The tablets were the work of GOD;
the writing was the writing of GOD,
engraved on the tablets.
~ Exodus 32
the writing was the writing of GOD,
engraved on the tablets.
~ Exodus 32
Șalom și salut, necredincioșilor, fiarelor, și Paisanoviților! Bine ați venit la casa căinței. Priviți coafura zionistă, refractară a Babei Z cum scînteiează, în timp ce ea izgonește pe Curvele Gramsciene, Porcii Fasciști, Papii din Laodicea, și Fiarele prădătoare ale Islamului, dîndu-i pe Mîna Atotputernică a Dumnezeului lui Israel. După ce se va termina de biciuit, se vor servi pișcoturi gramsciene și lapte de capră în salon. Vă rugăm și să gustați din plăcinta ocupației zioniste. L’Chaim!
Do you curse where you come from,
Do you swear in the night?
Will it mean much to you
If I treat you right?
Do you feel like a remnant
Of something that's past?
Do you find things are moving
Just a little too fast?
“His (Gulen’s) followers target youth in the eighth through twelfth grades, mentor and indoctrinate them in the ışıkevi, educate them in the Fethullah schools, and prepare them for future careers in legal, political, and educational professions in order to create the ruling classes of the future Islamist, Turkish state.”Even more telling is a comment from Nurettin Veren, Gulen’s right hand man for 35 years, who says:
“These schools are like shop windows. Recruitment and Islamization are carried out through night classes."The Walton Family derived its vast fortune – - estimated at $89.5 – - from Sam and Bud Walton, the founders of Wal-Mart. In California, the Walton Family Foundation has donated approximately $1 million to the Magnolia Science Academies that have been “inspired” by Gulen and his movement. Similarly, the Waltons have provided sizeable checks to similar Gulen charter schools, including the Indiana Math and Science Foundation which received $230,000 in 2007.
Police chief's new book claims religious organization infiltrates gov'tSEE ALSO:
ISTANBUL: Controversy continues over a book written by the chief of police in Eskisehir province about Turkish religious leader Fethullah Gülen’s congregation and its infiltration of state organizations and the Interior Ministry has opened an inquiry into the work.