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Monday, April 30, 2007

Hez'b'Allah Openly Admits Being on Iran's Choke Chain, Meantime... Condi "may" meet with the Iranian Foreign Minister in Iraq at GWB's behest...

In an interview granted to an Iranian TV channel, Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hassan Nasrallah’s deputy, stresses that Hezbollah’s policy of terrorist operations against Israel (including suicide bombings and rocket fire) requires jurisprudent permission of the Iranian leadership

April 29 , 2007

During the interview, Sheikh Naim Qassem uncharacteristically admitted that Hezbollah does not pursue its own policy but rather submits to the authority of the Iranian leadership, which instructs it even on such military-operative issues as the confrontation with Israel . Such instructions are based on the ideology of the Iranian Islamic regime, set forth by Ayatollah Khomeini, whose key principle is
the rule of the jurisprudent ( wilayat al-faqih ).
The title used by Sheikh Naim Qassem to describe Hezbollah's source of authority is “al-wali al-faqih” (the ruling jurisprudent), a title formerly used by Ayatollah Khomeini and presently used by his successor, leader 1Ali Khamenei.


US, Iran officials may meet at Iraq conference: Rice

Rice refuses to rule out Iranian meeting