Administration overture to Khamenei ridiculed in sermon
Prior to this month's disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an improvement in relations, according to interviews and the leader himself.I-Report Leaks Ahmadinejad Requesting Council Implement "Pure Islamic State"Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed the letter toward the end of a lengthy sermon last week, in which he accused the United States of fomenting protests in his country in the aftermath of the disputed June 12 presidential election.
U.S. officials declined to discuss the letter on Tuesday, a day in which President Obama gave his strongest condemnation yet of the Iranian crackdown against protesters.
An Iranian with knowledge of the overture, however, told The Washington Times that the letter was sent between May 4 and May 10 and laid out the prospect of "cooperation in regional and bilateral relations" and a resolution of the dispute over Iran's nuclear program.
Garduneh Mehr : Yes I can understand it completely. I'm itemizing the main points below.OK. So.... here's my aside on this one ~1. This meeting [according to AhmadiNezhad] was held in the city of Qom which is the "Vatican of the Mullahs".
2. He fawns upon the cleric sitting to his left saying that he's grateful to Allah for being able to visit this cleric. [The identity of this cleric can be significant. I suspect he maybe AhmadiNezhad's mentor Mesbah Yazdi; but I can not tell for sure.]
3. Then he says "That the Islamic revolution must not be limited in time or space."
4. Throughout he makes intentionally ambiguous references to their "Goals and fondest wishes". [This can only mean one of two things: (a) the subjugation of the planet under the mullahs (b) the coming of their Shiah Messiah "Qa'im" whom they think will conquer the world.]
5. He says: "Fighting corruption and meting out justice is the source of much joy; but the greater joy is when our Primary Goal is achieved. [The same thing highlighted above.]
6. He continues: "All our efforts must be directed towards that Fundamental and Primary objective".
7. "Revolution has found its own way and a new phase has begun."
8. "A difficult period has ended; yet an even more difficult period has begun."
9. He says that he hopes that "this more difficult period will result in that very thing for which we are all anxiously waiting. [This could only mean the coming of their Shiah Messiah. In other words, he sees his plans, his actions, and his goals as being directed solely towards hastening the coming of "Qa'im".]
10. He claims: "A great energy has been released inside and outside Iran which seeks to server the Islamic revolution."
11. "This energy", he continues: "is in need of guidance and administration".
12. "The conditions for everything that we had said and had hoped for, I [AhamdiNezhad] believe are materializing.
13. "This movement needs strong support and strong leadership." [Probably talking about himself.]
14. "The first and best place and time to provide this support is right here in our mutual understanding.. amongst those who have devoted and continue to devote their lives to the materialization of the Islamic rule."
15. "The conditions are perfect; and I for my part ask for your assistance while being your servant as one who was not originally part of this movement. This movement is a gift from Allah."
16. "This movement", he continues "is hopefully the ignition point of great global changes." [At this point there's no doubt in my mind that he is talking about bringing about a global upheaval, perhaps with WMD's, for the purpose of hastening the coming of their Qa'im.]
17. He says that he sees himself as having been given the responsibility
The correct way to show the name is
Ahmadi Nej(z)ad.
"Nejad" means "ancestry". "Ahmad" is the same as the Arabic word 'Ahmed' which is another name for their demon prophet Muhammad.
(Mahmud also conveniently being shithead's first name as you all know),
AHMADI also contains within it the word MADI - MAHDI
So .... His name can be seen to mean:
"from the house (race, ancestry) of Ahmad" and
"from the house of the Mahdi"
all at the same time
This qualifies him to be able to claim to be Mahdi himself if he desires to do so.
Mahdi literally means 'guided one'. Imam Mahdi, or Al-Mahdi, it is the "nickname" of the messiah of Islam, dude is the anti-christ basically, and he will have the real first name Mohamed.
He is yet to be born according to the majority of Sunni Muslims. He is alive at this very moment according to the majority of Shia Muslims, but his identity is not known i.e. he is in occultation... Our little friend the disputed President of Iran is a Shia.
Occultation, in astronomy, is the eclipse of one celestial body by another, e.g., when the moon lies between a star and the earth. Occultations of stars by the moon are important in astronomy. Since stellar positions are very accurately known, the time and position of an occultation can be used to determine the position of the moon. Alternatively, an observer can determine his or her longitude by comparing the time at which he observes an occultation with a table listing the universal time at which the occultation occurs.
SEE ALSO: The Occultation of the 12th Imam
Intensified crackdown mutes protests in Iran
Back in the 1980s, according to Jeff Stein in CQ, Iranian opposition leader Mousavi played a key role in the Beirut terror campaign that hit the U.S. embassy and the Marine barracks.Signs Mousavi's rebel stature being eroded in Iran
Mousavi And Mossadeq:
What The 1953 US-Backed Overthrow Has To Do With Today
Guardian columnist Stephen Kinzer reports that Mossadeq has come up in Iran today as a symbol, that his face has adorned signs alongside that of Mir Hossein Mousavi, and that Iranians have drawn a parallel between the two men. Mossadeq, as Kinzer points out, is a symbol both for democracy and for freedom of intervention.Iran Removes Oil Chief Torkan Amid Political Unrest
The question here is: how relevant is history? "In the streets, they talk about him," Michael Rubin of AEI said of Mossadeq. "Among the people on the street, he was always a symbol of democracy." "The irony is that, among his biggest detractors were the clergy and the seminary students," Rubin said. "Those who are in government right now really were our co-sonspirators." "It's a story that's grown bigger with time," Rubin said.
Iran has unexpectedly fired one of its senior oil officials amid ongoing unrest on the streets of Tehran.Protest organizers held in Iranian raid"I am no longer the deputy oil minister for planning from yesterday," Akbar Torkan told Dow Jones Newswires by telephone late Monday. He didn't provide a reason for his removal from office.
His removal comes as tensions run high in the Islamic republic, with reformist challengers to incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, led by Mir Hossein Mousavi, disputing the outcome of this month's elections with protests across the country.The sudden dismissal could raise concerns that political unrest in the second-largest member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries may be spilling over into the country's oil industry.
"If his removal is for political considerations, it is sad to bring in politics into the oil industry," Manouchehr Takin, an analyst covering Iran at the U.K.-based Centre for Global Energy Studies. "He was considered a 'doer', someone getting things done. He got projects moving."
Iran says: Courts will teach protesters a lesson...
Khamenei Vows Iran Will Not Yield ‘at Any Cost’
Iran's Interior Ministry calls on Mousavi to "respect law"
The Indiana-based Islamic Society of North America will be holding its annual convention -- the largest yearly gathering of Muslims on the continent -- in Washington, D.C. over the Fourth of July weekend.YES, FOLKS, ISLAM IS NOW AMERICA’S SECOND LARGEST RELIGIONAnd while convention leaders are holding out hope that President Barack Obama might make the convention his latest stop in his outreach to the Muslim world, the convention has landed another pretty big fish as a featured speaker.
Purpose-Driven pastor Rick Warren has agreed to appear at the convention and be part of its main session discussing the convention's theme -- "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Joining Warren for the session is ISNA President Ingrid Mattson and noted Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf. (Hamza Yusuf once called Judaism the "most racist religion")
Warren's scheduled visit to the convention follows ISNA leader Sayyid Syeed's appearance last December at Warren's Saddleback Civil Forum on Public Health. Warren was unavailable this week to comment about the appearance.
Welcome to Uncle Sam's Haj.
Islam is greatest contributor to refugee law~
The Islamic tradition of generosity toward people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other historical source, according to a study published Tuesday by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
“The international community should value this 14-century-old tradition of generosity and hospitality and recognize its contributions to modern law,” U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres writes in his forward to “The Right to Asylum Between Islamic Shari’ah and International Refugee Law: A Comparative Study.”
The report was commissioned by UNHCR in cooperation with Saudi Arabia’s Naif Arab University for Security Sciences and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. It was written by Ahmed Abu Al-Wafa, a professor and dean of the law faculty at Cairo University.
“Today, the majority of refugees worldwide are Muslims,” Guterres writes. “This fact occurs at a time when the level of extremism -- ethnic and religious -- is on the rise around the globe, even in the world’s most developed societies. Racism, xenophobia and populist fear-mongering manipulate public opinion and confuse refugees with illegal migrants and even terrorists.
Good. Make him sweat, BiBi.
He denied Israeli media reports that U.S. officials took the decision because they were irritated by the Israeli government's refusal to drop its policy of allowing continued building activity in some Jewish settlements in the West BankUS-Israel meeting scrapped over settlements
Under US pressure, Israel removes over half of 'West Bank' checkpoints
UK says no to arms embargo on Israel
38 K who want you dead, but Huzzah to the UK:
The British government has refused to heed a petition calling on the UK to impose an arms embargo on Israel and press other countries to stop supplying arms to the Jewish state.Report: Israel nearer to F-35 purchase deal with US
The government responded last week to a petition posted in the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead on the official Web site of the Prime Minister's Office. The petition, initiated by a man named Yusuf Ibrahim, was signed by over 38,000 people.
Best thing Israel could possibly do is tell everyone to fuck off and build their own shit, period.
Australia's Gillard aims to forge stronger ties with Israel
Aussies Akbar!
Despite criticism of her visit, Ms Gillard has made no apologies for Australia's support of Israel."When a vote was called in 1947 to establish separate Jewish and Arab states, the Australian delegate was the first to vote in favour of Israel's right to full independent nationhood and its right to live securely within defined borders," she said.
"Our support has continued strongly ever since."
Critics accused Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Tuesday of exceeding his mandate and challenging President Mahmoud Abbas by declaring a goal of statehood within two years.Hamassholes suspend meetings with Fatahsses, citing arrests
Fayyad, a former IMF economist, is far from popular with many in the Fatah party, the dominant faction of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) which, led by Abbas, is the strongest political force in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
Hamas speaker has 'pleasant surprise' for Palestinians
Jew Liver for everyone!
Speaking at the Legislative Council in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Duwaik said he had prepared a "pleasant surprise for the Palestinian people", that he will announce later on.Hamas Loses Its Sugar Daddy
The infighting in Iran since its contested election has made it a “weaker patron” of Hamas and Hezbollah, the two principal terrorist groups abutting Israel, but it is too early to know the ramifications, according to an Israeli political analyst.Palestinians protest Aharanovitch visit to Temple Mount
“Iran was weakened by the Gaza war [in January between Israel and Hamas] and Hezbollah’s loss in the Lebanese elections,” said Gerald Steinberg, a political science professor at Bar-Ilan University. “Now Iran is going to be totally absorbed in its own internal issues.
“They may try to foment incidents to create nationalist support in Iran, and some of their targets may be Israeli. But Iran as a source of power behind Hamas and Hezbollah is going to be weakened, and it will take a long time to see how that plays out.”
Big Oil Ready for Big Gamble in Iraq
US, China Hold Defense Talks
U.S. and Chinese defense officials met Tuesday in Beijing for their highest-level bilateral military talks in 18 months.Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo placed under arrest
Singapore and China Conduct Joint Counter-Terrorism Training ExerciseLiu, 53, is a former university professor who spent 20 months in jail for joining the 1989 student-led protests in Tiananmen Square.
In his writings, most publishedonly on the Internet, Liu has called for civil rights and political reform, making him subject to routine harassment by authorities.
He was among more than 300 lawyers, writers, scholars and artists who signed "Charter 08" in December calling for a new constitution guaranteeing human rights, election of public officials, freedom of religion and expression, and an end to the Communist Party's hold over the military, courts and government.
It also calls for the abolition of the criminal code that allows people to be imprisoned for "incitement to subvert state power."
Police detained Liu a day ahead of the charter's release, possibly because they considered him a key organizer, in addition to his role in drafting and revising the document, his lawyer Mo Shaoping has said.
Mo said Wednesday that Liu Xia was advised by police to find a new lawyer for her husband because Mo was among the charter signatories.
The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) are currently conducting an inaugural joint counter-terrorism (CT) training exercise in Guilin, China from 18 to 26 Jun 09.Sinopec Offers $7.22 Billion for Canadian Oil Firm
Codenamed COOPERATION 2009, the joint CT training exercise will involve about 60 participating troops each from the SAF and the PLA. The SAF's participating troops are from the 2nd People's Defence Force and the SAF Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosives (CBRE) Defence Group. They will exercise with personnel from the PLA Emergency Response Office and Guangzhou Military Region. The nine-day joint CT training exercise will focus on the conduct of security operations for major events and consequence management concepts related to CBRE threats.
Sinopec Agrees C$8.27B Cash Takeover Of Addax Petroleum
Kyrgyzstan relents on US refuelling base
Uzbekistan increases gas supplies to Tajikistan
Pakistani President to visit Tajikistan
Tajikistan To Base Army Unit In Afghan Border Region
Backgrounder: Basic facts about Turkmenistan
Foundation stone laid for Turkmenistan's first ore mining complex
They laid the foundation stone for the ore mining and processing complex for the production of potash fertilizers with the capacity ranging from one to one and a half million tons per year.TURKMENISTAN: NEW OIL PROJECTS IN KARAKUM DESERT
JSC "Belgorhimprom", which specializes in research and development for the mining and chemical industry in Belarus, will erect the complex on a "turnkey" basis in accordance with the Framework Agreement signed earlier with the Turkmenhimiya State Concern. The construction of the complex will be implemented in two stages. The fist stage of construction will cost about one billion U.S. dollars.
Military Court 'Approved' Kazatomprom Arrest
The chief of the Investigations Department of the Kazakh National Security Committee, Abylaikhan Gabbasov, has told journalists that the former head of Kazakhstan's uranium-producing company was arrested with the approval of the Akmola Military Court, RFE/RL's Kazakh Service reports.Frontier Mining starts gold production at Naimanjal in Kazakhstan
China, Kazakhstan to boost co-op amid financial downturn
Nazarbayev signed decree on state planning system in Kazakhstan
Russia's Gazprom to sign oil deal with Nigeria
Putin notes solid basis for Russian-Venezuelan cooperation
Putin threatens 'action' if Ukraine fails to pay gas tab by July 7
Silly headline.
Vlad does not threaten action.
Vlad IS action.
Ukraine May Get IMF Loan for Russian Gas Within Days
Russia blames US, EU for WTO talks failure
Putin receives Mohammed Bin Zayed
Yes I bin received him. Very nice.
Now WTF exactly you like for Vlad to do with him?
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin received here today General HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the UAE Armed Forces.RUSSIA seals strategic pact with Egypt
At a meeting held at the government headquarters in the Kaluga province in the central Russia, they discussed the bilateral relations between UAE and Russia and the ways to enhance them, especially in the fields of economy and investment.
Russia tries to secure bigger role in Mideast peace process
Russian Blogger Faces Extremism Charges
Dmitry Kirilin, 29, is accused of posting materials critical of former President and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on his blog. Prosecutors have described the materials as incitement to extremist action.
New financial rules: Major changes for big, smallAn 89-page document entitled Financial Regulatory Reform, authored by the Department of the Treasury, outlines the steps the administration plans to take in order to close “gaps and weaknesses in the supervision and regulation of financial firms presented challenges to our government’s ability to monitor, prevent, or address risks as they built up in the system. No regulator saw its job as protecting the economy and financial system as a whole”. According to the document, government authority will be expanded in five areas.
The supervision and regulation of financial firms;
The comprehensive supervision of financial markets;
The protection of consumers and investors from financial abuse;
The provision to the government of additional tools “it needs to manage financial crises”; and
Raising international regulatory standards and to improve international cooperation.By any definition this represents a large increase in the role of government over the financial markets. That is an avowed intent which its supporters believe is necessary to safeguard future growth and to prevent another recession. However, one reader of the Belmont Club thinks the proposal contains hidden dangers. The reader believes that unless we are careful, “financial regulatory reform” may lead to a loss of independence of the Federal Reserve.
Change you can bereave in.
Obama spells out major financial rules overhaul
With a capital "T" that rhymes with "P" that stands for pool!
Fed starts meeting, seen confirming rates on hold
Speed Demons at the Fed
Editor's note: The following editorial ran on Dec. 9, 2003, under the headline "Speed Demons at the Fed." The editorial was criticized the same day in remarks by Ben Bernanke, who was then a Federal Reserve Governor, at a meeting of the Fed's Open Market Committee. Mr. Bernanke's comments, which were recently released by the Fed, and a related editorial appear nearby.Two-Year Treasuries Decline Before $40 Billion Auction of Notes
Buffett looms large at Goldman Sachs
US Stocks Fluctuate as Boeing Leads Decline in Industrials
Three Banks Suspend Their TARP Dividends
The decision to halt the dividends appears to stem partly from federal pressure. In April, the bank entered into a memorandum of understanding with regulators that requires it to boost its capital levels by June 30.
OBAMA: I — I am not suggesting that I have a crystal ball, since I — since you just threw back at us our last prognosis, let's not — let's not engage in another one.No lobbyists allowed in Obama Administration?
Obama's Pledge of Transparency Remains Largely UnfulfilledOne pillar that the Obama Administration erected early was a vow—an Executive Order, actually—meant to prevent lobbyists from coming “into government freely” and prohibit them from using “their time in public service as a way to promote their own interests over the interests of the American people when they leave." This executive order also forbids individuals leaving the Administration from lobbying the Executive branch while President Obama remains in office.
The President said at the time, “"These steps are aimed at establishing firm rules of the road for my administration and all who serve in it, and to help restore that faith in government, without which we cannot deliver the changes we were sent here to make". "We need to make the White House the people's house, and we need to close the revolving door that lets lobbyists come into government freely and lets them use their time in public service as a way to promote their own interests over the interests of the American people when they leave," Obama said. "As of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any other administration in history."
Oh I dunno, I can see right through the MFer myself...
DOBBS: Ed, new questions tonight about another Obama nominee and potential conflicts of interest. A day after the president announced those new historic restrictions against lobbyists and trying to end that revolving door.Ahead of the Bell: Raytheon
ED HENRY, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, you're right. I mean yesterday he specifically -- the president did say that anyone who's a lobbyist who comes into his administration cannot work on the specific issues that they lobbied on. So today at his first on-camera briefing with Robert Gibbs, the new press secretary, I asked him about the fact that William Lynn has been nominated to be the deputy defense secretary, number two at the Pentagon. He's a Raytheon lobbyist, has all kinds of business before the Pentagon. He doesn't seem to meet the standard that the president himself set. Here was what Robert Gibbs had to say about that.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a pretty big job. We're at war in two countries right now.
HENRY: So he's a lobbyist and now he's going to be deputy defense secretary.
ROBERT GIBBS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Right and if he ever leaves this administration, he'll never, as the president said, be able to lobby this administration as it relates to the work that he does for the length or entirety of that administration. Again, what the president did yesterday was institute the strongest ethical and transparency guidelines that any administration has lived under in the history of the country.
FEMA and Northcom heads meet to talk disaster
The Director of FEMA and the Commander of NORAD/Northern Command met at Peterson Air Force Base Tuesday to do some serious disaster planning.Pepco Announces Smart Grid Technology Approval for District of Columbia
With the approval of emergency legislation by both the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia, Pepco today is a step closer to building a smart grid network that will eventually serve the company’s 247,000 customers in the District. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a core component of smart grid technology.Capitalism and Socialism in Light of the Bible
Socialism, unfortunately, completely disregards Biblical teaching about the fallen nature of human beings and assumes that human beings will act in a morally upright fashion if their basic needs are met. This is at the heart of why socialistic systems never work: because human nature does not work in this fashion.State to distribute new pills designed for use in nuclear accident
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is gearing up for a mid-August distribution of new potassium iodide pills to residents living or working near one of the state’s five nuclear power plants, including Beaver Valley Units 1 and 2 in Shippingport.US Southeast states pave way for new nuclear power
12 tons of bomb-grade uranium to be made into fuel
The government on Tuesday ordered 12 tons of bomb-grade uranium converted into commercial reactor fuel as backup in case another source of fuel from weapon ingredients is delayed.Virginia candidate defers opinion on uranium miningThe highly enriched uranium, already declared surplus for the nation's nuclear arsenal, will come from the vast storage vaults at the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge.
The material will be converted or "down-blended" at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin, Tenn., into about 220 tons of low-enriched uranium suitable for commercial reactors. The work will begin this year and be completed in 2012.
Areva Uranium to Double Output by 2012; Prices to Set Future Expansion
Uranium Furor Continues
Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa said he is studying legal reforms that would allow his government to expel any oil companies that sue the country before international tribunals.Chevron Announces First Oil Production From Frade Field in Brazil
Selling Organs for Cash Should be Option
Lady.. you are ten kindsa nuckin futz with sprinkles, but hey - if you insist - I'll take a spleen, a pancreas, and a new ass, please. Much obliged.
Tithing at the Crude Altar
Less and less crude will come from reliable suppliers in the Western Hemisphere. Given our continued dependence on imported oil, picking and choosing among our suppliers obviously would be ideal. But this is not an option. The oil market is thoroughly internationalized. Key traders draw on multiple sources of crude to satisfy the needs of refiners and retailers. Most importantly, a majority of the world’s remaining oil is controlled by countries that are not democracies, do not honor the rule of law and are certainly not noted for their pristine human-rights behavior. If anything, our reliance on these producers is likely to grow as output in the older producing areas of the Western Hemisphere declines and more and more of the world’s output is concentrated in Africa, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union.Huge Roman-era cave found by Jericho
Video: Cave discovered in Holy Land dates back to time of Jesus
Ancient granaries preceded the Agricultural Revolution
'Hidden Treasures' Seeks To Reveal Another Afghanistan
Funding The Machine That "Might Save The World"
I see. See: Bowie, David: