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Sunday, August 3, 2008

3 Wood: Chavez Robs Bank

SUPERTRAMP ~ Crime of the Century

The gift that keeps giving. Hugo Chavez is taking steps to nationalize a major bank.

Chavez plans to nationalise bank

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has announced a plan to nationalise Bank of Venezuela, one of the largest banks in the country.

He has asked for a meeting with the bank's owners, Spain's Grupo Santander, for a meeting to agree a price."

This is just the latest step in Chavez's march toward total communism (See Zimbabwe to see how well that works out) and the destruction of his country. The net result of this is it will drive investment capital from Venezuela and their economy will collapse. It's just a matter of time

Some think this may be payback to Sapin for the recent dustup:

"Last November, there was a row at a summit in Chile after Spain's King Juan Carlos told Mr Chavez to "shut up".

Actually, I don't think that diplomatic tussle has anything to do with this. Chavez is simply a communistic dictator bent on total control of his country and as a result, destroying it. For example, inflation in Venezuela is skyrocketing at this moment:

Venezuela: inflation rises to 32 percent in June as price controls eased

"Venezuelan annual inflation climbed to 32.2 percent in June in metropolitan Caracas as price controls on food prices were eased.

Monthly inflation rose by 2.4 percent, slowing from 3.2 percent in May as price gains for nonalcoholic drinks, restaurants and hotels slowed, the Central Bank said Tuesday.

Independent local analysts predict that annual inflation will slow to 25.5 percent by the year's end, as measures to expedite imports and increase domestic production take effect."

Then go read Obama's website and read up on his Global Poverty Act.

"S. 2433: Global Poverty Act of 2007
A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day."

Then ask yourself if you really think your vote will not matter.

~ 3 Wood

The Spleen Says:

Yes. Unfortunately, I really think my vote will not matter.... IN THE LONG RUN

MPH & ETA, daddy-o. There's no difference between R & D anymore save BRANDING, MARKETNG, and speed of descent into secular socialism cum communism.

A vote for McCain, in my opinion, stops or solves nothing, all it can do is make all this shit happen perhaps a bit slower , and DEFINITELY more covertly.

But it is coming, all the same.

I am not going to explain to HaShem why I signed my name to what I knew was evil.
With GWB, I did not know.

I know now. The Evil of Three Lessers.
I am voting for exactly none of them.

I want to go to the gulag while I am still young enough to enjoy it.