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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Aryeh Kaplan
on Shema Yisroel

"The Shema is addressing the Israel in each of us"

Click for Simplified Reading

The Complete Shema

The Shema is actually more than just the famous six words Shema Yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad, but is composed of three parts linked together into a unity:

  1. Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9): The core Hebrew prayer. Special emphasis is given to the first six Hebrew words of this passage (Shema Yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad) and a six-word response is said in an undertone (barukh shem kevod malkhuto le'olam va'ed). After a pause, Deuteronomy 6:5-9 is then recited, which stresses the commandment to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and might.

    Click here to hear the first part (for a flash presentation, click here).

    Enlarged Letters
    The two letters Ayin and Dalet are enlarged in the first sentence of the Shema. Together, these letters form the word ’ed, which means "witness," suggesting that the Shema is a testimony of the sovereignty of God:
  2. Enlarged Ayin and Dalet

    This statement marks the declaration that God is One. Interestingly, the word echad in Hebrew can imply a unity in diversity (the word for one and only one, i.e., unique, is more often rendered as yachid). For example, in Exodus 26:6 the various parts of the Tabernacle (mishkan) are to be constructed so that "it shall be one (echad) tabernacle," and Ezekiel spoke of two "sticks" (representing fragmented Israel) as being reunited into one: "and they shall be one (echad) stick in My hand" (Ezek 37:19).

  3. Vehayah (Deuteronomy 11:13-21): This moving passage stresses the blessings that come through obedience to Adonai and the consequences that come through disobedience.

    Click here to hear the second part.

    Mezuzot Scrolls
    The first two parts of the Shema are written in STA”M script on a small scroll which is then rolled up and put inside a mezuzah:

    Click for the Blessing

  4. Vaiyomer (Numbers 15:37-41): This passage concerns the use of the tallit, a rectangular prayer shawl with four fringes (called tzitzit). One tzitzit is attached to each corner of the tallit. The reason for wearing the tzitzit is to remind oneself to observe all of the commandments of the Lord.

    Click for the Blessing

    Click here to hear the third part.