It was Rabbi Nachmanides, a 13th century Kabbalist,
who first theorized the “big-bang” origin of the universe
who first theorized the “big-bang” origin of the universe
Billy Preston ~ Outta Space
Early Genetic Material From Stars
The finding suggests that parts of the raw materials to make the first molecules of DNA and RNA may have come from the stars.
Well, I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, 'Tell where are you going?'
This he told me:
Said, 'I¹m going down to Yasgur's Farm,
Gonna join in a rock and roll band.
Got to get back to the land and set my soul free.
We are stardust, we are golden,
We are billion year old carbon,
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
CSNY Woodstock

Baby Einstein: Rabbi Avi Shafran
The Number 40 and Hebrew Mysticism
Search the Bible: "Forty"
Pi (film, 1998) ~ Math is Everywhere