Lance Brown & Tom Cunningham ~ It's All About Me

Europeans to join Israelis in anti-Islam summit
Found: Ancient Capital of Jewish Khazar Kingdom
2nd Temple-Era Wall Found on Mt. Zion
Their TEN YEAR PLAN is to establish the Caliphate
Read it for yourself ....

Arab boy beaten by father for wearing Star of David
European money fuels Palestinian terror, says EU lawmaker
American and Saudi money too!
See these 2007 posts for more

France to sign Syrian Oil & Gas Deals
Syria's peace proposal to Israel
Murdoch considers buying NYT
World Bank Says: Food crisis and silent famine to continue
The language in this thing makes my head spin, proles

Prominent Atheist Professor of Law and Philosophy Thomas Nagel Calls ID Scientific & Constitutional to "Mention" in Science Classes
Iran's Most Wanted Wanted Man Jundallah Leader Abd Al-Malik Rigi Says: We Can Now Carry Our Operations to Tehran

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University

Georgia airfields earmarked for war on Iran
Saakashvilli "no longer" Georgia's President
Russian Bombers Could Be Deployed to Cuba
A long-running effort to define terrorism repeatedly has run into hurdles erected by mostly Islamic states determined that the fight against occupation – especially the one waged by the Palestinians – should be explicitly exempted.
That stance is enshrined in the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 1998 convention on combating international terrorism, which states that “peoples’ struggle including armed struggle against foreign occupation … shall not be considered a terrorist crime.”
Sesame Street ~ Capital I ~ 1970
BTW: The animation when it ran originally was an "I" ~
Someone had to change it to an S
but I liked it "wrong" so I used this version
Someone had to change it to an S
but I liked it "wrong" so I used this version