 80,000 people dead and over 120,000 injured. Yet government officials, including Barack Obama, continue to speak of Islam as the religion of peace, Protestant ministers (including Robert Schuller and Rick Warren) insist that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and Roman Catholic pontiffs continue to kiss the Qu’ran.
It’s time for all good men and women to take a firm stand against Islam and the forces of evil.
It’s time to take part in the last crusade.
BiBi Throws Sarky the Nutshot
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled his June 3 meeting with French President Nicholas Sarkozy because of Paris' position that Jerusalem should be the capital of two states.I think BiBi should have suggested that Paris should be the capital of two states and see how Sarko liked them apples.
France admits snubbing Queen Elizabeth
Obviously France has lost it's mind, again!
France admits it did not personally invite Britain's Queen Elizabeth to ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of D-Day, a government spokesman says.World Bank accuses Israel of making Palis die from thirst
The Israeli Water Authority has described as “incorrect and fallacious” a World Bank report that accuses Israel of "systematic and severe constraints" on Palestinian access to water in the West Bank and Gaza.

Yes if only we would just STFU & agree to die already this could all be over with.
Israeli forces kill local Hamas leader

Islamic Bloc Cool to Obama's Proposed '57-State Solution'
Sharif, he don't like it.
Obama Says: Israel Must Halt Settlement Activity
Washington Post: Abbas to wait for US pressure to unseat Netanyahu
Palestinian Authority officials expect U.S. pressure on Israel to restart the Peace Process will slowly force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, the Washington Post reported on Friday.
The article quotes an unnamed Palestinian Authority official as saying that "it will take a couple of years" but in the end, the pressure to comply with U.S. demands as well as Netanyahu's desire not to alienate his right-wing coalition partners will force him to step down as prime minister.
The article quotes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying that "The Americans are the leaders of the world," adding "they can use their weight with anyone around the world. Two years ago they used their weight on us. Now they should tell the Israelis, 'You have to comply with the conditions.'"

NO! A veritable shaman, this one is.
Saudi oil chief sees oversupply in market
Saudi Arabia sees increased Asia demand
Again I get the doublespeaking whiplash....
OPEC oil price push may threaten world recovery
Our Name is Called Caliphate!

Partner for Peace!
Iran Furthermore Sez: Mosque blast bears 'US, Israel thumbprints'
Just our thumbs? WOW are we good!
Ahmadinejad describes one of his saddest days
Not suprisingly it involves Jaques Chirac, LOL! S'one sad MFer!
"Jacque Chirac was standing on top of the stairs and Iran's former president … had to climb several flights of stairs to reach him, that kind of behavior is insulting to us," he said without directly naming Khatami in his speech.BOW, DHIMMIS.
Like Obama did.
Suicide Solutions:
US still open to diplomacy with NKorea
N Korea 'planning more missiles'
Biden In The Balkans

Russia's customs service said Thursday it uncovered a ring of active and retired military officers suspected of involvement in stealing millions of dollars worth of missile components and smuggling them out of Russia.Georgia says UN's Ban blackmailed by Russia
Georgia lashed out at the United Nations and Russia on Wednesday, accusing Moscow of blackmailing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make a significant change in his latest report on the Caucasus state.Gazprom Sez: EU should help Ukraine avoid new gas price war
If you like heat and hot water you will obey and do as you should.
Arctic May Hold 30% of Undiscovered Gas, Strengthening Russia
BP's Joint Venture in Russia Gets Interim Chief
Gazprom to buyout shareholders of UK-listed oil co's
My names is called Vlad.
I am all up in UK buying your oil companies!
Gazprom eyes role in Iran-Pakistan pipeline
Italy backs Russia bid on EU gas payments
Russia to open chemical weapons destruction plant
You don't believe
We're on the eve
of destruction!

Amnesty raps Medvedev on Russia rights violations
Rights? What is this rights you incessantly speak of?
Russia: No more money for Belarus
Russia's finance minister says Belarus won't be getting the last $500 million installment in a $2 billion loan to help its staggering centrally controlled economy.Iranian Economic, Commerce Ministers to Visit Turkmenistan
I ain't gonna work on Rozmetov's farm no more!
Behold as Hero of Turkmenistan Sadulla Rozmetov's joint-stock agricultural farm gets extraordinary visit from Glorious Turkmen Leader!
Turkmenistan: The Recluse of the Stans
Their headline, not mine!
Pipelineistan goes Iran-Pak
Kazakhstan: Russian capsule blasts off for space station
Watch out for Igor's Flying Balls!
Uranium One shares plunge on Kazakhstan allegations
Canadian miner Uranium One Inc. UUU-T has been sideswiped by a high-level political scandal in Kazakhstan, after police arrested the head of the state-run nuclear company and accused him of illegally selling uranium properties to foreigners.The former Soviet Republic issued a statement yesterday confirming that Kazatomprom president Moukhtar Dzhakishev and several other executives were under investigation for allegedly embezzling stakes in major uranium fields and “handing them” to offshore companies.
Kazakh Atomic Kingpin Suddenly Radioactive
Tajik Uranium Plant Officials Arrested As Uzbek Spies
Bill Clinton Linked To Kazakhstan Uranium Scandal
Here's a fascinating politics/energy/international relations story that's flying below the radar now, but feels as though it could get huge.Kazakhstan Says Reading 'Banned' Book No Longer IllegalThe news starts with Uranium One (UUU), a Toronto-listed uranium miner, whose shares plunged 38% on news that the Kazakhstan government was probing whether certain Kazakh mines it owns were acquired illegally. Specifically, it's looking at potentially illegal asset sales by Mukhtar Dzhakishev, the former head of state-owned uranium miner Kazatomprom, who later sought favors from the man who sold the assets to, Frank Giustra, and Bill Clinton.
No problem, proletariats! We just kill you and bury your body in our Glorious Nuclear Bank if we catch you with one in your hands.
China's oil deal with Kazakhstan

Daghestan's Deputy Mufti Shot Dead
Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review:
- Islamic Jihad organization declares responsibility for recent attacks in Uzbekistan
- Jailed Yukos founder accuses Russia’s Federal Security Service of wiretapping
- Russia’s Federal Security Service bustling in Abkhazia
- Russia wants to prevent interference of non-Caspian states in ensuring border security in region
- Soviet files reveal past of German Communist state security service informer Karl-Heinz Kurras
- Former Soviet KGB officer expecting Federal Court of Canada decision on deportation
- Stasi papers’ authority chief Birthler defends herself against criticism
- East German Stasi was stealing West German identities for sabotage operations
- Criminal case against SBU vice-chief is nothing but political order - former Ukraine’s Presidential Secretariat head
- Security Service of Ukraine instituted criminal proceedings on charges of Stalin-era genocide
SEC's Would-Be Lobbyist Said to Drop Out After Quitting GE Job
Clarke Camper, a former lobbyist for Freddie Mac and General Electric Co., backed out of a job defending the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as the agency girds for a regulatory overhaul that could shrink its power, people familiar with the matter said. Camper pulled out after telling colleagues at Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE that he expected to lead government relations at the SEC, according to the people and an e-mail he sent last week to co-workers. Camper’s last day at GE’s Washington office was May 20, said the people, who declined to be identified because the SEC didn’t publicly offer him a position.Moving closer to a GM-less Dow
All your Chevys are belong to The Seizer!
GM Bankruptcy Looms as Bondholders Spurn Debt Offer

TAKAFUL of criminals!
G-20 summit coming to Pittsburgh in September
Wall Street faces pay conundrum amid TARP rules
Conundrums! Render Unto Seizer!
But the dozens of big banks that accepted bailout funds from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program must now rethink how they reward top performers, as the government caps what they can dole out, and taxpayers and politicians demand greater accountability.Geithner goes to Beijing to manage bad marriage
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is about to get on a plane and travel half-way around the world to manage what is probably the world's worst marriage-of-convenience.Mutual mistrust, competition and rivalry complicate a U.S.-China relationship that, on the other hand, has been so lucrative for both sides and the global economy.The two sides got closer during the recent recession, but there are new strains on the horizon.

Citing Obama administration sources, the Times said the president will detail on Friday the creation of a White House office that will coordinate a multi-billion-dollar effort to restrict access to government computers, protect systems that run U.S. stock exchanges, clear global banking transactions and manage the air traffic control system.Military Physician Accused of Fabricating Study
UCLA Surgeon Accused of Hiding Medical Company's Payments
US student, 20, emerges as anti-abortion crusader
You go, girl.
Obama fundraiser Louis Susman nominated for ambassador to Britain
Former investment banker raised money for Chicago "cultural institutions"Obama's Vatican ambassador
A Hispanic Roman Catholic theologian who was an adviser to Barack Obama's presidential campaign will be nominated to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, the White House announced Wednesday.Pay to Parlez? Obama Names Donors to Swank Ambassador PostsMiguel H. Diaz, 45, an associate professor of theology at St. John's University and the College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota, would be the first Hispanic to serve as ambassador to the Vatican since the United States and the Holy See established full diplomatic ties in 1984. Diaz was born in Havana.
Among the first ambassadors named are some of his presidential campaign's most aggressive fundraisers, including Silicon Valley moneyraker John V. Roos, and Obama National Finance Committee member Louis B. Susman. The two men helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obama's White House bid, and many thousands more for his inauguration.

Twelve people, eight from Uzbekistan, are accused in a federal indictment of luring illegal immigrants to the United States to work as “modern-day slaves” in 14 states.Ohio: Fresh KI pills offered near nuke plant
Residents, businesses or pharmacies in the 10-mile radius of the Beaver Valley nuclear power plant can secure a fresh supply of potassium iodide (KI) tablets for free from the East Liverpool and Columbiana County health departments.Nobel laureates compare climate crisis to threat from nuclear weapons
So much for the assumption that any given "Nobel Laureate" possesses wit enough to blow up a balloon.
Israeli DJ invents an online 21st century musical fusion
Russian heir fights Yale over van Gogh painting
Parisian Pierre Konowaloff, great-grandson of Russian industrialist and art collector Ivan Morozov, is challenging in a US federal court widely accepted norms that recognize the results of Soviet-era nationalization, at least when it comes to cultural items.Tribes press government to clean up nuclear wasteMorozov's real estate, textile factory and art collection were seized by Lenin in 1918. Although the Bolsheviks are long gone, their confiscation of priceless art -- part of far wider repression against private property owners -- still stands.
Two American Indian tribes say their pleas to have the federal government remove medical, uranium and other radioactive waste from their land near Tuba City have been ignored, and they want it cleaned up.Navajo and Hopi officials say the waste is contaminating the land and threatening water supplies.

A local pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a San Diego County official, who then threatened them with escalating fines if they continued to hold Bible studies in their home, 10News reported.Attorney Dean Broyles of The Western Center For Law & Policy was shocked with what happened to the pastor and his wife.CHINA: Mount Nyiragongo volcano shows increased activity
Broyles said, "The county asked, 'Do you have a regular meeting in your home?' She said, 'Yes.' 'Do you say amen?' 'Yes.' 'Do you pray?' 'Yes.' 'Do you say praise the Lord?' 'Yes.'"
The county employee notified the couple that the small Bible study, with an average of 15 people attending, was in violation of County regulations, according to Broyles.
Broyles said a few days later the couple received a written warning that listed "unlawful use of land" and told them to "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit" -- a process that could cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Giant underwater volcano found off Indonesia
Columbia: 2 minor earthquakes shake volcano Nevado del Huila
WFRL: The Best Band That Never Was.....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Twist & Shavuot, David Played Guitar.....
Michael Levy
Shavu'otLevel: Basic | ![]() |
You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days... You shall convoke on this very day -- there shall be a holy convocation for yourselves -- you shall do no laborious work; it is an eternal decree in your dwelling places for your generations. -Leviticus 21:15-16, 21
Shavu'ot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance (the other two are Passover and Sukkot). Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple, and is known as Hag ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits). Historically, it celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and is also known as Hag Matan Torateinu (the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah).
The period from Passover to Shavu'ot is a time of great anticipation. We count each of the days from the second day of Passover to the day before Shavu'ot, 49 days or 7 full weeks, hence the name of the festival. See The Counting of the Omer. The counting reminds us of the important connection between Passover and Shavu'ot: Passover freed us physically from bondage, but the giving of the Torah on Shavu'ot redeemed us spiritually from our bondage to idolatry and immorality. Shavu'ot is also known as Pentecost, because it falls on the 50th day; however, Shavu'ot has no particular similarity to the Christian holiday of Pentecost, which occurs 50 days after their Spring holiday.
It is noteworthy that the holiday is called the time of the giving of the Torah, rather than the time of the receiving of the Torah. The sages point out that we are constantly in the process of receiving the Torah, that we receive it every day, but it was first given at this time. Thus it is the giving, not the receiving, that makes this holiday significant.
Shavu'ot is not tied to a particular calendar date, but to a counting from Passover. Because the length of the months used to be variable, determined by observation (see Jewish Calendar), and there are two new moons between Passover and Shavu'ot, Shavu'ot could occur on the 5th or 6th of Sivan. However, now that we have a mathematically determined calendar, and the months between Passover and Shavu'ot do not change length on the mathematical calendar, Shavu'ot is always on the 6th of Sivan (the 6th and 7th outside of Israel. See Extra Day of Holidays.)
Work is not permitted during Shavu'ot.
It is customary to stay up the entire first night of Shavu'ot and study Torah, then pray as early as possible in the morning.
It is customary to eat a dairy meal at least once during Shavu'ot. There are varying opinions as to why this is done. Some say it is a reminder of the promise regarding the land of Israel, a land flowing with "milk and honey." According to another view, it is because our ancestors had just received the Torah (and the dietary laws therein), and did not have both meat and dairy dishes available. See Separation of Meat and Dairy.
The book of Ruth is read at this time. Again, there are varying reasons given for this custom, and none seems to be definitive.
Shavu'ot will occur on the following days of the Gregorian calendar:
Jewish Year 5769: sunset May 28, 2009 - nightfall May 30, 2009
Ruth is the ancestor of King David, and consequently the matriarch of the Messianic line:
Who is this woman, special enough to have an entire book in the Bible named for her, which we read on Shavuot, the epic day on which the Torah was given to the Jewish people? Ruth must have a very important message to convey to us about what it means to be a Jew, to receive the Torah, and to merit royalty.
through husks
and chaff
and trash like me.
Comes to him from Ruth, you see
to Jesse
to David
To Solomon, three ~
The Keter of the Tzadikim
it looks like thorns
and raging seas.
Forget the I
the My
the Me
and Righteousness
is yours to seize
~ Her Exigency, BabbaZee

He who existed from the beginning,
He who we heard with our own ears,
he who we saw with our own eyes,
he who we gazed upon for ourselves
and touched with our own hands.
~ Gospel of John
David Bowie
Ziggy Stardust
3 Wood: Countdown to Bankruptcy ~
Steely Dan
Your Gold Teeth
From "Countdown to Ecstasy"
May 27 (Bloomberg) -- Yields on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage bonds rose for a fourth day, after exceeding for the first time yesterday their levels before the Federal Reserve announced it would expand purchases to drive down interest rates on loans.
Yields on Washington-based Fannie Mae’s current-coupon 30- year fixed-rate mortgage bonds climbed to 4.55 percent as of 3:15 p.m. in New York, the highest since Dec. 5 and up from 3.94 percent on May 20, data compiled by Bloomberg show.Rising mortgage-bond yields, driven higher in part by climbing Treasury rates, means the Fed now “faces a challenge to its ability to sustain low mortgage rates,” according to Jeffrey Rosenberg at Bank of America Corp.
The Fed, seeking to use lower home-loan rates to stem the housing slump and bolster consumers, said March 18 it would increase its planned purchases of so-called agency mortgage bonds by $750 billion, to as much as $1.25 trillion, and start buying government notes."
The rising rates are due to all the borrowing that the government is doing. I know some people are operating on the hope that the Fed's have some secret plan for making the inflation go away. Sorry to burst any bubbles out there, but no, they don't.
When you take into account the fact that the Fed's have to finance a massive deficit, and the only way to sell that many treasuries is to have a very high inflation rate, the only thing they can do is stand by and let inflation take off. Heck they are creating the inflation. Get ready for 15% inflation and a rerun of the Carter era stagflation.
Of course, Bush will get blamed for all of this.
~ 3 Wood
He should not be blamed for ALL of it 3 Wood, but he certainly played an undeniable, unusual & exigent role in it...
~ Babba
WASHINGTON -- Top Obama administration officials are close to recommending that Congress create a single regulator to oversee the entire banking sector, people familiar with the matter said, a departure from the hodgepodge of federal agencies that failed to contain the financial crisis as it ballooned out of control last year.
The new agency is expected to be a major plank in a proposal that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House officials send Capitol Hill in a few weeks with the goal of overhauling supervision of financial markets.
RENDER, MFers! Hopium Changeum!
WFRL: Welcome To The Last Crusade ~
Desmond Dekker
The Israelites
Welcome to The Last Crusade, a site where you can engage in the life and death struggle against the forces of Islam, apostasy, moral complacency, cultural relativity, and the New World Order. I have decided to devote the remaining years of my career as an journalist and author to the cause of Jesus Christ and an unapologetic interpretation of His gospel. This blog is antithetical to the claims of main-line denominations which maintain that all religions lead to the same destination and that all believers - - Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Muslims - - worship the same God. The creators of this blog do not worship Allah, the moon god, or Hanuman, the monkey god. We worship the Father God of Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus and we maintain that the road to salvation is narrow, arduous, and fraught with peril (including lawsuits). We abhor the teachings of such spineless and heretical pseudo-Christians as Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen. We decry all clerics who kiss the Koran; all money-changers in the temple; and all evangelists who have surrendered the cherished claims of Judeo-Christian tradition to the present evil age. We know that the gospel is an offense and a stumbling block. Be warned. This site may cause you to scream, to shout, and to stumble. But may it also bring you to come to terms with the transcendent God of the Old Testament and the salvific teachings of His Only Begotten Son.
~ Dr. Paul Williams

Dr. Paul L. Williams on Jihad Training in America
Dr. Paul L. Williams: American Hiroshima
Behold, The Obamanable Hamasshole
Return to Islamberg
The Obamanable Muslim Apologist

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:THE PAUL L. WILLIAMS DEFENSE FUND
I came not to send peace,
but a sword.”
~Matthew 10:34
Why is this lawsuit so important?
Why is the situation at McMaster University so alarming?
And why must you give to fight the lawsuit
against award-winning journalist/author Paul L. Williams?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Floatin' Powa News Service: Just another quaint, post-American artifact...
Roy Orbison
It's Over
Oy the irony....
Arab League chief: No Israel recognition
Israel who?
Islamic countries should make clear there will be no normalized relations with Israel until it stops breaking international law, an Arab League official says.Assad tells OIC FMs extreme Israeli govt major obstacle to peace
"The failure of the peace process so far has clearly shown that Israel is the obstacle. How can a state that was founded on illegal occupation and continues to murder the original inhabitants work toward peace?" Assad said.Syria links talks with Israel to full return of Golan
He said the current state of Middle East peacemaking had exposed the "true nature of this aggressive state." "How can a country that has chosen the most extreme government in its history be a partner for peace?" he added.
OIC's Damascus Declaration
Our Organization was basically established to defend Al-Quds AL-Shareef which is today facing a critical situation that threatens to obliterate its spiritual character and historical diversity. Added to that are the construction of the racist separation wall in the West Bank , the inhuman blockade imposed on Gaza, the intensification of land grabbing and settlement building. All of this required us all not compensate Israel over its crimes but to ensure that any development in relations- if any exist at all-to the concrete expression of Israel's commitment to just and comprehensive peace, which would guarantee the restoration of legitimate national rights and withdrawal from the occupied lands in Palestine , Golan, and southern Lebanon.Isaiah's Damascus Declaration
Hashemite Fiefdom "warns" Israel:
The government on Saturday warned against thed angers posed by excavation works Israel carried out beneath and around Al Aqsa Mosque, and by house demolitions in Jerusalem, stressing that such Israeli measures will have a negative impact on any future peaceful settlement.Sounds like a threat to me.
In a speech yesterday at a conference of foreign ministers of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Damascus, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh reviewed the role of the Hashemites in protecting the holy sites in Jerusalem.
And now for some Turkish urging:
Turkey urges Israel to respect international Jerusalem status
Canada urged to put pressure on Israel
Again with the urging.
Russia's Lavrov in Syria to discuss Mideast summit
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in Syria on Saturday for talks with President Bashar al-Assad on Moscow's plan for a Middle East conference, a Russian diplomat told AFP.On Saturday night, he met with Khaled Meshaal, the Damascus-based leader of Hamas, a spokesman for the Palestinian Islamist movement said without giving details.
Lavrov and Assad are due to meet on Sunday, the Russian diplomat said.
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Russia believes in the need to maintain contacts with the Palestinian group Hamas, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday, despite a cooling of ties between the two sides.Iran sez: Lavrov-Mashaal talks wreck havoc in Israel"We are certain that this is needed," Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying after meeting Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in the Syrian capital, where he lives in exile.
From havoc to "irked" on one sentence:
A meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Hamas political Leader Khaled Mashal in Damascus has irked Israeli officials.Iranian FM Arrives in Damascus to Attend OIC Meeting
Iran's reformist presidential candidate hopeful to back Hamas
US forwards friendly soccer request to Iran
Glow Ballin' Mythical Moderate Khatami Sez:
Israeli lobby hindering change in US
US Urges Israel to End Expansion
Growing rift between US & Israel
Netanyahu: Israel-US row on settlements like argument between friends
Go balls out already and stop with the fucking "diplomacy".
China Sez: US shuns direct criticism to Netanyahu's claim on Jerusalem
The two-state solution will cause the collapse of Israel, the Palestinian Authority ambassador to Lebanon saidWhich is exactly what they all want including our own government.
Bahranian FM has "sideline meetings" at OIC event
Emphasise Peace-loving Nature Of Islam, Says Malaysian FM
Religion of Peace!!
The foreign minister expressed confidence that a strong and unified voice of the 57-nation OIC, representing some 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet could be heeded by the international community.Israel acquiesces to Egyptian's UNESCO posting
Israel agreed to lift its objection to the appointment of Egypt's vehemently anti-Israeli culture minister as head of UNESCO, following a recent meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.UNESCO wants your soul
Ties With Israel "After" Peace: OIC
Our Name is Called Legion!
French official says Jerusalem is the capital of two states
Annnnnnd once again I am forced to proclaim "Fuck France!"
GDF Suez, Total In UAE Nuclear Bid
Dig the language in this thing:
Utility Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) will support a consortium of French companies seeking to develop new nuclear power capacity in the United Arab Emirates but doesn't plan to invest in the state, a spokeswoman for the company said Tuesday.Meantime, back at the Palace, Prince Issa busies himself blow torching the balls off yet another hapless Afghan grain dealer...The administration of French President Nicolas Sarkozy had said EDF will take part in the consortium, the Agence France Presse news agency had reported."EDF will bring its support and its expertise to the French consortium ... to strengthen its chances of success," the spokeswoman said.
In January 2008, utility GDF Suez SA (GSZ.FR) agreed with nuclear group Areva SA (CEI.FR) and oil major Total SA (TOT) to form a consortium to bid to develop nuclear capacity in the UAE. The UAE isn't part of EDF's list of target countries for investing in new nuclear capacity, the spokeswoman said.
EDF doesn't plan to invest in the project. But its support could come in the form of "technical assistance" to the consortium, she added.
Ros-Lehtinen seeks oversight on UAE nuclear deal
Supply up, demand down, but oil prices rise
We decide what price you pay, dhimmis!
Render the Jizya! Our name is called Islam!
In addition, Saudi Arabia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries may try to keep oil supplies high enough to prevent a price spike, said Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy research fellow at Rice University's Baker Institute. The worldwide recession cut demand for their oil, they want the recession to end and high prices could hinder a recovery.Rice University's Baker Institute
That is Bushman's JAMES A BAKER III's Institute.
Yah that's right.
OIC adopts Kosovo resolution
Saudi Gazette: Islamophobia's impact on the world
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center last month found that a large percentage of Americans believed Islam encourages violence.Now WHY TF would we think a crazy thing like that?
Also in the Saudi Gazette:
OIC: KSA intellectual security efforts fruitful
Ministers of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) have expressed appreciation for the support and assistance extended to their conference by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah; Crown Prince Sultan, the Deputy Premier, Defense and Aviation Minister and Inspector General; and Prince Naif, the Second Deputy Premier and Interior Minister.Saudi Prince Calls for UN Action on Nuclear Middle East
Influential Saudi royal Prince Turki bin Faisal wants the United Nations Security Council to proclaim the Middle East a nuclear-weapons-free region and said that Arab states will refuse further peace talks with Israel unless the Jewish state halts expanding settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.Influential indeed!
Ahmadinejad and Assad: Iran and Syria Are Leading a New World Order
STFU! There's that fucking phrase again!
Iran hosts regional summit
The presidents of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan have held a rare summit to discuss security, drug trafficking and other issues.The one-day meeting in the Iranian capital Tehran was hosted by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Iran says powers agree to nuclear talks after elections
I told yez so.....
Iran Sends Warships to International Waters
Iran arrests 104 "devil worshippers"
Just exactly who the Mullahs of Iran think they are worshiping is another question.
Italy to send envoy to IranThe Islamic Republic, which bans alcohol and narcotics, last year said it would launch a crackdown on "indecent Western-inspired movements" such as rappers and satanists.
That move signaled a widening of a clampdown on "immoral" conduct launched in 2007 against women flouting rules dictating that they cover their heads and disguise the shape of their bodies in public, in line with Iran's Islamic system.
After a very public cancellation on 5/20....
The con job rolls on....
Michelle Obama included in Iran election discourse
Shoja’i said that Rahnavard, who is active in her husband’s presidential campaign, is well known to Iranian society.I challenge you to a duel, dhimmi man!“No! I want to say that Michelle Obama is America’s Zahra Rahnavard. Therefore, it is better to talk of our societal models independently and without borrowing from foreign models,” Shoja'i said in response to a suggestion that some refer to Rahnavard – the wife of presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi – as “Iran’s Michelle Obama.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today called for a debate between himself and President Barack Obama at the UN if he is successfully re-elected on June 12th. However, if the debate ends up taking place, President Ahmadinejad said Iran’s uranium enrichment program ‘is closed.’
American defense secretary tells NBC television president has instructed him to refresh plans for military action against Tehran prepared during Bush era. 'Presidents always ask their military to have a range of contingency plans available to them,' he says
Admiral Mike Mullen: Iran within 3 years of nuke
Admiral Mullen Says Iran May Be Able to Keep Nuclear Program
WTF! I'm gonna get whiplash on these freakin' Mullen stories.....
Israel's Barak to US next week for Iran talks
AFP: Obama breaks new Mideast ground before Cairo speech
Obama has embraced the peace process launched in Annapolis, Maryland by the preceding administration of George W. Bush, which calls for a Palestinian state living peacefully next to a secure Israel.Bad Vlad the Journalist Man
Russian PM Vladimir Putin has tried his hand at writing. For the first time in his career, the politician wrote a column for Russia’s media.Badass Vlad in TIME magazine ~
Putin to the West:"HANDS OFF THE UKRAINE":
Russia offers Ukraine 5-year advance payment for gas transitVladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister and former President, is not renowned for his love of literature. But on Sunday he gave Russian journalists an unexpected reading tip: the diaries of Anton Denikin, a commander in the White Army that fought the Bolsheviks after the Revolution in 1917. (See TIME's photos of last year's war in Georgia)
"He has a discussion there about Big Russia and Little Russia — Ukraine," Russian newswires quoted Putin as saying after laying a wreath in Moscow at the grave of Denikin, who is now portrayed as a Russian patriot. "He says that no one should be allowed to interfere in relations between us; they have always been the business of Russia itself." (See TIME's person of the year: Vladimir Putin)
Gazprom says Ukraine may fail to pay May gas bill
Russia's Gazprom to slash production due to global recession
We decide if you freeze or not and when,
proletariats of the Gnu Whirled Odor!
My name is called Vlad!
Russia-EU Summit Ends with Differences Over Energy
Georgian police have arrested nearly three dozen people in connection with a recent mutiny led by tank battalion officers, a top lawmaker said Saturday.Georgian Opposition Takes Railroad StationGigi Targamadze, a pro-government lawmaker who heads the parliament’s defense committee, told Rustavi-2 TV that 20 of the 33 people arrested are military personnel, the rest civilians.
His comments came two days after police shot and killed a former military officer and wounded two others suspected of plotting the May 5 mutiny, which embarrassed President Mikhail Saakashvili’s government and fueled opposition demands for him to resign.
Azerbaijan ready for 20-30 year agreement on gas supplies for Gazprom
High-Ranking Daghestani Investigator Shot Dead
Security authorities meet in Kazakhstan
Top security authorities gathered in Kazakhstan Tuesday for a seminar to address security in Central Asia and the South Caucasus regions.The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is supporting a two-day seminar designed to bring together military and other security experts from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan among others to discuss and evaluate measures to build security.....Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan to pool grain export
All your warmth AND your food are belong to the State.
Kazakh Ambassador held meetings in Madrid
The Kazakh Diplomat informed the interlocutors on the current economic and social policy of the Kazakh leadership, initiatives of the country in the struggle against proliferation of nuclear weapons, promotion of interethnic and interconfessional dialogue, strengthening of regional and global security. The issue of development of cooperation in the economic sphere, increase of trade turnover between the countries, establishment of contacts between financial and economic institutions of Kazakhstan and Spain were discussed as well.Gazprom Neft, TNK-BP eyeing Kazakh refinery
The representatives of Spain spoke highly of the Kazakh-Spanish interaction in different spheres. Progress in cooperation in the promotion of interconfessional dialogue, in particular, within the cooperation between the Alliance of Civilizations and the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions was complimented as well.
Kazakhstan arrests head of state uranium company
Kazakhstan's security service arrested the head of the state uranium company on suspicion of theft, it said on Monday, the latest in a string of high-profile criminal cases in the Central Asian state. The deepening financial crisis has sharpened divisions among Kazakhstan's ruling elite and triggered a chain of criminal investigations and arrests in government and industry.Russian Uranium Sale to US Is Planned
Russia, already a large supplier of nuclear-reactor fuel to Europe and Asia, is expected on Tuesday to sign its first purely commercial contract to supply low-enriched uranium to United States utilities. With the signing, Russia’s nuclear-fuel trade with the United States will shift to a commercial footing, similar to Russia’s dealings with other consumers of fuel, like France and the Netherlands, both longtime buyers of Russian uranium.Russia eyes global alliances on nuclear market
Russia signs $1bln uranium deals with US companies
Child Labor In Uzbekistan's Cotton Industry
Critics say the brazen manner in which Uzbek authorities are disregarding the child-labor ban is troubling, and sets the bar dangerously low in Central Asia's most populous country and the world's second-leading cotton exporter.Kyrgyzstan closes border after riots in Uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan's border guard service said Tuesday that the violence took place in the Uzbek region of Andijan.Explosion reported in Uzbekistan
Andijan is where Uzbek government forces opened fire on demonstrators in 2005. Rights groups and witnesses say more than 700 people were killed. The Uzbek government denies that so many people died and says government troops were provoked by Islamic radicals.
Uzbekistan: Suicide Bomber Kills Policeman
Shootings reported in Uzbek town
Uzbekistan delivers humanitarian aid to disaster-hit Tajikistan
According to RIA Novosti, Uzbekistan's Ministry of Emergency Situations has delivered 20 wagons of humanitarian aid to its Central Asian neighbor Tajikistan, a ministry spokesman said on May 25. Heavy rains, which hit Tajikistan in early April, have left 23 people dead and 10,000 people homeless. Rains have affected some 40 towns and districts across the region, destroying 40,000 hectares of crops, 160 km of roads and 40 bridges.
High-level private sector executives and heads of privatization agencies from Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states held meetings in Baku during May 20-21 to outline their national privatization plans.Chinese traders leave as Kyrgyzstan closes markets
Delegations from 10 countries, including Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan attended the event.
Chinese delegation leaves for three-nation tour
Everybody sing!
A threeee nation tour...
A threeee nation tour!
Crisis.... what crisis? China spends big in Central Asia
In recent months Beijing has been on a spending spree among the Central Asian states to its west, handing over a US$10 billion ($14.6 billion) loan to cash-strapped Kazakhstan in April and stepping up construction projects and investment from Ashgabat to Bishkek.Russia finds growing competition for Central Asia's oil and gas
PetroChina Singapore Purchase May Signal Global Expansion Plan
Ya think?
Libya will match China National's offer for Verenex
In a statement on March 18, Verenex reiterated that the proposed sale of the company to China National was subject to “certain consents” from Libya’s National Oil.Venezuelan Government Buys Banco de Venezuela
China National began exploring for oil in Libya in 2005. Verenex had agreed to pay the Chinese company a C$15 million breakup fee if the company scuttled the deal.
Venezuela Nationalizes Gas Plant and Steel Companies
'Kirchner and Chávez want to annihilate middle class'
Bolivia denies supplying Iran with uranium
They probably didn't... more likely it came from Kazakhstan and somehow I think this story may have something to do with the State Uraniaum chief's recent interrment in the Gulag... but I am not quite sure what yet.
North Korea Launches More Missiles Following Nuclear Test
Lost RAF files held embarrassing data
It's dangerous, it's indicitive of weakness, you got a huge problem...
it's not fucking embarrassing!
Furthermore, who is to say it is "lost" and not stolen by the enemy?
But they have all been "given advice"..... so go back to sleep now.
Data files lost by the British military contain personal details of Royal Air Force personnel who were being vetted for security clearances, documents show.Interior Dept. Bungles Passport Records
An internal ministry memo obtained by the BBC warns that details of 500 RAF members' criminal convictions, investigations, debts, medical conditions, drug abuse, extramarital affairs and other potentially embarrassing information were contained on data files lost last year at RAF Innsworth in Gloucestershire.
The information on the lost files "provides excellent material for foreign intelligence services and blackmailers," said the memo, which reportedly was written by an unnamed RAF wing commander. A defense ministry spokesman told the BBC said all those affected by the lost data have been told of the situation and have been given advice.
Ah yes, this one is a bungling, you see.....maybe somehow related to the above UK "Embarrassing Loss"???
The Interior Department’s inspector general has found widespread mishandling and tracking of highly valuable passports issued to department officials traveling overseas, alleging that in numerous instances employees violated federal privacy laws. Several expired passports could not be accounted for and inspectors also could not locate the passports once issued to Interior Secretary Gale Norton and two former staffers embroiled in criminal and internal ethics investigationsAll hail Stan's spontaneous blood sacrifices as offered by the demonzed devotess of the Isms:
Have these people even seen the inside of a bible?
II Timothy III time.
Soccer Mob Beats Catholic Man to Death: N. Ireland police appeal for no retaliation after Protestant soccer fans kill Catholic man...Swiss warn US Senate investigator in nuclear probe
Switzerland has warned a US Senate investigator not to interview a Swiss lawyer involved in a nuclear smuggling case. Frantz had asked to interview Roman Boegli, the lawyer for Urs Tinner, a Swiss citizen suspected of supplying the clandestine network of Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan with the technical knowledge and equipment that was used to make gas centrifuges for uranium enrichment.WHO to edit rules for alerting world of new diseases
WHO's on first?
I dunno.
Sanofi Pasteur Receives Order from U.S. Gov to Produce A(H1N1) Vaccine
Initial U.S. order for bulk vaccine valued atMedical device group spent $364K lobbying in 1Q$190 million
Obama Set to Create A Cybersecurity Czar With Broad Mandate
Well there you have it.
One of these day you will simply never hear from this MFing broad man date again!
Watch out for the ubiquitous, dreaded & most exigently waived RAYTHEON to appear prominently in this somewhere along the line....
President Obama is expected to announce late this week that he will create a "cyber czar," a senior White House official who will have broad authority to develop strategy to protect the nation's government-run and private computer networks, according to people who have been briefed on the plan.White House announces new Web initiatives
Liar liar pants on fire, ya hangin' from a telephone wire!
Obama signed an executive order the day after his Jan. 20 inauguration that gave officials in the executive branch 120 days to develop technological means to give the public more access to the inner workings of government.This story interests me because of this:
The suspect was utilizing his cell phone to communicate this information. Detective Joe Zblewski initiated a GPS track of the suspects cell phone by initiating an AT&T Exigent Circumstances Form (which is faxed to AT&T), which is a formal request to AT&T to track the location of the cell phone being used by our suspect. This process uses triangulation of cell towers signals, and can determine the location of cell calls being made from a specific cell phone. We received communication from AT&T, through this process, that the calls being made from our suspect were originating from within 2700 block of E. Carpenter Ave.OK... so, within minutes law enforcement has obtained an unusual and exigent circumstances waiver to locate you, however this power was not granted to them by a judge or a court ~
but by a CORPORATION... via fax!
An AT&T Exigent Circumstances Form.
Think about that shit for a bit.
FUSION Intelligence centers' growth concerns civil libertarians
Authorities arrested Michael Bauman in March, seizing computers and guns at his Rock Rapids home. They alleged he had threatened to blow up a television relay tower, burn down businesses and kill police officers.Plouffe Daddy Says: 6/6 is when it all begins!
A week later, Iowa authorities issued public statements to dispel a hoax spread by text and e-mail. It included a warning about a planned gang initiation at an unspecified Wal-Mart store in which three women or girls would be shot.
Both cases were handled with help from the Iowa Intelligence Fusion Center, a Des Moines hub for the sharing of information among local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. About 70 fusion centers have been established nationwide with federal assistance since 2006, including ones in every state and in every major city, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Remember this date: Saturday, June 6th, 2009. We will look back on that day as the moment when the fight for real health care reform began in your neighborhood -- perhaps even in your own living room.JUNE 6th in History:
On June 6th, in thousands of homes across the country, we'll gather to launch our grassroots campaign for health care. We'll watch a special message from the President. We'll build the teams and draw up the plans for winning health care reform the same way we won the election: Building support one block, one neighbor, one conversation at a time. And we'll put those plans into action.
These kickoffs are so crucial that President Obama will join confirmed hosts and attendees on a live conference call.
Sign up today to host or attend a Health Care Organizing Kickoff.
- 1944: Invasion of Normandy, D-Day, by allied forces
- 1967: Egypt closes the Suez canal as Israel captures Gaza
So did Hitler.
'Unsung hero' engineered Obama's win
Obama's PR firm hired to assist reorganization of Trinidad opposition
This MFing Plouffe Daddy sho' do get around!
AUSTRIA: Obama campaign manager to speak at Graz event
US President Barrack Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe will speak at the Graz "Digitalcongress 2009" on Friday.Obama's NASA Director Choice Has Conflict Issues
Plouffe, 42, in his keynote address at 9:45am will talk about why he decided to use half the campaign’s funding for digital purposes.
Yeah so WTF else is new? Issue the Unusual & Exigent Waiver, Stat!
NASA awards a contract to Raytheon
Where TF is that waiver? HURRY!
Raytheon group receives Army contract
Raytheon gets contract for Navy jet radar retrofit
Raytheon to Build More AESA Radars for US Navy Super Hornets
Raytheon Team Selected for US Army Battle Command Development Contract
Raytheon Signs $259.9 Million Phalanx Close-In Weapon System
Geithner Dismisses GOP Socialism Charge as 'Ridiculous'
I agree! But for a different reason:
It is ridiculous because the GOP is JUST AS FUCKING SOCIALIST
Wall Street Derivatives Proposals Adopted in Treasury Overhaul
The Gold Man Sez: Rupee may rise to 46/$ in 12 months
They oughta know.
Harvard's executive vice president to step down
Dude used to be a Gold Man too....
Series of earthquakes rock southeast Macedonia
SKOPJE, Macedonia -- Dozens of earthquakes shook the southeast on Sunday (May 24th). The strongest measured 5.4 on the Richter scale at around 6 pm local time in the Valandovo region near the border with Greece. Seismologists counted more than 70 quakes throughout the day, which caused public panic and damaged several houses in the region. No injuries were reported. The quakes were also felt in southwestern Bulgaria.New series of earthquakes shake the Balkans
Several stronger tremors and a range of smaller ones were felt in the last 24 hours on the Balkan peninsula.The last of the tremors was felt this morning at 8 am and its strength was 4 according to the Richter scale.Yesterday at 5.19 pm the earthquake was the same strength and was felt in the Bulgarian regions of Petrich, Sandanski and Blagoevgrad.6.1 hits New Zealand's Kermadec Islands.. again
5.2 earthquake shakes Zambales, Metro Manila
Indonesia: Officials Say Volcanos Waking Up
Earthquake measuring 5.2 rocks China
5.8 in Taiwan
4.2 Earthquake rattles sea floor off Oregon Coast
Cascadia Subduction Zone. Very bad sign.
LA-area earthquake prompts fault concerns
Our faults lie not in our stars but in ourselves.
~ Shakespeare
Four earthquakes in three days across East Tennessee
Ancient First Temple artifacts uncovered in Jerusalem
Archaeologists from Israel’s Antiquities Authority (IAA) have revealed two important artifacts recently discovered in Jerusalem, both dating from the First Temple Period (8-7 BCE).DR. Paul L. Williams: THE LAST CRUSADE
The first, a bone seal engraved with the name ‘Shaul’ was found in an excavation being conducted under the auspices of the IAA, in cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority in the Walls Around Jerusalem National Park in the City of David.
The name of the seal’s owner was completely preserved and it is written in the shortened form of the name, Shaul, which is known from both the Bible (Genesis 36:37; 1 Samuel 9:2; 1 Chronicles 4:24 and 6:9) and from other Hebrew seals.
Another Hebrew seal and three Hebrew bullae (pieces of clay stamped with seal impressions) were previously discovered nearby. The second artifact, an ancient jar handle bearing the Hebrew name ‘Menachem’ was uncovered in the neighbourhood of Ras el’Amud during an excavation before construction of a girls’ school by the Jerusalem municipality.
The End