Charter member of La Kosha Nostra and beloved longtime feral poster PK just happened to stumble onto this crap this morning:

Five of the congregation from the Westboro Baptist Church toured Vermont today, with stops in Montpelier and Burlington.
Ostensibly they were in Montpelier to protest gay marriage.
When they got to Burlington they switched their target to Jewish people, visiting three locations including a synagogue.
I drove by two of the protest sites and snapped three photos.
They were well outnumbered by University of Vermont counter protestors, media and police (in that order).
Still they succeeded in sending a shiver down my spine thanks to the maniacal laughter they would periodically vomit out en masse. It sounded somewhat like Dracula's brides or the witches from MacBeth, in the moment it put me in mind of the story of Jesus driving out the spirits, forcing them into pigs.
Ostensibly they were in Montpelier to protest gay marriage.
When they got to Burlington they switched their target to Jewish people, visiting three locations including a synagogue.
I drove by two of the protest sites and snapped three photos.

Still they succeeded in sending a shiver down my spine thanks to the maniacal laughter they would periodically vomit out en masse. It sounded somewhat like Dracula's brides or the witches from MacBeth, in the moment it put me in mind of the story of Jesus driving out the spirits, forcing them into pigs.
They had a 7 year old boy with them, who photographed me photographing them. Suppose I'll be the subject of their interest later.
So say a prayer to protect me please, and another for that little boy.
God save our Jewish brothers and sisters!
~ PK
So say a prayer to protect me please, and another for that little boy.
God save our Jewish brothers and sisters!
~ PK

It is interesting to note that the inappropriate laughter thing has long been recognized by mystics in multiple traditions as a sign of demon possession.
~ BZ
Look who's advertising
Billboards everywhere
"See Hellacious Acres
Your tailor made nightmare"
Traffic is backed up for miles
Attendants welcome you with devilish smiles
Steady ... steady ...
Have your tickets ready
Steady ... steady ...
Go to hell
After dark
It's a sin filled city
An amusement park
It's a one way ticket to the other side
It's a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde
Get down & study suspicion and doubt
at Hellacious Acres ...
listen mischief makers
Admission's free
You pay to get out
Billboards everywhere
"See Hellacious Acres
Your tailor made nightmare"
Traffic is backed up for miles
Attendants welcome you with devilish smiles
Steady ... steady ...
Have your tickets ready
Steady ... steady ...
Go to hell
After dark
It's a sin filled city
An amusement park
It's a one way ticket to the other side
It's a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde
Get down & study suspicion and doubt
at Hellacious Acres ...
listen mischief makers
Admission's free
You pay to get out