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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sherab Zangpo vs The Nothing

Billy Preston ~ Nothing From Nothing

By: Sherab Zangpo

The “age of reason” has come to an end when a deep mutation in its nature has intervened (we will not discuss now if this “mutation” was inevitable or if it has been an accident). Which mutation ?

The age of reason started as a revolution against the illegitimate pretense of Religion to legislate in the field of science and of free philosophical research but it has come to its end when science itself has begun legislating in the field of religion and philosophy.

Heidegger implicitly warned against the danger when he wrote “Science doesn’t think” (MARTIN HEIDEGGER, Was heisst Denken ?, Tübingen, 1954, 4th, 1984, p. 4 “..die Wissenschaft ihrerseits nicht denkt und nicht denken kann” “ on its part doesn’t think and cannot think”), but this cry went unheard and today it surely sounds like a kind of “blasphemy” to the so-called “educated” public opinion. But it was and it is no blasphemy. Science doesn’t care for, and doesn’t understand, the problem of Being, and as such it is unable to walk safely in the fields of Religion and philosophy. If it tries to, it gives birth to an irrationalism that is at least as dangerous as the “witch hunts” that it charges “religion” with. But it is actually much more dangerous, because science in the age of scientific irrationalism is one hundred per cent convinced of being right, without a shade of doubt or a second thought.

These dangers today are much more than the subject of an abstract philosophical debate, they have become, classically, actual monsters walking in the daylight because of the slumber of reason. Scientists, publicists, journalists, and all other sorts of non-qualified so-called “intellectuals” today take the pain - richly rewarded by good sales of their books, by the way - to invade the market of “culture” with their essays against Religion and with a very large production of atheist propaganda. Furthermore, the themes of “evolution” and “intelligent design” are debated everywhere by all sorts of individuals.

It would be of course impossible to begin a debate with these deeply unqualified persons and this column is not directed to them – nor to any other unqualified person who wants to write books about subjects he or she doesn’t really know anything about. But it is possible perhaps to talk to the few philosophers who could have accidentally survived the brutal spreading of nihilism and to any person who has not lost his or her mind under the irrationalist brainwashing re-education of the last fifty years.

The point is of course very simple for anybody who cares to think: scientists (or worse, journalists) who pretend to discuss from an atheistic point of view are not even aware (I am being very gentle to them) of spreading a cult. A cult blindly followed by large masses, a blind faith whose tenets are much more irrational than the sermons of any snake-oil vendor. Which faith ?

The one that I love to call, just to be clear, the faith of “the great cult of the nothing”. What’s the dogma of this faith ?

The grandiosely idiot faith that the atheists want to spread is that the absolute nothing, the not-being, gave birth to something, to the being.

Watch my words and be careful: I have said “the absolute nothing, the not-being”. Of course the preachers of the nihilist faith pay A LOT of attention never to highlight this untenable point and they cover the argument with smoke and different disguises: the universe is “eternal”, “we don’t know and we cannot know”, etc., etc. But if you have any philosophical muscle, it is not difficult for you to detect, behind the unlimited references to always “something else”, that the basic tenet of the cult of the nothing is that the utter and sheer not-being has suddenly BEEN able to give birth to … the being.

Now this point is in itself so deeply irrational that I don’t have the words to qualify it. The saddest thing is probably that we have all witnessed some atheist laughing at what the nihilists love to call “primitive beliefs”. “God” sounds to them exactly like “Dragons supporting buildings” or “Turtles supporting the world” (and of course they read these last two sentences not as Symbols but as scientific descriptions of “things” in a materialistic perspective) and the word “God” makes these “sophisticated intellectuals” laugh, and they succeed pretty well in spreading the opinion that they laugh because they are well-educated, rational and good thinkers and that they do not surrender their minds to fantasies. Thanks to a well-organized propaganda, they have convinced half the world that their demential blind belief in “the absolute nothing able to produce something” is intellectually superior to the idea of Being, the idea that gave us thousands of years of philosophy, civilization, art. Moreover, their ignorance about the Traditional Symbols to the Truth (and in the construction of this sentence - since they are absolutely ignorant - they would even find some mistake) is nearly perfect and perfectly stupid.

It would be pretty boring to go now into the depth of the propaganda work of the cult of the nothing and walk again all the way of the nihilistic catastrophe that in three centuries has led down from Descartes’ “If I doubt, I am” (that, by the way, genially repeated and investigated Saint Augustine’s “si fallor, sum”) to today’s nihilistic manifestos, but it remains true and beyond discussion that the sentence implied in all the propaganda of the cult of the nothing (“The utter and sheer not-being has suddenly BEEN able to give birth to … the being”) is so philosophically untenable that the cult of the nothing NEEDED improvised “theologian” biologists and other such unqualified “intellectual” freaks to write the atheist propaganda that is flooding the shelves of the bookstores: no serious intellectual would and could subscribe to “the being comes from the not-being”. But that’s what is implied in every line written by today’s Kant-wannabes.

Why should we care about such idiocy ?

Well, the problem is deeper than a few books that will soon find their way to the waste baskets, the problem must be seen in the general perspective of the nihilist propaganda that has invested the West in the last two centuries: this wave of propaganda acts at many levels and its main goal is to spread chaos IN THE MINDS.

To this effect, the atheistic propaganda, is successful quite BECAUSE of its absolute irrationalism and stupidity. What these “authors” (I am very very kind again) want is EXACTLY to spread idiocy.

And they succeed in influencing large masses, thanks to the previous work already accomplished by the propaganda in the schools. The schools today do not prepare the young generations to think, give them a super-brainwashing drink of politically correct confusion and have forgotten any concept of formation of the individual. Instead, chaos and nonsense are actively imprinted in the minds.

And all this is not irrational at all, this is a plan to control the society through the control of thought (or not-thought if you prefer): the plan has already been tried in the totalitarian regimes of the Twentieth century but it failed because it was primitively implemented through authoritarian methods. The nihilists have since improved their strategy. They have now understood that - rather than trying to convert people to the faith in the nothing – they can reach their mind-control goals by spreading idiocy from the school up, and then all over the society. Modern sophists, they know that there is a power in words, and they need to destroy the meaning and the power of concepts and thoughts.

Remember all this the next time that someone tries to “save your soul” from your religious beliefs and tries to “enlighten” you with the idiocies of the cult of the nothing: they are not only ignorant, they work to create a world of slaves dominated by idiots.

We all should know that, it is in fact written: “The Truth will make you free.”


“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (KING JAMES version)

Whoever spreads lies, aims at enslaving you.

QUEEN ~ Spread Your Wings

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