Mojo Nixon
You Can't Kill Me
Please recall that Obama's "Special Envoy to the ME" Mitchell's big claim to fame is "making the peace" in Ireland:
Northern Irish republican leader Gerry Adams met with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza.Well surprise, surprise, surprise:Israel's Foreign Ministry had recommended that Adams, president of the Sinn Fein republican party, not be permitted to enter Gaza since he planned to meet with Hamas. He was permitted to enter Gaza on Wednesday after Quartet Mideast envoy Tony Blair intervened, the Jerusalem Post reported.
Blair reportedly told Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak that Adams had experience as a mediator, and could pass messages and act as a go-between for Israel and Hamas.
Adams met Haniyeh Thursday in a meeting that was not announced beforehand. He was quoted by the British Guardian newspaper after the meeting as saying: "This is a total denial of the rights of the people of Palestine. This is an open-air prison. People can't travel out of here, they can't travel in."
Adams met with Palestinian social activists, business people and Hamas and Fatah officials, according to the Jerusalem Post. Adams also visited Sderot before crossing into Gaza. Israeli officials refused to meet with Adams since he met with Hamas. Adams was scheduled to meet with Fatah officials in Ramallah on Friday.
George Mitchell and the Middle East
The senator will need all the skill and patience he brought to the Northern Irish peace process.
But Hamas must be at the table.
Israel MUST back 2-state solution:
Saeb Erekat says the international community must pressure Israel to abide by its previous commitments to a two-state solution, halt settlement activity and recognize past agreements signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization.Dutch labor Party: Sanctions against Israel if it thwarts peace
The Netherlands must impose economic sanctions against Israel if the new government in Jerusalem thwarts the peace process with the Palestinians, the Dutch Labor party said last week.WASHINGTON POST: Israel Must Give Up the West Bank Settlements
Tripartite Commission meeting held in Pakistan
I imagine they denounced Israel, told a few bawdy stories, then had some Cuban cigars.

'Death To Obama' Chants In Iran
Obama may cede Iran's nuclear rights
It is again early spring in the Central Asian steppes. There is a deceptive calm, but all signs are that the Great Game is bestirring from its slumber.
The United States is focusing on the key Central Asian country of Kazakhstan, which straddles the Qyzylqum and the Karakum, to stage a strategic comeback in the region.
Prospects are brighter than ever as Kazakhstan is edging closer to the chairmanship of the Organization of Security and Economic Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) next year. The OSCE leadership brings Kazakhstan into the forefront of the Western strategies in Eurasia - and out of Russian orbit.
China, Kazakhstan May Sign $10 Billion Oil-for-Loan Agreement
Kazakhstan expects Obama to visit
Gazprom’s delegation visits Republic of Kazakhstan
Sultan of Oman gets invitation from President of Kazakhstan
Kazakh Ambassador met with Special Representative of NATO
Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy
These MFing kooky Kazakhs will talk to anything with a pulse!
Currently it is generally accepted that aliens are making use of an underwater UFO base in the Caspian Sea which Kazakhstan borders.It is? by who?
The head of Kazakhstan’s space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is said to be heavily involved in the embassy project. Musabayev is an ex-cosmonaut who has spent many hours in space and is an ex-colleague of Gasimov.Okeedoke then!
It is believed that he possesses a large amount of information on the aliens currently visiting earth. Kazakhstan’s acceptance of the reality of alien visitors to earth has won it the admiration of many ufologists, especially those in the west, who wonder when their countries will follow this example.
Why Kazakhstan decided to become the world's “nuclear depot”
Natural resources :
MAJOR deposits of petroleum, natural gas, coal, iron ore, manganese, chrome ore, nickel, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, bauxite, gold & URANIUMKazakhstan Leads Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone Initiative
The Aliens will be so proud.
Kazakhstan, also Kazakstan (Kazakh: Қазақстан, Qazaqstan, IPA: [qɑzɑqˈstɑn]; Russian: Казахстан, Kazakhstán, Russian pronunciation: [kazəxˈstan]), officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a large Eurasian country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ranked as the ninth largest country in the world as well as the world's largest landlocked country,[5][6] it has a territory of 2,727,300 km² (greater than Western Europe). It is bordered by Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China. The country also borders on a significant part of the Caspian Sea
Russia and Iraq May Revive Pre-War Contracts
Protesters Beaten In Moldova
More protests in Georgian capital
Mikheil Saakashvili : Where Are My Western Friends?
Youth Activist Severely Beaten During Georgia Protests
Turkmenistan accuses Gazprom of causing pipeline explosion
Gazprom, 2014:
Russia’s natural gas export monopoly, aims to quadruple its market value to $1 trillion within a decade and become the world’s biggest company.Russia creates retail giant with state banks
Russia's Top Judge Defends Authoritarian Rule
In a speech in St. Petersburg on April 7, the chairman of Russia's Constitutional Court argued that due to the economic crisis, Russia could descend into anarchy and then turn to totalitarianism. To prevent this, he said, the Kremlin has the right to employ authoritarian methods to save the country from disaster.Now, STFU. No further questions, Spudniktariats!
Congressman Says 17 House Members Are Socialists
Just 17?
I hear they got 15 jugglers and 5 believers up in there somewhere too.
NYT:Weekend Opinionator: A Different Sort of Red America
The best way to rob us is to own a bank
North Carolina, Colorado Banks Shut as 2009 Failures Reach 23
Do economists know any more than us?
LOL! Judging by the last 7 -8 months? No.
The rise of the TARP state
Tick Tock! How long till the Gold Man is on to me?
Goldman Sachs is attempting to shut down a dissident blogger who is extremely critical of the investment bank, its board members and its practices.
Grassley opposes idea of national health board
Yeah? So do I.
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley said Thursday that he opposes establishing a national health board as part of health care reform legislation, arguing that such a body would wield too much influence.A national board would increase the chances of government bureaucrats coming between doctors and patients, Grassley said.CIA abandons use of contract interrogators
Energy secretary visits Sandia lab
The nation's energy secretary says the scientific work that the federal weapons laboratories do outside their central mission of making sure nuclear weapons are reliable is vital to that core.
Cyber Wars: Turn out the lights, the party's over
Greek Orthodox Byzantine Chant
Behold, the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night...