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Monday, September 1, 2008

Sixteen Tons of Missing Linkage


Happy hemi semi demi proletarian workers of the world unite and be betrayed day, Feralmanity!

The History of Labor Day
Other countries celebrate International Labor day (also known as May Day) on May 1. The date was adopted in Canada in 1894 and by socialist delegates in Paris in 1889, in commemoration of the Haymarket Square Riot in Chicago of 1886. Fearing a commemoration of socialism, US President Grover Cleveland opted for the holiday to take place in September, honoring the original Labor Day parade of 1882.
From the "Arab News":
Some believed Obama is a Muslim because of his middle name. All the blacks so far in power at various levels have shown their commitment and determination to serve the country and the world without discrimination of color and religion. However, the track record of whites has been to side with Israel rather than with Muslim countries. We now have a ray of hope in Obama. We expect him to solve the problems facing the Muslim world, including those in Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir. What has happened after Sept. 11, 2001, is that Muslims are being dubbed terrorists. We extend our support to Obama or anyone who will be able to solve problems related to the Muslim world,” said Yousuf.
The Magic Kingdom Hearts Obama!

Biden quoted as saying that Israel will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden was quoted Monday as telling senior Israeli officials behind closed doors that the Jewish state will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran.Biden, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has long been considered strongly pro-Israel.In the unsourced report, Army Radio also quoted Biden as saying that he opposed "opening a additional military and diplomatic front."

Giganti ~ Sixteen Tons

UNIFIL will save us!

Israel told the United States on Sunday it was prepared to withdraw from the northern part of Ghajar on the Lebanese border, a change in its policy for the past year and a half of not wanting to discuss the issue. A government source in Jerusalem said the decision was made after the Lebanese government delivered written assurances that UNIFIL would be given security and civilian control over the northern part of the village, which is in Lebanese territory.
The UN Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has been stationed between Israel and Lebanon since 1978, but violence continues. Despite UNIFIL’s presence, PLO terrorists operating from southern Lebanon routinely carried out terrorist operations in northern Israel until 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon and eliminated the PLO. Subsequently, UNIFIL failed to interfere with or prevent Hezbollah from bombarding the residents of northern Israel with Katyusha rockets during Israel’s 20-year presence in the Southern Lebanon security zone. Israeli counterstrikes often caught UNIFIL in the middle and some UNIFIL personnel were killed or injured.

Even since Israel's full withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, UNIFIL has made no effort to thwart attacks against Israelis by Hezbollah terrorists. On October 7, 2000 three IDF soldiers were abducted by Hesbollah near a UNIFIL position, an event that was witnessed by UNIFIL personnel who may have even been involved. They were abducted while patroling the southern (Israeli) side of the Israeli-Lebanese border. UNIFIL's impartiality has been called into question since allegations have surfaced concerning the possible bribery of UNIFIL personnel facilitating the kidnapping and by the refusal of UN personnel to cooperate in the Israeli investigation of the kidnapping.

Several videotapes and numerous photographs were made at the time of the kidnapping event, and afterward when the vehicles used by Hezbollah were discovered abandoned. Israel demanded access to the tapes and photos but UNIFIL, and UN Headquarters in New York, denied their existence for over a year until forced to admit at least some of the materials were in UN possession. Only heavily edited versions were eventually turned over to Israel, indicating a cover-up was still operating in the matter, probably to protect UNIFIL personnel who were involved or who were negligent in their duties. An Indian member of UNIFIL gave an interview to an Israeli newspaper in which he said that four Indian members of UNIFIL helped Hezbollah carry out the abduction.

Israel continues to demand unedited tapes from the UN. Hezbollah issued a statement that they will treat the UN personnel as spies if the tape is turned over to Israel. The fate of the abducted soldiers (and others kidnapped by Hezbollah) remains unknown.


May 26, 2008: Israel: UNIFIL is ignoring Hezbollah violations in south Lebanon

August 18, 2008: UNIFIL: Objectively Pro-Hezbollah

"It was the hardest, cruelest moment of my life," Ms Qudsi recalls. "I did what was asked, and I made my will trying to explain to my six-year-old daughter and my parents what I was doing. I also sent a message to the Israelis and the outside world that I was a freedom fighter and not a terrorist."

Galilee Arabs could declare a state

Australia continues to sell uranium to Russians

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Russian press proposing a strategic alliance between Russia and Iran

Bolivian president in Iran for investment talks

Iran, Jordan review expansion of mutual cooperation

Jordan contacts Hamas

Iran, Turkey have made strides to develop ties: Turkish PM

Iran: OPEC may back output cut in September

Dutch paper
De Telegraaf: US to strike Iran in coming weeks
....all their bong are belong to me!

NYT: Bush seeks to affirm a continuing war

Why (Pseudo) Scientific Atheists Are Wrong About The Essence Of Science

Goldman Sachs added health-insurance coverage of sex reassignment surgery as part of a push last year to attract top talent and recruit and retain a more diverse workforce

The sun has reached a milestone not seen for nearly 100 years: an entire month has passed without a single visible sunspot being noted.

UK: Ramadan Imposed on Non-Muslims

U.K. Historic Sports Club to Become Mosque


An event organised by “Stop Islamisation Of Europe” (SIOE)

To commemorate the 9/11 2001 victims of the Islamist attacks on the USA and Western democracy To protest about the Sharia-by-stealth being imposed across Europe The undermining of English Common Law and national sovereign laws in European countries, together with their associated democracies, is proceeding at a reckless pace. Senior establishment figures such as the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Chief Justice have intimated that Sharia law might have a place within English law and British law as a whole.

SIOE opposes Sharia law at any level existing in English law and any national sovereign law in Europe. SIOE organiser Stephen Gash said, “Rational people all over Europe believe in democracy, not theocracy. In a working democracy legislation may be enacted and repealed according to circumstances prevailing at the time. Muslims believe that Sharia law is the unassailable word of their deity Allah and is unchangeable.

The vast majority of Europeans consider the stoning to death of a woman for being raped and beheading a person for leaving Islam to be barbaric punishments. Those punishments represent the thick end of the wedge. The thin end of the wedge is, for example, uniquely allowing Muslim men multiple welfare benefits for multiple wives as happens in the United Kingdom and other European countries.” Anders Gravers, SIOE organiser, said, “The Danish constitution is very dear to Danish hearts and we celebrate Constitution Day every year. Every Friday in mosques in Denmark Koranic verses are preached which are unconstitutional. This contradicts Danish law and SIOE Denmark is seeking to have those verses removed from the Koran.

We believe that Islam and democracy are incompatible and most Muslim clerics agree with us.” Non-Muslims are treated as third class citizens in Islamic countries such as, Egypt, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria and Indonesia. These countries are, supposedly, democracies. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Muslims in those countries voted for non-Muslims to have an inferior status. This is because Islam declares non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims.