The Tribune is owned and operated by the New York Times and distributed together with affiliated left-leaning newspapers across the globe. The following copy of the ad appeared in the Israeli version, which is distributed by Haaretz’s daily English paper:

The ad reads [typos and errors reproduced intact]:
INVITATION FOR BIDS – Construction of Two Large Scale Nuclear Power Plants In Iran
The Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran (NPPD) (an affiliate company of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran – AEOI) as the owner, invites sealed Bids from contractors/companies for the Design, Supply of Equipment, Construction and Commissioning of two large scale units (1000-1600 MWe each) with third generation Nuclear Power, Pressurized Light Water Reactor in the Bushehr Province of Iran.
Qualified bidders who have sufficient experiences in the Construction and Commissioning of such plants are requested to obstain the respective Bid Inquiry Specification (BIS) documents upon payment of a non-refundable fee of €15000 (fifteen thousands Euros) transferred to the following account:
Account no.: 01754283800
Name of Bank: Austria Bank-Creditanstalt
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bont of twenty million Euros, and must be delivered to AEOI’s representatives office in Vienna by 02.08.2007 or to the company’s headquarter office in Tehran on 08.08.2007. The bids will be opened at the company’s headquarter office in Tehran on 08.08.2007 at 10:00 am in the presence of the Bidder’s Representatives who wish to attend.
For further information, please contact: XXXXXX
The Vice President of Iran’s nuclear program Gholam Reza Aghazadeh explained to Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency that the tender presents an opportunity for Western nations to join in Iran’s pursuit of nuclear capabilities. "The international tenders for construction of the two nuclear power plants [are] a good yardstick to test the Westerners' good will," he said.
IRNA quotes Aghazadeh promising that Iran will never again stop uranium enrichment and guaranteeing that Tehran will continue to work around the clock to install more centrifuges at its underground enrichment plant in Natanz, “until all 50,000 planned centrifuges are in place.”
Israel and the US oppose Iran’s nuclear program, which has been accompanied by open threats to annihilate the Jewish state on the part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as well as the Islamic “Supreme Leader” of Iran Ali Khameini.