Frank Zappa - More Trouble Every Day - 1973
Saudis put pressure on the " International Community" to tell Jews where they can and can not live
America (the "best friend" of Israel) does the same
Ahmadinejad calls for the Hidden Imam, Brian Williams too deaf to hear
Ayman Daraghmeh is no longer in hiding
VIDEO: Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson - VD Hanson & Hitchens on the Holocaust & Pat Buchanan
Wikipedia bans any & all references to Edwards scandal
Did I Mention That I'm Noble?
SEE ALSO: Denizens of Denver Definitely Desire Deity Dead
Obama's Stealth Socialism
Obama's so called "Rabbi"
One Scary Marxist Dude
Clinton Emboldened OBL
Brzezinski seizing control over US Policy
Dinesh vs Dawkins on Al-Jiz
Gay Father's Day
In fact, Rick Warren was the last of six Evangelical mega-church leaders to host a meeting in connection with "The American Family Outing". The other five church leaders who are cooperating with this gay advocacy group are:
1) Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas - Visited Friday, May 9 - Sunday, May 11, 2008 (Mother's Day Weekend)
2) Bishop T.D. Jakes and The Potter's House in Dallas, Texas - Visited May 16 - Sunday, May 18, 2008
3) Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. and Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland -- Visited May 23 - Sunday, May 25, 2008 (Memorial Day Weekend)
4) Bishop Eddie Long and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia (near Atlanta) - Visited Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1, 2008
5) Bill Hybels and Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois (near Chicago) - Visited Friday, June 6 - Sunday, June 8, 2008
2nd quake in under a month in Sumatra - 5.6
Chile's volcano could explode
Recent Earthquakes & Active Volcanoes
Trouble Man ~ Marvin Gaye
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