Video clip from tonight's "debates"
Stuttering and eqivocating. How derivative.
Spleen sez strikeout.
Remember this guy?
Do he stutter?
Șalom și salut, necredincioșilor, fiarelor, și Paisanoviților! Bine ați venit la casa căinței. Priviți coafura zionistă, refractară a Babei Z cum scînteiează, în timp ce ea izgonește pe Curvele Gramsciene, Porcii Fasciști, Papii din Laodicea, și Fiarele prădătoare ale Islamului, dîndu-i pe Mîna Atotputernică a Dumnezeului lui Israel. După ce se va termina de biciuit, se vor servi pișcoturi gramsciene și lapte de capră în salon. Vă rugăm și să gustați din plăcinta ocupației zioniste. L’Chaim!
Do he stutter?
ReplyDeleteYou've been added to my blogroll and I sent you a confirming email. Welcome to the resistance!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the Ganjahadeen, LOL
Thanks, I appreciate it.
The resistance suits me fine.
ReplyDeleteYou wear the resistance so well. And no, it doesn't make you look fat!
That was a nice clip of The Gipper but boyo those were some wierod comments below it.
ReplyDeleteI never read the comments on YouTube.
It's bad for what's left of my pancreas!
BTW the full length version of In the Face of Evil is just awesome
I'll have to go find it. I recall the fondness I felt for President Reagan as my CIC and to a somewhat lesser extent Bush 41. My last years under Clinton left me with nothing but contempt for the man and what he had done to the office. Bush 43 has been a disapointment in so many ways but I hold out hope that a Fred Thompson or Rudy Administration will carry on the fight. Gotta get ready for work. See ya on the boards.
ReplyDeleteBye CLN
The link to the In the Face of Evil film's website is in the Zionist Reading Room.