King Crimson ~ 21st Century Schizoid Man 1969
The following is from a 24 page PDF available HERE entitled "What Iranian Leaders Really Say about Doing Away with Israel: A Refutation of the Campaign to Excuse Ahmadinejad’s Incitement to Genocide" made available by the JCPAAhmadinejad’s “Wipe Israel Off the Map” Speech
In an address to the “World without Zionism” Conference held in Tehran on October 26, 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:
نيا هك دندومرف ام زيزع ماما و هحفص زا دياب سدق رگلاغشا يمژر هلمج نيا .دوش وحم راگزور .تسا هناميكح رايسب
Va Imam-e aziz-e ma farmudand ke in rezhim-e eshghalgar-e Qods bayad az safhe-ye ruzegar mahv shaved. In jomle besyar hakimane ast.
Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime [Israel] must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement.
The New York Times translated the statement as Israel “must be wiped off the map,” a non-literal translation which nevertheless conveyed the meaning of the original – the destruction of Israel. Despite the international controversy that Ahmadinejad’s language generated, a report on his October 2005 speech was still available on his presidential website as of May 2008. “Jerusalem-Occupying Regime” – Another Name for the State of Israel
Soft-pedaling Ahmadinejad’s call for the destruction of Israel, Prof. Cole told the New York Times that all Ahmadinejad had said was that “he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse.”
Official Iranian spokespersons and organs have since based their slogans on Ahmadinejad’s statement, and have loosely translated the statement as “Israel should be wiped off the face of the world.” This is evident in pictures showing banners and signs in parades and ceremonies. Even the Iranian newscaster that introduced the report on the “World without Zionism” Conference used the word “Israel” (instead of the “Jerusalem-occupying regime”) and also the word “world” (instead of the “page of time”), and thus referred to Ahmadinejad’s statement as “erasing Israel, this disgraceful stain, from the world” (clip available from the Jerusalem Center upon request).
While Iranian leaders are well aware that they are watched by the international media and occasionally soften the wording of their statements accordingly, they are less careful in internal forums and events. When Ahmadinejad punctuates his speech before a large crowd with “Death to Israel” (marg bar Esraiil), this is no longer open to various interpretations.7 He is openly calling for the destruction of a country – and not a regime. Dehumanization as Prelude to Genocide: Israel as an Infection In the same speech of October 26, 2005,8 Ahmadinejad returned to the theme of Israel as dirty vermin which needed to be eradicated:
ناماد زا ار گنن هكل نيا يدوز هب و درك دهاوخ كاپ ملاسا يايند .تسا يندش نيا
Be-zudi in lake-ye nang ra az damane donya-ye Islam pak khahad kard, va in shodani’st.
Soon this stain of disgrace will be cleaned from the garment of the world of Islam, and this is attainable.
In order to remove any doubt in the mind of the Persian reader that Ahmadinejad is referring to Israel, the Iranian president’s official site,, interpolates the word “Esraiil” (ليئارسا) in its report on the speech to explain the expression “stain of disgrace.”
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