The THE: Angels of Deception 1986
The subversion of language is an exceedingly important element of the nihilist strategy: the preemptive brainwashing that can be produced by polluting the words - creating chaos in their meanings - is impossible to compare, in its depth and reach, to any other weapon used by the nihilists in their cultural war against Truth. Subversion by definition (Latin “subvertere” : to turn “vertere”, from beneath “sub ”, teaches us the Merriam-Webster ad vocem) , setting upside-down the meaning of the words is the main weapon of the cultists of the great “almighty” nothing.
The examples of the subversion of language are everywhere but we must turn to the great “masters” of the cult of the nothing to see some outstanding examples of language driven crazy.
In it he happily carries on all the usual far-left blathering about the “fact” that “the political class in Washington and London” represents only itself and that the claims of the Free World to be fighting for Freedom are just lies, while the TRUE “world” is instead well represented by the polls conducted all over the four continents that would show a deep, diffused hate for America.
(Any idea of how these polls are organized in Countries where there is not the faintest trace of free speech is not discussed by the author, who anyway seems to have been voting with his feet since many decades ago and has never decided to move out and away from the dictatorial cage of “Washington and London”. He never moved to live in those “four continents” where the right to hate America is the only “civil right”…but this is not a point worth discussing of course, because we all know how childish the leftists are in their hypocritical whining…)
The important point is instead that all the leftist generic blathering in this column mutates into specific chaos-work when Chomsky interestingly states (evidently to present an enlightening example of how we should think and read the TRUE reality of the world) that the hijacking of the ship Achille Lauro by palestinian terrorists, had been a “retaliation” for the bombing (by the Israeli Air Force) of the HQ of the palestinian terrorists…
In the published column’s text: “The Achille Lauro hijacking was a retaliation for the bombing of Tunis ordered a week earlier by Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.” [Editor’s note: of course no bombing of the city of Tunis had been “ordered”, what had been ordered was the bombing of the HQs of a terrorist organization in Tunis, and for everything we know, Tunis is still there and has not faced any “Hiroshima” destiny…but you never know, maybe “Washington and London” have rebuilt a plastic Tunis and are telling us another lie… ]
As the reader certainly remembers, and Chomsky mentions, during the hijacking of the Achille Lauro Leon Klinghoffer, the handicapped Jewish-American civilian confined to a wheel-chair (“crippled American” in the language of Chomsky, suddenly oblivious of political correctness but still able of acknowledging that this had been a brutal murder), had been murdered and thrown into the Mediterranean Sea by the terrorists.
Chomsky is clever enough to use the word “retaliation” for the hijacking and not directly for the murder, but his court of law tactics evidently cannot hide the fact that the murder of Klinghoffer falls inevitably under the large shadow of the word “retaliation” that he uses for the hijacking.

It’s of common usage on newspapers and on TV news, isn’t it ?
Yes, in fact this is how they brainwash us.
Let’s see.The Israeli Air Force attacks the HQs of terrorists in Tunis (by the way, funny how the bosses of international terrorism tend to settle down FAR from where the action of their pawns and puppets is).
It can be certainly said that the IAF attacks were “in retaliation” of the terrorists’ attacks in Israel, isn’t it ?
Strangely enough, Chomsky says instead the “retaliation” was the further act of terrorism, by the same organization whose HQs had been bombed in Tunis.
Let’s see: someone knocks down the door of your home and attacks you. You answer and punch him.
Do you think that - if at this point the crook punches you again - any judge would find his behavior rational, let’s say…a “retaliation” caused by your defending yourself and your home ?
Of course not.
But here the case is slightly darker. Here the crook, that you have sent running away from your home, goes to someone else’s home. Maybe someone who has your same last name. Let’s say someone confined to a wheel chair. In the course of this attack, the crook kills this person and throws him into the sea.
And that, in Chomsky’s words, is a retaliation for you defending your home.
Funny way to use words, isn’t it ?
And don’t forget, this guy is a great intellectual, who has been teaching in a great university. This is even funnier, isn’t it ?
Evidently there is a rat here, somewhere.
We all know which rat. The crooks, oops, the “intellectuals” like Chomsky think that Israel has no right to defend herself, HENCE the terrorists have any right to “retaliate” against Israel... defending herself.
For the chomskys of this world it doesn’t matter that the formation of the State of Israel had been ratified by the United Nations, it doesn’t matter that, in spite of international law, all the Arab neighbors of Israel have attacked Israel in 1948, in 1956, in 1967 and in 1973 with the DECLARED goal of destroying Israel and throwing all the Jews of Israel into the sea and that they have been defeated by Israel four times but never punished by the international community for committing the crime of an illegal war. (Evidently, this is the behavior of that “international community” that Chomsky praises at the beginning of the column.) It doesn’t matter even that, after FOUR genocidal wars have failed, the Arab neighbors of Israel have supported, financed and organized powerful terroristic organizations to carry on THOUSANDS of bloody attacks inside Israel, killing thousands of Israeli civilians in the last four decades.
All this doesn’t matter for the chomskys of this world.
For him, a terrorist attack is a “retaliation”.
You know, he wants to put in your mind that, in the best case, the whole problem is the famous “cycle of violence”. You know, the old “cycle of violence”: a gang of crooks attacks your home, you defend yourself, they burn down the house of your relatives.
A cycle of violence.
Just that. Not a crime. Not a repeated crime, no, no. Just a “cycle of violence”.
And the crooks have the right of “retaliating”.
If you had not defended your home, if you had done the crooks the favor of letting them kill you, rape your Wife and children and throw them into the sea, everything would have been OK.
If Israel had not committed the "crime" of resisting FOUR genocidal wars and THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of acts of terrorism, everything would be peace and happiness in the Middle East.
Eternal peace.
The same peace and happiness of the killing fields of Cambodia.