Led Zeppelin
Nobody's Fault But Mine
1. | an act or instance of subducting; subtraction or withdrawal. |
2. | Geology. the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another, localized along the juncture (subduction zone) of two plates. |
1570–80; subductiōn-, s. of subductiō pulling up, computation; see subduct, -ion
Cascadia subduction zone
UK MP given Palestinian passport
Hamas launches Gaza newspaper
U.S. Jet Shoots Down Iranian Drone over Iraq
US officials investigate suspected terror recruitment in Minnesota
U.S. rejected 2003 Iraqi peace offer
President Bush Meets with President Abbas September 20, 2006:
Egypt awards OIC head with state medal
Iran says US failing to correct regional "mistakes"
Israel is the Iranian price of Mideast peace
Iran seeks to buy banned carbon fiber
Obama to write love note to Glow Ballin' Mythical Moderate Khatami
S.Korea takes lead for Jordan nuclear plant deal
Georgia, USA: Officers receive truck for Chemical Biological Nuclear Response Team
Australia to join boycott of 'Durban II' conference
Bat Yeor’s remarks at Columbia Law School
The Global Leadership Meltdown
Russia's Billionaire Drop-Offs
Russia issues arrest warrant for mobile phone mogul
NATO-Russia Council to Resume Meetings in the Wake of April Summit
EU has the means to check Gazprom
Ya think? How 'bout the will?
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Ranked As Among World's 'Worst' Societies
US Honeywell looks forward to active cooperation with Turkmenistan
Zardari, Turkmenistan President hold meeting
Australian Ambassador Accredited in Turkmenistan
Sigma capitalizes on stem cell ban reversal
BTW: Sigma Aldrich was "upgraded" by the Gold Man in January, and their managing director, Avi Nash was a Gold Man too.
Spleen Search AVI NASH
Bernanke and the systemic regulatory scheme
3/309: Treasury & Federal Reserve announce significant revisions to, and further details of, the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF
The program will hold monthly fundings through December 2009 or longer if the Federal Reserve Board chooses to extend the facility
AIG horror is mind-boggling
Madoff Guilty; Ordered to Jail
GlowBallistically Renaming Your World, One Monument at a Time:
In the NY Review of Books, naturally.
OK Babba, so WhoTF is Amartya Sen? I'll tell you!
He is a Glow Ballin' MFer Deluxe:
Obama signs earmark-laden spending bill
Kirk Endorsed by Senate Committee for Trade Representative Post
No, not that Kirk!
Blame the 'Lobby'
FBI raids office of D.C. CTO, Obama appointee
Pro-Christian ads draw 1300 complaints from the public
Doctors Without Borders trio held in Sudan
4.9 north of Puerto Rico
5.0 in central China
5.5 in Chile
6.3 in Costa Rica
Nina Simone
Nobody's Fault But Mine
1570–80; subductiōn-, s. of subductiō pulling up, computation; see subduct, -ion
UK MP given Palestinian passport
UK member of parliament George Galloway has received a Palestinian passport from a Hamas leader in Gaza.Only one problem, Hamassholes. THERE IS NO PALESTINE (yet). IT IS STILL CALLED ISRAEL!
Hamas launches Gaza newspaper
U.S. Jet Shoots Down Iranian Drone over Iraq
US officials investigate suspected terror recruitment in Minnesota
U.S. rejected 2003 Iraqi peace offer
Saddam Hussein proposed elections, disarmament, help with war on terror:
It was in January 2003 when the Syrians initiated the effort through an intermediary seeking to open a back-channel of communication with policymakers in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The request came through this writer's office.
At the time, a spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency was quoted as saying the Iraqis should be told the United States will "see them in Baghdad." The spokesman added that the CIA was to have had a meeting three months earlier with Iraqis to discuss similar terms but Iraqi participants never showed up. Recent evidence, however, reveals a meeting had occurred in 2002 on similar unconditional terms, which the CIA had rejected.
Sons of Iraq Now in Iraqi Government’s Hands
The U.S.military announced today that it has just signed its final paychecks for one of the riskier programs it’s ever undertaken: inducing the coalescence of ex-Sunni insurgents into the quasi-governmental militias called the Sons of Iraq. The program was hated and opposed by the Shiite-led government, and now that government is in control of it, officially beginning its payroll to the militias on April 1.
The Obama administration is moving quickly to overhaul American policy on the Middle East, sending top envoys to the region and promising to push hard for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.That's an overhaul? CHANGE, my ass!
President Bush Meets with President Abbas September 20, 2006:
PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, thank you for coming. Yesterday, in my speech to the United Nations, I said that you're a man of peace who believes in a two-state solution. And after our conversation today, once again you confirmed that.
I, too, believe that the best way to bring peace to the Holy Land is for two democratic states living side-by-side in peace. I said in my speech yesterday that the Palestinian state must have territorial integrity. I firmly believe that. I also said in my speech that the -- one of the great objectives of my administration is to achieve this vision. I fully understand that in order to achieve this vision, there must be leaders willing to speak out and act on behalf of people who yearn for peace, and you are such a leader, Mr. President.
I can't thank you enough for the courage you have shown. I assure you that our government wants to work with you in order -- so that you're able -- capable of delivering the vision that so many Palestinians long for, and that is a society in which they can raise their children in peace and hope. And I know that society is possible. And I appreciate your vision along those lines.
So, welcome to Washington, D.C. [sic] I think this is our fifth visit. Every time, I've left our visits inspired by your vision.
Iran says US failing to correct regional "mistakes"
Israel is the Iranian price of Mideast peace
Iran seeks to buy banned carbon fiber
Obama to write love note to Glow Ballin' Mythical Moderate Khatami
S.Korea takes lead for Jordan nuclear plant deal
Georgia, USA: Officers receive truck for Chemical Biological Nuclear Response Team
Australia to join boycott of 'Durban II' conference
The Global Leadership Meltdown
Russia's Billionaire Drop-Offs
Russia issues arrest warrant for mobile phone mogul
NATO-Russia Council to Resume Meetings in the Wake of April Summit
Ya think? How 'bout the will?
Ignoring Gazprom's gas dominance is all the more puzzling given the EU's continued attacks on Microsoft, whose Windows operating system poses much less of an economic and security threat than Gazprom's monopoly.Central Asia to press ahead with Russia gas pipeline
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Ranked As Among World's 'Worst' Societies
The human rights records of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the Russian republic of Chechnya, are ranked as among the eight "worst of the worst," according to a new report of the world's most repressive societies by Freedom House.
Zardari, Turkmenistan President hold meeting
Australian Ambassador Accredited in Turkmenistan
Sigma capitalizes on stem cell ban reversal
BTW: Sigma Aldrich was "upgraded" by the Gold Man in January, and their managing director, Avi Nash was a Gold Man too.
Avi M. Nash: Director, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, 55 Years Old
Managing Director of Avi Nash LLC, a management consulting firm in Greenwich, Connecticut, that works with global chemical industry leaders in mergers and acquisitions, capital market transactions and other strategic matters. Prior to launching his firm in 2003, he was a partner at Goldman Sachs, New York, New York, for more than five years. He has been a director of the Company since November 2005.
....I'll just call him Chemical Avi. BTW, that Hopkins School strikes me as a sinister Glow Ballers Incubation & Reeducation Center.Sigma-Aldrich Streamlines Access to Advanced Stem Cell Research
Bernanke and the systemic regulatory scheme
3/309: Treasury & Federal Reserve announce significant revisions to, and further details of, the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF
The program will hold monthly fundings through December 2009 or longer if the Federal Reserve Board chooses to extend the facility
Madoff Guilty; Ordered to Jail
GlowBallistically Renaming Your World, One Monument at a Time:
The 110-story Sears Tower, tallest office building in the Western Hemisphere, will be renamed the Willis Tower later this year, global insurance broker Willis Group Holdings announced on Thursday.Amartya Sen on Moralism, Maoism, and Capitalism
In the NY Review of Books, naturally.
OK Babba, so WhoTF is Amartya Sen? I'll tell you!
He is a Glow Ballin' MFer Deluxe:
Amartya Kumar Sen CH (Hon) (Bengali: অমর্ত্য কুমার সেন Ômorto Kumar Shen) (born 3 November 1933), is a Bengali Indian economist, philosopher, and a winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998, "for his contributions to welfare economics" for his work on famine, human development theory, welfare economics, the underlying mechanisms of poverty, and political liberalism.He is tied in to all of it.
Sen is interested in the debate over globalization. He has given lectures to senior executives of the World Bank and is a former honorary president of Oxfam.OkeeDokee then!
Kirk Endorsed by Senate Committee for Trade Representative Post
No, not that Kirk!
Blame the 'Lobby'
FBI raids office of D.C. CTO, Obama appointee
Federal agents this morning are searching the Judiciary Square office of Washington, D.C.'s Chief Technology Officer.FBI Arrests Two After Raiding Office of Obama's Pick for "Information Officer"The search is part of "an ongoing investigation," said a spokeswoman for the FBI's D.C. Field Office, Lindsay Gotwin, said. She declined to comment further.
FBI agents have made two arrests after raiding the D.C. office of the man tapped to be President Obama's chief information officer, sources told FOX News. The agents on Thursday morning raided the office of Vivek Kundra, who was leaving his post as the D.C. chief technology officer to join the administration. The investigation is related to allegations of corruption, one source said, but is not targeting Kundra. FBI agents arrested a District of Columbia government worker, Yusuf Acar, as well as Sushil Bansal, who works for a company called Advanced Integrated Technologies Corp, sources said. Both are expected in court later Thursday.Archaeologists discover Byzantine-era church in Jerusalem hills
Pro-Christian ads draw 1300 complaints from the public
4.9 north of Puerto Rico
5.0 in central China
5.5 in Chile
6.3 in Costa Rica
Nina Simone
Nobody's Fault But Mine