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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Missing Link in the Land of Confusion

King Kong got nothin' on me, hominids!
OOOOM gooba gooba thwat!


Now that's confusion.

GENESIS ~ Land of Confusion ~ 1986
If it were not for "Ronnie Ray Gun"
we would be utterly DEFENSELESS right now, dig?

Address to the Nation on National Security By President Ronald Reagan,
March 23, 1983

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.


There are times when even the most ardent supporters of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem wish the politicians would just shut up. Not that they mind it when men like Sen. Barack Obama, the putative Democratic nominee for president, waxed lyrical about the Jewish state's capital. When Obama told the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, D.C., earlier this month that "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," he was cheered to the echo.

In doing so, Obama was following a long tradition observed by both Republicans and Democrats who have been feeding Jewish audiences with the proverbial red meat about this core issue

Repeal "Hate Speech" Laws
By: Robert Spencer
Because they endanger us all.

Iran Irate at Karzai
/say it ten times fast

Russia: Moscow Looks To Expand Military Presence In Central Asia

The Iranian Roots of Hizbullah

Is there any room left under the bus for this guy?

Dr. Colin Patterson, lifelong evolutionist, shocked colleagues by expressing serious doubts about the theory in a 1981 lecture presented at New York City's American Museum of Natural History. Internationally-known creationist, Dr. Wayne Frair, a credentialed scientist researching turtles, attended the lecture and preserved a tape of the lecture. Excerpts from Dr. Patterson's presentation are followed by Dr. Frair's commentary on the occasion. Adetailed picture of the event, a copy of the tape and its transcript can be acquired through Access Research Network.

Could Ireland be asked to vote again?

Democracy in Decline

Europe: No Asylum, Now Go to Jail

More than 220 camps for detaining asylum-seekers are currently in operation across the EU; in total, they have a capacity for holding 30,000 people. While many EU countries allow for detention of between 12 and 18 months, some states such as Britain, the Netherlands, Greece and Denmark stipulate no maximum length of detention. In Malta, many asylum-seekers were found to have been held for five years, according to a 2006 study.

Steve Peers, professor at the human rights centre at Britain's University of Exeter, said that MEPs are confronted by a conundrum. Should they accept the directive in its current form, there is a risk that EU countries offering the highest standards of protection to asylum seekers will dilute those standards. Yet if they try to introduce amendments to the law, there is a risk that they will not be considered seriously by France, which will assume the EU's six-month rotating presidency in July.

The discussions over the law are taking place at a time of acute prejudice against asylum-seekers in several EU countries. Italy's new right-wing government, for example, has been considering the possibility of turning clandestine immigration into a criminal offence.

Queensryche ~ No Sanctuary 1984
There's a certain feeling
Known to all who hear the sound
The call of morning rising
You're in a mystic space
Can't you feel the force embrace,
the chill of the wind

As it names you Oh, can't you see the lies in front of you
Your journey ends so far, and still the distance
Spins round and round you
Now you cry - give me sanctuary
You scream but no one listens
Again you cry - give me sanctuary
Until the end I'll fight and die, to be free
Oh! No sanctuary You're walking halfway in
But crawling halfway out
There's a void in your mind that you cling to
You feel lost in time,
you've got no words to rhyme

No more charms,
no more spells to protect you!
Now you cry - give me sanctuary.

Soothsayer ABC's

Obama inspires new "black consciousness" in France: NYT

The Iconography is Just Beginning

Muslims are Attacking the Minds or our Children

It's bad enough that Americans are bad-mouthing American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. But an alarming number of Muslim-Americans are plotting to kill them

50 things Mo did that Muslims don't want you to know

Another diplomatic overture, another Iranian rebuke

(all links in this text added by me ~ bz)

On June 14th, the European Union’s foreign policy czar, Javier Solana, visited Tehran to offer Iran’s leaders a new diplomatic package designed to defuse the international crisis over their nuclear program. The generous offer included, among other things, a plan to establish a uranium enrichment consortium in Iran to help the Islamic Republic develop civilian nuclear energy. In return, Iran would suspend uranium enrichment while it negotiated with the West – a process European officials say will be measured in “months,” not years.

The offer was clearly weighted in Iran’s favor so, not surprisingly, the “5+1” countries (Russia, China, the United States, France, Britain and Germany ) were optimistic about its prospects. “I hope that the answer will be soon and positive,” Solana told reporters after presenting the offer to Iranian leaders.

Iran ’s ayatollahs, however, appear to have other ideas. “If the package includes suspension it is not debatable at all,” an Iranian government spokesman announced just hours after his government received the new proposal. The message could not be clearer: Iran now views nuclear capability as non-negotiable, and its leaders see greater security in continuing to enrich uranium than in any deal they might be able to hammer out with the West.

SOLANA , BTW is Chief Dhimmi Whore of the Stealth Caliphate