The Enemies of Israel
The latest evidence that a local group calling itself Citizens for Justice in the Middle East has a deep-seated animus for the Jewish state of Israel, and thus utter disregard for the lives of its Jewish citizens, is its plan to bring the odious, anti-Zionist academic Uri Davis to speak at a local church May 1.
Davis is a Jew with dual Israeli-British citizenship, but he's a sworn enemy of the Jewish state, which he believes was conceived in irreversible, original sin against Palestinian Arabs and must be dismantled. Matters like the Bible, the unbroken millennia of Jewish residence in Eretz Yisrael, the strategic and social implications of Arab army attacks in 1948, 1967 and 1973, the subsequent generations of Arab-Muslim terrorism, or the threat to Jewish lives in his hoped-for Arab-majority state of Palestine are of no great concern to Davis' otherwise exquisite sense of right and wrong.
Indeed, he has condoned what he romantically refers to as “armed struggle” against Israel, lauding Yasser Arafat's PLO. The only rights that seem to concern Davis are those of the Palestinian Arabs, enshrined, as he sees it, in U.N. resolutions and other forms of international law. Likewise, CJME. Davis has been calling Israel an apartheid state since before Jimmy Carter was president. He comes from a radical leftist, political activist and academic background. He's called for boycotts of Israeli goods and divestment from companies that do business with Israel. He's been an observer to the Palestine National Council and a member of Arafat's political party/terror group, Fatah. He opposed the Oslo Accords signed by Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat as not sufficiently destructive of Israel.
As Orwell put it, some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them. Davis' one-state solution is just such a notion. It's one thing for a few radicals to promulgate such warped views. It's more dismaying to see Village Presbyterian Church, home to CJME, and Broadway United Methodist Church, which hosts Davis May 1, pit themselves against Israel and Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement.
See Also:
Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel"
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."