Ronald Reagan
Jeb Bush, GOP: "Time to leave Reagan behind"
I hereby spit upon their craven compliciot caliphabulous pathetic pussy asses in memory of the Gipper, who was the last righteous man to hold the seat.Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Saturday that it's time for the Republican Party to give up its "nostalgia" for the heyday of the Reagan era and look forward, even if it means stealing the winning strategy deployed by Democrats in the 2008 election.
"You can't beat something with nothing, and the other side has something. I don't like it, but they have it, and we have to be respectful and mindful of that," Mr. Bush said.
I said ALL!
The insolent middle finger of the apocalypse salutes you.
Karl Rove to speak at Panetta lecture in Monterey
He will be joined by David Plouffe......
David Plouffe, former campaign manager for President Barack Obama and Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to President George W. Bush, will discuss the role of partisanship in our current political systemI am not insane, most excellent Festus!
~ Big Jew named Paul, Useta be Saul
Orlando diocese to lead protest against Obama at Notre Dame
Bishop Thomas Wenski called the university's invitation "clueless" in light of Obama's stance on abortion -- and has conseuqently called for a Mass of Reparation, to make amends for sins against God.Excellent idea. Huzzah to the Bishop.
Notre Dame won't give top honor amid Obama protest
The University of Notre Dame has decided against awarding its top honor at commencement this year after its intended recipient turned it down over the school's decision to have President Barack Obama speak to graduates.
By: Geert Wilders
So GEERT has to come alllllll the way here from Europe to say what our REPUBLICAN LEADERS and our SO CALLED CHRISTIAN LEADERS will not say, refuse to say, will not acknowledge..... do not even BELIEVE IN. Nice. And you expect GOD to bless America? You expect Jewsus to "rapture" your sorry asses? Ha. Gird up. Give your heart to GOD because your asses belong to the whores, beasts and popes of Laodicea.Freedom of expression is under attack. This is a theme I am addressing here in America this week as part of the Free Speech Summit being held in Florida under the sponsorship of the Florida Security Council. And it is clear that a serious discussion of the threats to our freedoms in the West cannot come too soon.For example, my friend Rep. Adam Hasner, the majority leader of the Florida House of Representatives was attacked in a press release issued by the national office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Monday for daring to appear at a private event with me this past weekend. Because of that appearance, CAIR is demanding that Rep. Hasner step down or be removed from his position.
Saudi slams US claim of King talks with Israel's Peres
It happened here:
The U.N. General Assembly will host the Culture of Peace meeting initiated by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in New York on Nov. 12-13 2008
NOVEMBER 13th, 2008:
Israeli President Shimon Peres has praised the king of Saudi Arabia for his Middle East peace initiative. At an interfaith meeting at the United Nations, Mr Peres told King Abdullah he hoped his would be the "prevailing voice of the whole region".UCSB prof probed after comparing Israel to Nazis
I'd like to probe him.
The University of California, Santa Barbara, is investigating allegations of improper conduct and anti-Semitism against a professor who compared Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust.Koo Koo Ka Jew, Mr. Robinson.Sociology professor William I. Robinson sent an e-mail to 80 of his students in January that contained photos of Jews killed by the Nazis and similar photos of Palestinians killed in the recent Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip. The e-mail used the terms concentration camp and genocide when referring to Gaza.
US-born academic named Israeli ambassador to US
The road to Cairo and Damascus
Ain't a Bob or Bing to be found in this one. Well... maybe a Bing.
Spanish Candidate Hopes to Break Logjam at Nuclear Energy Agency
There's a logjam? Who knew? We did.
Even as Iran and North Korea continue to pursue their nuclear programs, the replacement of Mohamed ElBaradei as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency has turned into a global political fight with no end in sight.Iran's Ahmadinejad Calls West's Claims of Democracy 'Sheer Lies'
I would agree. But not for the same reasons.
Cleric: Obama Continuing Bush's Policies
Agreeing again with a crazy Iranian but for entirely different reasons.
This statement is 100% accurate:
Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami blasted US President Barack Obama's foreign policy, stressing that he is moving exactly on the same path that George Bush did.
Iran remains the "most active state sponsor of terrorism" in the world, a report by the US state department says.Obviously DOD & State are not speaking to each other.....
Gates: Persuasion better tack against Iran's nuclear pursuits
Please keep in mind that Gates is a holdover from GWB's Administration and that his right hand man is the exigently waived William Raytheon Lynn.
US wants Iran talks soonClinton and Gates told the panel that the U.S. and its allies should pressure Iran with tougher sanctions. "We do have intensive consultation efforts going on with our friends and like-minded nations, not only in the region but elsewhere in the world, concerning the threats that Iran poses," Clinton said.Gates also said the U.S. should partner with Russia on missile defense programs in the region to isolate Iran...
"We haven't gotten a clear message," said one U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. "It's not clear when it's coming."Russia stresses support for Iran-US direct talks
Meanwhile, pressure is growing from U.S. lawmakers and Israeli officials not to allow Iran to delay its answer indefinitely.
Japan urges Iran to engage constructively with US
Venezuela, Iran Agree to Strengthen Military Ties
Clinton says China, Iran gains in Latin America are "disturbing"
Yes. Aren't they, though.
Here. Have a big red plastic fuckin' reset button.
Iranian President Preparing for Tour of Latin America
French magazine reports Israeli exercises on Iran
UN tells Israel to freeze Arab home demolitions
Israel celebrates 61st Independence Day
We have always been independent, no matter where were are, no matter who thinks they have enslaved or defeated us, no matter who tries to destroy us.
...but they will say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.' Then they will live in their own land."Palestinians mark International Workers Day in Jerusalem
~ Jeremiah 23:8
Hatim Abdul-Qader, an advisor to president Mahmoud Abbas, Shaher Saad, secretary-general of the Palestinian Workers Union, and several officials and representatives of workers groups participated in the procession, in addition to representatives of American, Norwegian and Italian unions.In Soviet Palestine Shahid suicides you.....
BMI airline wipes Israel off the map
And the Glow Ballers rejoiced!
Israel has been excluded from digital maps displayed for passengers on British airline BMI flights from London Heathrow to Ben-Gurion Airport.UAE: Sharjah Ruler receives OIC Secretary General
Instead of viewing Tel Aviv or other Israeli cities signposted on screens, customers flying on two BMI-owned Airbus A320 airplanes have instead been exclusively shown Haifa, spelled "Khefa" - the Arab name of the city before 1948.
Ihsanoglu is currently on a visit to the UAE to take part in the 19th conference of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) being hosted by Sharjah. During the meeting they reviewed the future plans and projects of the OIC to serve the cause of the Islamic world.UAE's "The National" sez: Brief pause to reflect on a hectic 100 days
For his part, Mr Obama said on Wednesday he is already working on the political challenges that lie ahead, including plans to overhaul of the US health care and education systems, write new energy and immigration policies, and prop up a fragile civilian government in Pakistan.No thanks to you, MFer.
“We have plenty of work left to do,” he said. “But the United States of America will see a better day.”
Key Role for UAE Clerics at Congress
The UAE is expected to play a leading role in one of the world’s premier gatherings of religious leaders to be held in Astana, the Kazakhstan capital, in early July. Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, the Chairman of the Kazakhstan Senate who has been charged by President Nursultan Nazarbayev with overseeing preparations for the event, told the Khaleej Times that UAE clerics and officials have already agreed to participate in the third Congress of World and Traditional Religions, which since its inaugural session in 2003 has been held every three years.
Economic cooperation among Muslim countries stressed
The Islamic Economic Bailout Plan
This IS indeed a picture
of the white house
with a minaret
on a gold coin
in front of a stack of US hundreds.
If anyone knows what the Arabic says
please let me know.
Stephen Friedman, a former Goldman Sachs chief executive and White House economic adviser, said he will leave his post as chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by the end of 2009, a year before his term ends.Goldman Sachs Boosts Stock Sale to $5.75 Billion as Shares Gain
The New York Fed obtained a waiver from the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors in Washington to permit Mr. Friedman to stay on the New York Fed board through the end of 2009 while remaining a Goldman director and shareholder. To remain on the board, he would have to sell his Goldman shares and leave the Goldman board; he has chosen to leave the Fed board instead.Two other members of the New York Fed board -- the chief executives of Pepsi Co Inc. and Lehman Brothers -- left the New York Fed board last year. "To be without its chairman would have been an additional hardship," said Thomas Baxter, the New York Fed's general counsel. "We very much appreciate the Board of Governor's waiver and Mr. Friedman's willingness to stay on."
World Bank Bonds Show What Happens in State Rescues
Michael DuVally, a spokesman for Goldman Sachs, and Scott Silvestri, a Bank of America spokesman, each declined to comment.Bankers Have Written Down Chrysler Loans
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) had even sold some of its exposure, for between 50 cents and 70 centsChrysler Files for Bankruptcy, Debtholders Cry Foul
None of your Nationalized Business!
Scenario: Nationalization of the Insurance Industry
Any company posessing an internal finance company can be siezed by the seizer at any time now.
Bolivia nationalizes a subsidiary of British Petroleum
Congress Passes $3.56 Trillion Budget Resolution
On April 29, Congress passed a nonbinding $3.56 trillion budget resolution for the 2010 fiscal year. The resolution (S. Con. Res. 13) first passed the House on a vote of 233-193, followed by Senate passage by 53-43. Not one Republican in either house voted for the measure, but 17 Democrats voted against it in the House and four in the Senate. "This budget was hugely important for the president,"
Congressional Quarterly quoted Senate Budget Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)
"This is the starting point for everything he wants to do."
Passage of the resolution drew contradictory comments from opposite sides of the aisle. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said: "Today, for the first time in many, many years, we have a president's budget on the floor that is reflective of our national values. It is a foundation for how we go forward into the future."
However, House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) called the budget resolution "nothing short of an audacious move to a big socialist government in Washington, D.C."
No.... not that Johnson, LOL!
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has added Nouriel Roubini and Simon Johnson to their advisory panel. This is good. They should bring some badly-needed outside perspective to Congress. Here's a quick overview of panel's role (more on Roubini and Simon below): What is the Congressional Budget Office?
US Bank Stress Test Results Delayed as Conclusions Debated
Gethcher freakin' stories straight right quick now boys, ya hear?
Greenspan: H-1B cap would make US workers 'privileged elite'
Funny... I don't feel privileged & elite.
Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan today offered a spirited defense of the controversial H-1B program, telling a U.S. Senate subcommittee that the visa quota is "far too small to meet the need," and that it protects U.S. workers from global competition, creating a "privileged elite."How Risky is the Fed Balance Sheet?
The simple answer to this question is, "No one knows." The Central Bank's balance sheet now stands at $2.2 trillion -- more than doubled since September, 2008. In all, the Fed has created 11 lending programs to combat the credit crisis, but few details of the collateral backing these loans are available.Obama: 'unrelenting' efforts on economy, security
No doubt! But we should pray he succeeds, right?
You stupid MFers.
White House Grants Jarrett Ethics Waiver
On Friday night, the White House posted on its website a special ethics waiver allowing senior adviser Valerie Jarrett to lead the White House's efforts to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago. Jarrett had previously served as Vice Chair of the non-profit entity "Chicago 2016." The waiver -- which can be read HERE -- was signed by Special Counsel to the President and Designated Agency Ethics Official Norm Eisen.SPOTLIGHT: Grassley liklely to get off pharma's back
So how much did it cost them to get him to step off?
Pharma executives are breathing a sigh of relief this week thanks to news that Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) is stepping down from his role as head of the Senate Finance Committee. He'll move to the Senate Judiciary Committee instead. Hill gossip says with Grassley's transition, pharma may see the end of a steady stream of demanding letters from Grassley, who's been a real gadfly on the subject of drugmakers' relationships with doctors and academic medical centers.Doctors Urged to Stop Taking Gifts From Drug Manufacturers
Urged. Please stop taking gifts. Pretty please?
Enter the Ubiquitous Utterly Useless Strongly Worded Letter:
In a scolding report, the nation's most influential medical advisory group said doctors should stop taking much of the money, gifts and free drug samples they routinely accept from drug and device companies.Clear and present danger to the culture of life
After the U.S. Senate voted 65-31 on Tuesday to confirm Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic who strongly supports legal abortion, as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, pro-Obama and pro-life Catholics collided over the consequences of the appointment.I'm tellin' ya, give your heart to GOD right now cause your asses belong to Homo Stultus the Eugenicist. The Republicans will not stop this appointment EITHER.
Pro-lifers are promising to battle against the pro-abortion Dawn Johnsen, who awaits confirmation for the Office of Legal Counsel.
US Senate Finance Panel Holds Closed-Door Meeting On Health
Holding banners, flags and balloons, people gathered at the streets chanting slogans like "better life and social security."US-Russian millionaire has plea set in sex tourism
A wealthy Russian-American entrepreneur is due in court Thursday for a plea hearing in an international child-sex case. U.S. prosecutors in Philadelphia say Andrew Mogilyansky traveled to Russian orphanages to molest young teenage girls and hire them out as prostitutes.Russia to build floating Arctic nuclear stations
Enigma variations on Putin
In Goldman Sachs' famous BRIC acronym, Russia is designated to be one of the world's largest economies by 2050 along with Brazil, India and China.Russia takes control of rebel borders with Georgia
Russia took formal control over the de-facto borders of Georgia's rebel regions on Thursday a week before NATO military exercises in Georgia that President Dmitry Medvedev said amounted to a challenge from the West.Russia's border pact with rebels
Beware the Return of the Soviet FIVE YEAR PLAN!
Russia has signed a five-year deal taking formal control of its de facto borders with two breakaway regions of Georgia, South Ossetia and AbkhaziaRussia Digs In Alongside Breakaway Territories
Russia Blasts EU Trade Policy
Russia Delivers "Aid" to Cash-Strapped Kyrgyzstan
450 Million USD
Tajikistan- Uzbekistan: meandering border
Kazakhstan to supply 2000 tonnes of uranium to India
New uranium mine opens in Kazakhstan
A joint Kazakh-Chinese venture, launched the operation of a new uranium mine Irko in the Kzylorda oblast of Kazakhstan yesterday (April 28). The joint venture is owned by the KazAtomProm National Nuclear Company of Kazakhstan (51%) and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company (49%).World Bank approves $2.12 bln for Kazakhstan road
Irkol is the first uranium mine brought into commercial operation under Kazakh-Chinese nuclear cooperation; the project is being implemented under the strategic partnership treaty signed in Astana in October 2008.
The World Bank on Thursday approved $2.12 billion for a road project that will improve trade linking China to Russia and western Europe through Kazakhstan.No more free speech in Kazakhstan. Internet to be controlled by State
Kazakhstan's opposition is weak and disparate and mainstream media never criticize Nazarbayev. Nonetheless, media freedom activist Tamara Kaleyeva said the law would turn to arbitrary crackdowns tool for officials.Kazakhstan-UK bilateral coop discussed in London
Bus Slams Into Bulldozer In Uzbekistan, Killing 26
Russia will not intervene in Turkmen gas dispute
Which of course means they are, they do, they have, and they will continue to do so.
Gazprom 2008 net profit up by 11% to USD 23 billion
Gazprom's Medvedev included in Time most influential list
Eastern Europe and CIS
Eastern Europe: Will Democracy Stay The Only Game in Town?
Sure! Why not? There is no proscription against lying in any code but the Judeo-Christian one. Matter of fact lying is practically a sacrament in Islam. It is called Taqiyya and Kitman.
In his famous work of fiction, The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky observed, through his character Smerdyakov, “For if there’s no everlasting God, there’s no such thing as virtue, and there’s no need of it.”Rapper Greydon Square: Atheist Icon
Thanks to name-checking by Richard Dawkins (for organized atheists, the equivalent of an Oprah endorsement) and a somewhat hilarious/puzzling/scary Web drama, he's the major atheist in rap music.Chinese officials force paid surrogate mothers to have abortions
Nations with worst religious tolerance named
A U.S. government panel listed 13 countries Friday as "egregious" violators of religious freedom. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom's annual report named Myanmar, North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. It recommended that the Obama administration designate them as "countries of particular concern" or CPC.THE TEN WORST PLACES TO BE A BLOGGER:
Myanmar, Iran, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Vietnam, Cuba, all use detentions, regulations, or intimidation to restrict Internet activity.
Freedom of the Press Declining Everywhere
According to a new study from the Freedom House, freedom of the press declined in every region during 2008. Press freedom has fallen for seven straight years, but the survey said that 2008 was the first time it fell across the board. "The journalism profession today is up against the ropes and fighting to stay alive, as pressures from governments, other powerful actors and the global economic crisis take an enormous toll," executive director Jennifer Windsor said in a statement.OIC reiterates commitment to principles of freedom of expression!
Ihsanoglu made his remarks in a message he delivered a message on May 3, World Press Freedom Day.Voice of America facing problems with beaming to Uzbekistan
Israel's press status downgraded to 'partly free'
North Dakota: Hundreds rally for convicted US journalist in Iran
Outcry as Iran executes artist over juvenile conviction
The Washington Independent on Jewel v. NSA
Major Electric / Power Co's meet with Smart Grid Technology Innovators and Leaders
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
The Smart Grid Implementation Summit, a three-day senior-level gathering of the major stakeholders in national smart grid deployment will be held August 17-19, 2009, in Washington, DCInternational Quality and Productivity Center?
Organized by the International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC), this public-private sector forum focuses on the “how to” of launching, implementing and operating smart grid projects.
How positively...Orwellian.
IQPC: North American Home
IQPC: Middle Eastern Home
DHS Fusion Center Under Investigation by VA Gov. Kaine
Virginia Gov. Timothy Kaine on Tuesday ordered an investigation into the process used by the Virginia Fusion Center to create its 2009 terrorism threat assessment after critics complained the report unfairly targeted academic institutions and minority groups.Raytheon Purchases Rights to KillerBee(R) Unmanned Aircraft System
Raytheon Company, with 2008 sales ofRaytheon Awarded $9 Million Option for Patriot Tech Services$23.2 billion , is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 87 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as a broad range of mission support services. With headquarters inWaltham, Mass. , Raytheon employs 73,000 people worldwide.
Raytheon Missile Systems president tops local CEO pay list
Raytheon to launch 'spy in the sky' satellite in Va.
A satellite scheduled for launch from Virginia's Eastern Shore is designed to detect hidden enemy weapons and deliver their locations to U.S. combat troops, scientists testing the technology say.FLORIDA: Raytheon cleanup could take 25 years, cost $46 million
Raytheon predicts it will take millions of dollars and decades of work to clean up the water-borne plume of cancer-causing chemicals beneath its St. Petersburg defense plant and the neighborhoods surrounding it.Barney Franks is requesting more than $3 billion in earmarks for defense-related projects, including funding for contractors Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson
I was thinking... ya know how the race car drivers and tourney fisherman have to wear clothes bearing the logos of their corporate sponsors? Politicians should have to do that. But they would need very, very long capes or trains to hold them all.
Leaks found in 2 pipes at NJ nuclear plant
WHO Renames Swine Flu
The World Health Organization will no longer use the term "swine flu" in order to avoid confusion over the danger posed by pigs. The decision comes after the agriculture industry and the UN food agency expressed concerns that the term was misleading and needlessly causing countries to order the slaughter of pigs.US professor disappears during Japan volcano hikeNow they are sticking with the technical, scientific name, H1N1 Influenza A. The pandemic flu alert remains on phase step away from the highest level indicating a global outbreak.
I fell asleep in the middle of the first poem.
After reading that I would not be a bit suprised if the dude jumped into the volcano in a pseudopagan frenzy of suicidal lust:
Indonesia: Mount Rinjani on alert status, closed to touristsCraig Arnold, a 41-year-old assistant professor at the University of Wyoming, did not return from his Monday hike to a volcano on Kuchinoerabujima, a small island just west of Yakushima, the school said.
"The only clues that [searchers] have found were indications that he had begun the ascent -- footprints on the trail," said Peter Parolin, head of the university's English department, citing Arnold's family.
UK: Biggest earthquake in South Cumbria for 174 years
5.6 in Alaska
4.4 west of Los Angeles