Șalom și salut, necredincioșilor, fiarelor, și Paisanoviților! Bine ați venit la casa căinței. Priviți coafura zionistă, refractară a Babei Z cum scînteiează, în timp ce ea izgonește pe Curvele Gramsciene, Porcii Fasciști, Papii din Laodicea, și Fiarele prădătoare ale Islamului, dîndu-i pe Mîna Atotputernică a Dumnezeului lui Israel. După ce se va termina de biciuit, se vor servi pișcoturi gramsciene și lapte de capră în salon. Vă rugăm și să gustați din plăcinta ocupației zioniste. L’Chaim!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Missing Links vs Homo Stultus
Ubiquitous human type of atheist who perennially denies the existence of GOD - he is "spiritually autistic" per Tutea, who includes the ignorant, the willfully stupid and the morally corrupt in genus Homo Stultus.
"...in his spiritual stupidity, he applies the logic of facts to the domain of mystery, thereby remaining a captive to this world in which he acts mechanically, like a spinning top"
~ Petre Tutea
LEFT: Monument to Petre Tutea
Photo by StrulZ
Islam in Action blog busts NC Mosque

Tehran hosts Assad to celebrate winning nuclear dispute with West and cooling of US-Israel ties
Olmert to give Palestinians state before quitting
Prime minister plans to accelerate negotiations to reach deal on paper by next month
Food workers at the Shelbyville, Tenn., plant for Tyson Foods, which boasts on its corporate website that it strives "to honor God," will have time off for Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday closing the month of Ramadan, instead of the American tradition Labor Day
Get yer moonbat T-shirts here!
(CNSNews.com) – While working as editor of the Black Press Review in 1986, Alice Palmer traveled to the Soviet Union to report on the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. According to the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, she had nothing but praise for what she saw.
“We Americans can be misled by the major media,” Palmer was quoted as saying in the June 19, 1986 issue of the People’s Daily World, currently called the People’s Weekly World.
“We’re being told the Soviets are striving to achieve a comparatively low standard of living with ours, but actually they have reached a basic stability in meeting their needs and are now planning to double their production,” she added.
Within five years of her Soviet trip, Palmer was appointed to fill a vacant seat in the Illinois Senate. She was elected to another term in 1992 and served until 1995 when she decided to run in a special election for Congress.
That’s when she selected fellow Chicago activist Barack Obama – 13 years away from becoming the Democratic presidential nominee – to fill her seat in the state Legislature.
"Cornel Chiriac salutes you and invites you to enjoy the album of a band that is about to disappear..."
Like the unknown band he was presenting, Chiriac, too, would soon disappear. He was stabbed to death in March 1975 in a parking lot in Munich, leading to whispers that the dreaded communist secret police, the Securitate, was behind his death.
They touched the minds and souls of Romanians
RFE's Romanian Service opened our eyes
pay attention to those words, AMERICA
Friday, August 1, 2008
GWB: Misjudging character to our detriment since 2001
NAZARETH ~ Don't Judas Me
Bush extends wishes to departing PM
and then there was this in January:
Take care of Olmert, Bush urges
And THIS in May:
Olmert is an honest man ~ GWB
And... Who can forget the constant "Abbas is a man of peace" thing? ...
THE MIGHTY GLICK: The Obama Bush Presidency
[SNIP]Obama presents his foreign policy plans as a way to "fix the damage" that he claims has been caused by the Bush administration's foreign policy mistakes. But the plain truth is that there is little difference between the policies he espouses and those of the Bush administration.
Indeed, any residual disparities between the Bush administration's policies and those Obama recommends were erased over the past month. As Obama works to project the image of a centrist pragmatist in foreign affairs ahead of the US general election, over the past few weeks President George W. Bush has moved sharply to the left, feverishly implementing all of Obama's most radical preferred policies.
IMO GWB's "side step" to the left has been going on since late 2004, not just over the last few weeks.
(scroll from the bottom up)
MPH & ETA. Tellin' ya.
The Godfather Musical ~ Ode to Fredo
I know it was you GWB. You broke my heart!
I have zero sympathy for the devil
Rolling Stones ~ Sympathy for the Devil (Remix)
who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread,
or sit in the seat of scoffers;
2but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.
3They are like trees
planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season,
and their leaves do not wither.
In all that they do, they prosper.
4The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
Sherab Zangpo: Expected and unexpected victories of nihilism...

The photo shows Milan's Cathedral: to protest against the Courts that have condemned Eluana to death, People of good heart bring bottled water in front of the Duomo.
Yesterday I posted with great joy the news about the Italian Congress that has stopped this "Terri Schiavo murder" and will oppose the decisions of the Courts.
As I expected, a search on the major European and American news pages doesn't give any result about this. Not in English.
As I didn't expect, and despite a mobilization of the Unhinged Lunatics network, the traffic on this blog has remained what it usually is.
No spike, no flames.
No passion, no interest.
It is as if, when we speak of Life and Justice, all the passion evaporated.
These are the great, undeniable, successes of nihilism.
This tells you that when here, or on any other blog of the Unhinged Lunatics network, we talk about BRAINWASHING, we are not kidding.
and nobody even reads the news.
and people slumber.
These are the results of the nihilist brainwashing.
"Religion" reduced to personal opinion, ideology. In the end, as nihilism teaches, NOTHING.
"Who cares" if the Courts here or there murder someone ?
Millions march worldwide to save terrorists and cop-killers from a well deserved death penalty. Nobody reads my blog to REJOICE for ONE case in which the GOOD WILL prevails.
This one is for you, shadow, but we work to change all this.
Sherab Zangpo: Eluana will live!
Sherab Zangpo vs The Nothing
Sherab Zangpo vs Uncle Chom
3 Wood: Arrested in China for the crime of breathing while Christian
2007: Christian Persecution in Atheist China
China is stepping up it's anti Christian activities.
China's Christians Face More Persecution
"The Beijing Olympics are now eight days away, but as China prepares for the games, Christians are facing more persecution.
Religious freedom activists say the Chinese government is cracking down on house churches in the name of Olympic security."
Apparently preemptive bigotry and abuse of Christians is being done for "security reasons" in preparation for the Olympics.
"Activists say the Chinese government has jailed bookstore owner She Wee-Hahn, fearing he may stir up trouble during the games.
And Wee-Hahn is not alone.
"Everything is far from okay in China and the wall is still there when it comes to individual liberties and human rights," Congressman Zach Womp explained.
The Congressional Human Rights Caucus and freedom activists say the Chinese government has raided numerous house churches, beaten pastors and interrogated Christians in an effort to avoid any Olympic trouble.
"Repressive measures targeting religious communities have a long history in China, but new measures put in place to maintain so-called social harmony during the Olympics raise the prospect that China will continue to step up repression during and after the games," one activist said."
Very disturbing.
~ 3 Wood
Ronnie James Dio ~ Holy Diver
Missing Links & the Tower of Power
New York -- EYEontheUN reports that Iran has become a member of the "Group of Friends of the Chair", an informal group of states charged with taking the first steps towards producing a Durban II manifesto. Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN says: "the travesty of Durban II as a vehicle for getting serious about combating racism is more obvious than ever, as a regime whose President is a Holocaust-denier acquires an important role in shaping the result."
Durban II - known formally as the UN Durban Review Conference - will be held next April in Geneva. It is charged with implementing the notorious 2001 Durban Declaration which found Israel guilty of racism and gave no other country even a passing mention.
The role of his "friends" is described by Armenian Chairman Zohrab Mnatsakanian as "engaging in brainstorming and consolidating inputs." Other members of the behind-the-scenes group are Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Egypt. Bayefsky adds, "one shudders to imagine the brainstorming among such human rights paragons."
The "friends of the Chair" have already met twice in July 2008 and intend to meet again shortly.
By creating this informal group, UN states have deliberately created a forum which excludes NGOs for the first time from the Durban II process.
The first contribution of the "Group of Friends" will be filed at the next stage of the process, the 'Intersessional Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group' session to be held in Geneva September 1-5, 2008.
"The authority figures surrounding Durban II remind us once again that this forum is an instrument serving those states bent on defeating human rights not protecting them," said Bayefsky.
Muslims are Scared Shitless of Adonai and Jesus
(as well they should be)
All your mustache are belong to Hamas
Hamassholes Arrest Abbassholes in Gazastan
Whether or not they confiscated further mustaches is unknown
Voices of Freedom Radio Show: Nonie Darwish ~ DL to listen now
The prayers of a Righteous Unhinged Lunatic availeth much
The Commie Whores of Churchianity who endorse the Obamanable Snowjobman
Just what we need... more so- smart "theologians"
A seal impression belonging to a minister of the Biblical King Zedekiah which dates back 2,600 years has been uncovered completely intact during an archeological dig in Jerusalem's ancient City of David, a prominent Israeli archeologist said on Thursday. The seal impression, or bulla, with the name Gedalyahu ben Pashur, who served as minister to King Zedekiah (597-586 BCE) according to the Book of Jeremiah...
Ending Londonistan
Planned Parenthood Web Site Offers Sex Ed Videos for Teens
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Wednesday urged Chancellor Angela Merkel to block a major gas deal between a German company and Iran, saying it would embolden an anti-Semitic regime
Lebanese Singer Murdered - Smells like an "honor killing" to me
Tower of Power ~ What is Hip? ~ 1973
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Escape From Hamastan
Hamas' Christian convert: I've left a society that sanctifies terror
By Avi Issacharoff
A moment before beginning his supper, Masab, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, glances at the friend who has accompanied him to the restaurant where we met. They whisper a few words and then say grace, thanking God and Jesus for putting food on their plates.
It takes a few seconds to digest this sight: The son of a Hamas MP who is also the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization, a young man who assisted his father for years in his political activities, has become a rank-and-file Christian. "I'm now called Joseph," he says at the outset.
Masab knows that he has little hope of returning to visit the Holy Land in this lifetime.
"I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God."
"Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says.
"You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death."
Is that the justification for the suicide attacks?
"More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the 'heroism of the shaheeds.'"
"I miss Ramallah," he says. "People with an open mind. ... I mainly miss my mother, my brothers and sisters, but I know that it will be very difficult for me to return to Ramallah soon."
The continuation of this article will appear in the Haaretz Weekend Magazine
Muse ~ Escape
Sherab Zangpo: Eluana will live!
Jeff Beck ~ A Day in the Life
The Court had agreed with the father (well, now let's say, the "father") and Eluana was in immediate danger of being murdered.
The Congress will now be able to oppose the decision of the Court and to protect her life (presumably, by issuing a new law).
The Congress is controlled by a center-right majority led by Silvio Berlusconi and the left chose not to vote on this bill (and this, it must be recognized, allowed it to pass faster).
In a joint press release of the leftist alliance we read:
"We want Eluana to live...".
Not exactly the same frame of...soul of some nihilistic subversives here in the States, isn't it ?
(link added ~bz)
If you can read Italian, you will find all the pertinent information HERE
The Cup of Life ~ Ricky Martin
Missing Links & the Freedom Riders
Traffic ~ Freedom Rider ~ 1972

Tonight, July 31, at 8:00 P.M. Phoenix time, WC and Always on Watch will host "Voices of Freedom," a one-hour weekly show on KFNX 1100.
See this time-zone chart (Refresh the page!) if you are in a different time zone than Phoenix, Arizona; click directly on the word "PHOENIX" to get a world map of time zones.
Tonight's guest is Nonie Darwish. Formerly a Muslim and now a Christian, she is the author of Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror and the founder of Arabs for Israel.
KFNX offers live streaming at the station's web site.

and expect of them virtue and enterprise.
We laugh at honor
and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.
We castrate
and bid the geldings be fruitful.
~C.S. Lewis
French novelist Pascal Bruckner calls for a boycott of UN-sponsored antisemitic Arab-Muslim hatefest Durban
Self Loathing Israeli Academics Commit Ideological Suicide
Andrew Bostom: Islamic Anti-Semitism ~ From Sacred Texts to Modern Textbooks
Chief Whore of the Caliphate, EU Division, assures us that all is well in Turkey
Mottaki says they agreed to nothing
SPLEEN SEARCH: Golan / Baker
The Jihad against Free Speech
ISNA Admits Hamas Ties
Indonesia's 'ground zero" expanding
GRAMMY CRACKER: When Palis Attack....Each Other!
Abu Al Kilya's Kaboom Boom Gaza Summer Camp
Non-Aligned Movement 15th Ministerial Conference Opens in Tehran
WTF is the Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Conference anyway?
uccccchhhhh, sorry I asked....
Nonie Darwish & others ~Jihad Culture
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday Night Open Thread
Witchi-Tai-To ~ Jim Pepper
The song was covered by many recording artists inculding Harpers Bizarre & Brewer and Shipley.
Four Times the 3 Wood is Thrice as Nice
The Boss Hoss ~ Truck´n´Roll Rules
Well, it looks like the Law of Demand still works.
For those not schooled in economics, the Law of Demand simply states that the more something costs the less you will demand, the less something costs, the more you will demand. It is often also referred to as the law of a downward sloping demand curve. This is being proven out in the demand for gasoline.
Miles driven in May drop 3.7 pct: government
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Soaring gasoline prices and a weak economy combined in May to reduce the number of highway miles traveled during the month by a record 3.7 percent, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Monday.
The 9.6 billion miles less traveled was the biggest drop ever for any May, when traffic usually increases due to the Memorial Day holiday and the beginning of summer vacations.
During the first five months of the year, highway travel was down 29.8 billion miles, or 2.4 percent, from the same period in 2007.
"The decline in American driving is deepening," U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said.
"During the past seven months, Americans drove 40.5 billion miles less than they did over the same period last year. It's the equivalent of 200 round trips to the sun, if you want to put it into perspective," she said."
Purely and simply, folks are reacting to and dealing with the higher price of fuel by changing their consumption in several ways. First, they are cutting down on their discretionary spending on items like high priced coffee as evidenced by the drop in demand for places like Starbucks. Second, they are cutting down on their driving and trying to conserve fuel. Third, they are gradually switching to more fuel efficient vehicles (which will take a longer period of time to be felt in the market).
As the article points out, you are seeing a roughly 2% to 4% drop in demand for fuel, at the same time that population is increasing. If this trend continues then you should see a sustained drop in the price of fuel at the pump. I do not think we will see $2 a gallon gasoline again, but $3 a gallon is possible.
The fly in the ointment though is, as the price drops then people start driving more again.
All the while, Congress continues to fluster ant talk an do noting significant to positively impact the situation. As always, the solution lies in economics and Adam Smith instead of governmental action and politicians.
You might want to sit down before you read this shocker. The BBC misleads it's viewers. I know, I know, it's a stunner, but even the BBC themselves admits it now.
Record fine over BBC's phone-ins
The BBC has been fined £400,000 by media watchdog Ofcom for misleading its audiences by "faking" phone-ins.
The Comic Relief, Children in Need and Sport Relief TV shows were caught up in the scandal, along with Liz Kershaw on 6 Music and Jo Whiley's Radio 1 show.
The regulator's £400,000 penalty is a record for the corporation.
"The BBC deceived its audience by faking winners of competitions and deliberately conducting competitions unfairly," Ofcom said.
Viewers were urged to call some BBC programmes after contestants had already been chosen.
"In some cases, the production team had taken premeditated decisions to broadcast competitions and encourage listeners to enter in the full knowledge that the audience stood no chance of winning," the watchdog said.
"In other cases, programmes faced with technical problems made up the names of winners.
"Overall, Ofcom found that the BBC failed to have adequate management oversight of its compliance and training procedures to ensure that the audience was not misled."
Now, get the reaction by BBC management:
The BBC said the issues had been taken "extremely seriously" all along, with apologies made and "an unprecedented action plan" to deal with the matters raised.
These plans included training for more than 19,000 staff, new guidance to programme makers on the running of competitions and a stricter code of conduct, it added.
So they have to have special training for their 19,000 staff to be honest? Kind of makes you wonder about the corporate culture over there. I wonder if the 19,000 staff includes their news staff? From what I saw of the local BBC nes broadcasts when I was in Ireland, they sure need to be included.
Gee, the BBC lying to the public. Who would'a thunk it?
Fed tweaks emergency liquidity measures
"WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Federal Reserve, continuing to combat the enormous stresses that have engulfed financial markets, announced Wednesday several steps designed to enhance its emergency lending program for banks and primary dealers.For banks, the Fed said it would lengthen some of the credit it extends to 84 days. At the moment, the loans have been for 28 days.For broker dealers that serve as primary dealers of Treasury debt, the Fed said it would introduce auctions of options on $50 billion of loans. The options could be exercised if needed in periods of elevated stress in months to come, such as the end of financial quarters.The Fed also said it's officially extending its primary-dealer loan program to the end of January from mid-September. This step had been previously telegraphed by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.In addition, the Fed said that the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank have agreed to adapt the maturities of their liquidity operations to match those of the U.S. central bank.Moreover, the Fed said it would increase its swap line with the ECB, the central bank for euro-zone countries, to $55 billion from $50 billion to accommodate this transition to lengthier maturities."
Translating all this financial mumbo-jumbo into English, this means that the Federal Reserve Bank is making it very clear to the markets that the bleeding is over, and that stability will be brought back tot he markets. What's more they have joined forces with the EU Bank and the Swiss National Bank to provide stability to much of Europe as well. Basically, they are saying that the damage to the markets stops now.
Barack Obama met with the Federal Reserve Board Chairman Bernanke on Tuesday
UPDATE 1-Obama meets Bernanke to discuss economy
"WASHINGTON, July 29 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama met Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the U.S. economy and how to bolster it.
The Illinois senator, who focused his campaign on the economy this week after a trip abroad last week, met with Bernanke at the Federal Reserve for about 40 minutes on Tuesday afternoon after speaking with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson by telephone in the morning.
Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the Democratic candidate planned to use the meeting with Bernanke to discuss "the economy and plans going forward."
An adviser said Obama wanted to talk with Bernanke about the U.S. housing crisis and what he saw as the need for tighter financial regulation and more fiscal stimulus to boost the economy."
This is out of line in about 3 different ways.
1. Historically, the Fed. Chairman only meets with Presidents or President-elects. Not candidates. It is a waste of the Chairman's time to do this. As things stand Obama is a junior Senator, nothing more and should not be wasting the Chairman's time with this nonsense.
2. It is completely irrelevant to the Federal Reserve Bank what Obama sees as needed for more regulation and fiscal stimulus. The Federal Reserve Board is supposed to be independent of politics and should not be being lobbied. The Fed's handle monetary policy, the politicians handle fiscal policy. The 2 need to remain separate. Obama needs to shut his yap and leave the Chairman alone.
3. The terms "fiscal stimulus" and "boost the economy" have nothing to do with monetary policy, which is the role of the Federal Reserve Bank. Their role is to provide for a stable currency and control the money supply. This tells me that Obama does not know what he is talking about concerning economics (not a big surprise to me).
If Obama gets elected, The Federal Reserve Board is going to have big problems with the White House.
The Prophet Zimmy ~ Idiot Wind
Missing Links vs Some Really Big Dicks
Singing Eye Dogs ~ Enormous Penis
When she was just 19, Sandeela Kanwal traveled from America to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a cousin twice her age. Less than six years later, she was dead — strangled — and her father, Chaudhry Rashid, was arrested by police as the suspect for what some have called an "honor killing.IN GEORGIA, USA - NOT IN PAKISTAN
Hamassholes Threaten Revolt against Fatahsses
Frankly, I find them both revolting.
Earthquakes Worldwide for the last 30 days
From August 2007: Dutch bishop says Christians should call God ‘Allah’
The War on Words
During the past year, several federal agencies – including the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the National Counter Terrorism Center – have declared a war on words. Specifically, these agencies have issued memoranda discouraging their employees from naming the enemy in the War on Terror. The prohibition included words such as “jihad,” “Islamist,” “Islamofascism,” and “caliphate,” among others.
Listen to me mah ferals:
They will always seek to own your words
what you can not define
you can not conceive of
what you can not conceive of
you can not defend against
what you cannot defend against
essentially does not exist in a sense - it is now invisible
in plain sight
what you do not see can sneak up on you
and own you
This is not only applicable to Islam and Jihad
this the ESSENCE of scopes monkey trial 2008.
~ BZ
The Decree of the Watchers:
To Nebuchadnezzar, of course, the Heavens are closed. He does not know the God of Heaven; he does not know that there is a Heaven. He is an Earth Dweller, and an Earth Ruler. He is the epitome of the natural man, the Adamic man. "Whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down" (Daniel 5:19b). The natural man, the man of the flesh, just does whatever he pleases, whatever is right in his own eyes, whatever benefits HIM. He even dares to throw people into the fiery furnace if they dare disagree with him.
The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name.
Exodus 15:3
A Christian Manifesto
The Humanist Manifesto
In Beirut to hand an invitation from President Assad to President Sleiman Walid Moallem (Lebanon)
INDIA: 12 bombs in diamond hub, 6 elsewhere, shut down Surat; cops say glitch saved the day
Led Zeppelin ~ Moby Dick