MANAMA: Albaraka Banking Group will hold a symposium on Islamic economy in Saudi Arabia. The 29th symposium will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah from September 6 to 7.
Issues to be discussed will include international commodities and the rules that govern them and protection of the capital of deposits by reason of the applicable laws, Albaraka Banking Group president and chief executive Adnan Ahmed Yousif said.
June 2008: Albaraka plans $200 million in acquisitions
Today: Albaraka Banking Group net operating income up by 81 per cent

Abu Dhabi takes its fortunes to Hollywood
Georgia-Russia Conflict Changes The Energy Equation
France takes command of maritime task force in Lebanon
Sarkozy visit to consolidate ties with Syria

Iran calls for oil production cuts as prices drop
Egypt Halts Gas Supply to Israel
Lights Out in Iran
Blair's SIL: Stuck inside of Gaza with the Hamas blues again

Yushchenko says Ukraine government in state of collapse
Powerful Photos
Toward A New Paradigm For The Post-Soviet PetrostatesStalin acted ‘entirely rationally’ in executing and imprisoning millions of people in the Gulags, a controversial new Russian teaching manual claims.
Fifty-five years after the Soviet dictator died, the latest guide for teachers to promote patriotism among the Russian young said he did what he did to ensure the country’s modernisation.
The manual, titled A History of Russia, 1900-1945, will form the basis of a new state-approved text book for use in schools next year.It seems to follow an attempt backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to re-evaluate Stalin’s record in a more positive light.
McCain in talks with Ron Paul for backing
I especially liked this part: "acquire the names of his sympathizers" LOL!
Al-Arabiya writer declared "persona non grata" by Iranian commislamist kangaroo court

"The United Nations has launched a 'text messaging for peace' campaign today, asking cell phone users in the United States to compose peace messages which will be delivered to world leaders who will gather here for the General Assembly later this month."
""I call on world leaders and peoples around the world to join forces against conflict, poverty and hunger, and for all human rights for all," the UN Secretary-General added."

BIBI: Olmert's "Peace" Endangers the Israeli People
Abbas Demanding "Right of Return"
"Possibility of peace with Israel" ~ Assad
Israel and Egypt have embarked on serious discussions about the deployment of an Arab force in the Gaza Strip consisting largely of Egyptian and some Saudi troops.
6.1 off coast of BC
5.0 in NW Iran
With the expansive hunger of their miracle?
Surely what we deem to be openness in them
Is what we too see, on falling asleep, what we decry
And ever sprouts the question: Whither? Whence are they?
And the one who slowly creeps across them,
Is it not he, about whom we scream out in our sleep,
The Judas of all generations to come?NAZARETH ~ Don't Judas Me