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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Who Won?

Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Wooden Ships
I can see by your coat, my friend,
you're from the other side,
There's just one thing I got to know,
Can you tell me please, who won?
"Bullying powers should learn how to speak correctly and be polite so Iran's cultured and peace loving people listen to them"

Britain Suspends Glow Ballin' Office in Tehran:
The British Council, a global cultural institution run by the British government, said Thursday that it had been forced to suspend its activities in Iran because of what it called “unacceptable” intimidation and harassment of its staff in Tehran.
Intimidation and harassment? How......... impolite!

Iran says US must learn to be open to Iranian nuclear program
Oh yes, because anything less than suicide would be impolite!

Four Iranian Bloggers Sentenced To Prison, Lashes
They must have been impolite.

Afghanistan, Iran, NATO focus of security meeting

US Can Ship Afghan Aid Through Russia, Kremlin Says

Russia, Iran Discuss Relations with US at Security Conference

Biden: US Willing to Talk to Iran
Politely, of course.

Is NATO Negotiating with Iran?
Why not? Everyone else is.

NATO, Russia argue over troop plans for Georgia regions


Russia regains key air base to project power in Caucasus

Georgia Says Russian Occupation Makes Joining NATO Challenging
A little bit, yeah.

Kremlin trumps NATO
Elevated to the rank of "major non-NATO ally" by President George W. Bush , Pakistan is now deemed too dangerous for the hundreds of U.S. and NATO supply trucks that keep allied forces fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan. In the latest attack against the NATO lifeline, 11 trucks and 13 containers were demolished outside Peshawar, near the northern end of the 600-mile route from the port of Karachi to the Khyber Pass. This followed the attack and collapse of a key bridge near the Khyber Pass, which backed up some 1,000 trucks all the way to Karachi. Normally, some 600 supply trucks a day cross the border into Afghanistan.


Some NATO allies have pointed out that a shorter and more efficient route would be through Turkey and Iran into Afghanistan. Besides diplomatic engagement, the Obama administration is yet to decide on a new Iranian policy. Meanwhile, the mullahs, pumped up by their successful launching of a tennis ball-sized satellite into orbit, have no intention of quitting their quest for a nuclear weapon.


Vice President Joe Biden, accompanied by national security adviser James L. Jones, CENTCOM Commander Gen. David H. Petraeus and Richard Holbrooke , U.S. special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, flew to Germany this weekend for the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy. Top-tier Russian and Iranian delegations were also in attendance. Offline topside conversations provided an opportunity to defuse the return of East-West tensions. Stay tuned.

Kyrgyzstan: US base closure is final

China hails Kyrgyz decision on US airbase

NATO delegation visits Turkmenistan

Iran & Turkmenistan to Develop "Cultural Ties"

The Russian railway company, RZD, will help construct the Turkmen portion of the North-South rail transport corridor linking Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan

Clinton hopes for closer cooperation with Russia

Clinton seeks to consult Russia more on Iran

Obama Campaign Manager To Visit Azerbaijan

Really? WHY?

Azerbaijan crucial to Western hopes of increased Caspian gas exports

Cold warrior Henry Kissinger woos Russia for Barack Obama
Uccchhh....... It's "detente" season again. MFers.

Kissinger calls on US, Russia to negotiate on Nuke disarmament

Russia's Bears spread their wings over the Arctic Ocean
Russia is continuing its new series of strategic nuclear bomber long-range missions over the Arctic Ocean.
St. Vladimir Vladimirovich? St. Vladimir Vladimirovich?
Vladimir Putin has been a lot of things: a KGB officer, deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, president of the Russian Federation, prime minister.

And now it appears that Russia's "national leader" is being worshiped by a group of Orthodox ascetics that believes he is the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul.
Nabucco may begin at Iranian/Georgian border

Turkmenistan, Europe plan Nabucco talks

Turkey says no link between Nabucco and EU talks

EU puts energy hopes into Turkmenistan 'black hole'

Gazprom and European Union Planning Strategic Natural Gas Pipeline
You have intercourse with it, and then wonder why you are fucked.

EU, Russia Stress Goodwill

Russian Duma Official Casts Doubts On Nabucco

Regular Nabucco summit to be held in Czech Republic

Turkmen president invited to May 7 Nabucco summit in Prague

Gazprom Delays Gas Pipeline to Europe on Investment Decline

Gazprom to export less gas to Europe in 09

Gas Supply Disruptions Could Be Repeated
Ya think?

Ukrainian PM speaks out against pipelines bypassing Ukraine

Bolivia, Russia to sign energy agreements

Gazprom visits Venezuela for drilling talks

Arianespace wins contract to launch two new satellites for Gazprom

Poland reflects on Communism's fall
What Mr Balcerowicz, now an internationally respected economist, does fear is what he calls "creeping statism"
As well he should.

Belarus: Police "Detain Five Activists"
Atroshchankau said the police searched the apartment and confiscated posters, CDs, and notebooks. Police said the detention of the activists and search operations were held due to information about a theft, but did not elaborate. The European Belarus is a campaign organized by young activists to propagate democracy and European values in the country.
MOLDOVA: Communist Leader Seeks To Maintain Hold On Power

Madagascar: Police Open Fire on Protesters, Killing 23

Pepco Holdings Tops Big Spenders in Annapolis
Utility companies and associations representing retailers, real estate brokers, bankers and health interests were among the big spenders on lobbyists last year in Annapolis.

Pepco Holdings tops a list recently released by the State Ethics Commission. Pepco spent $723,330 on lobbying from November 2007 through October. That period included a special legislative session on the budget and last year's regular session.
Why do you care? Because Pepco was just given 5 Billion of our dollars to do unspecified things with under the blanket of the Department of Energy ... I guess that was $723,330 well spent for them.

Row over nuclear labs shadows Obamanable Energy Dept. visit
President Obama's visit to the Energy Department Thursday was in danger of being overshadowed by a growing row over a proposal to strip the department of one of its crown jewels -- the agency that builds and guards the nation's nuclear weapons. The White House Office of Management and Budget has asked officials to evaluate the costs and benefits of moving the National Nuclear Security Administration -- and the Los Alamos, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories it owns -- to the Defense Department
Energy Department's Chu prepares to spend
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu plans to dispense tens of billions of dollars in loans in the next year in an effort to stimulate the economy and shortcut bureaucracy at the Department of Energy.
Mexico will sell power to Los Angeles

Gold Man Sacks ups gold forecast to $1000/oz

Who Owns AIG? (A Continuing Saga)

S&P calls for Brics break-up

They are Scrambling for the Finish Line on Porkulater Bill

Loopholes Sap Potency of Pay Limits

598,000 US workers lost their jobs in January

Banks Fail in Georgia, California

IMF: Advanced Economies Already in Depression
Ya think?

Fairfield County CT 'ground zero' for Madoff scandal

Shepard Fairey, of Obama poster fame, arrested in Boston

Yes, that's his name. Dickens on Acid, I tells ya!

Truest headline of the day, the irony is none of them get why:
Obama upholds Bush faith policy

Obama launches new faith office, with abortion as an early focus
Not to be believed!

Churches hold Darwin conference
Good Lawd!

Obama’s America Is A Socialist America

1953: From the Marxist Archives ~ What Socialist America Will Look Like

Doctor loses license in live birth abortion case
But he is still not charged with MURDER. And the press calls it everything but MURDER. "live birth abortion" my ass. MURDER.

Was the Faina’s arms shipment destined for Darfur?

Nigerian Militants Attack Shell Gas Plant

Jefferson Airplane
Wooden Ships