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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Romania, Romania!

Klezmer Conservatory Band
Rumania, Rumania

This basis for this post and any translations provided within brought to you courtesy of my contacts in Romania. All extraneous links by me:

Corneliu Vadim Tudor: Arch-Jew-hater, Hungarian-hater, Gypsy-hater, Slav-hater, etc., friend of Libya, "Palestine" and the Arab world, author of grovelling odes to former "Most Beloved Son of the People" Nicolae Ceausescu and "Mother of the Nation" Elena Ceausescu) has clung onto his position as Vice President of the Romanian Senate following political horse-trading and a deal struck with the very party which had been his sworn enemy, a party that had had seemed to promise light at the end of the sewer of the compromised politics of Romania's post-communist "transition".

Romanian politics is murky (and highly corrupt) at the best of times. The amazing thing is that he was propelled into the position of vice-president of the senate by the Democratic Liberal Party, the sworn enemies of Vadim and the Greater Romania Party. Basescu, President of Romania, is supposedly Vadim's #1 enemy....

As far as Vadim as Vice-president of the Romanian Senate goes- in fact, he was already Vice-president, the whole scandal erupted because the Liberal Democratic Party (Partidul Democrat - Liberal, PD-L) - which is supposedly anticommunist and against everything the Greater Romania Party stands for - cut a deal with Vadim that now enables him to cling on to the position. In other words, Vadim being Vice-President of the Romanian Senate is just business as usual as far as Romanian politics is concerned. What is shocking is that the PD-L, supposedly the only party with so much as an iota of integrity, are now cutting deals with Vadim. So it wasn't the case that he was elected to the position - he already occupied it.

In addition to the vicious anti-Semitic diatribes published by his party newspaper, Vadim was also notorious in the 90s for saying that he would organize public executions of intellectuals by machine gun in football stadiums if he came to power. In 2000, he lost a presidential run-off with "ex"-communist (in fact, not even "crypto"-communist) Ion Iliescu, who had organized the brutal repression of demonstrations against neo-communism in 1990, when the miners rampaged through Bucharest, causing many deaths and countless instances of grievous bodily harm.

In 2000, even those who had been victims of Iliescu's repression preferred to vote for him in order to prevent Vadim becoming president. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel who was born in Romania, returned his Star of Romania (the country's highest honor) when President Ion Iliescu awarded the same decoration to Vadim Tudor shortly before leaving office. Vadim's Star of Romania was later withdrawn (the first time the decoration has ever been withdrawn) when Traian Basescu became president.

Corneliu Vadim Tudor

The above video is from a news report on how Vadim and his henchmen disrupted the speech to a joint assembly of the Romanian Parliament and Senate on 18 December 2006 in which President Basescu officially condemned the former communist regime as "criminal and illegitimate"

From a pro-Vadim bio:
His party's doctrine is that of the study, cognition and dissemination of the Romanian national values. He was often accused of xenophobia and Antisemitism. But in the last years he tempered his speech by adopting a pro-European and philo semitic position.

He was tried having many insult and calumny accusations because of his "Great Romania" written articles (signed with his real name and with his underground name- Alcibiade). Corneliu Vadim Tudor, along with The Great Romania Foundation initiated "The Christian Supper" humanitarian project
Why is this important? Why should you give one rat's ass what is going on in Romania? I'll tell you why - darkness is falling once again all over Europe, mah ferals. And it is falling fast. Like DeWinter in Belgium and LePen in France, the European Fascists are rising on the wings of jihad and multiculturalism. Putin struts around shirtless, shooting tigers, invading nations and tossing threats around with impunity. You'd better care what is happening in Europe.

European leaders take note, fascism is not dead

BTW there is zero on the web in English or any other language that I could find on Vadim's so called Great Romania Foundation or The Christian Supper humanitarian project.... but here's some other articles I did find:


From Eminescu to Goga via Corneliu Vadim Tudor: A new round of antisemitism in Romanian cultural life

Here's his blog

At about 1:38 we see Vadim "the poet"
and hear part of his odes to the Great Scientist,
the "Mother of the Nation"

Vadim reminds me of Vincent Gardenia's long lost
fascist asshole of a brother, if he had one.

at left: Gardenia in Moonstruck

Corneliu Vadim Tudor (b. November 28, 1949) is leader of the ultra-nationalist Greater Romania Party (Partidul România Mare).

During the reign of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, Tudor was energetic in his praise (in prose and poetry) of the dictator. In 1989 he switched from communist to ultra-nationalist after Ceauşescu's fall and execution in 1989. In June 1990, with the approval and encouragement of Romanian leaders Ion Iliescu and Petre Roman, Tudor and his maître founded the national-communist weekly România Mare ("Great Romania"). România Mare has been sued for libel with stunning frequency, often for Tudor's own writings (which he usually - if not always - signs under a pseudonym).

Tudor regularly lauds Romania's former communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and has pledged to fight "the transformation of Romania into a foreign colony".

Special targets for Tudor include Jews, whom he describes as "the source of all evil", the country's Hungarian minority and Gypsies whom he wishes to see enclosed in "ghettos".

In 1991, Time magazine described the Greater Romania Party as "a crude mixture of anti-Semitism, racism and nostalgia for the good old days of communism." To this, one ought to add ultra-nationalist, anti-Magyarist, and anti-gypsy.

Oddly, for an ultra-nationalist, Tudor supports Romania's entry into the European Union and wishes to remain in NATO. Al-Ahram has called him the "Jean-Marie Le Pen of the Carpathians,"[1]. Between 1993 and 1996, he assembled his party into the leftist "Red Quadrilateral" coalition.

Tudor's and his party's change from National-Communism to Ultra-Nationalism took place after 1996. In 1999, Dan Corneliu Hudici, a former reporter at România Mare, claimed there was a "secret blacklist" of dozens of politicians (including then-president Emil Constantinescu), journalists, and businessmen to be arrested if Tudor's party came to power.This allegation only increased his popularity.

Changing his convictions to "Christian-Democracy" as of 2004 Tudor supports Romania's entry into the European Union and sustains its presence in NATO. In 2003, Tudor dramatically changed his stated views of Jews, Judaism, and the Holocaust.

In a letter of February 1, 2004, he renounced certain earlier statements he had made as inappropriately anti-Semitic; further, he wrote, "I know that I was wrong to have denied the Holocaust in Romania, which happened between 1941 and 1944 under Antonescu's regime." Some have publicly questioned the sincerity and motivations of this change.


In the first round of the Romanian presidential elections on November 26,2000, Tudor finshed second with 28% of the vote. (Four years earlier, he had com in fifth.) However, nearly all other parties backed Ion Iliescu in the December 11 runoff, and Tudor only picked up five additional percentage points, while Iliescu surged from 36% to 67%.

Biographical information:

Born in Bucharest November 28, 1949 into a working-class family. His father was, at one time a Baptist priest, but he now professes the Romanian Orthodox religion.

Received a degree in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest in 1971

In 1975, he studied at the School for Reserve Officers in Bucharest

In 1978-1979 his scholarship was honored with a Herder prize, which allowed him to study history in Vienna

He worked as a journalist, editor, and poet under the communist regime; in the early 1970s, he edited the magazine România Libera ("Free Romania") and after 1975 was an editor at the Agerpress agency.

Has served as a Romanian Senator since 1992.

On September 25, 2001, Tudor gave up his parliamentary immunity from prosecution.
He has written at least 10 volumes of poetry and political commentary, at least one of which has been translated into French, English, and Arabic. He has also written for the stage. He is married with two children.

"This country [Romania]
could only be governed
through the mouth of a machine gun"

~Corneliu Vadim Tudor, 1998
(quoted by CNN, December 9, 2000)



This account, as I have said, deals with prisons in Romania, but the procedures used there have been and are used wherever the anti-humans have gained control. Identical procedures, together with such improvements as may have been suggested by their experiments and delights in Romania and other captive nations, will be used everywhere that their power is extended including, of course, the United States, if that nation reaches the goal toward which it is presently moving at a vertiginous speed.

If the Americans succumb, they will remember this book as a prophecy that was completely fulfilled.

Between Sacrifice and Suicide:
Petre Tutea (1902-1991) was a Romanian philosopher, imprisoned and tortured by the communists. During his time in prison, he developed a theory of "spiritual stupidity" or "metaphysical autism" by observing those who tortured him. Homo sovieticus is one sub-type of what Tutea calls "homo stultus", the embodiment of spiritual stupidity and hatred of God, the opposite of homo religiosus. Homo stultus "in his spiritual stupidity applies the logic of facts to the domain of mystery, remaining captive in this world in which he acts mechanically, like a 'spinning top'.

Famous Romanian people | Greater Romania Party | List of Romanians | List of political parties in Romania | Party of Great Romania | Romanian political parties

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