THE WATCHMAN at the gates is a powerful image. But of course the defense of Jerusalem cannot begin at the gates. And guarding Jerusalem is not simply a matter of physical strength. It requires spiritual commitment and wisdom as well. Indeed, defenders of Zion require a greater mix of physical and spiritual strength than any defenders of any spot on earth. Both our recent and ancient history as a people is one continuous testament to this truth. And it is this aspect of Jerusalem - the eternal and temporal front line of the Jewish people - that I wish to discuss with you.Obama Says: U.S. Could Be Seen as a Muslim Country, Too!
In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” He sought to downplay the expectations of the speech, but he said he hoped the address would raise awareness about Muslims. “Now, I think it’s very important to understand that one speech is not going to solve all the problems in the Middle East,” Mr. Obama said. “And so I think expectations should be somewhat modest.”

First, he is bypassing Israel. Visiting the Middle East and not going to Israel would be like touring North America and omitting a stop in the United States. It only makes sense if you interpret it as a deliberate slap in the face of Jerusalem and a statement to the Arab world that America's pro-Israeli policy is changing.Obama Talks of Being 'Honest' With Israel
But as he goes to Saudi Arabia, the United States State Department, headed by Mrs. Hillary Clinton, has announced that it has accepted the ground rules for media coverage of the Obama visit to the royal family and its domain. Reporters will only be allowed to cover the actual meetings between the Saudis and Obama and will not be permitted to visit the rest of the country or report on anything else they see during the trip. Those reporters who violate these terms are subject to arrest and imprisonment by the Saudi government!!
He got turnspeak, doublespeak AND triplespoke, this MFer.
President Obama indicated on Monday that he would be more willing to criticize Israel than previous administrations have been, and he reiterated his call for a freeze of Israeli settlements. “Part of being a good friend is being honest,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with NPR News. “And I think there have been times where we are not as honest as we should be about the fact that the current direction, the current trajectory, in the region is profoundly negative, not only for Israeli interests but also U.S. interests.Israel takes down key roadblock in West Bank
tick tick tick
OIC to launch "Saudi Arabia's Educational Convoy" to Gaza
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on....
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) plans to launch "Saudi Arabia's Educational Convoy" as part of the humanitarian campaign initiated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to provide relief to Palestinians in Gaza. The planned convoy will provide 'integrated school bags' for students in the Gaza Strip.INDIA: Concern at reports of Pakistan piling up nuclear weaponsThe OIC will organize the campaign in cooperation with the Committee of Private Schools at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in Jeddah and bookstores. The campaign will seek to cater to the educational needs of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, as well as rehabilitate schools damaged by the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza.
Minister of State for Defence M.M. Pallam Raju, who assumed charge of the office here for the second time, said: “We are concerned because Pakistan is crossing minimum deterrent threshold. We hope international pressure will be exerted on Pakistan to make sure that they stick to minimum deterrent levels.”MEANTIME...:
Russia, US Launch Second Round of START TalksPakistan: Iran partially closes border crossing
China, Russia Delay United Nations Action on Sanctions Against NK
US Releases Secret List of Nuclear Sites Accidentally
That's one HELL of a fucking accident...The federal government mistakenly made public a 266-page report, its pages marked “highly confidential,” that gives detailed information about hundreds of the nation’s civilian nuclear sites and programs, including maps showing the precise locations of stockpiles of fuel for nuclear weapons.

Dead Man Talkin' aka Weekend at Osama's
US eyes extra $200 mln for displaced Pakistanis
Obama Invites Iranian Officials to 4th of July Parties
Ohhhhh Kaaaaayy.....
Well hell, a Mullah in every BBQ then, I say!
Obama says Iran's energy concerns legitimate
US hopes Iran can supply Europe with gas
Iran holds air exercises, launches ships
Sarkozy to meet Iran's foreign minister Wednesday

Now you know that dhimmis and infidels are not civilized so STFU and STFD already.
The former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami is to attend "Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultural Diversity" international conference in Tunisia. Khatami was officially invited by Tunisian Presidnt Zine Abidine Ben Ali and warmly welcomed by Minister of Culture and officials of the country upon his arrival at Qartaj airport. The three-day conference started on Tuesday is hosting cultural figures from different countries. Khatami leading the Iranian International Centre for Dialogue among Civilizations will deliver a speech at the conference.Kuwait's London ambassador praises dialogue of civilizations
Khomeini sets key policies in Iran, not president
Yes we know that but apparently everyone else does not.
Obama's Radical Cousin Odinga Meets With Ahmadinejad In Tehran
[insert your own odinga danga bingbong ditties here]
Iran: Larijani urges OIC counterparts to prevent change of al-Qods status
Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani on Monday called on speakers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member states to take action against the insulting move by the Zionist regime to change the historical and religious status of al-Quds.Red Cross "repatriates" 260 Iranian rebels from Iraq
Larijani, who is the head of the OIC Parliamentary Union Council, made the call in a letter to OIC speakers after receiving a report from Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) speaker on moves by the Zionist regime to change historical and religious status of al-Qods.
"I deplore the Zionist regime for undertaking a number of serious operations to change the historical and religious image of Qods, including the destruction of walls and removal of gates, ruining the surrounding areas and holy sites. More painful is that about 200,000 oppressed Palestinian citizens residing in areas near the holy sites have been made homeless and the properties of the defenseless people have been confiscated," said Larijani in the message.
Mighty white of the reds.
"The Jews deserved their annihilation by Hitler"
~ Muslim woman psychologist (Oxymoronic deeeeeeluxe, nu?)
Likely this vile bitch is now under a Fatwa for admitting the holocaust even HAPPENED in the first place. Saying we deserved it will not save her clit from the wrath of the Mutaweenies!

OK. You tell me exactly HowTF this makes any sense at all:
Somalia adopts sharia to counter militias
MOGADISHU: Somalia's parliament has voted unanimously to institute Islamic law, a measure MPs hope will strengthen popular support for the Government and siphon it away from the Islamist militias fighting an insurgency in the country.Even Mother Jones knows this shit here is bad news:
Should Obama Control the Internet? A new bill would give the President emergency authority to halt web traffic and access private data.Give your hearts to GOD cause your asses belong to Raytheon & the Seizers:
Defense Industry To Reap Benefits Of Federal Cyber-Defense
Most major military companies, such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and General Dynamics, already have multi-billion-dollar cyber defense contractsMo. panel to study fusion center's militia report
The Missouri House has created a committee to study the release of a controversial report suggesting militia members tend to favor certain candidates.The report drew Republican criticism when it was released earlier this year by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, which is part of the Highway Patrol. The center collects intelligence from state and federal agencies to combat terrorism and criminal activity.The report said some militia members subscribe to militant anti-abortion or anti-illegal immigration movements. It also noted that militia members tended to back such presidential candidates as Republican Congressman Ron Paul, of Texas; Libertarian Bob Barr; and Constitution Party member Chuck Baldwin.

US Marshalls are now guarding abortion providers nationide via the attorney general's federal mandate from mad roving packs of dangerous domestic terrorists...
But there are tumbleweeds rolling past the Jihadists currently reloading at Recruiting Centers around the nation.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered increased security for unnamed individuals and facilities just hours after Dr. George Tiller was shot to death while ushering at his church in Wichita, Kan. Tiller had long been a lightning rod in the national debate about abortion.Statement of the Attorney General on Murder of Doctor George Tiller
Sunday, May 31, 2009:
BOSTON: Hub abortion clinics tighten security"The murder of Doctor George Tiller is an abhorrent act of violence, and his family is in our thoughts and prayers at this tragic moment. Federal law enforcement is coordinating with local law enforcement officials in Kansas on the investigation of this crime,
and I have directed the United States Marshals Service to offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation.
The Department of Justice will work to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice. As a precautionary measure, we will also take appropriate steps to help prevent any related acts of violence from occurring."

The Senate Finance Committee is considering a bipartisan proposal that would require hospitals to provide “a minimum annual level of charitable care” as a condition for getting or keeping the tax-exempt status available to charitable organizations.Congress's Health-Care Push Gains Momentum From Exploding Costs
I am not at all cost effective so expect me to explode very soon.
Congressional Democrats set out today to realize a goal that has eluded presidents and lawmakers three times in the past 60 years: an overhaul of the U.S. health-care system. They say this time will be the charm. Two Senate committees will meet behind closed doors this week to hammer out the contours of the restructuring of a sector that accounts for 17 percent of the U.S. economy.Senators Set to Visit White House to Discuss Health Care Overhaul
They will be racing to meet a deadline set by President Barack Obama, who said last week he wants a measure enacted by year’s end. According to a report released this morning by Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, the president’s plan to revamp the health-care system likely would cut the rate of annual growth in costs by 1.5 percentage points, increasing the gross domestic product by more than 2 percent in 2020 above what it would be if no changes were made.
That's the half white house to you so STFU, cracker.
WHO: World Closer to Swine Flu Pandemic
QUICK! PANIC! Billions of dollars are at stake here!
Plouffe Daddy in THE NATION:
Obama's Organizing Chief: Supporters Push Sotomayor, Health Care
Right down your bitter, clingy, bible quotin', gun totin' throats.
House Republican Is Choice for Secretary of the Army
You do not have two parties, there IS no oppostion.
Say it ten times fast.
The Romanian Car Czar Speaketh:
How do you make Romanian chicken soup?
First, you steal a chicken....
They say history repeats itself. If you are like me and have lived two lives, you have a good chance of seeing the re-enactment with your own eyes. The current takeover of General Motors by the U.S. government and United Auto Workers makes me think back to Romania's catastrophic mismanagement of the car factories it built jointly with the French companies Renault and Citroen. I was Romania's car czar.Nationalizing General MotorsWhen the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu decided in the mid-1960s that he wanted to have a car industry, he chose me to start the project rolling. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. I knew nothing about manufacturing cars, but neither did anyone else among Ceausescu's top men. However, my father had spent most of his life running the service department of the General Motors affiliate in Bucharest.
My job at the time was as head of the Romanian industrial espionage program. Ceausescu tasked me to mediate the purchase of a minimum, basic license for a small car from a major Western manufacturer, and then to steal everything else needed to produce the car.
SHHHHH! You are not supposed to call anything what it is!
Why Socialists Don't Build Good Cars
GM booted off Dow Jones Index; Citi also gets shoved away
GM Press Release on 'New GM'
Welcome to Government Motors!
Press one for English.
Obama Taking Taxpayers on the Government Motors Ride
Stop the ride, I wanna get off.
I gotta hurl.
A History Of Corporate Nationalization

Billion dollar babies!
Goldman Sachs Hires Former SEC Chairman Levitt
Fed Says Banks Must Raise Equity Before Repaying TARP
I told you - only certain banks will be ALLOWED to repay.
They will make it near impossible for the rest to do so.
Watch. You will see.
JPMorgan Raises $5 Billion by Selling 142 Million Shares
TEXT:Bernanke's prepared testimony to House Budget panel
Tim Geithner's visit to Beijing this week is sure to reinvigorate debate about a new world order run by a "G2" of the US and China
There's that fuckin' phrase again!
STFU! None of this is happening!
China's 'socialist road' to misery
China bars reporters from Tiananmen; blocks blogs
Chinese researchers find way to make pig stem cells
Now there's a straight line. [insert wise ass comment here]
Don't say I never gave you anything!
Abu Dhabi set for windfall on Barclays stake sale
2.5 BILLION...
Abu Dhabi sold more than 11 percent of Barclays (BARC.L), making $2.5 billion from an investment that helped the British bank through the financial crisis and raising fears more may cash in on a recent rally in bank shares. The Abu Dhabi government-owned International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) on Tuesday sold about 3.5 billion pounds worth of instruments that are due to convert into Barclays shares by the end of June.

CA: Porterville council to discuss eminent domain policy
Maryland State lawmakers push for federal energy bill
Sen. Paul G. Pinsky said the Maryland legislature moved forward with its own legislation to advance clean energy and reduce greenhouse gases because the federal government was not addressing the issue. "We need federal legislation. We don't want to wait state after state after state," said Pinsky (D-Dist. 22) of University Park. "Even as we worked our rear ends to get this bill passed in Maryland, all along we thought it would be better to have federal legislation that affected everyone."US DOE working with four nuclear developers
The U.S. Energy Department is working quickly to finalize $18.5 billion in loan guarantees that the government hopes will spur the first wave of new nuclear plants in the United States in three decades, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Monday.Igor's Flying Balls?Agency staff is working "closely" on due diligence with four nuclear developers, but none of the 10 active nuclear loan applicants has been eliminated, Chu told the Reuters Global Energy Summit in Washington.
Chu said the current $18.5 billion budget for nuclear project guarantees "probably would not go beyond four projects."
Liberty County Sheriff’s officials are expected to meet with the FAA on Tuesday to discuss what a Continental Express pilot reported as a “missile or rocket” flying near his airplane. A pilot reported to the Federal Aviation Administration that at about 8:15 p.m. Friday, an object passed within 150 feet beneath the aircraft, sheriff’s officials said. The aircraft was near the southern edge of the county, flying at about 13,000 feet, officials said. “The pilot, from what we understand, was former military. He was able to get the coordinates down real quick,” said Cpl. Hugh Bishop with the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff’s deputies searched Friday night for signs of evidence where a missile might have been launched or landed. “We couldn’t find anything,” Bishop said.

My Name is Called VLAD.
Say it.
Germany's ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is a legend in Russia. He serves Gazprom's interests for a measly couple of million euros a year, sits in at sessions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and writes books about his staunch friendship with "Genosse Wladimir," who, in the not-so-distant past, earned himself the well-deserved nickname of "Stasi" among business circles in gangster-ridden St. Petersburg.Russian Stocks Up 85% for 2009
Russian Rally to Power Through "Fear Factor"
Romania set ups joint venture with Gazprom
Poland, Russia sign short-term natural gas deal
Nissan Inaugurates New Plant In Russia

Asks. Politely. After blowing up 115 of their oil rigs.
Vlad makes you an offer, you don't refuse.....
Russia demands Turkmenistan cut price of gas
Turkmenistan hopes to obtain Chinese loan to develop major gas field
Bad Vlad, he must to break you.
TURKMENISTAN: Conscientious objectors jailed
Iran to attend IDB annual meeting in Turkmenistan
Railroad line connecting Kazakhstan with Gulf States to be constructed
GE Transportation enters into two landmark agreements in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan's man in Scotland nets millions by selling his firm
Kyrgyz Emergency Ministry experts leave for Kazakhstan
What would we do without emergency ministry experts I ask you?
Chicken meat worth US $28 thousand smuggled from Tajikistan
There must be Romanians needing to make soup in Uzbekistan!
UK: Law 'will force churches to employ gay staff'
Separation of STATE and Church?
No? That's not a popular concept?
Churches will be banned from turning down gay job applicants on the grounds of their sexuality under new anti-discrimination laws, a Government minister said.Judges: No Bible At Pa. Kindergarten Show And Tell
STFU, Insolent GOD Mouths, Domestic Terrorists!
Do not even show us your bible never mind dare to tell us about it!
A kindergartner's mother cannot read Scripture during show and tell, even if the Bible is the boy's favorite book, a U.S. appeals court said Monday in the latest challenge over religion in public schools.For the fourth year in a row students grades K-5 participated in the Raytheon sponsored "Mad Scientist Day"
Don't you show them your bibles!

They all know how to scream JESUS at death's door... but good for him anyway!
...he believes that atheists are like "people who have no ear for music or who have never been in love."THE CLOSET CONSERVATIVE
So, outta da closet and inta da streets, already, will ya?
Medical pot growth huge in LA despite moratorium
Ancient Jerusalem Stone Is Returned to Israel
An ancient Jerusalem stone, believed to date back to the city’s rule under the Muslim Umayyad dynasty some 1,200 years ago, was returned to Israel by a tourist from New York who stole it 12 years ago. The 21-kilogram stone, a fragment of a marble column, was probably part of the official palace complex of the Umayyad Caliphs, the Muslim rulers who built the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque during their rule from 660 to 750. The stone was returned in a wooden crate. The unidentified person said he regretted the theft and decided to send it back to Israel, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority.Hundreds evacuated after volcano erupts in E Indonesia
6.7 hits near Vanuatu Islands
5.0 shakes Honduras before OAS Hillary Clinton meeting
An earthquake shook Honduras hours before U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other top officials from Organization of American States members convened Tuesday.The magnitude-5.0 quake hit at 1:43 a.m. about 11 miles (18 kilometers) east of Olanchito, a town near the Caribbean coast, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There were no reports of injuries or damage.Honduras is still recovering from last week's magnitude-7.3 earthquake that killed seven people and caused $100 million in damage.Earthquakes still rumbling through Fairbanks area