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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Pop Goes the Weasel!

3rd Bass
Pop Goes the Weasel

The LA Times Hearts The Evolved Hamas:
Hamas is a Mideast reality. The group has evolved dramatically as a movement that can't be wished away by the U.S. and Israel.
Is that right, Fawaz?

Tear gas canisters were lobbed into the Vatican's diplomatic compound in Caracas on Wednesday, the head of the mission said, days after armed men vandalized a synagogue in the capital.

Chavez on synagogue attack: 'I don't hate Jews'
....some of my best friends are Jews!

India blames Pakistani ISI's role on Mumbai attacks

I do too.

UN chief: Special commission to investigate Bhutto killing

Look straight at the ISI, ya vile herd of Glowballin' Pay Per View Bullshit Artists

International Criminal Court to consider Gaza investigation

Iran at Muslim Pow Wow: Now US must listen:

He was speaking at a roundtable conference on “Islam and the West and future agenda of change” held under the auspices of Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) in Islamabad.
A representative of Russian embassy said today’s world is interdependent and there is a need for understanding each others point of view on issues.

He said, “Russia, as observer at OIC, wants to build good relations with OIC and its member countries including Pakistan. Russia gives due respect to Muslim Ummah and its proof is that in Russia there are 4750 mosques among 10,000 places of worship."
2005: Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology rules Christian hangmen cannot work with Muslims

Talk to US, says leader of Iranian embassy takeover

Obama is open to talk. His coming to power gives us an opportunity to negotiate; we have to use this situation to rebuild our outlook,” he said, adding that co-operation on such common issues as Afghanistan could help build bridges.

Mending relations with the United States would also help Iran “obtain international trust” and enable the country to focus on resolving its domestic problems, he said
An interview with the Iranian Ambassador
Q: How about Iran’s position on participation in the NABUCCO project?

A: As you probably know Iran is one of the countries richest in natural oil reserves. Many European countries rely on Iran to supply them with oil resources and many European countries consider Iran one of their reliable sources of energy supply. Iran is capable of satisfying the interests of consumers. Negotiations with some European countries are being carried on at a bilateral level and some agreements have already been achieved.

Europe is very much interested in having a reliable and constant energy supply and we continually receive suggestions that we should cooperate in various projects. NABUCCO is one of those. Very many experts are expressing their assurance that without involving Iran the NABUCCO project will not be economically viable. Experts are sure that without Iran’s participation the project will not be profitable. Negotiations should be conducted between the producers, transit countries and consumers.
Dugin: Russia should consider war to head off Nabucco project
Alexander Dugin, a Russian intellectual known in Turkey for his controversial support for the Ergenekon terrorist organization -- support he later retracted to distance himself from being affiliated with terror -- is in the spotlight again after commenting on the Nabucco natural gas pipeline project.
Turkmenistan appoints representative to OIC

Delegation of Russian Gubkin Oil and Gas University arrives in Turkmenistan

Russia, Allies Offer to Assist US in Afghanistan
LOL! They need to secure their pipeline routes. Period.

Russia aims again at US influence
Russia sought Wednesday to strengthen its security alliance with six other former Soviet republics by forming a joint rapid reaction force in a continuing effort to curb U.S. influence in Central Asia.

Russia, Armenia, Belarus and four Central Asian nations - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - agreed to set up the joint force. The force is expected to have about 10,000 men and function under a central command, replacing an existing force that has 3,000 soldiers and it is not under unified command.

Russia Announces Military Initiatives in Eurasia

Obama seeking deep nuke cuts with Russia

The UK wants to precapitulate, too:
Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband on Wednesday called for new talks between major powers aimed at ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

David Miliband starring in:
Projecting British Islam

Miliband: War on Terror is Wrong
Don't kill the enemy. Dance with him!

Clinton and Miliband vow to renew US-UK special relationship
It's oh so effin' special!

Six-nation talks on Iran's nuclear issue starts in Germany
None of the six countries involved, which also included Britain, China, France, Russia, and the U.S., has commented on the specific goals of Wednesday's meeting.

A "smart grid" network to help electricity consumers from the Washington, D.C., area to southern New Jersey use energy more efficiently will be developed by Silver Springs Network, Pepco Holdings Inc. announced Tuesday.

Sounds ostensibly helpful and benign, right? But Pepco now works for The Man. To the tune of 5 BILLION. And that worries me. Smart Grid, hmmm?

A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology to save energy and cost. Such a modernized electricity network is being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independence or global warming issues. For example, if smart grid technologies made the United States grid 5% more efficient, it would equate to eliminating the fuel and greenhouse gas emissions from 53 million cars.[1] The then President-elect; now President Barack Obama asked the United States Congress "to act without delay" to pass legislation that included doubling alternative energy production in the next three years and building a new electricity "smart grid". [2].

Seems to me a digitized grid would have the propensity to be used covertly for a million other nefarious ends. Okeedokee then.

Privacy fears over Google tracker

CNPC (China) in talks with Russian oil companies
The talks concern CNPC's offer of loans in exchange for oil from Transneft and Rosneft, according to the responsible man of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia.
The Responsible Man!

Arbitration court overturns fines for Gazprom

Bolivian Deputy Energy Minister William Donaire said Wednesday that President Evo Morales is heading to Moscow on Feb. 16 to sign a $3 billion deal with Gazprom

Goldman Sachs postpones hedge-fund conference
Why? I'll tell you:

2007: The search of Islamic hedge funds is the high margin holy grail

Dubai Islamic Bank:
Underlying Fund : The GSAM ALPS Fund is a fund of hedge funds incorporated in the Cayman Islands and managed by Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Strategies LLC ”HFS”)
Redemption at Maturity : 100% of the Nominal Amount plus 80% of the positive performance of the GSAM ALPS 9% Max USD Total Return Net Index
Capital Protection : 100% capital protection from Deutsche Bank AG, London branch, if Notes are held until maturity (5 years); achieved through a Sharia-compliant mechanism
Goldman Sachs is the second largest hedge fund manager in the world with a USD 32.5 billion portfolio of assets under management.
Disagreements do arise between industry members and scholars on the acceptability of certain techniques used to create hedge fund-related products suitable for Islamic investors.
For example, there was controversy over a Shariah-compliant fund launched last June by Dubai Islamic Bank in partnership with Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs that is linked to the performance of conventional, non-Shariah hedge funds, but not directly invested in them.
Well mah Peepers, now you know why the Gold Man has postponed their conference. They have to find a way to offer Sharia Compliant Hedge Funds to the satisfaction of their Islamic overlords.

Gold man Sacks Sez: Second Stimulus Package Needed

Goldman, JPMorgan Won’t Feel Effects of Executive-Salary Caps

Kazakh Central Bank Devalues Tenge 18%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. forecast a 19 percent devaluation yesterday

Madoff clients' list made public

US: Initial Unemployment Claims Jump to 26-Year High

Obama CIA choice nets $700,000 from rescued banks

FEBRUARY 2008: Panetta's Lament: They Had No Plan

It wasn't Goldman Sachs or Microsoft that topped the Obama campaign contribution list.

They were numbers two and three, respectively. It was higher education, specifically the University of California system that ranked numero uno.
Rabbi Weinberg, Aish Hatorah founder, dies

Vatican 'Horrified' by Criticism from Germany
[ ----- ] (that's me keeping my mouth shut)

Wiesenthal official has "serious doubts" Heim is dead
Dr. Death had converted to Islam.....

Obama to create faith-based office

Somali pirates free Ukraine arms ship
Mighty white of them. Who paid the ransom and how much was it?

The Godfather Part II
Tarantella Gone Weasel