Clashes in Tehran come after Revolutionary Guard warns Iranian demonstrators to be 'prepared for confrontation'Mousavi defiantly calls for continued protests
"The country belongs to you ... protesting lies and fraud is your right," Mousavi, who claims hardline Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election through fraud, said in a statement on his Web site. The statement flies in the face of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate power in Iran and who last week said the claimed landslide victory of Ahmadinejad was valid.Mousavi: 'To the slaughterhouse'
The response to a speech Friday by Ayatollah Ali Khameini said the government is taking the country "to the slaughterhouse," CNN reported. CNN said it could not confirm that the statement, posted in Farsi, was actually from Mousavi.Mousavi Letter Translated
Daughter of top Iranian cleric reportedly arrested & released
But Press TV reported that the authorities had detained five relatives of former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani -- a senior cleric and an architect of the 1979 Islamic Revolution who is a key backer of reformist opposition candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Among those in custody was Faezeh Hashemi, Rafsanjani's eldest daughter, who was picked up Saturday after she addressed a rally of Mousavi supporters.Iranian police use force to break up protest
All five were later released, according to Press TV and the Associated Press.
The arrests signaled the persistence of rivalries and disputes among Iran's senior clerics. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supports Ahmadinejad, while reformers such as Rafsanjani back the opposition.
Britain, accused by Iran of fomenting post-election unrest, said it was evacuating the families of diplomats and other officials based in Iran — the first country to do so as Iran's worst internal conflict since the 1979 Islamic Revolution escalated.Embassy staff families leave Iran
Some Republicans Press Obama on Iran
"The president of the United States is supposed to lead the free world, not follow it," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a member of the Armed Services Committee, on ABC's "This Week." He added that Mr. Obama was being "timid and passive."And some Republicans say we should sit down with them:
A top Republican senator says the United States should still sit down with Iran, despite postelection turmoil in Tehran.Sen. Richard Lugar says the U.S. has a goal of containing Iran's nuclear ambition. He says the two countries should meet even though there are protests in Tehran over this month's presidential vote. Lugar, R-Ind., says President Barack Obama or Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton should be ready to meet with their Iranian counterparts.
Iranian authorities have arrested 23 journalists and bloggers since post-election protests began a week ago, according to a media watchdog that says reporters are a "priority target" for Iran's leadership.Scenes from the cyberfront in the Iranian struggleAmong those arrested was the head of the Association of Iranian Journalists, Reporters Without Borders said Sunday.
"It's becoming more and more problematic for journalists," said Benoit Hervieu of the Paris-based group, also known by its French acronym RSF.
The group released a list of 23 Iranian journalists, editors and bloggers arrested since June 14, and says it has lost contact with several others believed detained or in hiding. Hervieu said RSF verified each arrest via its network of reporters and activists in Iran. No foreign journalists were on the list.
The reasons behind the detentions remain unclear.
Federal contractor, cell phone maker sold spy system to Iran
Two European companies — a major contractor to the U.S. government and a top cell-phone equipment maker — last year installed an electronic surveillance system for Iran that human rights advocates and intelligence experts say can help Iran target dissidents.
Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), a joint venture between the Finnish cell-phone giant Nokia and German powerhouse Siemens, delivered what is known as a monitoring center to Irantelecom, Iran's state-owned telephone company.
A spokesman for NSN said the servers were sold for "lawful intercept functionality," a technical term used by the cell-phone industry to refer to law enforcement's ability to tap phones, read e-mails and surveil electronic data on communications networks.
In Iran, a country that frequently jails dissidents and where regime opponents rely heavily on Web-based communication with the outside world, a monitoring center that can archive these intercepts could provide a valuable tool to intensify repression.
A senior Islamic resistance movement Hamas official estimated on Saturday that up to 750 Hamas prisoners were now being held in West Bank jails, controlled by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' security forces.PNA to release most of Hamas activists in West Bank
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday ordered his security forces to release most members and supporters of Hamas who were detained due to political reasons in the West Bank, Fatah officials said.Abdullah Abdullah, a lawmaker from President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party, told Xinhua that the release process is expected to complete during the coming 24 hours and will include all Hamas activists "except the people who pose a security threat and still have trials underway."
Meanwhile, Azzam al-Ahmad, chief of Fatah parliamentary bloc, said: "This measure comes under the efforts to pave the way for the success of the national dialogue," referring to Egyptian-sponsored talks between Fatah and its bitter Islamic rival. Earlier, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) said it had freed 20 Hamas prisoners from its jails in the West Bank where Fatah holds sway.
Seven policemen and a demonstrator were wounded when a protest by Israeli Druze outside the prime minister's office turned violent on Sunday, police said.Hundreds of Israel's minority Druze population gathered in central Jerusalem to demand better treatment from the government, pelting police with eggs and shouting slogans in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian.
Malta dedicates first embassy in Israel
UN refugee official calls for "end to siege on Palestinians"
Bombs kill 21 in Iraq as violence intensifies
Kuwait to hold nuclear talks with France's Areva
OPEC member Kuwait will hold nuclear power talks with France's Areva sometime over the next few days, the economy minister of the European country said on Sunday.
Speaking after a meeting with Kuwait's ruler Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said the two sides discussed capital partnerships between French firms and the Kuwaiti government in the field of nuclear energy for civilian use.
"Civil nuclear power ... will be further developed with meetings due to be held in the coming days between Areva and the Kuwaiti authorities," Lagarde told reporters at Kuwait City during a short visit.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will hold the International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Exploration, Mining, Production, Supply and Demand, Economics and Environmental Issues (URAM-2009) on 22-26 June 2009 in Vienna.
URAM 2009 is intended to bring together scientists, exploration and mining geologists, engineers, operators, regulators and fuel cycle specialists to exchange information and discuss updated research and current issues in uranium geology and deposits, exploration, mining and processing, production economics and environmental and legal issues.
The list of topics to be discussed by over 500 experts and delegates include uranium markets and economics (including supply and demand); Social licensing in the uranium production cycle; uranium exploration (including uranium geology and deposits); uranium mining and processing; Environmental and regulatory issues; human resources development; special session on IAEA technical cooperation in the uranium production cycle as well as the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
Particiapants will also discuss the role of nuclear energy in suatainable developement and environmental protection.
A company's plans to build a uranium enrichment plant in southern Ohio are in jeopardy without a $2 billion federal loan guarantee, The Columbus Dispatch reported Sunday.Permit delay worries uranium hopefulsUSEC Inc., based in Bethesda, Md., is developing the American Centrifuge project on the site of a former gaseous diffusion plant in Piketon, about 65 miles south of Columbus.
The company applied for the loan guarantee 10 months ago under a U.S. Department of Energy program launched by former President George W. Bush.
Without the loan guarantee, USEC won't be able to obtain private financing, company officials said.
Several proposed uranium mining projects in Wyoming and across the West will be delayed due the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's recent decision requiring a more thorough site-specific analysis for each project.Navajo homes razed - uranium contamination
The NRC will require a supplemental environmental impact statement for each mining project rather than a more simplified environmental assessment, which the agency had considered.
Some officials in the uranium industry claim the NRC overreacted to a groundswell of public concern that they say comes from either ignorance of the in-situ leach mining process or a desire to block uranium mining.
Industry officials have also told the Star-Tribune they worry that investors are losing patience.
The federal government plans to spend as much as $3 million a year to demolish and rebuild uranium-contaminated structures across the Navajo Nation, where Cold War-era mining of the radioactive substance left a legacy of disease and death.ALASKA: Court OKs dumping gold mine waste in lake
Obama allies will call this alarmist fear-mongering, but do not take my word for it; take Michael Copps', the current FCC Chairman who not long ago delivered remarks at the conspicuously titled "Changing Media in Washington, D.C." summit. The mainstream media largely focused on the fact that Copps said the Fairness Doctrine is not returning. However, the rest of his underreported remarks betray the FCC's true intentions.Obama Administration Apologetic for Non-Attendance at Durban IIIn striking language, Copps talked of "seiz[ing] the opportunity" to bring about a "new, progressive promised land", asking rhetorically, "What about the core values of localism, diversity and competition that Free Press fights so valiantly for?" He said the American media was in trouble due to "two decades of mindless deregulation," which he partially blamed on the Internet and bloggers.
And while he added that "The Fairness Doctrine is long gone and it's not coming back--as much as some conspiracy theorists see it lurking behind every corner," he also quickly added that, "we finally got the FCC back on track to do something about the shameful state of minority and female ownership of media properties." Copps has told Genachowski that diversity initiatives should be his first priority.
The 11th session of the Human Rights Council, which ended on Friday, included two apologies from the Obama administration for missing Durban II. Obama officials also lauded countries and UN officials for working to improve the Durban II outcome and re-focusing the conference on fighting racism. No effort was made to distance itself from the actual conference - which sported an antisemite as opening speaker - or its outcome which singled out and demonized Israel as racist.
The administration is pursuing actively its new policy of engagement at the Council and ingratiating itself with the human rights abusers who count as Council members and biggest supporters of the Durban process and its outcome. So in the context of the first Council discussion since the conclusion of the conference of Durban and the UN "anti-racism" agenda, two U.S. officials declared on June 16th: "It was with regret that we did not join the recent Durban Review Conference."
In the words of Anna Morawiec Mansfield, Deputy Legal Adviser of the United States Mission in Geneva (speaking during the "interactive dialogue" with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance), and repeated by Mark Cassayre, First Secretary of the United States Mission in Geneva, in a later discussion:
“It was with regret that we did not join the recent Durban Review Conference. We are deeply grateful to the many country delegations and senior UN officials who worked steadfastly to improve the outcome document and to re-focus the Durban Review Conference squarely on the global fight to eliminate racism and racial discrimination.”
Do you believe me yet?
But it does not.
All it does is get you called insane for bringing it up.
Several readers have made intelligent and thoughtful comments that deserve greater depth and a stronger factual basis on the 'under the radar' news that, for the first time in American history, an Army Infantry Combat Brigade has been "deployed" (the Army Times' wording, not mine) onto U.S. soil.
The Department of Defense announced in the Fall of 2008 that it was assigning a full-time Army unit to be "on call to facilitate military cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security in the event of another terrorist attack and to help with civil unrest and crowd control." The Brigade that has been assigned is none other than the 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Brigade Combat Team which recently returned after spending a total of 30 months in war-torn Baghdad and is now in "training for domestic purposes" at Ft. Stewart, Georgia.
According to a U.S. Army War College professor, this Combat Brigade can be used for "unforeseen economic collapse, loss of a functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies and catastrophic natural and human disasters."
Even if few Americans object to uniformed members of the military (and I am an ex Air Force medical corpsman so I respect and understand the role of the military) being assigned for street duty over here, one has to get at least a little creeped-out at the idea of it being not only an Infantry Brigade and not just a Combat Brigade, but also one that has spent the equivalent of years on the Iraqi battleground. Why them? Why here? Why now?
Throw in the 55-year-old Gascón's obsession with technology, the intellectualism that led him to earn a law degree and participate in a three-year Harvard project to improve policing, his concern for health that makes his breakfasts with city officials consist of fruit and tea, his love of surfing and his comfort in the spotlight, and maybe it's an oddly perfect match.DHS Awards Colorado $19.2 Million
Gascón was raised in Cuba, the only child of his parents, Maria and Marcos, a mechanic who fixed trucks at a beer brewery. Marcos Gascón initially supported the revolution led by Fidel Castro.
Gascón also created a "fusion center" where public safety officials from around the region work together and brought in the program Compstat, which he also used in Los Angeles, to track crime statistics and deploy officers to high-crime areas. Those initiatives are credited with lowering the number of homicides in Mesa from 26 in 2006 to just three so far this year.
Dept. of Homeland Security joins the 'blogosphere'
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has entered the blogosphere.
It has launched The Blog @ Homeland Security on the department’s Web site, and announced that its purpose is to “increase transparency and facilitate the dialogue between DHS and the American public.”
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said, “The Blog reflects our ongoing commitment to communicate directly with the American people about the department’s efforts across the country and around the world.”
Obama to Sign Landmark Tobacco Bill
U.S. President Barack Obama is set to sign an anti-smoking bill that will bring tobacco products under unprecedented federal control.CANADA: Electronic snooping bill a 'data grab': privacy advocates
"This bill is a Trojan horse to expand police powers and essentially allow for a data grab," Micheal Vonn, policy director of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association said Friday. The new bill, introduced Thursday by Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan, would require communications on electronic devices and networks to be interceptable by police and would allow police to obtain personal information about internet users without a warrant.
Beyond the questionable logic of defining as a human being the primordial parasitical conglomeration of human cells attached to the female uterus; beyond the questionable logic of considering the medical use and destruction of human stem cells to be a form of homicide; beyond the questionable logic of condemning birth control as immoral; beyond all of this questionable logic is the flawed logic found in the narrow, fervent focus on the unborn by so called pro-life advocates — ultimately, they are not pro-life.
Abortion is pro-choice, and until the human population is reduced to a sustainable level, it is also pro-life.
Un. Fuckin'. Real. Reminds me of Susan Atkins.
Charlie says ya really gotta love someone to kill them, maaaaaaannnnn!
~ Susan Atkins
Atkins testified before a Los Angeles Grand Jury, hoping to avoid the death penalty. She revealed how she held down Sharon Tate as she pleaded for her and the baby's life. She recounted how she told Tate, "Look, bitch, I don't care a thing about you. You're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it." To cause more suffering, they held off killing Tate until all others were dead, and then stabbed her repeatedly while she called out for her mother. Atkins later recanted her testimony.Is late term abortion EVER Necessary?
Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, shocked the general public in 1997 when he admitted that the vast majority of partial-birth abortions were performed on healthy mothers and babies. Contrary to the assertion of abortion rights supporters that late-term abortion is performed for serious reasons, surveys of late abortion patients confirm that the vast majority occur because of delay in diagnosis of pregnancy. They are done for similar reasons as early abortions: relationship problems, young or old maternal age, education or financial concerns.UK: Ban these 'sexy' abortion clinic adverts say doctors
Doctors are calling for a ban on controversial television and radio adverts for abortion clinics, saying they will send the wrong message to young women and encourage promiscuity.Condom manufacturers will also be able to advertise at any time during the day and night under plans to relax the existing rules. Doctors will oppose the plans at a meeting at the end of the month.N.C. to dedicate marker to eugenics program
Dr Mark Pickering, a GP in York, said: ‘We know that TV is a powerful medium which gives young people messages that sex is fine, sex is great and they are not getting enough of it. It is full of beautiful young people jumping in and out of bed with each other. Allowing abortion services to advertise on TV would then be saying, “Here is a quick medical fix for the consequences of having sex.” That is giving all the wrong messages and is very disturbing.’
According to the So Smarts none of this ever happened though.
Raleigh, N.C. — State officials are dedicating a historical marker to remember the forced sterilization program that affected thousands of people in North Carolina. The North Carolina Highway Historical Marker will be dedicated Monday at the North Carolina Community Colleges building in Raleigh. Social reformers advocated for eugenics programs a century ago as a way to cleanse society of the mentally handicapped and mentally ill. North Carolina adopted its program in 1929 and aggressively continued the program after World War II, targeting the program at the poor. About 7,600 people were sterilized between 1929 and 1975. A state House panel has recommended that the state give $20,000 to victims of the eugenics program.Supreme court to decide federal sex offender law
Here's the problem.
If they want to erroneously call someone "sexually dangerous" for their own reasons they can then hold them forever and get away with it.
The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday that it would decide whether Congress may adopt a federal law that keeps sex offenders in custody indefinitely after they complete their prison sentences. The high court agreed to hear an Obama administration appeal seeking to reinstate a 2006 law providing for the continued detention of "sexually dangerous" convicted federal inmates who have served their prison terms.
Kazakhstan's Nazarbaev Marks 20 Years In Power
Kazakhstan: Malaysian Satellite Succesfully Blasted From Baikonur Cosmodrome
Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, who led a group of 50 people to witness the launch of Measat's fourth satellite, was elated saying it was yet another feather in the cap for Malaysia's broadcasting capabilities.UAE signs "Open Sky" Air Services Agreement with Turkmenistan
Some in the enthralled crowd taken in by the spectacular rocket power and explosive burn described it as a "rocket entering the heavens." They all burst into spontaneous applause.
I'm Igor, fly me!
Turkmenistan and Belarus sign documents on cooperation
Putin Hints Belarussian Quotas On Milk Prompted Russia's Ban
"There was an agreement on the size of the quota. Unfortunately, our partners raised it 40 percent, and this created well-known difficulties for our milk producers," Putin said.Medvedev hopes milk row will not impede Russia-Belarus WTO bid
Also on Friday, Putin said Gazprom had paid Belarus $650 million up front for the transit of Russian gas across the country's territory.
The good Czar bad Czar show is much biggest fun of the day!
Assassination attempt on Yunus-Bek Yevkurov in Ingushetia
Attention, Belarus, are you watching? SAY MY NAME:
NAZRAN, Russia — A homicide car bomber drove into the convoy of the president of the troubled Russian region of Ingushetia Monday and detonated the vehicle, critically wounding the president and killing or wounding others, officials said.
Slowly, Russia closes the noose around Nabucco
HA HA HA! We close the noose around nothing.
It is named after biblical phantom opera for reason, silly proples.
We are amazed we were able to convince you it existed to begin with!
Russia and Netherlands in serious energy plans and discussions
Dow and Gazprom Sign MOU to Explore Global "Carbon Reduction Projects"
We are carbon based life forms and trust me they know precisely how to reduce us.
Nigeria and Russia are doing deals in nuclear energy and in oil and gas. And there may be military cooperation.FACTBOX-Which oil firms are affected by Niger Delta unrest?
Do the MEND attacks on the Chevron pipelines become clearer?
Niger Delta militants vow more attacks
Russia Cracks Down on Political Art
On June 11, Alexander Shchednov, known in Russia's art circles as Shurik, was hanging up a collage outside the town hall in the southwestern city of Voronezh. The image showed the face of a coy looking Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's superimposed over the head of a woman in an evening dress, with the slogan: "Oh I don't know ... a third presidential [term] ... it's too much, on the other hand [three is a charm]." But Shchednov never got the chance to display his new work. Before he could hang the collage, he was arrested, the latest in a string of artists to fall victim to the heavy hand of Russian censorship.Putin's Spies in America
Frontpage Interview's guest today is Konstantin Preobrazhenskiy, a former KGB agent who became one of the KGB's harshest critics. He is the author of seven books about the KGB and Japan.
China, Myanmar sign oil pipeline agreement
OK Babba Where TF is Myanmar?
Myanmar is BURMA
By all accounts Myanmar is also where the Nork Nuke ship is supposedly headed:
US Navy Destroyer Tails North Korean Ship May Be Steaming Towards MyanmarNorth Korean Ship With Suspicious Cargo Heads For Myanmar
Shadowed ship for Myanmar
US Destroyer Shadows N. Korean Ship
Well Yippie Kai Aye to you, ya MFer.
During the tour from June 14 to June 20, President Hu attended the ninth annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the first BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) summit in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and paid state visits to Russia, Slovakia and Croatia.FOOD SECURITY..... mmmmhmmm
President Hu and other BRIC leaders exchanged views on some major global affairs and issued the Joint Statement of the BRIC Countries' Leaders in Yekaterinburg and a statement on food security.
Somali Islamists order teenagers' hands, legs amputated
Somali's al Shabaab insurgents sentenced four teenagers on Monday to each have a hand and a leg amputated as punishment for robbery in a show of power by the hardline Islamists in a Mogadishu stronghold. It would be the first such double amputation carried out by the rebels, who follow strict sharia law in the parts of south Somalia that they control.Kenya Undecided on Sending Troops to Somalia
But Lo & Behold! The Gold Man's Sacks Overfloweth!
Goldman to make record bonus payout
Staff at Goldman Sachs staff can look forward to the biggest bonus payouts in the firm's 140-year history after a spectacular first half of the year, sparking concern that the big investment banks which survived the credit crunch will derail financial regulation reforms.Goldman's Grave Dancing Could Bring Big Bonuses
Goldman Disputes Bonus Report
Shaping the future, BRIC by BRIC
Merck selling $4.25 billion in debt
Brokerage Firm and 4 Others Sued in Madoff Case
Report Says Immigration Crucial For Housing Recovery
Here we go with this agenda again......
Sonia Sotomayor's Mortgage Problem
Eli Raz was peering into a narrow hole in the Dead Sea shore when the earth opened up and swallowed him. Fearing he would never be found alive, he scribbled his will on an old postcard.June Hit With More Lightning Fatalities Than Usual
After 14 hours a search party pulled him from the 10-meter-(30 foot-) deep hole unhurt, and five years later the 69-year-old geologist is working to save others from a similar fate, leading an effort to map the sinkholes that are spreading on the banks of the fabled saltwater lake.
These underground craters can open up in an instant, sucking in whatever lies above and leaving the surrounding area looking like an earthquake zone.
Scalding mud volcano 'displacing thousands'
Australian scientists fear tens of thousands of Indonesians could be displaced over the next three decades because of a volcano that is spewing scalding mud. Geologist Mark Tingay from Western Australia's Curtin University has just returned from the Porong District of Sidoarjo, where hot mud first erupted from the ground in May 2006. Dr Tingay says the so-called Lusi eruption is expelling enough mud to fill 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools each day and the situation is going to get worse. "The mud flow has already covered a significant chunk of the area: about seven square kilometres and about 11 villages, and displaced about 40,000 people," he said.Fantastic photo: Volcano from space
Earthquake trigger found in ancient rock
NASA Searches for Way to Predict Earthquakes
Spaceport America Under Construction in New Mexico