AC/DC Live in Glasgow, 1981 ~ Let There Be Rock
Voronet Monastery Fresco - Romania
Yes, “origin”/ “origins” is another word in distress, entangled in the spires of the cult of the nothing. What can we do about it ? As usual, we can try to think, isn’t Reason God’s Gift to free humans ?
Let’s see what the Merriam-Webster’s says about the word “origin”:
Etymology: Middle English origine, probably from Middle French, from Latin origin-, origo, from oriri to rise, more at “ORIENT”
therefore we look at “orient” and we find:
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin orient -, oriens, from present participle of oriri to rise; akin to Sanskrit **oti he moves, arises, Greek ornynai to rouse, oros mountain
Beautiful, as etymology usually is. The origin as the true orient.
Now, instead, let’s see if our public school education allows us to find common uses of “origin” (and “common” here means “complying with the orders of the cult of the nothing”): yes, examples come immediately to our minds, don’t they ? “(On) The origin of the species”…(the Big Bang theory of) The origins of the universe…
Lots of ORIGINS.
Then let’s take the time to search the Net for these “origins” and we will be bathing in the light of science and knowledge, and we will feel good.
Will we indeed ?
Well, yes, the common sense (see above for “common” ) Citizen will answer: I will feel good because I will be contemplating in my mind the morning of the Universe, I will feel the immense dawn of everything and I will rejoice for living in such an enlightened age, that allows me to know all this.
True, true, what a wonderful age !
And the high priests of this enlightened golden age (yes, the scientists !) will surely rejoice even more in publishing more papers and more books and in holding sophisticated lectures about the origins…
Except that…all this is a hoax.
(M-W’s again: 1 : an act intended to trick or dupe : IMPOSTURE, 2 : something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication).
A hoax. Because science can speak of what exists, and it cannot, by definition, speak about the origin(s) of the real.
But science has found the way (and that is called “brainwashing propaganda”) to make us forget all this and has elected itself to be the high priest of the “supreme truth”.
Let’s see a very simple example of the pseudo-concepts that science likes to present as “truths” about the “origin” of the universe: (Wikipedia, at the “Big Bang” article):
“How closely we can extrapolate towards the singularity is debated—certainly not earlier than the Planck epoch. The early hot, dense phase is itself referred to as "the Big Bang", and is considered the "birth" of our universe [Sherab: emphasis added] Based on measurements of the expansion using Type Ia supernovae, measurements of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background…”
This kind of scientific talk fills the mouth of pseudo-intellectuals who don’t realize that sentences such as “the birth of the universe” - with or without quotation marks around “birth” - are devoid of any real meaningful philosophical content because, in the best scenario, they merely describe a fact, ignoring everything and anything that made possible that fact.
What made possible that fact, any fact ?
The “possibility” is not an abstract philosophical word with which we can choose to play or not, the possibility is the root of the reality, it is the source of the reality, is what makes reality real: the POSSIBILITY of the universe is the ORIGIN of the universe, the POSSIBILITY is the present tense of the Creation, the “possibility” is the infinite miracle that supports the existing beings, the umbilical cord without which existence is impossible. The “possibility” is God as the Heart of reality: certainly God transcends the dimension of space, time, and “things”, but the Infinite Being Who Is is the only root and origin of “reality” at any given time (i.e., at EVERY given time: now, the next split second and the next…!).
Science is unable to talk about the possibility of Life and about the possibility of the existence of the Universe and hence is unable to talk about the possibility of ANYTHING pertaining to Life and to the existence of the Universe. And being unable to talk about the possibility, science is unable to talk about the origin of the Universe and the origin of the forms of Life in the Universe.
Science knows nothing about the “origin” of the beings, because it knows nothing (and declares that it doesn’t want to know anything) about the Being.
But despite all this, science, in the age of mature nihilism, is at the same time proud of saying that it doesn’t investigate the cause and the possibility (of the alleged “origins” of the universe that science itself states) AND that it knows the “origin” of (this and that).
For too long we have allowed science to speak like that, as if it knew something decisive and fundamental AND for too long we have allowed science to contradict itself, AND we have not laughed at its intellectual destitution.
Today, we must say that it would be much more safe, and sane, for the scientists to engage in truly meaningful tasks, such as finding a cure for the common cold, rather than stepping with brute ignorance into the rose garden of the Sacred Knowledge.
The pretense of science to talk about ultimate Truths is just a devolution, a catastrophe, a fall.
The language used by science must be brought back to being strictly scientific and we should defend knowledge against the invasion continually attempted by scientism.
Science has no worst defender than the ignorant who doesn’t know that science, despite the very great advantages that it is capable of bringing to our daily lives, has a very limited scope.
The use of the word “origin” by science is just one of many examples of how the propaganda of nihilism (the religion of the nothing) transforms every word into a tool and a weapon to brainwash people, without even caring about the contradictions that this process entails.
Don’t allow them to brainwash you.
Don’t follow the cultists of the nothing.
The Origin of the Universe (and of the “species” and of every “thing”) is in its possibility and its possibility can only be in the Being Who Is, not in the existing beings of the finite world, and only the Infinite Being Who Is has the Infinite Power and the Infinite Love to make the Universe and Life possible.
And in all times and everywhere, Wisdom has taught to human beings to under-stand the Infinite Love of God.
Then came the destroyers and their love for the shadow. And their blathering about "origins"...
Orthodoxy and Creationism
Fr. Deacon Andrey Kuraev
Translated by Alexey Chumakov / Dr. Steven Bushnell / German Sinitzyn
Lucius Septimius: Falling off the Edge