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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Missing Links vs The Firmly Hinged

ZEBRA: Who's Behind the Door? ~ 1983

Super Caliphlatulatelicious! Persia and the Ottoman Empire Unite with Gas

Random Dhimmi House

Chinese Cannibal's Muslim Bus Jihad
They all just stood there and let him do it. The cops too.
Which may be even more evil than the act itself.
Song of Moses upon them all.

Gazastan Revolution Complete

Olmerts Prestidigitous Finale
Ta Da!

France Complicit in Rwandan Genocide

GWB grinds forehead into rug, waves ass in the air for Persia

"The Penitents": Descendants of Nazis who have converted to Judaism in order to expiate the sins of their fathers

Mike Gravel, Whore for Hiz' B'ALLAH

"Reality" Churchinanity: A hells angel, a lesbian and a playboy get their word on ..

ElPredicto Sez:

The biker finds the Lord most sincerely by the end. The others play along for the camera. The "playboy" never gives in, consistently mocks, and continually attempts to bed the lesbian, who makes a pay per view conversion at the end, but only because she really wants to sleep with the biker. The Muslim is portrayed as meek and humble, occasionally da'wa-ing, and triumphantly yet quietly adhering to Allah throughout. The witch and the unmarried couple "convert" by the end, the couple first and more stereotypically. The witch has some sort of dramatic crying fit style conversion a bit later on. The family of six is split - one is a polarizer that the others viscerally respond to. At the end the polarizer remains staunchly unconverted, this may be the father but it is a male for sure.

Since I don't watch TV (and I think the show is airing in the UK anyway) someone needs to let me know if this happens. Thanks!

The Obamanable's New Clothes

Coup in Mauritania

Slittng the throats of tribal policemen in Kirkuk

WaPo: Bring us your jihadists, your mullahs, your ummah

Freaks & Hairys, Dykes & Faires wonder: Is McCain is a "war criminal?"

Ten Years After - I'd Love to Change to World