The Who ~ 1970
Go To The Mirror!
There is no chance no untried operation.
All hope lies with him and none with me.
Imagine though the shock from isolation
When he suddenly can hear and speak and see.
The visa flap comes several weeks after the UAE denied a visa to an Israeli tennis player for its Dubai tournament.Ahmadinejad urges Iranian scientists to devise a new global economic order!
Palestinians reject US position, prefer Hamas over Abbas
Pakistani president to visit Iran, attend regional summit
UN Nuke "Watchdog" named Mohammed Sez: Arab role needed to solve Iran nuclear issue
OIC condemns Zionist schemes in Jerusalem!
Yeah, no shit, like I told yez, gird up for the Obamanation that Causes Desolation to give his peace in our time speech from the MUSLIM capital of Al Quds
Turkey to mediate US-Iranian diplomacy
President’s Political Protector Is Ever Close at Hand
The circle around Mr. Obama has grown exponentially since he arrived in the White House. An army of new assistants, deputies and advisers surrounds him, but it is Mr. Axelrod who sits the closest to the Oval Office. His proximity is a symbol, in a unique West Wing kind of way, of how close he remains to Mr. Obama.
Plouffe was the first person, other than his family, who President Obama credited in his acceptance speech.A Foreign Song I learned in Utah, Hebraic Thinking & Mock Messiahs
"They're always writing about what the fuck they think what I am writing about means. Meantime, half the time I got no fuckin' idea what it means. It comes, I hear it, I write it. Pretty good, huh?"
~ The Prophet Zimmy
~ Manuel in "Captain's Corageous"
Little Point to Training Turkmen Journalists in Current Climate
CNPC (CHINA) plans to buy oil assets in Kazakhstan
Qatar and China ink 25 year gas deal
China: US ship broke international law
Gazprom to establish bank in Serbia
Ukraine raids draw a blank
Armed units of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) late last week conducted raids on the headquarters of Naftohaz Ukrainy, the state-owned oil and gas company, and UkrTranshaz, the operator of the Ukrainian gas pipeline company.
The raids were part of a recent SBU investigation into the acquisition by Naftohaz of 11 billion cubic meters of gas that once belonged to RosUkrEnergo (RUE), the shady Swiss-based middleman company, 50% of which is owned by Gazprom and 50% by Dmytro Firtash and Ivan Fursin, two Ukrainian businessmen, according to a March 5 report by the UNIAN press service.
The gas is kept in Ukrainian underground storage facilities andwas formally taken over by Naftohaz after RUE's US$1.7 billion debt to Gazprom was transferred to Ukraine as prepayment for the transit of Russian gas to Europe.
Chancellor Merkel Says Nein to Nabucco
Mauled by the Russian Bear
As a result, the government eventually forced Shell to sell a 50% stake to Gazprom and cede operational control of the project.Russia accepts olive branch to restore relations with NATO
NATO's U-Turn On Russia Bound To Be Seen As An Embarrassment
Russia owns up to 2007 cyberwar with Estonia - sort of
Clinton, Lavrov Expect START Successor in 2009
The United States and Russia plan to finalize a successor to a key arms control treaty this year, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday (see GSN, March 6)."We intend to have an agreement by the end of the year," she said, adding that the sides would prepare an agenda for negotiating a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty follow-on agreement before the U.S. and Russian presidents meet in London next month, the Associated Press reported (Associated Press/Google News, March 6).
"We will do everything to have this agreement reached. This treaty, the present treaty, has become obsolete," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said (U.S. State Department release, March 6).
On Saturday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev welcomed the opportunities for the sides to pursue nuclear disarmament initiatives, Interfax reported.
Government Labs Forgot How to Make Parts...
Liberal evangelist Tony Campolo, a prominent Obama supporter, is challenging Darwinism and discomfiting traditional allies on the left. Campolo served on the Democratic Party platform committee last year, amending the party's abortion language slightly to assuage pro-life evangelicals. In the 1990s, Campolo was arrested in the Capitol Rotunda in protest against the new Republican Congress. A prominent defender of Bill Clinton before and after Monicagate, Campolo served as one of Clinton's three advertised spiritual counselors.So left-wing bloggers feel somewhat betrayed that Campolo has challenged orthodox Darwinism in a recent column published in Britain, which also appeared last year in the Philadelphia Inquirer. "Darwin's writings, when actually read, express the prevalent racism of the nineteenth century, and endorse an extreme laissez faire political ideology that legitimates the neglect of the suffering poor by the ruling elite," Campolo opined.
CNN sports the headline today, "Obama moves to separate politics, science." How did he supposedly do this? By removing Bush's limits on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. On what planet is increased funding for scientific research an increased separation of politics and science?
The facts show Obama did the exact opposite of the headline: he further and more deeply entwined politics and science. The more something is funded, the more politics controls it.
The only way to separate politics and science is to get government out of science. I'd support that. (Of course, this is only a necessary, not sufficient, condition for a seperation of science and state.)
A short concise history of eugenics
Vatican purposely excludes the obviously schizoid proponents of Intelligent Design:
Last week's highly publicized Vatican-sponsored conference, "Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories," organized to correspond with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, "shut out" discussion of Intelligent Design theory and biblical creationism, a prominent US research group has alleged.Okeedokee then!
The President of the Discovery Institute (DI), Bruce Chapman, denounced the conference on the Institute's official blog as a "parade of atheists, agnostics and theistic evolutionists whose common theme is that intelligent design is not science, not theology, nothing at all, really--merely a reactionary sociological phenomenon."
Organizers of the conference admitted to the Associated Press last week that they did indeed purposely exclude proponents of Intelligent Design.
Raytheon Awarded $55.5 Million ATFLIR Contract
Pearson Learning Solutions and Raytheon Form Content Partnership:
About Raytheon Professional Services
A business unit of Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC, RPS is a global leader in training services and outsourcing. With 900 learning professionals serving clients in 78 countries and 28 languages, RPS improves clients' business performance by redesigning how they train their employees, customers and partners; implementing their new training design; and managing their training in long-term outsourcing engagements.About Pearson
Pearson (NYSE: PSO), the global leader in education and education technology, reaches and engages today's digital natives with effective and personalized learning, as well as dedicated professional development for their teachers. This commitment is demonstrated in the company's investment in innovative print and digital education materials for preK through professional learning, student information systems and learning management systems, teacher development, career certification programs, and testing and assessment products that set the standard for the industry. The company's respected brands include Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, Addison Wesley, Benjamin Cummings, the Stanford Achievement Test, the Wechsler family of assessments, SuccessNet, MyLabs, PowerSchool, SuccessMaker and many others. Pearson's comprehensive offerings help inform targeted instruction and intervention so that success is within reach of every student at every level of education. Pearson's commitment to education for all is supported by the global charitable giving initiatives of the Pearson Foundation. Pearson's other primary businesses include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group. For more information, go to
Obama Pitches Strategy to Improve Teaching Corps, Overhaul US Educational System
Politics, Not Hackers, Take Down Fed IT Security Chief
In resigning last week as director of the National Cybersecurity Center within the Department of Homeland Security, Beckstrom left with some harsh words for the National Security Agency and its unwillingness to find ways to cooperate with other government entities in seeking comprehensive cybersecurity strategies.

Beckstrom announced Friday that he is stepping down from his post as the head of the National Cyber Security Center. In his resignation letter, Beckstrom said that the "NSA currently dominates most national cybersecurity efforts" and that "the threats to our democratic processes are significant if all top level network security and monitoring is handled by any one organization."Goldman, Banks May Split $146 Million on Merck-Schering Deal
Render unto the Gold Man what is the Gold Man's!
Treasuries Fall Before Record $34 Billion Three-Year Auction
Key Treasury Posts Still Remain Vacant
Bernanke Urges "Rules Overhaul" to Stem Risk Build-Ups
Bernanke urged a sweeping overhaul of US financial regulations in an effort to smooth out the boom-and-bust cycles in financial markets.Foreign Workers Banned From Wall Street
Ya know what? Good.
A ''hire American'' provision added to the stimulus bill is forcing investment banks to rescind job offers made to highly qualified immigrant workers.Roubini: "Grave risk" of global depression
5.1 in Southern Mexico
Earthquake Shakes Central Oklahoma
2 earthquakes recorded in Salinas Valley
Yakima Washington, USA: Hundreds of Earthquakes Shake Richland
Confusion After Big Island Earthquake
4.0 in Hawaii
The Supremes