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Monday, September 21, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Whatta Hump!

Haniyeh: We won't respect any deal
Whatta hump!
Hamas on Sunday responded to the announcement of a tripartite meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and US President Barack Obama, announced by the White House Saturday overnight. In a sermon for the Eid el-Fitr holiday marking the end of Ramadan, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told Gazans congregating in a stadium in Gaza City that "no one has the right to give up on Jerusalem or the [Palestinian] refugees. Not the PLO and no any other factor can sign an agreement hurting the Palestinian people's principles and rights. Any agreement reached will not be respected by our people."

Haniyeh also said the offers presented this week by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell were "no different than offers by previous US administrations" and were intended to bring about a compromise with Israel at the expense of Palestinians' rights and Jerusalem, since, Haniyeh said, "settlement blocs will remain in place." Referring to the fact that this holiday is the first Eid el-Fitr since Operation Cast Lead, carried by Israel last January, Haniyeh called the feast "the holiday of victory and perseverance."

In Saturday's statement, Mitchell called the scheduled meeting "another sign of the president's deep commitment to comprehensive peace that he wants to personally engage at this juncture." The meetings will take place in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting.
Hamas says no reservations on Egypt's initiative for conciliation

Abbas meets Mubarak after Mitchell trip

Abbas to meet Obama, Netanyahu, but won't negotiate

No potato for you. Jerusalem Judenrein or kaboom! Kaboom anyway!

Israeli and Palestinian Leaders to Meet Obama at UN

Trilateral Chief Lusts for World War III
Guest Commentary Julius – Milton Mark
Several people have expressed muted outrage over Zbigniew Brzezinski’s call for Obama to shoot down Israeli aircraft. Our friend Gummo called to remind us that most U.S. Presidents since 1948 have had similar plans on their global agendas. We must admit that singling-out our Mystery President for the same treachery that other corrupt, Satan-worshiping leaders and their advisors have displayed, does seem a bit unfair.
IAEA urges Israelis to 'allow' N-inspections
Shoes. This is a factory for shoes. In Israel we have many shoes. My name is Babba how can I help you today?

Medvedev: Israel not planning to attack Iran
Yeah? And HowTF would he know? IMO shit like this is always a veiled threat. He repeats Peres words, in order to say - don't you DARE attack Iran. Or you deal with us too.
"When Israeli President [Shimon] Peres was visiting me in Sochi recently, he said something very important for all of us: 'Israel does not plan any strikes on Iran, we are a peaceful country and we will not do this'," Medvedev said in the interview, released on Sunday.
President Obama stumped by Israel as all world's problems arrive
Shalom. We are the inscrutable Juden, bringing the balagan since 3600 BC!

Abbas: Israel is blocking the road to peace

With their bodies! They refuse to die!

Six Fatah Islam Members Tasked with Monitoring UNIFIL Activity


Jerusalem Day Expresses Iran's Committment to the Palestinian Cause

Worsening water crisis drains hope for future
BAGHDAD -Water supply problems in southern Iraq are escalating, with local officials warning of a humanitarian and political crisis and residents claiming they are being prevented from fleeing parched land by security forces.
I love this one. Never mind WTF it means to women, children, apostates, fags & infidels, right?
Indonesia's sharia push may scare investors
Recent moves in Indonesia, including plans by one province to stone adulterers to death, have raised concerns about the reputation of the world's most populous Muslin country as a beacon of moderate Islam. The provincial assembly in the westernmost province of Aceh -- at the epicenter of the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed 170,000 people there nearly five years ago -- this week decreed the ancient Islamic penalty of stoning to death for adultery. The decision could still be overturned once Aceh's new parliament is sworn in next month.
Imam Sheriff. I am telling you you can not make this shit up!
In an exclusive interview with this media, Imam Sheriff prays that Allah extends forgiveness upon all first and then forgive the sins of their forefathers Adam and Eve. He reminded all Muslims to seek reconciliation with their brothers and protect the peace in Liberia.
Funniest headline of the day:
Tasty Flavors of Muslim Phuket

Yemen president says rebels use "human shields"

Of course they do it is SOP for Jihad. However since no Juden are present in this story the Glow Ball has it set to IGNORE.

Blog dedicated to Islamic vision: Supporting the call for a Caliphate

'Let us spread happiness'
And what makes a fat Saudi King more happy than dead Christians & Juden?
The message from the king and the crown prince, which was read out on Saudi Television by Culture and Information Minister Abdul Aziz Khoja, called upon Muslims to strengthen their social bonds. “Let us spread happiness ... and let us spread hope wherever we go and let us make this Eid a great opportunity to enliven the spirit of compassion and cooperation,” the message said.

OIC to hold foreign ministers coordination meeting in New York

Syria and Turkey cancel need for entry visa between their borders

Iraq: No progress with Syria over cross-border attacks

US Rep. meets group accused of terror ties

Freakin' hump.
The only Muslim in Congress defied criticism from Arizona's congressional delegation and spoke Friday at a fundraiser for the local chapter of a national organization with suspected links to Hamas. U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and U.S. Reps. Trent Franks and John Shadegg, both Arizona Republicans, wrote a letter urging Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., to shun the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "We are deeply concerned that any official support of this organization would undermine the legitimate concerns of federal investigators about CAIR's relationship to foreign terrorist organizations," the letter said.

But Ellison, a Muslim convert, came anyway and was applauded by about 300 people who attended a dinner at the Hilton Phoenix East/ Mesa. Ellison spoke about the fresh start in relations with Islamic countries under President Barack Obama's administration. "I would never associate myself with anyone even soft on terrorism," he said before the speech. "We all want to fight terror. We all want to live in a safe community." The fears Kyl, Franks and Shadegg expressed in the letter are "ridiculous," he said. If there is any truth to the allegations that CAIR supports the Palestinian terrorist organization, Ellison said, there should be arrests and prosecutions.
Lawsuit: Muslim Scarf Not Part of Abercrombie & Fitch 'Look'
A Muslim teenager hoping to work at one of the company's childrens clothing stores says she was told during an interview that her head scarf, known as a hijab, would violate Abercrombie & Fitch's strict but secretive "Look Policy," which governs everything from dress to the length of one's fingernails.
Iran ready to pay for probe of Israeli nukes
Also, how much for dee wimmen, you Zionist Shoe? Yes, dee wimmen, we want to buy dee wimmen. How much, Infidel Jew?

The clock ticks down: Iranian nuclear nightmare worsens by the second

Opposition protest cut out of Iran TV's football coverage

Khamenei slams Israel, West in holy Eid sermon
Yo...AFP - WTF is so HOLY about it?

Dig this headline:
Muslims celebrate Eid amid swine flu concerns

Iran's Quds Day rallies a shout against Zionist "cancer": Khamenei

Yes I am the mucinous neoplasm on the pancreas of the earth, I know allll about it.

Global network detects sign of atomic bomb testing
Iran, Israel and the five permanent Security Council members that have nuclear weapons are part of a network to detect signs of testing of a new atomic bomb, a positive sign of cooperation in the bid to halt the spread of such weapons, the head of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty organization said Friday.The monitoring network has not been widely reported nor have its participants, including Iran, which the West believes is pursuing nuclear weapons, and Israel, which is widely believed to possess a nuclear arsenal but won't say as much.Tibor Toth told a news conference that a system to verify atomic blasts that was started in 2000 now has 270 monitoring facilities and expects to increase the number to 340.He called the verification system an important step to address concerns of nuclear and non-nuclear states, and noted that it monitored North Korea's nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 "very well."

Ahmadinejad congratulates Karzai on "successful" election

Taliban leader Omar says foreign troops face defeat

Taliban leader tells 'invaders' to study history

Captured Pakistan Taliban commander dies in jail

Radical Somali leader defends peacekeepers' killings
Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said Thursday's attack was meant to defend Islam. "The Islamic religion permits such kinds of attacks if they are against known enemies and in the defense of the religion, but there are people who distort that explanation," Aweys said, addressing hundreds of people during a religious sermon at Elashabiyaha, a suburb of Mogadishu.

Suicide bombers, disguised in two U.N.-marked vehicles, rammed through the security gate of the mission's headquarters, which is attached to Mogadishu's airport. They detonated explosives just as Somalia's transitional government and mission representatives concluded a high-level meeting inside the compound, said Nicolas Bwakira, the African Union's special representative for Somalia. The attack killed four Somali civilians and 17 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers, including the mission's second-in-command, Burundian Maj. Gen. Juvenal Niyonguruza, he said.
Delta Farce: Nigeria's Oil Mess

China & the al-Ahdab oil field, southern Iraq

A New Chapter for China
In which China buys all the Gwylo cheap and takes over glorious Glow Ball!

Iraq's oil rush

Turkey says might sign MOU with Iraq on Nabuccco gas
HAHAHAHA! A night at the opera rides again! My friends, there IS no Nabucco.

The Opera of Biblical Proportions: Nabucco Makes MOT Debut
Michigan Opera Theatre opens its 39th opera season entitled “Loves and Lies” with Giuseppe Verdi’s exotic and heart-rending Nabucco in a limited three performance engagement October 17-24, 2009 at the Detroit Opera House. This will mark the first time in Michigan Opera Theatre history that the company will present the work and the first time in nearly 50 years that the opera will be staged in Michigan.

A Biblical love triangle in four acts, the opera will be sung in Italian with English supertitles projected above the stage. Nabucco was Verdi’s first major success and, since its debut in March 1842, quickly established him as one of the most respected and beloved composers of his generation. The opera is most well known for its chorus, “Va, pensiero,” the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, which became famous as the unofficial anthem to unite the nation of Italy during the 19th century and for many years was the only encore the Metropolitan Opera would allow.

The Biblical opera, set in 6th century BC Jerusalem and Babylon, incorporates vengeance, unrequited love, and heroism - all in four acts. A dangerous love triangle between the oppressive King Nabucco’s two daughters, Abigaille and Fenena, and the nephew of the King of Jerusalem, Ismaele, spurs a whirlwind of tragic events including Godly punishments and deadly trickery.
Turkey shows its clout
Jive MFing humps.

Thai Authorities Allow Rally a Day After Violent Protests

Russia's Putin brings leopards back to Caucasus
Eye of the tiger, tovarich! Eye of the tiger!
"We are standing here and admiring your animals. Glorious animals, very beautiful," Putin, surrounded by International Olympic Committee members, told Berdymukhamedov by telephone as he stood by the cage in the Sochi national park.
Russia abandons plans to deploy missiles near Poland
Nah BOO co! HAHAHA - have you not yet learned what is real and what is threat? Vlad does not tell anyone where heplans to deploy anything, ever. Nabucco!

Russia starts talks to buy French warship

Russia finds no secret cargo on Arctic Sea
And WTF we did find is a secret.

Medevdev and Putin 'related in blood'
Moloch requires much blood.
President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev made an entire cascade of important statements in an interview for Swiss media on Friday ahead of a visit to Switzerland next Monday and Tuesday.
Russia may ease foreign access to energy projects
Tovarich, you do not know how I am easy like Sunday morning! You have Vlad all wrong, look into my eyes...Very good.

US Policies in the Caucasus Could Lead To Further Russian Influence
Are you looking to my eyes? Good. Now say my name.
The oil and gas rich region of the Southern Caucasus serve both Europe and the United States’ economic interests. Russia’s recent attachment to the region is due to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s desire to show that Russia is back as an international actor. Habibe Ozdal, a Russian and Black Seas researcher at the International Strategic Research Organization (USAK) based in Ankara, says, “After the dissolution of the USSR, the power of the Southern Caucasus belonged to the United States as well as Turkey, due to the latter’s brotherly image for the Turkic peoples; however, since 2000, Russia has strongly emphasized that the Caucasus region is its backyard and is pushing for a pro-Russian agenda.”

Ozdal also reiterates sentiments that Russia now wants to strengthen its energy monopoly in the region; if it can assert its influence in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, international actors like the United States will become dependent upon Russia and risk falling victim to the activities of the Armenian Diaspora in the U.S. Recent policy implementations pushed by the Armenian Diaspora which are not favorable to Georgia or Azerbaijan will deteriorate closer relations between the U.S. and the Caucasus and damage any hopes for less energy dependency on Russia. If for this reason alone, the U.S. needs to work on turning its words into action for a strategic partnership in the Caucasus.
Communist Party of China delegation leaves for Ukraine, Kazakhstan

OSCE Urges Kazakhstan To Ensure Fair Trial For Activist
You are cordially invited to urge in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets filled first, comrades.

History not likely to vindicate Nazarbayev President of Kazakhstan

STFU, insolent headline!

Kyrgyzstan's Last 'Hero Of The Soviet Union' Dies

Goldman Fund Investing $250 Million in China's Geely, WSJ Says

Goldman Sachs shows no ill effects from financial crisis

Gold price charges towards record high

Number of failed US banks hits 94

ACORN CEO 'Outraged' by Behavior of Employees in Prostitute Tapes

Democrats run away from embattled ACORN
Run way! Run away!

UK: Treasury fears over Icelandic bank debt

Nigeria: Central Bank under pressure over banks' audit results

Obama Cautiously Takes Credit for Economic Turnaround

Turnaround? Where? What? I musta missed it.

Fed not acting like there's a recovery

Obama: economic crisis needs time to reverse

Report: Feds in criminal probe of BofA's Merrill purchase

FHA Commissioner Stevens Tells Us Not to Worry About FHA's Cash

Obama's atomic meeting at UN attempts to level playing field
Behold the Atomic Punk

Roy Blunt (R-MO) Suggests Obama & Democrats Are Like Monkeys
And everyone auto-screams RACISTS!

OK, now... I want someone to explain this one for me. How come Dickie Dawkins et al are allowed, no... compelled, certified and even deputized by the Glow Ball to loudly insist and evangelize everywhere and and at all times that I am descended from an ape - and if I do not BELLLLLLIEVE in this like a deity I am a cephalic idiot, but the mere mention of a monkey in any other context near these people and they go MFing bananas?

Hey - so smarts, if we are all descended from apes anyway WTF is your problem? Should we not celebrate our simian heritage? Say it loud, I'm a chimp and I'm proud! The Obamanable is special or something? He was not descended from an ape? He sprung fully grown out of the head of Malthus? Was he spawned upstream? Fathered by an angel? Does this non primate lineage qualify him to be Messiah of the Scientifada or something? Also please to recall, tovarich so smarts, The Seizer is AS WHITE AS HE IS BLACK. And he is red all over. FYI: Every fucking mention of a monkey is not racism so go, call the Hate Speech Police on me, then bend over and fuck yourselves on the way back, mmkay? Thanks.


Richard Dawkins to call for changes to Britain's libel laws
Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist, is to call for Britain’s libel laws to be reformed following a string of cases in which science researchers and writers have been sued for criticising health therapies they felt to be unreliable. Dawkins will today ask Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, to support reforms that would protect scientists and doctors who want to speak out against treatments they have concerns about. Among those currently facing writs is Simon Singh, the broadcaster and author, who is being sued by the British Chiropractic Association for an article criticising the use of chiropractic techniques for some childhood illnesses.

He has spent £100,000 defending the action. Another is Peter Wilmshurst, a heart specialist at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, who is being sued by NMT Medical, an American company, for suggesting that medical trials into one of its devices had been described innaccurately to other scientists. Wilmshurst made his remarks in America to a US journalist who published it on an American website. However, the company was still able to issue its writ in Britain, where libel laws are regarded as among the most draconian in the world.

Dawkins will tell the Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth that the UK’s libel laws are having a “chilling effect” on public debate about science and medicine. He is expected to say: “England’s libel law is being ridiculed as an international charter for the litigious. I urge politicians to support the call for reform so we can get cross-party support on this vital issue.” Dawkins, who is not a Lib Dem member, was invited to speak by Dr Evan Harris MP, the party’s science spokesman. Harris said: “It is shameful that London is regarded as the ‘libel capital of the world’, where claimants from around the globe can use our antiquated libel laws to silence criticism.”
Republicans rally against charges of racism

FCC Chief to Propose New Rules for How Firms Control Internet Traffic
The new FCC rule could upset wireless, telecom and cable operators who have fought regulations that would give them less control over the traffic that runs on their networks. They argue that they need the flexibility to manage traffic to ensure applications don't take up too much bandwidth and slow access to the Web for some users.
US Says Google Settlement 'Raises Concerns,' Needs Changes
The U.S. Justice Department told a federal judge that an agreement between Google Inc. and groups of authors and publishers over digital copies of books may be too broad and raises significant legal concerns.
7 former CIA chiefs ask Obama to drop torture probe
While nearly all of the still-living former CIA directors signed the letter to Obama, two abstained: former President George H.W. Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Obama: Justice OK to conduct interrogation review

Missile defense shift redirects billions in government contracts
NO! Unheard of! Absurdtheon!

Made in Mass., bomb stirs global debate
WASHINGTON - The Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a marvel of military technology, says its maker, Textron Defense Systems! An advanced “cluster bomb,’’ it is designed to spray 40 individual projectiles of molten copper, destroying enemy tanks across a 30-acre swath of battlefield.

But the bomb - which is made at a Textron facility in the Boston suburb of Wilmington - violates terms of a landmark international treaty limiting cluster bombs to 10 bomblets or less. The pending treaty, signed by 98 nations last year in Oslo, has been sought for decades by human rights groups, which say that cluster bombs kill indiscriminately and leave behind duds that kill or maim unsuspecting civilians.

Now Textron, with the support of the Pentagon and the State Department, is mounting a campaign to derail the cluster-bomb treaty and write a new set of rules under the United Nations that would make it easier to sell its weapon around the world. Textron’s primary argument for scrapping the treaty is that 99 percent of the bomblets released by the Sensor Fuzed Weapon will explode in combat, leaving only a tiny amount of unexploded ordinance that could be picked up by a child or hit by a farmer’s plow. Textron calls this capability “clean battlefield operation.’’

Social Media Technology Analyst Job at CACI International
Apply today! EEE-oooOOooo.... their motto is "Ever Vigilant"
This position will be responsible for developing corporate strategy with stake holders by identifying and evaluating current market tools and technologies, and incorporating the newest technologies to include wiki, blogs, formus, etc. Responsible for determining costs and making recommendations as to which capabilities are best utilized to address specific communications requirements and audiences. Concurrently, this position is responsible for interfacing with existing tools and technologies, such as the corporate intranet website to enhance their effectiveness and to continually improve the corporate communications system.
In Reversal, Napolitano Supports Sharing Military Intelligence
Only two months ago, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano declared fusion centers—where local, state and federal law enforcement—and private companies—work to combat terrorism, would not be given access to military databases. But now Napolitano has reversed herself and decided to provide classified military intelligence to fusion centers. Civil libertarians are not happy with Napolitano’s about-face on the issue.
Ex-aide says Edwards fathered mistress' child
Silky Pony Baby Daddy blahblahblah

Senator Brown Says Health Plan to Pass With Republican Support
NATURALLY! Do you believe me yet? No? It's OK. I'll wait. But time is running out.

Dr. Dwight Williams: Don't panic about flu

President of Iceland Joins Prestigious Dialogue Lineup

Prestigious! Glow Ball Leaders! Dialogue! Climb Ass Changeum Hopium!
President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson of Iceland, a global leader in climate change policy, will speak at the National Energy Summit & International Dialogue
Pope calls synod on Mideast for 2010
Listen, Popella, you had better be very very careful not to sin and nod and piss off the GOD OF ISRAEL, ya hear? Not the God of Palestine, not the God of Chaching, not the God of Glow Ball I Me Minery,. THE GOD OF YISROEL. Jewsus sees you.

Girl, 4, eats bag of cocaine
Do not make me say what I would do to this guy were the justice in my hands. Shaheed Wright. Shahid (Shaheed) means "martyr" in Arabic. Wright?
Shaheed Wright feared police were closing in on him, authorities say, so he hid his bags of cocaine in his son's jacket pockets, telling the child that it was candy. When the boy arrived at his daycare center in Newark on Friday morning, he did what any other 4-year-old might: The boy handed the white powder out to his friends. One girl ate it.

Freethought Film Festival
Believe in nothing, and you shall have it. In abundance!

Paterson Says He Will Run Despite White House Pressure
Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House’s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.Appearing tired and agitated as reporters crowded him at a parade in Harlem on Sunday, the governor said that he would not abandon his campaign to seek a full term.“I have said time and time again that I am running for governor next year,” he said at the 40th annual African-American Day Parade.Mr. Paterson would not characterize what he was told by the White House, saying that he would not “discuss confidential conversations.”

“I’m not talking about any specific conversations,” he said. “As I said, I am running for office.”President Obama had sent a request to Mr. Paterson that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race, fearing that Mr. Paterson cannot recover from his dismal political standing, according to two senior administration officials and a New York Democratic operative with direct knowledge of the situation.

McConnell: GOP wants WH troop assessment 'now'

2000-year-old Roman amphitheatre discovered in Israel

Ancient synagogue discovered in Israel

Tentative signs of water found on the moon

Chicago Scientist Dies from Bacteria Causing Plague
A University of Chicago scientist has died from what is believed to be a rare plague like virus. The scientist, died back on September 13, after contracting an infection from the bacteria he was studying. According to the results of an autopsy performed on the scientist, he died from an infection of Yersinia pestis bacteria.
This bacteria is what causes the plague, a fact alone which is very scary indeed because of the potential harm that could present itself of the virus ever got loose into the public.

Officials with the university are tracking down anybody who they feel may have come into close contact with the scientist, whose identity is being withheld. A spokesman for the university has stated that there is absolutely no risk of the bacteria spreading to the public. The last outbreak of plague in the United States was in Los Angeles back in 1924/25.
NY: Nuclear Plant Siren Test Rattles Nerves

Catholic U. wins grant to convert nuclear waste
Catholic University of America has been awarded contracts totaling $36 million to convert liquid nuclear waste to glass at sites in South Carolina & Washington state.
Western Lands Uranium Gopher
It's been a tough month for Uranium Resources (NASDAQ:URRE). On September 4th CEO David Clark stepped down as President and CEO. Four days later the firm walked away from a major deal worth $1 million in cash and four million shares of stock with NZ Uranium LLC for 113,000 acres of checkerboard mineral claims in Crownpoint, NM. The only good news is that the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver set a January 2010 date for oral arguments on an En Banc review of the "Indian Country" controversy. Clark, who has been CEO for the past three years, told the company he was leaving to resume a writing career he put on hold to head the company.

He will remain a consultant to the firm through March 2010. Rick Van Horn, VP at Uranium Resources, told FCW that while Clark's action was unexpected, the firm immediately hired Donald Ewigleben as its new CEO effective Oct 1st. He is an attorney and has held numerous executive positions with Anglo Gold Ashanti North America. He also worked in the coal industry and is a director of the National Mining Association. The deal that went south with NZ Uranium LLC has left hard feelings on both sides. Van Horn told FCW the deal for NZ Uranium's claims "was subject to due diligence.'

"There are issues with the title for these claims that were not cured," Van Horn said, and, "we could not proceed with the deal." Not so says an angry Robert Worsley, CEO at NZ Uranium. He told FCW "Uranium Resources walked."
Oil firm 'settles' toxic waste case
Oil-trading company Trafigura has said it has reached a settlement with 31000 people in Ivory Coast who claimed they were made ill by toxic waste dumped around the capital, Abidjan.

Trafigura is one of the largest independent companies trading commodities today...
We handle every element involved in the sourcing and trading of crude oil, petroleum products, renewable energies, metals, metal ores and concentrates for industrial consumers. 1,900 of our people operate in offices in 42 countries across the globe to give us the local knowledge to anticipate and respond to variations in global supply and demand.

In the oil sector, Trafigura has access to over 30 million barrels of storage facilities through a combination of owned terminals under its PUMA network and long-term lease agreements with third party oil terminals; we also time charter in excess of 60 vessels worldwide.

In the metals and minerals sector, Trafigura currently owns and operates concentrate storage facilities and one mine in Peru. Additionally, Trafigura is a significant stakeholder in a smelter and in various publicly listed mining entities. Capitalising on resource trading and investment expertise Trafigura has diversified into asset management through the development of offshore hedge funds.

5.5 million Mexicans take part in quake drill

Organ donation may help someone you know
I gave at the office. Really.

These all in the last 24 hours:





6.3 M - BHUTAN