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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: The One Eyed Man Rules Blindland ~

Hamas mulls denying Fatah leaders entry to Gaza

Hamas: Teaching About Holocaust Is 'War Crime'

Hamas leader denies Nazi genocide of Jews
Mel Gibson could not be reached for comment.

German mediator urges Hamas to respond to Shalit offer within 3 days

'Hamas will include Jordanian prisoners in any exchange deal'

Hamas denies progress on prisoner swap deal

Tony Blair: Hamas, Hezbollah Could Play Middle East Peace Role

WTF would we do without Tony fucking Blair I ask you?

Gaza fishermen say Israel trawling for informants

Madonna profanes holy sites in Israel

Madonna's police escort on tour of Jerusalem

And deters police from other duties.

Jerusalem Municipality workers declare general strike

Haredim stone police car in Jerusalem
AHAHAHA I know, it is not funny, but this headline cracked me up, sorry.

One-Minute Test Proves Syria Is An Ally Of Al-Qaida
Take the one-minute test proving Syria is an ally of al-Qaida & see how this fact is kept hidden...
Syria Dismisses Iraqi Charges it Shelters Bombers

Libyans race to be 'part of the new world'
Yea OK but the Colonel has such a hard time running in heels

Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu sent a letter to Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu thanking for his support to the independence of Kosovo. In his letter to Ihsanoglu, Sejdiu thanked for the support he extended to the independence process of Kosovo. Ihsanoglu, in his previous statements, said that Kosovo had an important place in the Islamic world and within the OIC, and called for support for Kosovo's integrity with the international community and institutions. Ten of 60 countries, which recognized Kosovo's independence, are OIC members.
UAE seizes North Korean weapons. Now what?
Authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) face the delicate question of whether to jeopardize trade with Iran by holding on to a seized shipment of North Korean arms.
Turkey's Multivector Energy Hub: Ignore At Your Own Peril
According to Turkey's popular "Zaman" newspaper, the country can now claim the title of "world's largest energy hub."
Powerful Shiite Group Replaces Father with Son

Iran's Ahmadinejad to Address U.N. as Pressure Builds for Sanctions
AGAIN. Jane! Get me off this crazy hamster wheel!

Iran: Female protestor raped and murdered for chanting 'Allahu Akbar'
An Iranian female opposition supporter who was arrested on her roof top after joining "Allahu Akbar" chants was brutally raped and murdered in an incarceration facility, reformist websites in Iran reported Monday. This is not the first case of protestors' rape reported by Iranian opposition members.
Human Chain for 30 Years of Human Rights Violations in Iran
Down with the Islamic Regime in Iran
Long Live Freedom in Iran
Germany to host six-power talks on Iran this week
Germany will host high-level talks this week between the United States, China, France, Britain, Russia and Germany on Iran's nuclear program, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
Taliban 'out-governing' Afghan govt
Dr David Kilcullen, a former Australian army officer and adviser to former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, says the Taliban remain deeply unpopular, but the Afghan government is very corrupt.
Taliban ready if Afghan government fails
Afghanistan's government must fight corruption and quickly deliver services to Afghans, because Taliban militants are filling gaps and winning support to their cause, a top counter-insurgency expert said on Monday. The Taliban were already running courts, hospitals and even an ombudsman in parallel to the government, making a real difference to local people, said David Kilcullen, a senior adviser to U.S. commander General Stanley McChrystal. "A government that is losing to a counter-insurgency isn't being outfought, it is being out-governed. And that's what's happening in Afghanistan," Kilcullen told Australia's National Press Club.

US commander in Afghanistan proposes revamped strategy
McChrystal portrayed the recent strategy of western forces as the equivalent of a lumbering bull attacking a matador's cape, gradually tiring and finally being killed off. The general, appointed earlier this year, is to go to Washington later this month to advise Barack Obama on whether he needs more troops in addition to the 108,000 international troops already there.
Kidnapped Afghan police escape after killing six captors
Kabul - One policeman and six hostage-takers were killed when four kidnapped Afghan police assaulted their captors and escaped in northern Afghanistan, the interior ministry said Monday. The hostages, captured by a group of Taliban-led militants in Faryab province earlier this month, attacked their guards and seized their weapons to fight their way out of captivity Sunday, the ministry said in a statement. 'They disarmed the guards and killed six of them in fighting and then escaped from their jail,' the statement said. 'During this incident a policeman was also martyred.'
Afghans' fate is in the hands of poll fraud 'referee' Grant Kippen

CNPC subsidiaries took bribes from US firm
China's largest oil and gas producer and supplier did take bribes from US-based Control Components Inc (CCI), but the amount was far less than previously alleged by US authorities, the supervisor of State-owned enterprises told the China Business. China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) accepted bribes of less than 10,000 yuan ($1,464) from CCI, instead of the 1.66 million yuan alleged by the US Justice Department, according to an investigation conducted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), China Business reported Saturday. CNPC subsidiaries accepted the bribes, it reported, without indicating the companies' names.
CNPC denies scandal
CHINA National Petroleum Corporation, the parent of Asia's largest oil and gas company PetroChina, has denied involvement in a housing purchase scandal.
Petro China decides to purchase $3.2 bln assets from parent, CNPC

China to support nonferrous mineral product imports

China Tightens Grip on Rare Minerals
HONG KONG — China is set to tighten its hammerlock on the market for some of the world’s most obscure but valuable minerals. China currently accounts for 93 percent of production of so-called rare earth elements — and more than 99 percent of the output for two of these elements, dysprosium and terbium, vital for a wide range of green energy technologies and military applications like missiles. Deng Xiaoping once observed that the Mideast had oil, but China had rare earth elements. As the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries has done with oil, China is now starting to flex its muscle. Even tighter limits on production and exports, part of a plan from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, would ensure China has the supply for its own technological and economic needs, and force more manufacturers to make their wares here in order to have access to the minerals. In each of the last three years, China has reduced the amount of rare earths that can be exported. This year’s export quotas are on track to be the smallest yet. But what is really starting to alarm Western governments and multinationals alike is the possibility that exports will be further restricted.
Found not in Soviet PRAVDA, proles.... but on Oymerikan NPR!
How 'Marx's General' Helped Lead The Revolution
It was the beer...
Friedrich Engels wasn't born a revolutionary, but over the course of several beer-soaked days in Paris, he became part of "the greatest friendship in Western political thought."Author and historian Tristram Hunt tells All Things Considered host Guy Raz that beer was a big part Engel's relationship with political philosopher Karl Marx.

Grandson Sues to Clear Josef Stalin Over Killings
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Josef Stalin was in the dock on Monday when a Russian court held a preliminary hearing in a libel case brought by his grandson over a newspaper story which said the tyrant had ordered the killings of Soviet citizens.Rights groups say the case shows a creeping attempt in modern Russia to paint a more benevolent picture of the Soviet Union's most feared leader, under whose rule millions perished.Stalin's grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, is seeking 9.5million roubles (183,000 pounds) from the Novaya Gazeta newspaper and 500,000 roubles from the author of an article published last April claiming Stalin personally signed politburo death orders.
Revisionist Races & the World War Two anniversary
WARSAW, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Arguments between Russia and the West about who shares responsibility with Hitler for the start of World War Two are casting a shadow over Tuesday's 70th anniversary commemorations in Poland. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's speech in the Polish port of Gdansk will be keenly scrutinised by Poles, Balts and others irked by what they see as Moscow's attempts to whitewash Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's role 70 years ago.

The usually tough-talking Putin struck a conciliatory tone in an article published in a Polish daily on Monday, saying: "The shadows of the past should not darken cooperation today and even more tomorrow between Russia and Poland." But Putin's foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov also made clear his boss would not apologise for Moscow's actions in 1939.
Russian Premier Calls Nazi-Soviet Pact Immoral

Putin blames WWII on West's deal with Hitler

NATO Chief Says He'd Consider Brzezinski Plea for Russia Accord
If you open your mind too wide, your brains tend to fall out...
NATO said it would consider a proposal by former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski to tighten security arrangements with a Russian-led defense alliance to ease East-West tensions. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he has an “open mind” toward ideas to soothe the strains between the former Cold War adversaries that peaked with Russia’s 2008 invasion of Georgia, a would-be NATO member. “We have to look closer into the possibilities of improving confidence between Russia and NATO,” Rasmussen said in an interview at North Atlantic Treaty Organization headquarters in Brussels yesterday. “I am prepared to look upon all ideas that serve confidence-building with an open mind.”
All American John Deere Goes Redski
Thanks for nothing.
~ The American Worker
Deere & Co., the world's largest agricultural-equipment maker, said Monday its board of directors has approved a plan to invest $125 million to establish a new manufacturing and parts center in Russia.
Was Russia's 'Hijacked' Ship Carrying Missiles to the Mideast?

The highest-ranking official to put forward this version of events is the European Union's rapporteur on piracy and a former commander of the Estonian armed forces, Admiral Tarmo Kouts. In an interview with TIME, he says only a shipment of missiles could account for Russia's bizarre behavior throughout the monthlong saga. "There is the idea that there were missiles aboard, and one can't explain this situation in any other way," he says. "As a sailor with years of experience, I can tell you that the official versions are not realistic."

Kouts says an Israeli interception of the cargo is the most likely explanation. But this theory, which some Russian analysts put forward in the days after the Arctic Sea was rescued and which Kouts agreed with in his interview with TIME, has been vehemently denied by Russia's envoy to NATO, Dmitri Rogozin, who says Kouts should stop "running his mouth." (Read "Girding for the Pirates' Revenge.")

Russia anticipates cooperation with new Japanese government
"The Russian side is ready to establish constructive cooperation with the new government of Japan, which is expected to be formed soon, in the interest of further development of Russian-Japanese relations, in particular, in trade and economic cooperation," the ministry said. It also said that it welcomed the DPJ's intention to "establish a close confidential contact with Russia's leadership as soon as possible."

Millions more Russians shunted into poverty

There is no poverty in Glorious Socialism & Communism stupid headline, so STFU or we will shut you the fuck up for you, nuski, comrade? GOOOOD.

2 suspects in Chechen murder charged in Dubai
An Iranian national and a citizen of Tajikistan were both charged with "plotting murder" and "aiding and abetting" alleged assassins of Sulim Yamadayev
Russia 'kills al-Qaeda operative'
With gustoski, MFers!
~ Vlad
Russian forces have killed an al-Qaeda militant in the increasingly volatile North Caucasus region of Dagestan, officials say.The Algerian national, known as "Doctor Mohammed", was killed when police stormed a house near Chechnya on Sunday night, an unidentified official said. Correspondents say a violent Islamist insurgency is growing in the region.

Russia's Brutal Guerrilla War
The absolute worst-case scenario -- a gradual linking-up of insurgents in Central Asia with the North Caucasus' young Islamist fighters -- might be remote, but it is now possible. Such a link-up would require at least three factors. First, Russia's policy of blind brutality in the North Caucasus would have to continue, ensuring a steady stream of recruits to the Islamist cause. Second, the Taliban would have to consolidate along Afghanistan's frontiers with Central Asian countries such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, or Tajikistan, turning the borderlands into safe havens and creating a series of conduits allowing fighters to move from Afghanistan into Central Asia and beyond. Finally, Central Asian jihadists from countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, or Uzbekistan would have to emerge as a fighting force large enough to exert serious regional pressure. The first is already happening. The second is a matter of time. The third cannot be ruled out. These eventualities threaten to transform the conflict in the Caucasus from a secessionist struggle to something vastly more menacing.

Two killed in gunfight in Uzbek capital - reports

Uzbekistan wants to reshape relations with Indonesia
Like Indonesia, Uzbekistan has huge amounts of natural resources including gold, cotton, natural gas, petrol, coal, uranium, silver, copper, lead, zinc and tungsten. Uzbekistan is the world’s fourth biggest producer of cotton. Uzbekistan’s economy was estimated to grow by 8 percent last year, slightly lower than 9.5 percent recorded in 2007.
UZBEKISTAN: Sentenced "only for practising religion outside the stte controlled framework of Islam"
Two mass trials which ended in July have brought to 36 the number of followers of the late Turkish Muslim theologian Said Nursi known by Forum 18 News Service to have been sentenced to long prison terms under various articles of the Criminal Code in Uzbekistan in 2009. A total of 21 men – all in their twenties and thirties - received sentences of between eleven and five years' imprisonment at separate trials in Samarkand and Khorezm. Human rights activist Surat Ikramov told Forum 18 the men in Samarkand were brutally beaten by the secret police in pre-trial detention. Officials refused to discuss with Forum 18 why they were sentenced. "An analysis of the charge sheets and the verdicts on these cases shows that the guilt of the accused is not proven and that they are sentenced for religious extremism only for practising religion outside the framework of the traditional stream of Islam propagated and controlled by the state," two human rights groups noted.
President Patil heads to Russia, Tajikistan Wednesday

Indian president to visit Kashmiri saint's shrine in Tajikistan

Islam Becomes Mandatory Study in Secular Tajik Schools

Four Tajiks jailed in first al Qaeda trial

Tajikistan Opens 'Liberty' Tunnel Partly Financed By China

Work Makes Free, My Friends!

Turkmenistan not makes territorial claims to any country: President
And English not makes presidents first language so please to bring the STFUpski.

Turkmenistan faces difficulties in opening Caspian naval base

~ Vlad the Most Bad
Turkmenistan will find that opening a military base on the Caspian Sea is easier said than done, Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, said on Monday. Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov announced on Sunday at the National Security Council session that Turkmenistan will in the immediate future open a naval base on the Caspian Sea to secure the country's maritime border. "I believe it will be more difficult to implement this decision than to announce it, since Turkmenistan is not a country with considerable military potential, which of course could be purchased with revenue from gas sales, but still it will not be easy to do," he said. He added that the announcement could also have been made in order to show Turkmenistan's determination to defend its interests against the backdrop of ongoing negotiations on the legal status of the Caspian Sea between the five littoral states - Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan: Reverse Student Travel Ban
What are these rights you humans keep speaking of?
Turkmen authorities should immediately revoke a new travel ban imposed on students bound for foreign private universities, Human Rights Watch said today. Turkmenistan should also end new, burdensome requirements for studying abroad that violate the rights to freedom of movement and to education, Human Rights Watch said. "These arbitrary travel restrictions are disturbing new proof of how repressive Turkmenistan's government is," said Maria Lisitsyna, Turkmenistan researcher at Human Rights Watch. "Being able to travel abroad is a pretty basic human right."

Economic power of Kazakhstan grown 8 times

Analytical insight into the battle of bases in Central Asia
After the excitement over the Manas base in February – when analysts queued up to speculate on the reasons for, and the significance of, Kyrgyzstan’s decision to evict US forces from their airbase in the country – interest in the region’s geopolitical and military contest has receded. But recent events are potentially more significant than Manas (which, in any case, is still operating after an increase in rent payments by the US)

There are two, related aspects to the latest story, and Uzbekistan is central to both of them. The first is the sharp increase in the number of attacks by Islamist insurgents in southern Central Asia. In May, a suicide bomber detonated in Uzbekistan’s eastern city of Andijon, shortly after an attack on a police checkpoint in the nearby Khanabad district. In July, a series of gun battles in the south east of Tajikistan killed a former Emergency Minister and several militants, whilst the capital Dushanbe was hit by a number of small bombs.
Dollar Is Funny Money in Push for World Currency
Not so freakin' funny.
Like the Chinese, the folks at Disney World peg their currency to the dollar. Hand them $1 U.S. and you receive one Disney dollar, complete with a picture of Mickey Mouse or his friends, plus the signature of Disney’s official treasurer, Scrooge McDuck. That transaction now seems superfluous. The U.S. dollar is rapidly transforming into a Mickey Mouse currency. This has led to a rising call for the creation of an alternative to the dollar in the form of a new world currency. It would be an enormous mistake to discount these calls as a sideshow. The odds of a world currency emerging have never been higher.

Oil Services Company to Buy Rival for $5.5 Billion
Baker Hughes was advised by Goldman Sachs in the transaction.
Crude Oil Little Changed After Falling on China Demand Concerns

Goldman Sachs Says China Stocks Remain 'Bright Spot'

Funds Dump Retail Shares as Cash Flows From Fortune to Goldman

Wall Street Stealth Lobby Defends $35 Billion Derivatives Haul
Wall Street is suiting up for a battle to protect one of its richest fiefdoms, the $592 trillion over-the-counter derivatives market that is facing the biggest overhaul since its creation 30 years ago. Five U.S. commercial banks, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Bank of America Corp., are on track to earn more than $35 billion this year trading unregulated derivatives contracts. At stake is how much of that business they and other dealers will be able to keep.
China's lending still does not beat Iceland's record

Why uranium wasn't invited to the commodities party
When spot uranium prices soared to nearly US$140 a pound in 2007, critics blamed hedge funds and other financial speculators for pushing prices to absurd levels unmatched by any other commodity. Whatever happened to those days? Commodity prices have been on a tear since March, largely due to buying by speculators playing an economic recovery. Yet uranium - the former ground zero for speculation - is not joining in, even though many industry experts say that the outlook for the nuclear metal is better than most other commodities. Last week, the spot price of uranium fell by US$1 to US$46 a pound, according to consulting company TradeTech, leaving it only a few dollars higher than it was in the spring. Commodities like copper and nickel have roughly doubled in the same period. Experts said that it is a reflection of who is actually doing the speculating in commodities.
OK, comes info whiplash:
Uranium: the new 'foreign oil'
Shocking report from the Department of Energy might dampen enthusiasm for the nuclear industry. The U.S. now imports close to 60% of its uranium, and prices are skyrocketing.

Michelle Malkin: Whackjob science czar to appear on David Letterman

Science Applications International Corporation feasts on government contracts

Lee Silvestre creates buzz for new markets at Raytheon

“We were talking about putting sensors on the backs of honeybees so they can detect potential hazards like buried landmines or concealed drugs,” Silvestre says. “People started looking at me like I had three heads.”
EU to begin phasing out standard lightbulbs

Pro-Abortion Kennedy Lauded as "Champion for Those Who Had None"

The Lion of Laodicea
Despite the warnings of pro-life Catholic leaders that the public honoring of pro-abortion Sen. Ted Kennedy by the Catholic Church would lead to an enormous scandal, the Boston Archdiocese hosted an elaborate televised funeral Mass for the senator this past Saturday. The service, presided over by Boston's Cardinal Sean O'Malley, included prayers of the faithful endorsing health care reform and homosexualist policies, and a eulogy by President Obama, who remembered Kennedy as a "champion for those who had none."
Durbin describes Kennedy as great friend, colleague

Oy! Google Translate now speaks Yiddish

Shades of Castro's Cuba in health care strategy
Apparently, some in the Pharma Industry, together with the AMA and other groups (AARP among them), are selling their souls with the hope of saving their skin.
Fighting Health Care Overhaul, and Proud of It
SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Senator Jim DeMint, the South Carolina Republican who predicted that President Obama’s effort to overhaul the health care system would become his “Waterloo,” is doing his best to make that happen.
Gibbs Says Republicans Walking Away From Health Talks
“I think Senator Enzi’s clearly turned over his cards on bipartisanship and decided that it’s time to walk away from the table,” Gibbs said today at a White House briefing.
The Assertive Cancer Patient : Hold the Chemo!
They hate uppity patients, believe me.

Community Organizers Owe Their Livelihood to Capitalism
The community organizers’ struggle is one of class warfare. As Saul Alinsky wrote, “A People’s Organization is the banding together of large numbers of men and women to fight for those rights which insure a decent way of life…A People’s Organization is dedicated to an eternal war. It is a war against poverty, misery, delinquency, disease, injustice, hopelessness, despair, and unhappiness.” Interestingly enough, the very system that defeats the conditions that Saul laments is capitalism. It has improved the lot of many, leading to higher living standards and a more moral economy than any to come before it. Yet it is this very philosophy that these groups decry – one which is also ironically their lifeblood.

President Obama's Radical Advisers Are Fighting for Revolution

If You Care About Your Data, Leave Your Laptop at Home
Cause once The Seizer seizes it you ain't gettin' it back, homey

White House, Homeland Security join forces on cybersecurity

A strong partnership between the Homeland Security Department and the White House is critical to the success of the Obama's administration's cybersecurity agenda, according to top cybersecurity officials.

Though President Obama gave the White House authority to coordinate federal cybersecurity initiatives in his May 2009 plan for safeguarding computer networks, Homeland Security drives the effort, Chris Painter, director of cybersecurity for the White House National Security Council, said during an interview last week.

"DHS is a key player in cybersecurity -- we need to support them in building capabilities," Painter said. "Other agencies play a big role as well and have their lanes in the road. But we need a strong DHS, and that's what we're working toward."

Expert allays fears of major earthquake
WTF would we do without experts I wanna know.

Detect and locate low-yield nuclear blasts

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is leading a joint project with Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories, as well as the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) and Quantum Technology Sciences, Inc., to improve the accuracy of regional seismic travel time (RSTT) predictions to detect and locate low-yield nuclear explosions.
UM gets $2.4 million to study cracks in nuclear reactors

Calypso gets key approval for Argentina uranium project

Australian deputy PM stands firm, says no uranium sale to India

Namibia gives India access to 'world's best' uranium

No blood for Hybrids!
Dude must read here!
Tantalum is the latest "gold rush" metal.
Chevron Accuses Ecuadorian Judge of Taking Bribes in Mammoth Tort Case
The decades-long legal battle between Chevron and Ecuador took yet another dramatic turn on Monday when the company announced that it has video tapes revealing a $3 million bribery scheme implicating the judge overseeing a multibillion-dollar civil suit filed against the company by indigenous residents of the country's Amazon Basin.
Statement of Amazon Defense Coalition Over Allegations by Chevron
Cross cross and double cross - the likelihood that Chevron themselves arranged for the bribery scheme strikes me as huge. It would be the KGB-esque so smart thing to do.

Lava owns all roads throughout Volcano National Park in Hawaii
Looping back near the park’s entrance, Chain of Craters Road of around 19 miles in distance showcases a lava tube, endangered Hawaiian geese, and newly created land.
Qinghai-Tibet Railway unaffected by earthquakes in NW China

Earthquake survivors may suffer long-term brain injuries
Sounds like propaganda BS from the Chinese government to me but WTF do I know, it's SCIENCE and it must never be questioned.
New research has found that the Wenchuan, China earthquake that occurred on May 12, 2008 had an acute impact on the brain function of physically healthy survivors and poses a risk to the mental health of these survivors.
July 1, 2009: China opens trial of earthquake critic

Tennessee researchers discover inactive earthquake fault

Earthquake shakes part of East Tennessee

Inactive? So Smart!

Half of Utah Schools Could Fail During Earthquakes

New discovery links ancient Egypt and Jordan valley site
Although Egyptian-Israeli relations have been frosty in recent years, ties between the two lands were vibrant around 3,000 BCE during the Early Bronze Age - at least according to Tel Aviv University and University College London archeologists who discovered a rare, four-centimeter-long stone fragment at the point where the Jordan River exits Lake Kinneret.

Thy word is truth: The case of the missing Hittites

But only 133 years ago (1876 A.D.), archaeologists discovered the remains of an ancient city where they found over 10,000 day tablets of records which proved that this was the capital city Hattusha, of the Hittites. So once again those who scorn biblical accuracy, had to turn their attention elsewhere in an effort to find discrepancy.