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Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Morning Missing Links

Boomtown Rats ~ I Don't Like Mondays ~ 1979

Dig this headline!
Is that right, Queen Condi of the
The language in the whole story is vile:

Rice: Jewish housing plan undermines peace talks

The United States took Israel to task Saturday for a planned expansion of Jewish homes in the portion of Jerusalem that Palestinians claim for the capital of a future state.

Any Way the Wind Blows.....

Partisan Hackdom Personified

Carter brokers deal between Colombia & Equador


In the GTFOH department:

Welcome to the Living Library. Here, you borrow individuals who represent stereotypes that often are the target of prejudice or hatred.

At this east London library on a recent Saturday, there were 26 "books" available, including a Muslim, an immigrant, a transgender individual, a witch and an Indian atheist.

Readers borrow them for half an hour, hear their narrative, question them, even pry a little, and -- so the theory goes -- break down some of their preconceptions and stop "judging the book by the cover."

The idea is the brainchild of Ronni Abergel, a Danish antiviolence campaigner, who has taken the Living Library to 12 countries and watched it flourish in places as diverse as Australia and Turkey.

Yeah? I want to borrow a transgendered, bisexual, biracial, bipolar, deaf, cross eyed Jewish parapalegic agnostic with a cleft lip, a club foot, and six fingers on his left hand.
Got one of them handy, do ya hmmm?

Herodotus & the Time Bomb of Multiculturalism

The "Negro Project" & Scientific Racism

Click Me, I'm an evolved being
"Eugenics is the self direction of human evolution"
Be Sure & Read The Roots

Robert Tiernan (remember him?):
"Evolution greater benefit for mankind than model of creation"

Hollywood Babylon: Brad Pitt to design Dubai Resort

ACLU Plans Expansion in Heartland

The Obamanable Falseness of Prophet Barry

The Delicacy of Correct Terminology

New booklet reaffirms "Palestinian consciousness"

Brussels turns to "gods" for help with climate change

The plural on GOD can't possibly mean they realize allah is not Elohim can it?

Islamic Banking is the fastest growing segment of world finance

The Flying Lizards ~ Money ~ 1979

An absolute load of bullshit

William Chittick honored in Tehran

Chittick referred to the situation of Islamic philosophy at universities in the West, stating, “The English-speaking people of the West do not know Persian and Persian philosophy. There are only a few scholars who work on Islamic philosophy and seek wisdom in its traditional authentic meaning.”

He added, “In writing my books I mostly address the students not the professors of the universities of the United States, since they each follow their own specific school of philosophy. There is no Islamic philosophy in the West and they accept nothing but the modern philosophy of the West.

“When I am writing a book I only pay attention to the youth, especially the Muslim youth who were born in the United States to families who are disinterested in religion, but the youth themselves want to know what Islam is. They are interested in Islam and want to know more about it.”

The ceremony ended with a question and answer session about ways to understand monotheism.

Chittick, 65, is currently professor of religious studies at the State University of New York, Stony Brook.

He is author of over 20 books on Islam, philosophy, and Persian literature