Steely Dan ~ Black Friday

At 4:30AM on September 5, 1972, five Arab terrorists wearing track suits climbed the six & 1/2 foot fence surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany. Once inside, they were met by three others who had gained entrance with credentials. Within 24 hours, 11 Israelis, five terrorists, and a German policeman were dead.
The Munich operation was ordered by Yasser Arafat and carried out by Fatah, Arafat's faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).The mastermind of the massacre, Abu Daoud, admitted his role in his autobiography, Memoirs of a Palestinian Terrorist, published in 1999. Although this was said to be the first public acknowledgment that the PLO was behind Munich, Daoud himself essentially admitted this when under interrogation by Jordanian police in 1972. The Al-Dustur newspaper quoted him at the time as telling them:
"There is no such organization called Black September. Fatah announces its own operations under this name so that Fatah will not appear as the direct executor of the operation."

Members of Fatah's "Military Wing"
The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
Gaza 6/13/07

Moderate members of Fatah caucusing peacefully in Nablus
January 2008
Arcadi Gaydamak, the billionaire candidate for mayor of Jerusalem, met on Monday with the Vatican's representative in Israel
Jerusalem won't need a real mayor if "Peace" is achieved. But this asshole seems ready to be the fake one:
Oh fuck you. When the Israeli Christians start blowing your asses up let me know. Till then the masterflation of "Muslim and Christian" in that statement is designed to erase right and wrong. It is a vile statement, it is morally depraved."Jerusalem is the center for three religions, and the Jewish establishment must solidify constructive relations with Christians and Muslims," Gaydamak said. "This is the only way we will create understanding towards Israel and the Jewish people."

ASSAD: Lebanon in "Fragile State"
Israel Sees Syria "Break out of Isolation"
Syrian President Assad Hosts Four-Party Summit
France, Syria, Turkey and Qatar
Iraq expects to gross $55 billion in China oil deal
Nasrallah explains the "accidental" downing of a Lebanese chopper

Sarkozy warns that Pakistan also at stake in Afghan campaign
Who died and made this guy boss of the world is my question - he's inside EVERYTHING lately running his mouth....
Apparently we already plan to move the Iraqi forces to Afghanistan
Officials declined to detail the recommendations (except to the NYT - see above), which come after a 45-day assessment conducted by U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus
Condi has no comment on the rumored Pakistani Incursion

Turkey to Build Gas Plant in Soviet Turkmenistan
EU welcomes Turkish president's effort to improve Turkey-Armenia ties
Iran and Bolivia Issue Joint Statement
Muslims taking over parts of the Philippines thanks to the OIC
Over $700 million has been pledged to the nation over the last six months by land-hungry Arab nations, raising concern that their rising influence will radicalise Cambodian MuslimsSomalian Muslims Celebrate Ramadan with Blood

Even then, the Islamic Courts’ former military wing, known as the Shabab (meaning Youth), would fight on. Its men have been radicalised by the insurgency and have grown in confidence (or fatalism) since being classified as a terrorist group by the American administration. One of its commanders, Mukhtar Robow, wants to merge it with al-Qaeda.It SNOWED (or something) In KENYA
UK Muslims offended by Christians praying during Ramadan
Dagestan: Yet Another Dissident Russian Reporter Shot Dead
Alishaev had been a long-time and outspoken opponent of Islamic religious fundamentalism, known in the region as 'Wahabbism.'Spain moves to amend their strict abortion laws
Well just in case someone gets knocked up by an ape they must have recourse, nu?

They should tear his collar from him and kick his ass out.
But they won't:
He provoked storms of outrage this summer when he defended the awarding of the Order of Canada, the nation's highest honor, to the country's leading abortionist.An editorial in a Vatican-linked newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, has called into question the concept of brain death
"The defense community is critically reliant on a technology that obsoletes itself every 18 months, is made in unsecure locations and over which we have absolutely no market share influence," said Ted J. Glum, director of the DoD's Defense Microelectronics Activity unit. "Other than that," he cracked, "we're good."
WSJ: McCain, Bush and the Dollar