The Supremes ~ Baby Love
Everyone thinks of Australia as a Democratic Nation similar to America, right? Read this piece. Pay attention to the LANGUAGE in it. IMO it's fucking chilling.
The "Productivity Watchdog" wants your babies because they are an economic impediment:
Babies a drag on the economy, report says
Australia's fertility rate is at a 25-year high
Mums out of the workforce puts pressure on the jobs market
FORGET those plans to have a third child for the country because further increases in the birth rate could harm the economy, the nation's productivity watchdog has warned.
A major analysis of the nation's increasing fertility rate said it was at its highest level for 25 years - but the Productivity Commission yesterday warned further increases may aggravate rather than solve the problem of the ageing of the population.
This is because it will shift women out of the workforce while they care for babies, depressing labour supply and reducing the taxation base as our population ages, the Daily Telegraph reported.
The small number of extra babies born would make little difference to the rate of population ageing, the commission said.
The commission's views were of particular interest as next month it is expected to hand down a much anticipated report into whether the nation should adopt a paid maternity leave scheme.
It found the $5000 baby bonus, which is expected to be rolled into any new paid maternity leave scheme, had had only a partial role in lifting the fertility rate.
The baby bonus represented only a 1 per cent reduction in the lifetime costs of a first child, which would cost its parents at least $385,000 over its lifetime.
"Any significant fertility effect from the bonus would suggest the presence of short-sightedness by parents about the lifetime costs of raising children," the report said.
The commission said the Family Tax Benefit payments, averaging around $5000 per family per year, were more likely to have had a bigger impact on lifting the national fertility rate.
These payments cut the cost of children by 8 per cent a year and the generosity of these benefits increased significantly after 2000.
More than 285,000 births were registered last year, the highest level in 25 years.
The commission said this was mainly a catch-up effect as women deferred childbirth to later in life.
"Having reached older ages, they are now having these postponed babies," it said.
The fertility rate would be even higher but for the effects of high house prices and better educated women, the commission said.
More highly educated women can earn good money if they work rather than stay at home to care for children and this had depressed the birth rate.
The higher cost of housing meant it took longer to afford a house, which has delayed child-bearing.
"More than 285,000 births were registered last year, the highest level in 25 years."
I wonder how many were Muslim?Here's the "productivity commissions" paper on fertility - which is even more chilling than the article, as they happily discuss "novel measures".
In the chapter below they are discussing what to do if the birth rate is too low even though they have determined already it is too high on page 2:
Overall, Australia appears to be in a ‘safe zone’ of fertility, despite fertility levels being below replacement levels. There is no fertility crisis.Look... novel! Singapore sterilizes stupid women and rewards smart ones, the UN can be involved, Stalinist Era solutions, etc.
– Australia’s population should continue to grow at one of the highest rates in the developed world because of migrant inflows. (there's my Muslims)
– Feasibly attainable increases in fertility would not significantly allay ageing of the population, nor address its fiscal and labour market challenges.
Ucccch. I have skimmed a lot of it but not read it all.
Many such countries have devised pro-natalist policies to promote rising, or at least to maintain, fertility rates. In addition to the common use of social welfare incentives, countries have, at various times applied novel measures. Singapore has used subsidies to encourage childbearing for educated women and sterilisation of poorly educated women (Yap 2002).
More recently, it has introduced a baby bonus for all women, which escalates with three or more children (Loke and Sherraden 2007). Russia has considered re-introducing a tax on childless people that was previously used in the Stalinist era (Pletneva 2006). France supports families with a plethora of conventional measures (childcare, maternity leave, family allowances and tax deductions), but also still awards the ‘Medal of the French Family’, a gold medal in honour of women who have eight or more children.1
While Australian governments have usually avoided an explicitly pro-natalist policy stance, recently fertility levels have been seen as too low and as an appropriate target of policy. For example, in 2007, the United Nations (2008) characterised government policy this way,2 while Heard (2006) also claims that support for pronatalist policy has more generally increased in policy circles in Australia. Against this background and the current (and impending) levels of fertility in Australia, this chapter considers whether fertility levels are worryingly low, and, therefore, the urgency of any policy intervention.
Government mandated fertility "policies" in Ceausescu's brutally communist Romania were "pro-natalist".
In Ceausescu's Romania the fetus was "the property of the State"
Whether the state uses that power to force you to HAVE children or to force you to KILL children depends solely on the state's immediate needs, not any morality regarding the sanctity of life.
All your womb are belong to them.
GOD help us.