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Monday, April 30, 2007

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Electronic Intifada (and more! ) linked at Columbia U's Library site

This page on the Columbia University Library website
is extraordinarily edifying, monumentally revolting ,
and largely responsible for morally bankrupt crap like this:

(photo from zombietime)

I especially like the link that includes this line:
"between the anvil of sociopolitical change and the hammer of occupation"

And WTF? to this: United States. Department of State. Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs on Palestinian Authority ("Occupied Territories") (Washington, DC)

It says nothing about "Occupied Territories" at the adjoining link (see below)
That's pure agendawanky editorializing on the part of the University.

The documents that appear below that link that are year dated do say "occupied territories" inside the docs with an asterisk next to the expression that is never quite explained. It's all the same old load of State Department dhimmified diplobabble, but that
("Occupied Territories")
in the above referenced item
has zero basis inside that adjoining link.

Also note that "Terrorist Group Profiles" is in "yea, right" scare quotes....
Someone... open a window, and let all this wrong out....
Absolutely depraved.
Behold, Gramsci's long march through the institutions is complete.
America's youth have been thoroughly brainwashed.


Amnesty International: Palestinian Authority(New York and Washington, DC)

Birzeit University Home Page
BU Guide to Palestine's Web Sites

CIA World Factbook on The West Bank
(See United States below)

Coins and Banknotes of the British Mandate of Palestine(Howard M. Berlin)

Deir Yassin remembered

The Electronic Intifada(Chicago, Illinois)

Human Rights Watch on Israel/Palestinian Authority(New York)
(Press releases and reports)

Islamic Association for Palestine (Bridgeview, Illinois ; Dallas, Texas)

Mada al Carmel (Arab Center for Applied Social Research)

Israel Resources (Columbia University Libraries)

Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, Palestine Center (Washington, DC)

Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre
JMCC was established in 1988 by a group of Palestinian journalists and researchers to provide information on events in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip

Jerusalem Resources (Columbia University Libraries)

Jewish Friends of Palestine

Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre (Ramallah)

Languages of Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Ethnologue. (Online) (SIL International, Dallas, Texas)

Map of Hebron (Foundation for Middle East Peace)

Maps of the West Bank and Gaza (Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas, Austin)

MERIP Primer on the Uprising in Palestine (2000) (The Middle East Research and Information Project, Washington, DC)

Palestine Liberation Organization -- Negotiations Affairs Department

Palestine Web Page (Hamzeh al-Ashhab; via Tripod.Com)

Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA) (Jerusalem)

Palestinian Authority Web Page (MENIC, University of Texas, Austin)

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

Palestinian Economic and Social Conditions

The Palestinian Return Centre Arabic version (London, UK)

People of Palestine (Mazen Hejleh; via GeoCities.Com)

Personal Diary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Nigel Parry, St. Paul, Minnesota)

Sabeel: Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Jerusalem)

Shaml -- Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre (Ramallah)
Links on Palestinian refugees and diaspora

"Terrorist Group Profiles" -- Palestine

(These links are all to parts of the archive of Terrorist Group Profiles, maintained by George Goncalves of the Dudley Knox Library, Naval Postgraduate School. Formerly referred to as the TPW Archive on World Terrorism by Chris DeBona)

Abu Nidal Organization Palestine Liberation Front
Al-Fatah Palestine Liberation Organization
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Palestinian Islamic Jihad
15 May Organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command
Force 17 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Special Command
Hamas Popular Struggle Front

The United Nations and the Question of Palestine (New York)

  • Weaponary (website put together by Aharon Etengoff)

United States. Central Intelligence Agency: The World Factbook: The West Bank (Washington, DC)

United States. Department of State. Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs on Palestinian Authority ("Occupied Territories") (Washington, DC)

Who's Who in the Palestinian Authority (Isam G. Ishaq, via Technischen Universität Berlin, Germany)