Wynonie Harris
Hey, Babba Re-Bop!

Enter the Dragon!
Iran, China sign $3.2 billion gas deal
Someone Claiming to be Bin Laden: Arab leaders 'complicit'
Australia: Cardinal George Pell ~
"The West has become scared to criticise Islam and accepts death threats by Muslim extremists as normal"
Naturally! As the Cardinal was saying......
Vatican Says Islamic Finance May Help Western Banks in Crisis
As the Cardinal was saying......
Britain’s Contacts With Hezbollah Vex US
Hezbollah chief defiant on Israel
AS the Cardinal was saying....
The Islamic states circulated a new resolution at the current session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday that would criminalize defamation of Islam as a human rights violation and encourage the imposition of Shari'a.
Why Syria and Saudi Arabia are talking again
Glow Ball Unity Through Jew Hate!
Iran to respond if US policy shift proves genuine
See? Glow Ball Unity Through Jew Hate!
Sources: Israel agrees to free all 450 prisoners on Hamas list
Hamas opposes firing rockets on Israel ~ FOR NOW
The author is Delhi based Research Scholar in International Studies:
It is high time the world now controlled by USA-EU-Israel respected the sentiments of true Palestinians and transfer of PLO into the safe hands of Hamas and also make both Fatah and Hamas to form a unity government to seek their lands and sovereignty back form occupying fascist Israel. The Quartet could arrange for the smooth transfer of PLO from Fatah into the elected Hamas which work for the welfare of all Palestinians and shield them form Israeli attack with support from Arabs, Iran Turkey and Quartet, UN, UNSC, USA and EU. The Mideast clock has to be set back properly.
UN Secretary General Ban has confirmed that US President Obama will attend the 2nd Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Istanbul on April 6-7.
Jordan's King Abdallah II will visit Morocco to discuss the Middle East peace process
The Moroccan Foreign Minister Taieb Fassi Fihri told AFP late Friday that Amman and Rabat had a "clear vision" about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."The creation of a Palestinian state is the solution to the crisis in the Middle East," he said. "It is futile to seek other alternatives."RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, JUDEN!
US arms trader pleads guilty to Iran sales
Iran to attend Afghanistan talks
US Seeks New Afghan Supply Routes, Even in Iran
No shit, Sherlocks. They should start reading here.
The Soviet Union Sez: Iran 'one or two years' from nuclear weapon
Russia’s Richest Woman Seeks Aid, Drawing Double Takes
Oil spikes on rumors of Russian oil cuts
IEA warns OPEC against oil output cut
Iran oil minister: Too much oil on the market
OPEC cuts 2009 oil demand estimate
Putin, Gazprom Bluffing to Hungarians on South Stream
Belarus Seeks to Double Russian Gas Flows, Challenging Ukraine
Gazprom invites interest in Libyan oil blocks
Turkmenistan buys two Russian Mi-17-1B helicopters
Azerbaijan says Russia arming enemy Armenia
New perspectives of Turkmen-German ecological cooperation
The Chinese Navy’s Somali Cruise
Since the beginning of January, three vessels of China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) – the Guangzhou-class destroyer Wuhan, the Lanzhou-class destroyer Haikou, and the Qiandahou-class supply ship Weishanhu – have been operating in the Gulf of Aden and other waters off as part of a worldwide naval mobilization against the Somali pirates whose attacks, as I warned in this column three weeks ago, are more likely to increase in the coming months, notwithstanding the attention which the international community has focused on the problem. The piracy certainly provides the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with a legitimate reason for dispatching the flotilla.
KAZAKH President Nursultan Nazarbayev has won backing for his plan for a single world currency from an intellectual architect of the euro currency, Nobel-prize winner Professor Robert Mundell.
Nazarbayev, speaking at an economic forum in the glitzy new capital he has built on the Kazakh steppe, defended his proposal for the "acmetal'' world currency saying it might "look kind of funny'' but was not. And he received intellectual support from the Canadian economist Prof Mundell, who helped lay the intellectual groundwork for Europe's single currency.
"I must say that I agree with President Nazarbayev on his statement and many of the things he said in his plan, the project he made for the world currency, and I believe I'm right on track with what he's saying,'' Prof Mundell said, adding the idea held "great promise''. Mr Nazarbayev and Prof Mundell urged the Group of 20 leading developed and developing economies to form a working group on the proposal at their summit on the global economic crisis in London on April 2.
Banks Rush Bond Sales as FDIC Says It May Raise Guarantee Fees
Socialist capitalism?
G-20 Shifts Regulation Focus as Economy Struggles
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Stimulus Questions for G-20
The words 'privileged' and 'confidential' could cover just about anything the White House doesn't want released:
Democrats often criticized the Bush White House for its use of the presidential signing statement, a means by which the president can reject provisions of a bill he deems unconstitutional without vetoing the entire legislation.
Now the approach is back. President Barack Obama, after signing into law a $410 billion budget bill on Wednesday, declared five provisions in the bill to be unconstitutional and non-binding, including one that would effectively restrict U.S. troop deployments under U.N. command and another aimed at preventing punishment of whistleblowers.
The move came two days after Mr. Obama ordered a review of his predecessor's signing statements and said he would rein in the use of such declarations. "As I announced this past Monday, it is a legitimate constitutional function, and one that promotes the value of transparency, to indicate when a bill that is presented for Presidential signature includes provisions that are subject to well-founded constitutional objections," Mr. Obama said in the statement.

King Pharmaceuticals, established in 1994, is a vertically integrated branded pharmaceutical company that performs basic research and develops, manufactures, markets and sells branded prescription pharmaceutical products.
Renounce your Holy Leaf immediately and git ye hooked on the Gold Man Gubbmint Hopium, proles!
Sigma-Aldrich CEO got $4 million in compensation
Sigma-Aldrich Acquires Sigal Ltda and Expands Operations in Chile
Raytheon wins Navy contracts
Raytheon wins Army contracts
6.2 in Panama
Colombian volcano erupts
For the 3rd time this month
Voyage finds 'undersea volcanic eruption'
David Axlerod
The Shadow Knows