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Friday, May 29, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Super Caliphatal Exigently Most Atrocious!

Sheik YerMami
Winds of Jihad

PAUL WILLIAMS: ISLAM - The War that Won't Go Away
The war on terror - - a misnomer from the start - - is being lost. Since 9/11, 13,270 Islamic terror attacks have been launched from China to Seattle, Washington, leaving 80,000 people dead and over 120,000 injured. Yet government officials, including Barack Obama, continue to speak of Islam as the religion of peace, Protestant ministers (including Robert Schuller and Rick Warren) insist that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and Roman Catholic pontiffs continue to kiss the Qu’ran.

It’s time for all good men and women to take a firm stand against Islam and the forces of evil.

It’s time to take part in the last crusade.

BiBi Throws Sarky the Nutshot
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled his June 3 meeting with French President Nicholas Sarkozy because of Paris' position that Jerusalem should be the capital of two states.
I think BiBi should have suggested that Paris should be the capital of two states and see how Sarko liked them apples.

France admits snubbing Queen Elizabeth
Obviously France has lost it's mind, again!
France admits it did not personally invite Britain's Queen Elizabeth to ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of D-Day, a government spokesman says.
World Bank accuses Israel of making Palis die from thirst
The Israeli Water Authority has described as “incorrect and fallacious” a World Bank report that accuses Israel of "systematic and severe constraints" on Palestinian access to water in the West Bank and Gaza.
Amnesty blames Israel for collapse of truce with Hamas
Yes if only we would just STFU & agree to die already this could all be over with.

Israeli forces kill local Hamas leader

Abbas pushing pan-Arab peace with Israel

Islamic Bloc Cool to Obama's Proposed '57-State Solution'
Sharif, he don't like it.

Obama Says: Israel Must Halt Settlement Activity

Washington Post: Abbas to wait for US pressure to unseat Netanyahu

Palestinian Authority officials expect U.S. pressure on Israel to restart the Peace Process will slowly force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

The article quotes an unnamed Palestinian Authority official as saying that "it will take a couple of years" but in the end, the pressure to comply with U.S. demands as well as Netanyahu's desire not to alienate his right-wing coalition partners will force him to step down as prime minister.

The article quotes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying that "The Americans are the leaders of the world," adding "they can use their weight with anyone around the world. Two years ago they used their weight on us. Now they should tell the Israelis, 'You have to comply with the conditions.'"
Ahead of OPEC meeting, Saudi minister sees oil prices rising
NO! A veritable shaman, this one is.

Saudi oil chief sees oversupply in market


Saudi Arabia sees increased Asia demand
Again I get the doublespeaking whiplash....

OPEC oil price push may threaten world recovery
Our Name is Called Caliphate!

Iran says it boosts uranium enrichment capability
Partner for Peace!

Iran Furthermore Sez: Mosque blast bears 'US, Israel thumbprints'
Just our thumbs? WOW are we good!

Ahmadinejad describes one of his saddest days

Not suprisingly it involves Jaques Chirac, LOL! S'one sad MFer!
"Jacque Chirac was standing on top of the stairs and Iran's former president … had to climb several flights of stairs to reach him, that kind of behavior is insulting to us," he said without directly naming Khatami in his speech.
Like Obama did.

Suicide Solutions:
US still open to diplomacy with NKorea

N Korea 'planning more missiles'

Biden In The Balkans

Russian Customs Expose Massive Arms Smuggling Ring
Russia's customs service said Thursday it uncovered a ring of active and retired military officers suspected of involvement in stealing millions of dollars worth of missile components and smuggling them out of Russia.
Georgia says UN's Ban blackmailed by Russia
Georgia lashed out at the United Nations and Russia on Wednesday, accusing Moscow of blackmailing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make a significant change in his latest report on the Caucasus state.
Gazprom Sez: EU should help Ukraine avoid new gas price war
If you like heat and hot water you will obey and do as you should.

Arctic May Hold 30% of Undiscovered Gas, Strengthening Russia

BP's Joint Venture in Russia Gets Interim Chief

Gazprom to buyout shareholders of UK-listed oil co's
My names is called Vlad.
I am all up in UK buying your oil companies!

Gazprom eyes role in Iran-Pakistan pipeline

Italy backs Russia bid on EU gas payments

Russia to open chemical weapons destruction plant
You don't believe
We're on the eve
of destruction!

Police rescue 'Feral Girl' in Russia

Amnesty raps Medvedev on Russia rights violations
Rights? What is this rights you incessantly speak of?

Russia: No more money for Belarus

Russia's finance minister says Belarus won't be getting the last $500 million installment in a $2 billion loan to help its staggering centrally controlled economy.
Iranian Economic, Commerce Ministers to Visit Turkmenistan

I ain't gonna work on Rozmetov's farm no more!

Behold as Hero of Turkmenistan Sadulla Rozmetov's joint-stock agricultural farm gets extraordinary visit from Glorious Turkmen Leader!

Turkmenistan: The Recluse of the Stans
Their headline, not mine!

Pipelineistan goes Iran-Pak

Kazakhstan: Russian capsule blasts off for space station
Watch out for Igor's Flying Balls!

Uranium One shares plunge on Kazakhstan allegations
Canadian miner Uranium One Inc. UUU-T has been sideswiped by a high-level political scandal in Kazakhstan, after police arrested the head of the state-run nuclear company and accused him of illegally selling uranium properties to foreigners.

The former Soviet Republic issued a statement yesterday confirming that Kazatomprom president Moukhtar Dzhakishev and several other executives were under investigation for allegedly embezzling stakes in major uranium fields and “handing them” to offshore companies.

Another Top Kazakh Uranium Company Official Arrested

Kazakh Atomic Kingpin Suddenly Radioactive

Tajik Uranium Plant Officials Arrested As Uzbek Spies

Bill Clinton Linked To Kazakhstan Uranium Scandal
Here's a fascinating politics/energy/international relations story that's flying below the radar now, but feels as though it could get huge.

The news starts with Uranium One (UUU), a Toronto-listed uranium miner, whose shares plunged 38% on news that the Kazakhstan government was probing whether certain Kazakh mines it owns were acquired illegally. Specifically, it's looking at potentially illegal asset sales by Mukhtar Dzhakishev, the former head of state-owned uranium miner Kazatomprom, who later sought favors from the man who sold the assets to, Frank Giustra, and Bill Clinton.

Kazakhstan Says Reading 'Banned' Book No Longer Illegal
No problem, proletariats! We just kill you and bury your body in our Glorious Nuclear Bank if we catch you with one in your hands.

China's oil deal with Kazakhstan

All Islamic clerics in Kyrgyzstan's southern Batken region will be required to attend a one-month training course administered by the state

Daghestan's Deputy Mufti Shot Dead

Eurasian Secret Services Daily Review:
  • Islamic Jihad organization declares responsibility for recent attacks in Uzbekistan
  • Jailed Yukos founder accuses Russia’s Federal Security Service of wiretapping
  • Russia’s Federal Security Service bustling in Abkhazia
  • Russia wants to prevent interference of non-Caspian states in ensuring border security in region
  • Soviet files reveal past of German Communist state security service informer Karl-Heinz Kurras
  • Former Soviet KGB officer expecting Federal Court of Canada decision on deportation
  • Stasi papers’ authority chief Birthler defends herself against criticism
  • East German Stasi was stealing West German identities for sabotage operations
  • Criminal case against SBU vice-chief is nothing but political order - former Ukraine’s Presidential Secretariat head
  • Security Service of Ukraine instituted criminal proceedings on charges of Stalin-era genocide
Goldman Sachs 30th Annual Global Healthcare Conference

SEC's Would-Be Lobbyist Said to Drop Out After Quitting GE Job
Clarke Camper, a former lobbyist for Freddie Mac and General Electric Co., backed out of a job defending the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as the agency girds for a regulatory overhaul that could shrink its power, people familiar with the matter said. Camper pulled out after telling colleagues at Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE that he expected to lead government relations at the SEC, according to the people and an e-mail he sent last week to co-workers. Camper’s last day at GE’s Washington office was May 20, said the people, who declined to be identified because the SEC didn’t publicly offer him a position.

Moving closer to a GM-less Dow
All your Chevys are belong to The Seizer!

GM Bankruptcy Looms as Bondholders Spurn Debt Offer

Lawsuit Against Geithner And The Fed Allowed To Proceed
TAKAFUL of criminals!

G-20 summit coming to Pittsburgh in September

Wall Street faces pay conundrum amid TARP rules
Conundrums! Render Unto Seizer!
But the dozens of big banks that accepted bailout funds from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program must now rethink how they reward top performers, as the government caps what they can dole out, and taxpayers and politicians demand greater accountability.
Geithner goes to Beijing to manage bad marriage
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is about to get on a plane and travel half-way around the world to manage what is probably the world's worst marriage-of-convenience.

Mutual mistrust, competition and rivalry complicate a U.S.-China relationship that, on the other hand, has been so lucrative for both sides and the global economy.The two sides got closer during the recent recession, but there are new strains on the horizon.

Pentagon plans new cyberspace war command
Citing Obama administration sources, the Times said the president will detail on Friday the creation of a White House office that will coordinate a multi-billion-dollar effort to restrict access to government computers, protect systems that run U.S. stock exchanges, clear global banking transactions and manage the air traffic control system.
Military Physician Accused of Fabricating Study

UCLA Surgeon Accused of Hiding Medical Company's Payments

US student, 20, emerges as anti-abortion crusader
You go, girl.

Obama fundraiser Louis Susman nominated for ambassador to Britain
Former investment banker raised money for Chicago "cultural institutions"
Obama's Vatican ambassador
A Hispanic Roman Catholic theologian who was an adviser to Barack Obama's presidential campaign will be nominated to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, the White House announced Wednesday.

Miguel H. Diaz, 45, an associate professor of theology at St. John's University and the College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota, would be the first Hispanic to serve as ambassador to the Vatican since the United States and the Holy See established full diplomatic ties in 1984. Diaz was born in Havana.

Pay to Parlez? Obama Names Donors to Swank Ambassador Posts
Among the first ambassadors named are some of his presidential campaign's most aggressive fundraisers, including Silicon Valley moneyraker John V. Roos, and Obama National Finance Committee member Louis B. Susman. The two men helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obama's White House bid, and many thousands more for his inauguration.
Missouri: 12 Are Accused of Human Trafficking
Twelve people, eight from Uzbekistan, are accused in a federal indictment of luring illegal immigrants to the United States to work as “modern-day slaves” in 14 states.
Ohio: Fresh KI pills offered near nuke plant
Residents, businesses or pharmacies in the 10-mile radius of the Beaver Valley nuclear power plant can secure a fresh supply of potassium iodide (KI) tablets for free from the East Liverpool and Columbiana County health departments.
Nobel laureates compare climate crisis to threat from nuclear weapons
So much for the assumption that any given "Nobel Laureate" possesses wit enough to blow up a balloon.

Israeli DJ invents an online 21st century musical fusion

Russian heir fights Yale over van Gogh painting
Parisian Pierre Konowaloff, great-grandson of Russian industrialist and art collector Ivan Morozov, is challenging in a US federal court widely accepted norms that recognize the results of Soviet-era nationalization, at least when it comes to cultural items.

Morozov's real estate, textile factory and art collection were seized by Lenin in 1918. Although the Bolsheviks are long gone, their confiscation of priceless art -- part of far wider repression against private property owners -- still stands.

Tribes press government to clean up nuclear waste
Two American Indian tribes say their pleas to have the federal government remove medical, uranium and other radioactive waste from their land near Tuba City have been ignored, and they want it cleaned up.

Navajo and Hopi officials say the waste is contaminating the land and threatening water supplies.

A local pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a San Diego County official, who then threatened them with escalating fines if they continued to hold Bible studies in their home, 10News reported.Attorney Dean Broyles of The Western Center For Law & Policy was shocked with what happened to the pastor and his wife.

Broyles said, "The county asked, 'Do you have a regular meeting in your home?' She said, 'Yes.' 'Do you say amen?' 'Yes.' 'Do you pray?' 'Yes.' 'Do you say praise the Lord?' 'Yes.'"

The county employee notified the couple that the small Bible study, with an average of 15 people attending, was in violation of County regulations, according to Broyles.

Broyles said a few days later the couple received a written warning that listed "unlawful use of land" and told them to "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit" -- a process that could cost tens of thousands of dollars.
CHINA: Mount Nyiragongo volcano shows increased activity

Giant underwater volcano found off Indonesia

Columbia: 2 minor earthquakes shake volcano Nevado del Huila

7.1 mag quake jolts Honduras

Stuck Mojo with Walid Shoebat
For the Cause of Allah / Open Season