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Friday, March 6, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Smashing Idols Since the Bronze Age~

David Bowie
Saviour Machine

President Joe once had a dream
The world held his hand,

gave their pledge
so he told them his scheme
for a Saviour Machine

UK ready for talks with Hezbollah

Iraqi Prime Minister Urges Reconciliation with Ba'athists

Jay Effin' Kay Sez: Syria wants peace talks with Israel

Hamas praises bulldozer attack in Jerusalem

Iran throws conference to support Hamas

Olmert: No peace without dividing Jerusalem

Clinton: There will be a Palestinian state, Jerusalem will be its capital
Just hours after blaming Hamas and other terror groups for the lack of peace in the region, visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signaled that while it may recognize the source of the obstruction, that won't stop the Obama Administration from pushing for the rapid creation of a Palestinian Arab state.

Clinton told reporters in Jerusalem that she and President Barack Obama plan to be "vigorously engaged" in bringing about the birth of "Palestine," adding that "there is no time to waste."

That is likely to put Clinton and Obama at odds with incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has refused to commit to the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, and instead wants to focus on bettering the economic conditions under which the Palestinian Arabs live.

Netanyahu met with Clinton on Tuesday, and indicated in remarks to the press that the two had found some common ground. However, few expect relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments to be smooth.

On Wednesday Clinton all but guaranteed that her government will clash with Netanyahu's when she suggested in a joint press conference with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas that for Washington, the division of Jerusalem is a foregone conclusion.

Speaking to reporters in Ramallah, Clinton said she was not pleased with the Jerusalem municipality's plans to demolish 80 Arab homes on the city's eastern side that were built without proper permits.

"Clearly this kind of activity is unhelpful and not in keeping with the obligations entered into under the 'road map'," said Clinton. "It is an issue that we intend to raise with the government of Israel and the government at the municipal level in Jerusalem."

Israel, of course, officially rejected those parts of the "road map" peace plan that attempted to equate Israel's sovereignty over the eastern half of Jerusalem to its settlement-building activity in the rest of Judea and Samaria.

Clinton's remarks suggested that the Obama administration does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the eastern half of Jerusalem any more than it does in the so-called "West Bank."

Observers argued that she also legitimized lawlessness on the part of eastern Jerusalem's Arab populations by suggesting that they are not subject to the authority of the Jerusalem municipality.

In related news, Jerusalem police officials confirmed to WorldNetDaily and Israel National News this week that Palestinian Authority police forces are being permitted to operate on the outskirts of the Israeli capital.

Israeli police have given Palestinian police the green light to take over public security in Arab villages and neighborhoods on the eastern edges of Jerusalem, and Israeli Jews have been warned to now steer clear of those areas.

A growing number of Israeli politicians, including Avigdor Lieberman of the supposedly ultra-right-wing Israel Beiteinu Party, have of late embraced the idea of surrendering the Arab areas of eastern Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority.
Russia pledges armored vehicles to PA

Russian Diplomatic Academy Prognosticates Martial Law & Doom for USA:

The dean at Russia's Foreign Ministry school in Moscow says President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order, the Associated Press reports.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Igor Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy.

Panarin said the recent economic turmoil in the U.S. and other "social and cultural phenomena" led him to move up his timetable for "The End" — when the United States will break up and Alaska will revert to Russian control. He linked America's social and cultural issues to the large prison populations and large numbers of gay men.

Russia to closely monitor Alaskan drills

Russia building anti-satellite weapons

Russia to increase military hardware

Obama’s Letter To Russia

Clinton, Lavrov meet to 'reboot' Russia ties

US gesture lost in Russian translation

Russia ready to discuss US missile proposals

Masked agents raid Ukraine state gas firm
Ukrainian security service agents in masks and armed with machine guns Wednesday burst into the headquarters of the state gas firm, in a dramatic flaring of tension within the country's feuding leadership.

The chaotic scenes at the Naftogaz building in central Kiev were an explosive twist in the long running dispute between President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko over Russian gas exports to Ukraine.

The SBU security service -- the successor to the Soviet KGB which is overseen by Yushchenko -- said the raid was aimed at seizing documents for a criminal investigation into the seizure of billions of cubic metres of gas.

"They pushed their way through the guards to enter," Naftogaz spokesman Valentin Zemlyansky told AFP, adding they searched and blocked off offices including that of Naftogaz deputy chief Igor Didenko.

The last agents finally left at around 1600 GMT, he said, after a raid lasting almost five hours.

The SBU was searching for contracts with Gazprom, the Russian energy giant whose stand-off with Naftogaz sparked the crisis that seriously disrupted gas supplies to Europe in January, Zemlyansky said.

Forces want original contract with Gazprom

Gazprom and Spanish Gas Natural sign memorandum

NATO seen backing Russia ties to form "broad front"

Mr. Simmons' Mission: NATO Bases From Balkans To Chinese Border

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are pivotal. "NATO’s greater strategic interest is in the South Caucasus East-West Corridor"
Clinton vows to bring Russia back in from the NATO cold

Kyrgyzstan ends 11 airbase contracts


US Funds Border-Crossings In Turkmenistan

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Confirm New Supply Routes

Iran to file lawsuit against Turkmenistan

Iran Plans War Crimes Trials for Israelis

Iranian cleric: Israeli 'war criminals' should be executed

Clinton says US may consult Iran on Afghanistan

US Pushing for High-Level Afghanistan Meeting That Would Include Iran

Meantime, back at the NIC:

An independent inspector general will look into the foreign financial ties of Chas W. Freeman Jr., the Obama administration's pick to serve as chairman of the group that prepares the U.S. intelligence community's most sensitive assessments, according to three congressional aides.

The director of national intelligence, Dennis C. Blair, last Thursday named Mr. Freeman, a veteran former diplomat, to the chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council, known inside the government as the NIC. In that job, Mr. Freeman will have access to some of America's most closely guarded secrets and be charged with overseeing the drafting of the consensus view of all 16 intelligence agencies.


Among the areas likely to be scrutinized in the vetting process are Mr. Freeman's position on the international advisory board of the China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC). The Chinese government and other state-owned companies own a majority stake in the concern, which has invested in Sudan and other countries sometimes at odds with the United States, including Iran.

Mr. Freeman is also president of the nonprofit educational organization Middle East Policy Council (MEPC), which paid him $87,000 in 2006, and received at least $1 million from a Saudi prince. He also has chaired Projects International, a consulting firm that has worked with foreign companies and governments.

China and Saudi oil giants sign energy pact

China oil majors covet Africa

China Backs Sudan's Omar al-Bashir Wanted For War Crimes

China urged the International Criminal Court Thursday to drop its arrest warrant for Sudan's leader on war crimes, saying it won't help stabilize the war-scarred Darfur region.

China, which buys two-thirds of Sudan's petroleum exports, has been repeatedly criticized for not using its economic leverage to apply more pressure on Bashir's government to end a civil war in his country's Darfur region
OIC condemn ICC's move aginst Bashir
Muslim leaders have condemned the International Criminal Court's decision to issue an arrest warrant for Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir.
Kenyan police teargas protesting students

Italy pulls out of UN racism conference

Fed Vice Chairman’s Testimony on AIG Rescue: Full Text

Las Vegas Casinos to Be Nationalized?
With Las Vegas casinos drowning in a sea of debt, it may only be a matter of months before they are all bank owned. The very casinos that originally were started by the mob, may now very well be taken over by Government owned banks. Yes, Nationalized Casinos. Sounds ludicrous, but let's look at the facts.
Dawkins seeks more converts to atheism

The danger of worshipping Darwin

Late last year prominent Emory University professor Charles Nemeroff lost his chairmanship following controversy over payments he received from drug companies.

In December, following an internal investigation, Nemeroff stepped down as head of the school’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, a position he held since 1991. Now, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that federal officials are investigating both the university and Nemeroff and are looking into Nemeroff’s highly compensated activities with the pharmaceutical industry.
Raytheon hires Bush administration arms negotiator
Shortly after losing William Lynn to a top Pentagon post, Raytheon Co. has hired a former high-ranking Bush State Department official as vice president for business development. John Rood, the acting undersecretary of state for arms control and international security during the final 16 months of the Bush administration, joined the company this week, according to a spokeswoman

Lobbyists slipping into Obama administration

Treasury secretary's choice for deputy withdraws

As markets quake and Treasury confronts the worst economic crisis in decades, Geithner has seen two people he had hoped to name to key posts withdraw from consideration.

Annette Nazareth, a former senior staffer and commissioner with the Securities and Exchange Commission, made "a personal decision" to withdraw from the process, according to a person familiar with her decision.

Obama picks US's first "information chief"

US President Barack Obama has named Vivek Kundra as his chief information officer. When Mr Kundra takes up his role, he will decide which technologies the Obama administration uses to govern and how they will be deployed. He will build on the broad use of technologies, such as the web, used by President Obama's campaign team during the US elections. Mr Kundra will be in charge of a budget thought to total $70bn

Maryland: PSC weighs 'potential tsunami' of electricity cutoffs this spring

Nearly 84,000 households with delinquent utility bills could see their power shut off by Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. starting next month, when restrictions meant to protect customers during cold winter months end, the state's top energy regulator warned.

Okmok Volcano warning level raised to yellow

Alaska's Elmendorf Air Force Readies for Earthquake

Aukmuntr Bizzarre Akbar

Billy Idol
Rebel Yell

He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from the seven eleven

Well he's out all night to collect a fare

Just so long, just so long it don't mess up his hair