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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Missing Links Eats a Steaming Meat Demon Stanwich

Muse - City Of Delusion

Stay away from me
Build a fortress
And shield your beliefs
Touch the divine
As we fall in line
Can I believe
When I don't trust
All your theories
Turn to dust
I choose to hide
From the all seeing eye
Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
And justify my reasons
With your blood
You'll not rest
Settle for less
Until you guzzle
And squander what's left
Do not deny
That you live and let die

If one views themselves as nothing more than mysteriously animated flesh, which sprang inexplicably from nothing in particular, for no higher purpose or future other than an ignominious bloody end as a feast for beasts; a fatherless, motherless magical incarnation of The Nothing ~ one is beholden to The Nothing... one's GOD can never be nobler in nature or purpose than a stinking, steaming, prehistoric stultifying swamp of mystery muck.

In this way Meat Demons are made.

If you view yourself as nothing more than meat, derived from nothing more than steaming slime, so you will eventually become nothing more than meat, derived from nothing more than steaming slime ~ and you will come to view everyone around you as nothing more than meat, derived from steaming slime, and behave accordingly.

Mysterious Demon Meat for the Steaming Stanwich.

Homo Stultus. Ta Da!

Not me, Manwiches.

Then the word of the Lord came to me [Jeremiah], saying:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Right now, in America: Oregon offers terminal patients doctor-assisted suicide instead of medical care

A thought regarding Pitesti:
It is important never to allow the indescribable horrors perpetrated against the victims to be forgotten. However, it is also important to discern the metaphysical nature of the evil from which those horrors flowed: the philosophy of antichrist. It is the same philosophy of antichrist that is now triumphant in much of western society (for example, the universities), triumphant without ever having had to resort to torture or "re-education". At Pitesti, the satanic, antichristic nature of "re-education" was blatant, overt - prisoners forced to commit acts of sacrilege and desecration, forced, for example, to take "communion" of faeces and urine in place of the Holy Sacraments. In the West, the same spirit of antichrist wears the mask of "humanism"; it is more dangerous because it is more insidious.

~ StrulZ


Teenwire, Planned Parenthood's magazine for teens

A quote: "Proper use of latex condoms or female condoms (yes, many guys prefer female condoms when having anal sex with other guys) can reduce the risk of contracting dangerous infections."
Syria is taking over Lebanon

International Symbol of the Commie Circle Jerk

Pakistani Government Moves To Impeach Musharraf

Why Wolfowitz was Fired From the World Bank

Terrorists' Bill of Rights

Ossetia: Fighting reportedly raged into the night with Georgia's Interior Ministry saying early today that warplanes attacked three Georgian military bases and key facilities for shipping oil to the West

Chinese Man Kills Relative of US Olympic Coach

SHARANSKY: No peace without Democracy

Allah Squash Leaves

Sharia National Party Family Outing

You Down With OIC?

Lord of the Memes

4.5 Quake in Tokyo

Yet another 6.0 in Indonesia

Here is a passage from Archimandrite Justin Popovic's commentaries on the Epistles of St. John, translation by StrulZ:

We can find an answer here to the apparent conundrum of why "liberal progressives" have allied themselves with Islam, in spite of their conflicting ideologies: for example, "women's liberation" in the one case, and, in the other, the reduction of women to chattels and the negation of their personhood through the hijab, burqa and niqab (the face is an icon of the human person created in the image and likeness of God). The answer is not merely political - they both seek the destruction of the West and of western capitalism, a task which, in spite of the Marxist dialectic of history, the western proletariat has stubbornly refused to assume - but rather that they have a secret metaphysical affinity; they are both "philosophies of antichrist".

The atheist philosophies of Marx and, to name a couple of fashionable contemporary "thinkers", Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer are as antichrist as the "religion" of Islam. "The entire philosophy of the devil resides in not recognising God in the world, not recognising His presence in the world, not recognising His Incarnation in the world. It upholds and teaches that God is neither in the world nor in man -- and even less so in the God-man.

It claims that it is absurd to believe that God could have been incarnated in man or could have lived in man. The philosophy of the devil resides in claiming that man is wholly without God, a being in whom there is no God, nor anything that is God's, or even anything divine, immortal or eternal; it likewise claims that man is a wholly transient, wholly mortal being, who wholly belongs to the world of animals, from which he is in no way distinct, and this is why it is appropriate for him to exist as do the animals, his sole legitimate ancestors, his primitive ancestors, but also his natural brothers -- this is truly the philosophy of antichrist, and of the one who wishes at any price to replace Christ, to take His place in the world and in man.

The Theologian Saint clearly names this truth in words: "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now is already in the world." "Every spirit": this can mean a person or a doctrine, an idea, a system. Every doctrine, every idea, every concept that does not recognise that Jesus is God and Saviour, God incarnate, God-man, has its origin in antichrist, it is "antichristic".

Such persons, such doctrines, such ideas have existed ever since Christ's coming into the world. This is why the Saint and Teacher of Mysteries says that antichrist "even now is already in the world". Every man, every idea in the world that denies the Church of Christ is from antichrist -- the founder of all anti-Christian ideology is anti-Christ, directly or indirectly. In fact, all teachings can be divided into two categories: those that are for Christ and those that are for antichrist. Man is put in this world to solve a single problem, in fact: whether he is for Christ or against Christ. And every man, whether he will or no, must find a solution: either he is a friend of Christ or an enemy [un-friend] of Christ -- there is no third possibility: either he honours Christ or he hates Him."

Beethoven's 9th ~ Ode to Joy