Sergei Rachmaninoff
Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor
Șalom și salut, necredincioșilor, fiarelor, și Paisanoviților! Bine ați venit la casa căinței. Priviți coafura zionistă, refractară a Babei Z cum scînteiează, în timp ce ea izgonește pe Curvele Gramsciene, Porcii Fasciști, Papii din Laodicea, și Fiarele prădătoare ale Islamului, dîndu-i pe Mîna Atotputernică a Dumnezeului lui Israel. După ce se va termina de biciuit, se vor servi pișcoturi gramsciene și lapte de capră în salon. Vă rugăm și să gustați din plăcinta ocupației zioniste. L’Chaim!
June 2008:U.S. suspends move of embassy to Jerusalem - AGAINLate on Friday The Washington Times' Christian Bourge obtained a copy of Presidential Determination 2009-19, latest in a series of pro forma memos to the Secretary of State entitled "Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act." This determination is a legally required waiver under said act to continue to delay the May 31, 1999 deadline for moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Nearly identical memos like this have been issued every six months for the last decade. Standard procedure, no big deal, right? Well in the Bush years the memo contained the sentence,
The Obama team has edited that passage out. This explains the Friday evening release. Congress should revisit the Jerusalem Embassy Act and remove the loophole that has allowed this charade to continue for ten years. Meanwhile the president should explain exactly what his policy is on this issue, and why he is not committed to beginning the process of moving the embassy."My Administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our embassy to Jerusalem."
June 2008
Straight From the State Department Website
Israel annexed the city in 1967 and proclaimed it to be Israel’s eternal, undivided capital.
Palestinians seek East Jerusalem as their capital.
Successive U.S. Administrations have maintained that the parties must determine the fate of Jerusalem in negotiations. H.Con.Res. 60, June 10, 1997, and S.Con.Res. 21, May20, 1997, called on the Administration to affirm that Jerusalem must remain the undivided capital of Israel.
Congress has repeatedly prohibited official U.S. government business with the PA in Jerusalem and the use of appropriated funds to create U.S. government offices in Israel to conduct business with the PA and allows Israel to be recorded as the place of birth of U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem.
These provisions are again in H.R. 2764, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, passed in both houses on December 19, 2007.
The State Department does not recognize Jerusalem, Israel as a place of birth for passports
because the U.S. government does not recognize all of Jerusalem as part of Israel.
A related issue is the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Proponents argue that Israel is the only country where a U.S. embassy is not in the capital, that Israel’s claim to West Jerusalem, proposed site of an embassy, is unquestioned, and that Palestinians must be disabused of their hope for a capital in Jerusalem.
Opponents say a move would undermine the peace process and U.S. credibility in the Islamic world and with Palestinians, and would prejudge the final status of the city.
P.L. 104-45, November 8, 1995, provided for the embassy’s
relocation by May 31, 1999, but granted the President authority, in national security interest, to suspend limitations on State Department expenditures that would be imposed if the embassy did not open. Presidents Clinton and Bush each used the authority several times.
The State Department Authorization Actf or FY2002-FY2003,
P.L. 107-228, September 30, 2002, urged the President to begin relocating the U.S. Embassy“immediately.
”The President replied that the provision would “if construed
as mandatory ... impermissibly interfere with the president’s constitutional authority to conduct the nation’s foreign affairs.”
The State Department declared, “our view of Jerusalem is unchanged. Jerusalem is a permanent status issue to be negotiated between the parties."
"Very small things, like saying 'shukran' (thank you) or 'salaam aleikum' (peace be upon you) or quoting from the Quran ... these are hugely significant things," said Munir Jiwa, director of the Center for Islamic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.OIC Secretary General Welcomes President Obama's Cairo Speech
The Secretary General stated that the speech clearly confirmed the desire of the US Administration to make a new beginning in the relations between the US and the Muslim world. He also felt that President Obama gave signals of a more balanced approach on the part of the US Administration to the Middle East conflict, where an active US contribution as an honest broker is more vital than ever.IAEA Reports Iranian Nuclear Progress
The FBI confirmed Wednesday it was investigating the possibility an Atlanta Jewish site was among other planned targets of a Muslim convert accused of killing a soldier outside a Conway, Ark., recruiting center this week.UCLA student told she can't say Jesus
Stephen Emmett, spokesman for the Atlanta FBI office, said the investigation into the shooting turned up evidence to suggest Abdulhakim Muhammad, 23, of Little Rock, had plans for a “Jewish entity” in Atlanta.
The Associated Press reported memos from the investigation showed Little Rock, as well as New York, Philadelphia, Louisville, Ky., and Memphis, were also on his list. Emmett declined to say what specific site in Atlanta might have been in Muhammad’s plans, but “precautions were taken [in Atlanta] because of the serious nature of the Little Rock” shooting. Muhammad, a Muslim convert, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to state charges in Arkansas he killed Pvt. William Long, 23, and wounded Pvt. Quinton I. Ezeagwula, 18. Muhammad is being held without bond.
Hurley's e-mail response to Popa had said, "UCLA is a public university where the doctrine of separation of church and state is observed, in order to respect the sheer diversity of religious beliefs among the people who come here. Since that is so, we do permit MCDB graduates to thank God in their words of wisdom, but we also ask that they refrain from making more specific religious references of any kind."San Fran Resolution Against Vatican’s Anti-Gay Instructions OK’dShe continued: "In this setting, even I would not personally be comfortable reading: 'I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.' Therefore, I need to let you know that I will read your Words of Wisdom as follows: First, I want to thank God….
"I hope that you can be okay with the above, given all the circumstances that exist," the e-mail said.
Klingenschmitt, who had assembled a petition on his website on the issue, faced punishment over the use of the name of Jesus in prayers and still is pursuing a court action seeking reinstatement.
The U.S. Justice Department said on Friday it is launching an investigation into the murder of Kansas abortion provider George Tiller, who had been reviled by anti-abortion groups.Graduating students defy ACLU ~ Seniors stand and recite Lord's Prayer
The Justice Department said it would investigate whether Tiller's murder violated a 1994 U.S. law that establishes penalties for those who block access to abortion services.
Kansas authorities have charged Scott Roeder with murder in the Sunday shooting death of Tiller in his church.
Tiller was one of only a few physicians in the United States willing to perform late-term abortions, those performed after the 20th week of gestation when a fetus potentially could survive outside the womb and legal under certain conditions.
"Many of the students also painted crosses on their graduation caps to make a statement of faith," the organization reported.Feds Arrest Man on 'Mission to Kill the President'
Daniel James Murray was arrested at a casino in Laughlin, Nev., Friday without incident by federal and local authorities.Murray allegedly told authorities he was part of a mission to kill the president, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Salt Lake City told ABC News. The suspect is believed to have access to firearms.
Russia's Defense Ministry offered a novel reinterpretation of history on June 4, announcing in a paper published on its website that World War II was caused by none other than -- the Poles!Russia to wait on US before cutting nuclear arsenal
The research paper was not an official government statement, but the author, Colonel Sergei Kovalyov, is the director of the scientific-research department of military history in the ministry's Institute of Military History.
The Defense Ministry has now distanced itself from the piece, removing it from the site and telling journalists that it "must not be considered the official point of view of the Defense Ministry."
The highest-ranking law enforcement official in the Russian republic of Dagestan and one of his deputies were fatally shot when a gunman strafed their car with automatic weapon fire as they left a restaurant on Friday, Russia’s chief prosecutor announced. Interior Minister Adilgerei Magomedtagirov, left, and his chief of logistics died in the hospital.Ambassador Of Saudi Arabia Finishes Diplomatic Mission In Turkmenistan
The new directors, among them ex-Federal Reserve Board Governor Susan Bies and Donald Powell, former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., inherit a lender that faces the biggest capital gap among 19 companies scrutinized in federal stress tests. This week, it replaced Chief Risk Officer Amy Woods Brinkley with Gregory L. Curl, a three-decade bank veteran who helped Lewis arrange acquisitions including Countrywide Financial Corp.
Pepco Energy Services conducts comprehensive energy audits and identifies improvements that will save energy at government facilities. In consultation with agency customers, Pepco Energy Services designs and constructs projects that meet the agency's needs and arranges financing to pay for it. These improvements are projected to generate savings sufficient to pay for the project over the term of the contract. After the contract ends, all additional cost savings accrue to the agency.US Arrests Former State Dept Official on Cuba Spying Charges
U.S. officials said they arrested Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn after an undercover operation in Washington. They said Walter Myers worked at the State Department for nearly 30 years, partly at the department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, before retiring in 2007.DHS Nominee Pulls Out as Role at CIA Is Studied
A longtime CIA official chosen by President Obama to be the intelligence chief at the Department of Homeland Security withdrew from consideration yesterday after it became apparent that senators examining his nomination planned to scrutinize his role in the agency's interrogation of terrorism suspects.Official: Michelle Obama's Top Aide Resigned to Escape Bureaucracy
Philip Mudd, a former deputy director at both the CIA's Office of Terrorism Analysis and the National Counterterrorism Center, was scheduled to appear next week before the Senate as the nominee for undersecretary of intelligence and analysis at Homeland Security.
Barker was one of five men who broke into the Watergate building in Washington, D.C., on June 17, 1972. They were trying to plant a wiretap at the Democratic National Committee headquarters to gather information on Richard Nixon's Democratic opponent in the upcoming presidential election, George McGovern.New CDC chief controversial
Four of the burglars -- Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Rolando Eugenio Martinez and Frank Sturgis -- were anti-Castro activists recruited in Miami by CIA agent E. Howard Hunt. The fifth, James W. McCord, was a former CIA agent and security consultant on Nixon's campaign staff.
He spearheaded a campaign to increase taxes on cigarettes and ban smoking in restaurants and bars. He supported needle exchange programs and condom distribution to help prevent AIDS, producing condoms with the city’s NYC logo and the slogan “Get Some.”FDA: Adult Antipsychotic Drugs Effective in ChildrenHe enraged restaurant owners when he expanded the city’s smoking ban to include all workplaces, including restaurants and bars.
We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but forty years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon. At dawn, on the morning of the 6th of June, 1944, two hundred and twenty-five Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs.
Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns. The Allies had been told that some of the mightiest of these guns were here, and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the Allied advance.
The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs, shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades. And the American Rangers began to climb. They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up. When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a Ranger would grab another and begin his climb again. They climbed, shot back, and held their footing. Soon, one by one, the Rangers pulled themselves over the top, and in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe. Two hundred and twenty-five came here. After two days of fighting, only ninety could still bear arms.
And behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. And before me are the men who put them there. These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. And these are the heroes who helped end a war. Gentlemen, I look at you and I think of the words of Stephen Spender's poem. You are men who in your "lives fought for life and left the vivid air signed with your honor."
I think I know what you may be thinking right now -- thinking "we were just part of a bigger effort; everyone was brave that day." Well everyone was. Do you remember the story of Bill Millin of the 51st Highlanders? Forty years ago today, British troops were pinned down near a bridge, waiting desperately for help. Suddenly, they heard the sound of bagpipes, and some thought they were dreaming. Well, they weren't. They looked up and saw Bill Millin with his bagpipes, leading the reinforcements and ignoring the smack of the bullets into the ground around him.
Lord Lovat was with him -- Lord Lovat of Scotland, who calmly announced when he got to the bridge, "Sorry, I'm a few minutes late," as if he'd been delayed by a traffic jam, when in truth he'd just come from the bloody fighting on Sword Beach, which he and his men had just taken.
There was the impossible valor of the Poles, who threw themselves between the enemy and the rest of Europe as the invasion took hold; and the unsurpassed courage of the Canadians who had already seen the horrors of war on this coast. They knew what awaited them there, but they would not be deterred. And once they hit Juno Beach, they never looked back.
All of these men were part of a roll call of honor with names that spoke of a pride as bright as the colors they bore; The Royal Winnipeg Rifles, Poland's 24th Lancers, the Royal Scots' Fusiliers, the Screaming Eagles, the Yeomen of England's armored divisions, the forces of Free France, the Coast Guard's "Matchbox Fleet," and you, the American Rangers.
Forty summers have passed since the battle that you fought here. You were young the day you took these cliffs; some of you were hardly more than boys, with the deepest joys of life before you. Yet you risked everything here. Why? Why did you do it? What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? What inspired all the men of the armies that met here? We look at you, and somehow we know the answer. It was faith and belief. It was loyalty and love.
The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead, or on the next. It was the deep knowledge -- and pray God we have not lost it -- that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause. And you were right not to doubt.
You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One's country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you.
The Americans who fought here that morning knew word of the invasion was spreading through the darkness back home. They fought -- or felt in their hearts, though they couldn't know in fact, that in Georgia they were filling the churches at 4:00 am. In Kansas they were kneeling on their porches and praying. And in Philadelphia they were ringing the Liberty Bell.
Something else helped the men of D-day; their rock-hard belief that Providence would have a great hand in the events that would unfold here; that God was an ally in this great cause. And so, the night before the invasion, when Colonel Wolverton asked his parachute troops to kneel with him in prayer, he told them: "Do not bow your heads, but look up so you can see God and ask His blessing in what we're about to do." Also, that night, General Matthew Ridgway on his cot, listening in the darkness for the promise God made to Joshua: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee."
These are the things that impelled them; these are the things that shaped the unity of the Allies.
When the war was over, there were lives to be rebuilt and governments to be returned to the people. There were nations to be reborn. Above all, there was a new peace to be assured. These were huge and daunting tasks. But the Allies summoned strength from the faith, belief, loyalty, and love of those who fell here. They rebuilt a new Europe together. There was first a great reconciliation among those who had been enemies, all of whom had suffered so greatly. The United States did its part, creating the Marshall Plan to help rebuild our allies and our former enemies. The Marshall Plan led to the Atlantic alliance -- a great alliance that serves to this day as our shield for freedom, for prosperity, and for peace.
In spite of our great efforts and successes, not all that followed the end of the war was happy or planned. Some liberated countries were lost. The great sadness of this loss echoes down to our own time in the streets of Warsaw, Prague, and East Berlin. The Soviet troops that came to the center of this continent did not leave when peace came. They're still there, uninvited, unwanted, unyielding, almost forty years after the war. Because of this, allied forces still stand on this continent. Today, as forty years ago, our armies are here for only one purpose: to protect and defend democracy. The only territories we hold are memorials like this one and graveyards where our heroes rest.
We in America have learned bitter lessons from two world wars. It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. But we try always to be prepared for peace, prepared to deter aggression, prepared to negotiate the reduction of arms, and yes, prepared to reach out again in the spirit of reconciliation. In truth, there is no reconciliation we would welcome more than a reconciliation with the Soviet Union, so, together, we can lessen the risks of war, now and forever.
It's fitting to remember here the great losses also suffered by the Russian people during World War II. Twenty million perished, a terrible price that testifies to all the world the necessity of ending war. I tell you from my heart that we in the United States do not want war. We want to wipe from the face of the earth the terrible weapons that man now has in his hands. And I tell you, we are ready to seize that beachhead. We look for some sign from the Soviet Union that they are willing to move forward, that they share our desire and love for peace, and that they will give up the ways of conquest. There must be a changing there that will allow us to turn our hope into action.
We will pray forever that someday that changing will come. But for now, particularly today, it is good and fitting to renew our commitment to each other, to our freedom, and to the alliance
Here, in this place where the West held together, let us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Let our actions say to them the words for which Matthew Ridgway listened: "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee."
Strengthened by their courage and heartened by their value [valor] and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died.
Thank you very much, and God bless you all.
~ The Gipper
On June 6, 1944, a date known ever since as D-Day, a mighty armada crossed a narrow strip of sea from England to Normandy, France, and cracked the Nazi grip on western Europe. Encyclopædia Britannica tells the story of the Normandy Invasion through the spoken recollections of veterans who fought it, the newsreels that brought the news home, and the written words of historians who have dedicated years to studying the great campaign.
"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?... Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?... The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."
- George Orwell, 1984
The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, ran a front-page story June 4 on Obama's speech earlier that day. The newspaper called it an effort to open "a new beginning in relations between the United States and the Arab world."Horowitz, in FrontPage: "An American Leader Stands Up For His Country":
It said the president "went beyond political formulas, evoking concrete common interests in the name of a common humanity," including peace, security, education, work, family life and religious values.
Conservatives will make a great mistake if they fail to see this speech for what it was, and treat it as another round in the partisan food fight. It was not an appeasement our enemies. It was a forthright statement by an American leader in a Muslim capital explaining why America is in fact the global leader in those battles that matter most to people everywhere: freedom, equality, and peace. As conservatives we have many quarrels with the Obama administration – and we should have. But this speech is not one of them.In Suicidal Post Adonai ~ Elohim Israel:
"In the speech there is reinforcement and encouragement for moderate elements and supporters of peace; there is also outspoken criticism of terrorism and [its] origins of violence and extremism that are threatening the stability of our region and the entire world," said Barak in a statement.
He added that Israel lauded Obama's commitment to its existence and security, and his calls for the country's integration in Middle East.
"Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain."Obama's Far Lesser Dissected April Ankara Address
- George Orwell, 1984
Hamas urged Barack Obama on Wednesday to back up his words with actions and to put “real pressure” on Israel, a day before the US president’s much-anticipated speech to the Muslim world. “We will judge this visit on the basis of what he will say and concrete measures that he will take,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum told AFP. “We hope to see concrete measures on the part of the American administration, such as real pressure against the Zionist enemy so that it lifts the Gaza blockade, puts an end to aggression and to settlements. “This visit will be a real test for Obama,” he said. Hamas, which swept Palestinian elections in January 2006 and subsequently shunned by West and Israel, is considered a terrorist organisation by Israel and the United States. The Islamic Resistance Movement seized control of Gaza in June 2007, ousting forces loyal to the US-propped President Mahmud Abbas in a week of deadly street fighting.Palestinians expect Obama to change pro-Israel policy
Talks between Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah and US President Barack Obama here yesterday focused on joint efforts, closer coordination and more Saudi support to revive the Middle East peace process while many other regional and international issues were also taken up for discussion by the two leaders. Some of them included the nuclear standoff with Iran, oil and global energy market as well as US relations with the Muslim world.BTW? The Bling? It holds a medal....“I thought it was very important to come to the place where Islam began and to seek His Majesty King Abdullah’s counsel,” Obama said before the talks.
Here's Vlad getting his
Here's GWB getting his
"From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party:Leiberman: Israel will not bomb Iran
- George Orwell, 1984
Iran's supreme leader dismissed President Obama's speech at Cairo University Thursday, saying the Muslim world continues to "hate America." And he criticized the United States and its allies for asserting that Iran seeks nuclear weapons, which he insisted are forbidden under Iran's brand of Islam.Obama to Iran: Let Us 'Move Forward'
A report on Iran's nuclear program issued by the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee last month generated news stories publicizing an incendiary charge that US intelligence is underestimating Iran's progress in designing a "nuclear warhead" before the halt in nuclear weapons-related research in 2003.OBAMA SEZ: Iran nuclear showdown at 'decisive point'
Sudan is expecting to complete work to double the capacity of the country's largest refinery in Khartoum in 2011, a senior official said on Wednesday. Sudan which currently pumps some 500,000 barrels a day, will boost capacity of the refinery to 200,000 bpd, Salah H. Wahbi, the president and chief executive of state oil firm Sudapet told reporters on the sidelines of an industry conference.Denying Reform At the UN Human Rights Council
The nation is witnessing two ideas of how to proceed on the corrupt UN Human Rights Council: to join the body as an equal member with Cuba and China as the Obama administration desires, or to pass a Republican bill withholding funds until the council has earned them by reforming itself.
On May 12, 2009, the United Nations General Assembly voted to fill 18 seats on the UN Human Rights Council. The United States chose to run for a three-year term on the council for the first time and was elected, joining such human rights "exemplars" as Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Obama administration officials, including UN Ambassador Susan Rice, believe that they can bring about reform of this dysfunctional council from within. That's not going to happen.
We will be outvoted every time because of the way the council is presently structured. Republican Congressman Cliff Stearns, R-FL, has a much better idea. Cut off U.S. funding for the council, he says, until it truly mends its ways. On the same day that the United States won its seat and thereby legitimized the council by our membership, Congressman Stearns introduced a bill (H.R. 2376) in the House of Representatives that called out the council for the despicable body it truly is. From the outset of the Human Rights Council's existence in 2006, it was clear that it was going to provide "a table for tyrants," in the words of former president of the Czech Republic and human rights activist Vaclav Havel.
A federal appeals judge late on Tuesday agreed to temporarily halt the sale of Chrysler's assets to Fiat, a move that could stall Chrysler's exit from bankruptcy proceedings, the Washington Post reports this morning. The decision is a big victory for some small-time lenders, a group of Indiana pension funds that hold a relatively puny $42 million worth of Chrysler's massive $6.9 billion debt load. According to the Washington Post, the group "claims the terms of the sale violate their rights as secured lenders by limiting their ability to recover all of their original investment in the company." Opening arguments for the challenge will be heard Friday. The Wall Street Journal, though, says Chrysler did win a small victory. "Any appeals normally go first to a lower, district court. Going directly to the circuit court allows them to skip a step and speed up the process if the company prevails," the newspaper writes, adding though that Chrysler's initial hopes of exiting bankruptcy this week are now dashed.Government Takeover of GM 'Just Short of Socialism,' Economists Say
Members of the housing and mortgage industries, including representatives from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the National Association of Realtors and the Mortgage Bankers Association, testified before Congress yesterday to discuss the status of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs).US Lawmakers Push Short-Selling Changes
FHFA Director James Lockhart talked about three potential roles that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could fulfill moving forward: liquidity provider of last resort of the secondary market for mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and other asset-backed securities, guarantor or catastrophic risk insurer of the credit risk of conventional MBS, or provider of subsidies for increasing the supply or reducing the cost of mortgage credit to targeted borrowers.
Lockhart said the “old, hybrid model” poses too much systemic risk, and notes that five principles must guide the GSEs’ future structure:
The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master for Compensation" to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter.The administration is expected to name Kenneth Feinberg, who oversaw the federal government's compensation fund for victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, to act as a pay czar for the Treasury Department, these people said.
SUMMARY: The Criminal Division (CRM), Department of Justice, proposes to amend its Privacy Act regulations for a newly modified Privacy Act system of records entitled "Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center System," JUSTICE/CRM-028, as described in today's notice section of the Federal Register.Warrantless Wiretapping Cases Dismissed Against Telecom Companies
The "Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force Fusion Center and International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center System," JUSTICE/CRM-028, will be exempt from the subsections of the Privacy Act listed below for the reasons set forth in the following text. Information in this system of records relates to matters of law enforcement, and the exemptions are necessary to avoid interference with law enforcement responsibilities and to protect the privacy of third parties.
Government officials said Wednesday that the accidental Internet posting of a list of government and civilian nuclear facilities and their activities in the United States included no information that compromised national security.WSJ SAYS: Energy Chief Says Nuclear Disclosure 'of Great Concern'
Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who was questioned Wednesday at a House hearing about the disclosure, expressed concern, however, with respect to a uranium storage facility at the department’s Y-12 complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn. The facility holds large quantities of highly enriched uranium, which if obtained could be used to fashion a nuclear weapon.
The accidental disclosure of a report that gives detailed information about the nation's civilian nuclear sites and programs is "of great concern," and U.S. officials intend to closely examine whether it has jeopardized national security, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Wednesday.
A senior United Russia lawmaker submitted a bill to the State Duma on Wednesday to nationalize the troubled factories in a Leningrad region town where residents blocked a highway over wage arrears a day earlier.Russia lawmakers try to nationalise tycoon's factory
The move threatens to open a Pandora's box for the government by encouraging laid-off workers in hundreds of other one-factory towns to demand that their former workplaces be nationalized as well to get closer to the state's money spigots.
The Center for Strategic and International Studies Board of TrusteesThe government of Kazakhstan is paying an influential Washington think tank to write a series of reports and policy recommendations for the US and Kazakhstani governments concerning Astana’s upcoming role as chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), has partnered with a smaller Washington organization, the Institute for New Democracies (IND), to create the US-Kazakhstan Task Force. The task force’s goal is the preparation of policy recommendations that aim to make Astana’s 2010 OSCE chairmanship as productive as possible, said Margarita Assenova, the executive director of IND.
But many observers, including some task force participants, contend the project appears to be an attempt by the Kazakhstani government to influence Astana’s image in Washington. The task force has issued its first report, which one participant in the process said "could have been written by the Kazakh Embassy." Others involved in the process have described it as "a complete puff piece" and "absurd, totally pro-government," according to one person who was at the last task force meeting and who spoke to EurasiaNet on condition of anonymity. [To see the full text of the report, click here].
Richard Armitage
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Henry A. Kissinger
Brent Scowcroft
James R. Schlesinger
Along with a veritable host of Seizer preferred bankers, industrialists and oil companies.
Also please remember no one is picking up on the Clinton connection here...
Dr. Lawrence J. DeNardis, ChairmanAfter returning from Kazakhstan, he hopes to get his master's degree in international relations and work, in some capacity, for the Obama administration...
Ilona Teleki, Secretary
Quoc Nguyen, Treasurer
Margarita Assenova, Executive Director
Dr. Bulent Aliriza
Patricia A. Fennelly
Dr. Gregory Gleason
Dr. Daniel Nelson
Stephen O’Connor
Mike Stone
Dr. Ronald V. Suare
Founders: Amb. (Ret.) Victor Jackovich, Professor Walter Laqueur, Dr. Martha Brill Olcott, Amb. Michael Novak, Margarita Assenova, Mjusa Sever, Mike Stone, Ilona Teleki, Aimee Breslow, Marek Michalewski, Ruth Greenspan Bell, Radoslaw Sikorski
Raytheon's ARTEMIS sensor activated in orbitPresident Obama this afternoon announced another batch of nominees for ambassadorships, including a Raytheon executive as envoy to Saudi Arabia.
Retired Air Force General Brigadier General James B. Smith is an international business development executive at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems.
Another former executive at the Waltham-based defense contractor, William Lynn III, won confirmation to the No. 2 job at the Pentagon, overcoming questions about his ties to Raytheon.
The other picks are: Carlos Pascual for Mexico, David Jacobson for Canada, Donald Gips to South Africa, Patricia N. Moller to Guinea, Nicole A. Avant to the Bahamas, Kenneth H. Merten to Haiti, and Anne E. Derse to Lithuania.
Today's update from Stratfor Research describes the background of a recent attack on U.S. soldiers in Little Rock, Arkansas. One soldier was killed and another critically wounded by a lone gunman who began shooting from a pickup truck.PETA now tying its latest advertising campaign to the slaying of Tiller
Police quickly apprehended a suspect, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a 21-year-old African-American man and convert to Islam. In his vehicle, police recovered an SKS rifle and two handguns. Muhammad reportedly admitted to the shootings and claimed he had specifically targeted U.S. military personnel; he stated had more soldiers been in the parking lot, he would have shot them too.
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) charged today that top officials at the Library of Congress have interfered with investigations conducted by its independent watchdogs and have frequently admonished investigators for the tone and focus of their investigations. "Your office's attempts to influence and/or control the OIG appear to be in direct contravention of the principles underlying the creation of the Inspectors General," Grassley wrote in a sharply worded letter delivered today to Librarian of the United States James H. Billington.4.0 in Utah
He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
- George Orwell, 1984