This is a corrected version with working links.
Sada Cumber, an American Ismaili Muslim, is the new U.S. Special Envoy to the anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Western Organization of the Islamic Conference. Sada Cumber can protest the OIC's extremist positions, or give silent assent to them. Your government hopes you will remain ignorant about the OIC's real positions and plans. Our mission is to keep you informed.
Investigative Project Releases Gov't Memos Curtailing Speech in War on Terror
All hail Queen Condi of the Amalekites.
"She has made it a priority of this department to deepen our ties to the Muslim World!"
Reception in Honor of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to Introduce Sada Cumber, U.S. Special Envoy to the OIC
Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Benjamin Franklin Room
Washington, DC
March 10, 2008
SECRETARY RICE: Good afternoon and welcome to the State Department. It’s really a pleasure to introduce the new U.S. Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference or OIC, as we call it, Mr. Sada Cumber. This is the first time that a U.S. President has made such an appointment to the OIC, an important organization whose member states include some of our closest friends and partners. And it signals the deep respect for the values and the ideals of Islam that are held by the President and by myself, the U.S. Government and of course, the American people.
This appointment is one part of a much larger effort that our government has undertaken to increase our engagement with Muslim communities worldwide. We in the United States recognize that we have a lot to learn about the more than 1 billion people across the world who live and practice the faith of Islam. Our new Special Envoy to the OIC will enable us to further our understanding of the community of Islamic nations through a positive and mutually respectful exchange.
This appointment is also an opportunity for the United States to expand our cooperation with Muslim communities worldwide to defend and promote the principles that we hold dear: human rights and human dignity, social justice and equal opportunity, liberty and the rule of law. These are not American values or Western values. They are universal values, values that are lived and practiced by the majority of Muslims in the world, many of whom are citizens of democracies. The OIC plays a vital role in promoting moderation, dialogue and understanding and we welcome the statements that this organization has made in support of those values.
There is one further purpose that this appointment will serve: to help the United States to explain the principles of our nation and the policies of our government to Muslim communities worldwide. The notion that the United States is at war with Islam, as we sometimes hear, is simply propagated by violent extremists who seek to divide Muslim communities against themselves, to judge who is and who is not a pious Muslim and to commit any atrocity, even against their fellow Muslims, to impose an intolerant ideology on their societies. Our new Special Envoy to the OIC will combat these misperceptions about the United States that are spread by our enemies and will support Muslim societies around the world who seek, as we do, to build an international community united in justice, prosperity, and peace.
The fact is, Islam is an important and growing part of the American fabric of life. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslims, worshipping at over 1,200 different mosques across our nation. In addition, the American Muslim community has roots in 80 different countries around the world. Our growing Muslim population is a great and welcome addition to the diversity of our country. And our new Special Envoy to the OIC must, in particular, speak on behalf of the aspirations of all American Muslims.
Now when it came to determining who would represent the United States in this important new role, President Bush and I knew that we needed a proven leader and an individual of character. And we have found those virtues and more in Sada Cumber. Mr. Cumber is an American businessman from Austin, Texas. There are a few of those Texans around. He has 25 years of experience in the technology industry as well as an active public sector involvement in business development and entrepreneurship. In addition, Mr. Cumber has long supported the strengthening of civil society and economic development in developing countries.
Sada will serve as the President’s representative to the OIC. He will seek to promote mutual understanding between the United States and Muslim communities around the world and to build forward-looking partnerships to advance common purposes. I welcome his plans to travel extensively to OIC member states and to non-member states to engage Muslim communities around the world. In fact, one of Mr. Cumber’s official duties will be to attend the 11th OIC Summit, which is set to take place in Dakar, Senegal in just a few days. I understand you’re going to leave tonight in order to do that, so he’s already on the job.
I’m very happy, Sada, that you have agreed to serve our country in this very important role. I look forward to working with you. And now, will you take the podium for a few remarks? (Applause.)
Yes, 57 States!
Behold, I am Prolier then Thou.
Depart from me with all haste, gleeking plebe,
for now is the time when I eat my waffle.
State’s Hughes Looks Forward to Working with New Islamic Group
Organization of Islamic Conference launches group in Washington
OIC dhimmibabble starts at @ 2:01:
"as a recognition and a demonstration of respect for the 57 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference"
Behold: The OIC's Ten Year Plan for Our Doom
Makkah al Mukarramah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
5-6 dhul qa’dah 1426 h 7-8 December 2005
The Muslim World is faced with grave political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific challenges with implications for its unity, peace, security and development. OIC Member States would need to cooperate decisively in order to face these challenges and to take necessary initiatives to overcome them.
It has therefore become imperative for them to take joint actions within the framework of the OIC, based on common values and ideals so as to revive the Muslim Ummah's pioneering role as a fine example of tolerance and enlightened moderation, and a force for international peace and harmony.
Conscious of these challenges and anxious to bring the Ummah out of its present situation into a new reality marked by greater solidarity and more prosperity to achieve its decisive objectives and aspirations, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz, addressed the pilgrims on Eid Al-Adha Day in 1425 H, and called upon the leaders of the Muslim Ummah to convene an Extraordinary Conference of the leaders of OIC Member States to consider the issues of solidarity and Joint Islamic Action.
In preparation for this Extraordinary Conference, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques invited the scholars and intellectuals of the Ummah to meet in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in order to consider the state of the Ummah, develop visions and concepts and propose optimal solutions to the challenges facing the Ummah in all fields. Accordingly, an elite group of Muslim scholars and intellectuals from different countries met in Makkah Al-Mukarramah from 5 to 7 Shaaban 1426 H (9-11 September 2005) and examined the challenges facing the Ummah in the intellectual, cultural, political, media, economic and developmental fields.They also formulated a number of recommendations to effectively address these challenges.
Based on the views and recommendations of scholars and intellectuals, convinced of the potential for the Muslim Ummah to achieve its renaissance, and in order to take practical steps towards strengthening the bonds of Islamic solidarity, achieve unity of ranks, and project the true image and noble values of Islam and its civilizational approaches, a Ten-Year Programme of Action has been developed, which reviews the most prominent challenges facing the Muslim world today, as well as ways and means to address them in an objective and realistic way in order to serve as a practicable and workable programme for all OIC Member States.
In the intellectual and political fields, there are major issues, such as establishing the values of moderation and tolerance, combating extremism, violence and terrorism, countering Islamophobia, achieving solidarity and cooperation among Member States, conflict prevention, the question of Palestine, the rights of Muslim minorities and communities, and rejecting unilateral sanctions. All of these are issues which require a renewed commitment to be addressed through effective strategies. In this context, special attention needs to be given to Africa, which is the most affected region, due to poverty, diseases, illiteracy, famine, and debt burden.
In the economic and scientific fields, the Ummah needs to achieve higher levels of development and prosperity, given its abundant economic resources and capacities. Priority must be given to enhancing economic cooperation, intra-OIC trade, alleviating poverty in OIC Member States, particularly in conflict-affected areas, and addressing issues related to globalization, economic liberalization, environment, and science and technology.
As for education and culture, there is an urgent need to tackle the spread of illiteracy and low standards of education at all levels as well as a need to redress ideological deviation. In the social field, it is imperative to focus on the rights of women, children and the family.
In implementing the new vision and goals for the Muslim world, the role of the OIC is central, which requires its reform in a way that meets the hopes and aspirations of the Ummah in the 21st Century.
To achieve this new vision and mission for a brighter, more prosperous and dignified future for the Ummah, We, the Kings, Heads of State and Heads of Government of the OIC Member States, decide to adopt the following Ten-Year Programme of Action, with a mid-term review, for immediate implementation:
[HASAN CHOP!] Read it all
IX. Palestine and the Occupied Arab Territories
1. Make all efforts to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan and the full completion of the Israeli withdrawal from all remaining Lebanese territories, in compliance with Security Council Resolution 425, and extend effective support for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
2.Maintain a united stand on the comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian question according to OIC resolutions, UN resolutions, including UN Security Council Resolutions 242, 338, 1515 and UN General Assembly Resolution 194, the Arab Peace Initiative, and the Roadmap, in coordination and consultation with the UN, the Quartet, and other stakeholders, such as to make full withdrawal as a prerequisite for establishing normal relations with Israel, and for providing the OIC with a greater role in establishing peace.
3.Emphasize the central importance of the cause of Al-Quds for the Muslim Ummah, the need to establish the Palestinian rights in the city, preserve its heritage as well as its Arab and Islamic identity as a symbol of solidarity and the meeting point of divine religions; underline the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its premises against violations and the need to protect the other Islamic and Christian holy places, counter the judaization of the Holy City, and support the efforts of Al-Quds Committee under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Mohamed VI; call for support to Baytmal Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Fund, support the steadfastness of Al-Quds population and institutions, and establish Al-Aqsa University in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
4.Extend full support to the Palestinian Authority in its efforts to negotiate for the inalienable Palestinian rights and extend necessary assistance to ensure control of all Palestinian territories, international crossings, reopen Gaza airport and seaport, and connect Gaza with the West Bank in order to ensure free movement of the Palestinians.
5.Work together with the international community to compel Israel to stop and dismantle its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and the occupied Syrian Golan; remove the racist separation Wall built inside the Palestinian territories, including within and around the city of Al-Quds, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and the Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Pres. Bush: Olmert is Honest and Abbas is a True Peace Partner
President Bush called the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state "an important notion for Israel's very existence," adding that he believes there is now "a chance to get something defined."
Bush arrives in Israel Wednesday morning. He also will visit Saudi Arabia and Egypt, ending his tour at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Sharm Al-Sheikh, in the Sinai Peninsula.
“The World Economic Forum’s network of Global Agenda Councils represents a transformational innovation in global governance,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Forum. “The inaugural Summit on the Global Agenda in Dubai is a unique opportunity for the world’s most innovative and influential thinkers to share ideas and collaboratively develop solutions to address some of the most pressing issues on the global agenda.”
Now that's some serious Gramscian hooplebabble right there.