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Friday, July 25, 2008

3 Wood & the Obamanable Oiliness of Drilling

Obama is against offshore drilling for oil, for reasons that I find silly. McCain is for it, by the way.

Is offshore drilling a viable solution to energy needs?

"LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) - When it comes to mapping out America's energy future, presumptive presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain agree on most issues except one: offshore oil drilling.

The subject, predictably, highlights the chasm between Democratic and Republican philosophy: Republican McCain wants to press forward with it while Democrat Obama believes it will yield few results at too high a price."

So what are Obama's objections to offshore drilling?

"It would have long-term consequences for our coastlines, but no short-term benefits since it would take at least 10 years to get any oil," Obama said in a June speech in Jacksonville, Fla.

The problem with Obama's objection is that it will also take about 10 years to produce oil if they drill in your back yard, too. And if you never get started, you are then still arguing about this 10 years from now.

Then there's this:

"Jim Sweeney, director of the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency at Stanford University, says that roughly 80% of untapped oil could be obtained via cross-drilling from areas already approved. Sweeney says there are other estimates that place the U.S. untapped reserve at 15 billion barrels. Offshore reserves could, at best, account for 1% of worldwide consumption but that wouldn't be for another 10 to 15 years.

"Needless to say, I'm not impressed," Sweeney said.

There could be more out there, however, according to others.

The U.S. Geological Survey reportedly believes there are roughly 18 billion barrels on the outer continental shelf of the U.S., while McCain says it's more like 21 billion barrels."

The reality is no one really knows how much oil is down there until the wells are sunk, cross drilling or otherwise. The only question in my mind is how high does the price of oil have to go before we drill for more of it, regardless of what Obama thinks. And if Obama gets elected, I think $140 a barrel oil will look cheap.

~ 3 WOOD

Incubus ~ Oil & Water: 2006
From the album "Light Grenades"

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