Egypt, Malaysia, Syria, Iran.
For background information on the OIC, see these old Spleen posts:
57 Ways to Weave Your Cover
It is very important to read that one & be sure and watch the video of Condi introducing the United States' first representative to the OIC, ever, and hear speak about how it is vital that America accept Islam.
The videos of Karen Hughes are pretty sickening too.
Post also includes a link to their ten year plan for our doom and dozens of other links vital to understanding this stealth Dawa.

Global Dhimming will kill you LONG before global warming will...
Watch in horror as Ban Moon swears fealty to the OIC....
Robert Spencer on the OIC, 2007
In the global war against Jihad, America's recurring challenge is the unwillingness of its political leadership to confront the fact that political Islamism is an ideological basis for "Islamist terrorism", as defined in the 9/11 Commission Report. This week, while operational war tactics garnered most of the headlines, once again America's political leadership ignored the global challenge of political Islamism, and President Bush announced his selection of a new U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Mr. Sada Cumber of Texas.
The OIC remains the largest international Islamist organization in the world, and it is an organization that consistently leverages political Islamism to attack freedom of speech and press, to attack freedom of religion, to deny that Palestinian and Lebanese Jihadist groups are terrorists, and to promote the anti-freedom ideology of Islamism. In June 2007, when President Bush first indicated plans of such an envoy to the OIC, his plans were met with praise by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation/Hamas trial), and met with condemnation by counterterrorism expert Steven Emerson.
Since then, in December 2007, the OIC attempted to legitimize an anti-freedom Islamist approach towards "religious freedoms" by trying to put a Sharia spin on a UN Human Rights resolution that would have worded the UN resolution to suggest that individuals could rightly be denied the right to "change one's religion". In recent weeks, the OIC's Secretary General has made pronouncements that attack the Western free press in the Muhammad cartoon debate, suggesting that such cartoons will lead "towards a larger conflict... [that would make Muslims] hostages of their radicals".
President Bush seems blithely ignorant of this, and confident that Mr. Cumber's appointment as U.S. envoy to the OIC will help improve perceptions about America to Islamists. President Bush had the following remarks in announcing Mr. Cumber's appointment. "We just had a discussion about his mission, and the core of his mission is to explain to the Islamic world that America is a friend -- is a friend of freedom, is a friend of peace, that we value religion -- that, matter of fact, we value it to the point where we believe that anybody should be able to worship the way they see fit, and we respect that. And his is an important job. There's a lot of misperceptions about America, and Sada is going to be a part of our effort to explain the truth. And when people hear the truth about America, when they know that we're a land full of compassionate people and that we value other people's opinions, that they'll slowly but surely begin to better appreciate."
Iggy Pop ~ Your Dog
Jeddah, Asharq Al-Awsat - Informed sources in the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat that there is an impending conference planned to be held in the near future that will bring together Muslim scholars from various sects. The objective of the conference will be to confront the factors that cause divisions and disunity in religion, including ignorance, ethnic intolerance and extremism and the exploitation of sectarian conflicts as a means to achieve political goals.
According to the same sources, during the first phase of the action plan there will be intensive and detailed focus upon studying specific ideas, such as those related to the unity of the Ummah, achieving intellectual convergence, combating terrorism that is guised as faith and abolishing the practice of takfir (Muslims holding fellow Muslims disbelievers) among sects.
Last Saturday, 28 June, the second round of preliminary meetings was held at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah in which Muslim scholars convened to come up with a formula for the stipulations drafted by the Islamic Fiqh Academy as part of the decisions adopted in the exceptional Mecca Summit (September 2005).
“The aim behind the agreed plan is to transform the culture of dialogue into mainstream practice between scholars from different sects to the general Muslim public, in addition to setting visions related to the required mechanisms that media organizations in Islamic states lack and which would enable them to achieve their goal of ideological rapprochement. Education syllabuses would also play a major role,” according to sources.
Jordan charges Dutch politician Geert Wilders with blasphemy
AMMAN (Reuters) - A Jordanian prosecutor on Tuesday charged Dutch politician Geert Wilders with blasphemy and contempt of Muslims for making
an anti-Koran film and ordered him to stand trial in the kingdom, judicial sources said.
In Riyadh, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a league of 56 Muslim nations, said it was "deeply annoyed" after Dutch prosecutors said on Monday they would not take action against Wilders as he was protected by the right to free speech.
"The decision ... encourages and supports the irresponsible defamatory style followed by some media outlets and instigates feelings of hatred, animosity and antipathy towards Muslims," the Saudi Arabia-based OIC, said in a statement.
The film produced by Wilders, "Fitna", a Koranic term sometimes translated as "strife", accused the Muslim holy book of inciting violence and prompted protests and condemnation in many Muslim countries.
Dutch prosecutors also received complaints about comments Wilders made in newspaper interviews including one in which he compared Islam's holy book to Hitler's Mein Kampf.
The OIC said the prosecutors' decision showed they ignored the "thin line separating freedom of speech and the instigation of hatred, animosity and discrimination."
OIC Body Frustrated With Decision Not To Charge 'Fitna' Producer
DUBAI, July 2 (Bernama) -- The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Observatory on Islamophobia has expressed frustration over the decision of the public prosecutor of the Netherlands to drop charges against a Dutch legislator and producer of the blasphemous film titled "Fitna" for inciting hatred.
Its spokesman said that despite admitting that the film was "hurtful and insulting (to Muslims), the public prosecutor failed to see that the work constituted an incitement to hostility or hatred against the Muslim community in the Netherlands or hundreds of millions of other Muslims.
"In so doing, the Dutch public prosecutor seems to ignore the fine line of `responsibility' separating the freedom of expression from incitement to hatred, hostility and discrimination," the spokesman said in a statement.
AP reported that the public prosecutor's office would not charge right-wing legislator Geert Wilders with inciting hatred for his film.
According to the report, the prosecutor said the film and statements Wilders wrote in the Dutch newspapers were "hurtful and insulting but not criminal" and that he made his anti-Muslim remarks in the context of a legitimate debate, and he could not be charged for incitement or discrimination. The OIC spokesman said the decision amounted to encouraging and promoting irresponsible media persecution and nursing a grudge, hostility and hatred against Muslims in total disregard of international law and conventions which consider that "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitute discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law."
"This attitude of the authorities in the Netherlands is not conducive to facilitating dialogue or reaching understanding on sensitive issues which entails disagreements and risks," the spokesman added.
It was reported that the film had sparked protests in the Muslim world when it appeared on the internet in March.
OIC body, HEC arrange science workshop
ISLAMABAD - Organisation of the Islamic Conference Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation COMSTECH, in collaboration with Higher Education Commission of Pakistan arranged two workshops for participants from the OIC member states. A joint inaugural session of the workshop was held here on Monday. The session was presided over by Dr Atta-ur-Rahman, COMSTECH Coordinator General and Chairman Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. [HASAN CHOP]
6/28/07 NRO online:
Bush coddles American apologists for radical Islam
At Wednesday’s rededication ceremony of the Saudi-funded Islamic Center of Washington, D.C., President Bush missed a perfect opportunity to repudiate apologism for radical Islam, and instead announced his latest plan to get the Muslim world to stop hating America: appoint a special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) [SNIP]
MARCH 2008:
Bush Creates OIC Envoy
President Bush Selects CACH Founder as Special Envoy to the OIC
ALI BABA BUNNY ~ Hasan Chop, Kuffars!