Wings ~ 1976
Beware My Love
The top human rights official at the United Nations says he doesn't expect any problems or boycotts heading into the upcoming racism summit in Geneva.U.N. Human Rights High Commissioner Navi Pillay said the adoption of a revised declaration that removed direct references to Israel seemed to satisfy the vast majority of the nations that will attend The Durban Review Conference next month.
I heard they wanted to replace "Israel" with "JOOOOOOOOOS!" but eventually figured out that wouldn't work well. YET. Maybe next year.
A 24-year-old Chicago man was charged Friday with threatening to set off explosives near Jewish schools in the metropolitan area if Israel didn't halt military actions in Gaza.
Mohammed T. Alkaramla, a native of Jordan, was ordered held without bond after being his arrest, according to the FBI.

Pakistan, much like what once happened to neighboring Afghanistan, is on its way to becoming a Taliban state, which is devastating news to Pakistani Christians. Violent insurrections incited by an array of militant Islamic groups have plunged parts of the North-West Frontier Province into anarchy. As the Taliban there gains power it markets its own extreme and intolerant brand of Islamic law that condones death for Muslims who convert to Christianity.US may boost development, military aid to Pakistan
Taliban threaten to behead Canadian hostage
She was a thug hugging glow ballin' breathlessly willing Gramscian whore of the caliphate and now she is getting the real deal. Be careful what you wish for.

Israel's Peres sends holiday greeting to Iran
Khatami stepped aside for noble reasons
The oh so noble mythical moderate taqiyyalope...... is a savage.
Australian Archbishop defends Khatami meeting
Iranian Leaders Ignore Obama's Outstretched Hand
Iran's Khamenei rebuffs Obama overture

Politely, naturally
"Bullying powers should learn how to speak correctly and be polite so Iran's cultured and peace-loving people listen to them," Ahmadinejad saidBarack Obama's appeal for a 'new beginning' with Iran has been met by an Iranian pledge to turn on the country's nuclear power plant this year
In an unusually swift reaction to Mr Obama's overture, Aliakbar Javanfekr, an aide to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Iran welcomed "the interest of the American government to settle differences".But he said that the US government "should realise its previous mistakes and make an effort to amend them". In an almost simultaneous announcement Iran's energy minister, Parviz Fattah, said that the country would "finish and operate" its controversial Russian-built Bushehr nuclear plant by the end of the year."Iran has chosen a direction for achieving peaceful nuclear energy. We have mainly reached this aim," he said at the World Water Forum in Istanbul.

Russia: No sign Iranian nuclear programme has military purpose
This sign not in use.
Iran now on the brink of making the bomb
Iran's nuclear deception

This is the actual headline: Populist Anger At AIG Spilling Over
The Unholy State of Obamanation must to create much "angry populism" in order to set up glorious revolutionary justification for destroying it utterly, schizoid proles. Da. S'right. You heard me.
Google News Search: POPULIST ANGER
Results 1 – 10 of about 1,013 for populist anger
Obama faces an angry nation
Of Populists!
1892, Amer.Eng., from L. populus "people." Originally in reference to the Populist Party, organized Feb. 1892 to promote certain issues important to farmers and workers. The term outlasted the party, and by 1920s came to mean "representing the views of the masses" in a general way.
$2.5 Billion in Merrill Bonuses Would Elude Tax
Wouldn't want to confuse all you proles now that the AIG POPULIST ANGER BRAND is working so well... so STFU and move along, nothing to see here.
This piece of pay per view populist outrage being sponsored by ACORN & pals:
The tour schedule is as follows:YOU'RE SOAKING IN IT.
10 a.m. Pick up at the Working Families headquarters in Hartford at 30 Arbor St.
11 a.m. Pick up in Bridgeport at the ACORN offices at 2320 Main St.
Tour and Protest at AIG Financial Products headquarters, 50 Danbury Road, and executives' homes
2:30 p.m. Return to Bridgeport
3:30 p.m. Return to Hartford

Lest We Forget:
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 2008(UPI) -- Conservatives attacked Republican U.S. President George Bush for approving the Federal Reserve's $85 billion takeover of American International Group Inc. (NYSE:AFF)December, 2008: AIG Bailout Promotes Shariah Law, Lawsuit Claims
Conservatives decried the bailout -- the third this month, after the government's takeover of the Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCPK:FDRNP) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (OTCPK:FREJO) -- as a betrayal of the party's free-market philosophy.

Conservatism: The Trouble with Republicans
The Republicans are not going to garner any significant support by implicitly endorsing Obama’s aggressive takeover of the economy by bickering over such minor issues as the amount of pork in the stimulus legislation or by harping on whether or not Obama and the new Treasury Secretary “knew” about the AIG executive bonuses before taking an 80% ownership in the company.
Abetting both the Democrats and the Republicans in that exercise in fascism are the news media, which continue to report the lie that American taxpayers “own“ that 80%. I have heard no Republican point this out. Nor have I heard any conservative warn the nation about the peril of forcing AIG executives to return their bonuses, which would be an assault on contract law via ex post facto taxation, regardless of those executives‘ culpability in the subprime mortgage fiasco. No Republican has upbraided Congressman Barney Frank for demanding a list of those executives‘ names, which he would hand over to a Congressional lynch mob.

Bloomberg pledges support for Obama economic programs
Bank of America's Countrywide Financial sues AIG unit
Goldman CFO Says No Discussions With Paulson Over AIG Trades
Goldman Sachs to Clarify ‘Misperceptions’ About Ties to AIG
Goldman Sachs defends $13-billion payment from AIG
Goldman Confirms $6 Billion AIG Bets
Goldman Sachs Made Billions Shorting AIG
Chavez May Announce Devaluation, Goldman Sachs Says
Yeah? So how TF do they know?

Toxic Asset Plan Foresees Big Subsidies for Investors
Calamitous day sees banks, credit unions seized
The pace of the ongoing credit crisis quickened significantly Friday when regulators seized three banks and placed two large corporate credit unions into conservatorship, citing a need to "stabilize the corporate credit union system." Banks in Colorado, Georgia and Kansas were closed by regulators, bringing the number of bank failures this year to 20, while the National Credit Union Administration Board seized corporate credit unions in California and Kansas that have a combined $57 billion in assets. Corporate credit unions are chartered to act as a sort of clearinghouse for the credit unions that serve consumers.
Stulting Unwits of the Apocolypse meet with the Russians

With less than two weeks left before his first meeting with President Obama, Russia’s president, Dmitri A. Medvedev, hosted a group of veteran American policy makers that the Russian news media have dubbed “the wise men,” saying he welcomes the shift in tone coming from Washington.Mother Russia is nothing if not helpful:
Russia to help defend Abkhazia, S. Ossetia borders
Turkey and Russia on the rise
Hopefully great white Soviet hunter Bad Vlad wont shoot them like he did the tiger

Speaking at a conference under the rubric "Summit on Energy Security" at West Lafayette, Indiana, this month, the powerful chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar, characterized Venezuela, Iran and Russia as "adversarial regimes" that were using energy supplies as "leverage" in foreign policy.
Lugar said: "We are used to thinking in terms of conventional warfare between nations, but energy is becoming a weapon of choice for those who possess it."
Extracts from the transcript of a meeting on September 14 between President Vladimir Putin and Alexei Miller, the chairman of Gazprom...
Announcing the "economic dialogue" with China on Wednesday, visiting US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the dialogue "reflects the 21st-century global economy and redefines the economic relations between the United States and China." China was quick to respond, with Paulson's counterpart, Vice Premier Wu Yi, saying "It will also have a positive impact on the development of the world economy as well as on global stability and security."

Greek former minister:Burgas-Alexandroupoli pipeline is a phantom
RosUkrEnergo (RUE) warns of new Ukraine-Russia gas crisis
World Bank Official Warns Of Poverty Risk To Turkmenistan
Disagreement continues within the EU on Nabucco
Hungary's prime minister to quit
The Socialist leader, in power since 2004, told his party congress that he considered himself a hindrance to further economic and social reforms.China’s Maturing Relationship with Latin America
Is psychiatry more corrupt than other medical specialties?
In 2007, the New York Times examined the payments made to all doctors in Minnesota in the years since that state passed one of the first laws in the nation requiring the public disclosure of payments from the pharmaceutical industry. Based on that investigation, Times reporters concluded that as a specialty, psychiatry topped the list in lucrative drug company payments.Senate confirms Obama's "science team"

The Air Force is awarding an undefinitized with firm fixed price contract to Raytheon Missile Systems of Tucson, Ariz., for an amount not to exceed $23,000,000
Swarm of quakes bedevil Hanford, Oregon
This vexing bedevilment has scientists puzzled yet again!
It's been a jittery week at eastern Washington's Hanford Nuclear Reservation, where more than 100 small earthquakes have been detected in the past seven days.The quakes are part of an earthquake "swarm" that has puzzled scientists since it began at the first of the year. As of Friday, monitors at Hanford had detected more than 700 earthquakes since Jan. 4, said Alan Rohay, senior scientist and seismologist with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which operates at Hanford.
Mount Redoubt blowing ash, steam
"I'm really tired of this bull," Mr. Ai said:
'No living thing left' as Tonga volcano eruptsOne of China's most prominent and provocative artists is challenging the government to end what he calls its cover-up of incompetence in managing the response to an earthquake last May in Sichuan Province that killed more than 80,000 people.
The artist, Ai Weiwei, 51, who helped design the Olympic National Stadium known as the Bird's Nest, is creating a sensation in China by posting angry commentaries about the quake rescue efforts on his popular blog.
Underwater volcano creates new island off Tonga
George Harrison & Leon Russell~ 1971
Beware of Darkness